Winter Vacation that Changed Everything (ACCEPTING)


Magic Eight Ball


There is a group of teenagers that booked a vacation at the same time. They aren't friends, but they are going to be staying in the same cabin together. There are issues with each of them, but some look passed the issues. There are five girls and five boys living in this cabin until they find out that when they thought they were leaving each other they aren't. A big snow storm came during the night that they were to leave. Now they are suck in the middle of the woods with no way out. Will they make it or not? It is up to you to decide.


1. Respect the other players.

2. Keep things PG-13.

3. What Kitty20015 says goes.

4. Have fun!

5. No cyber sex. As soon as the shirts go off skip time or take it to PM's.

6. Romance is accepted.

7. Hello_Kitty will add more rules if need.

8. You need to post at least 5 times a week.

9.Reserve Pm Title is The role you are playing.

9. When you Pm the profiles title it as "When will winter end?" and put :dramallama: to state as you have read the rules.

10. No anime pictures. Real ones.

11. Semi-lit and I would like maybe a paragraph.

12. Make you posts pretty.

13.NOOO text talk unless you are texting. That is the only time.

14. You can know one person that is at the cabin if you wish.

Important Info:






Ms. Emo Partier- I have a 1 1/2 year old child. Oh, and the father is someone in this cabin.

Taken Parts:

Ms. Emo Partier

Profile Skeletons


[img=Three 100x100 pics of your charater]
[color=postingcolor1]First and Last Name[/color]/[color=postingcolor2]Gender[/color]/[postingcolor1]Age[/color]/[color=postingcolor2]Role being played[/color]/[color=postingcolor1]Username[/color]


[img=Url to your pic. Not 100x100 pic either]

[color=springgreen]My life story begins here:[/color]

[color=postingcolor1]My name is[/color] [color=postingcolor2]Full Name[/color]
[color=postingcolor2]I believe my age is[/color] [color=postingcolor1]Age spelled out[/color]
[color=postingcolor1]Last time I check I am[/color] [color=postingcolor2]Male or Female[/color]
[color=postingcolor2]I like[/color] [color=postingcolor1]gender you like you can like both[/color][color=postingcolor1]This is my life's story[/color] [color=postingcolor2]Bio[/color]

[color=red]Info you don't know about me:[/color]

[color=postingcolor2]There is some secrets that no one know about me[/color] [color=postingcolor1]My secrets[/color] 
[color=postingcolor1]I have a crush on[/color] [color=postingcolor2]Who?[/color]
[color=postingcolor2]The things I like[/color] 
[color=postingcolor1]The things I hate[/color]

[align=center][color=midnightblue]The people in my head tell me what to say[/color]
[color=postingcolor2]This is the person who tells me what to do[/color] [color=postingcolor1]Username[/color]

Reserved Profiles:


Summer Fisher/Female/19/Ms. Emo Partier/Hello Kitty


Ms. Actress

The Prep

Ms. Nerd


Mr. Emo/cutter

The Jock

Mr. photographer

Mr. Nerd

Mr. dork

Accepted Profiles

My life story begins here:

My name is Summer Mia Fisher

I believe my age is Nineteen

Last time I check I am Female

I like girls and guys.

This is my life's story:

Where can I start? I was born to a druggie of a mother and an alcoholic of a father. I lived with them until I was eight. My grandmother took me away from them so I wouldn't see what they were doing to themselves, but the damage was done in my little mind. While living with my grandmother and grandfather I attended church. Yeah, it straightened me out for a while. Once I hit high school that is when I became the partier that I am today. I was careful until one night I was out of it. I ended up with my beautiful 1 1/2 year old daughter. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me, but yet I have not changed one bit.

Info you don't know about me:

There is some secrets that no one know about me I have a beautiful 1 1/2 year old daughter. Her father is in this cabin with us.

I have a crush on No one right now

The things I like

1. My little girl

2. Smoking

3. Drinking

4. Partying

5. Fire

The things I hate

1. My little girl being sick or hurt

2. My baby's daddy

3. Not being able to party

4. Family

5. No smokes

The people in my head tell me what to say

This is the person who tells me what to do Hello_Kitty

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