Winton Academy


Magic Eight Ball
Welcome to Winton Academy!

Founded three years ago in Boston, Massachusetts, , Winton Academy is the ideal school for any student between the ages of 14 and 18 to discover their talents, and hopefully find stardom. Letting only the best of the best through their doors, Winton is a rich experience for aspiring performers. Teaching everyone from instrumentalists to actors, many dream of being accepted, but few actually do.

And the amazement doesn't stop at the talented student body; the teachers are only the best in their fields. Experienced actors from both Broadway and Hollywood, past Opera performers or retired pop stars, former child prodigies specializing in everything from the piano to guitar and violin. Back-up dancers and famous choreographers. They've all found home, here, teaching the next generation of stars. So, the question is, do you have what it takes it make it in Winton?


I will have a few rules for this RP that you must follow in order to be accepted. These rules are but are not limited to;

1) Stay active. I want at least one reply a week from each member, and if you go two weeks with no reply, I will revoke your membership to this RP and reopen your spot for someone else to take.

2) I will be keeping this a 10x10 RP. What this means is, if you are not sure, I will only have ten females and ten males at one time. This also means I have to limit each person, for now, to one character. I might up it to two should I late reconsider.

3) Proper grammar, third person past-tense. I've seen people RPing in first person here, and, whereas I understand if some of you prefer that, I won't tolerate it. Let's keep this RP flowing like a well-written book. Verb usage, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling are all expected to be kept at least 95% accurate.

4) I don't care about length of replies. Try for at least one long paragraph or two short ones. (Eight sentences.) Longer is appreciated.

5) Avoid double-posting.

6) Godmodding will not be tolerated. If you do it more than once, I will kick you.

7) Be nice. No OOC drama. Please avoid posting too many OOC thoughts on the in-game thread. I will have a seperate forum for that.



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