Wings [Inactive]


Empress of Potatoes
JJennibee submitted a new role play:

Wings - Faerie a have been around for years. What might happen when humans surround their homes?

Centuries before any human life entered the earth. Faeries and other creatures lived in peace and happiness. Faery colonies all over the earth living in different types of homes; trees, caves, or in ridges with homes constructed. This particular colony lives in a large willow tree, sustained by the queens magic it stays healthy and grows for as long as they live in it. Every faery has a duty to the colony, which is decided when they come of age. But now their quiet house has been intruded by a...
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(Let's do dis)

Kori fluttered through the halls towards the supply corridor at the base of the tree. Whenever her father wanted her help she didn't hesitate. She slowed down a little and walked as she started to reach the bottom of the grand spiral staircase that ran from the bottom to the top of the grand willow.
Maxine was rumidging through the strings to restring her harp in the supply coridor sumidging through boxes she found herself stuck in one, tangled in the mess of strings as she let out panicked bleats of music, high notes and strained notes echoing through. Today was not going to be her day.
Kori walked around a little bit putting things into her arms that her father might need. Her head jerked quickly to the side hearing the bleats. She put her things down and ran over "oh my", she bit her lip and pulled at some of the strings to get them loose.
Clyve was already there helping out the scouts. In his mind, he thought that if he helped them out enough, they'd recruit him onto their team in no time! This, unfortunately, wasn't the case. The scouts were just milking Clyve's naivety for the grunt work they never wanted to do
Jomie, a member of the scouts, snickered a little bit under his breath. "Ok clyve. Now we need our vests and boots polished. Don't scratch the leather it's squirrel" he tossed them over to him almost hitting him and the rest of the team followed.
It's been what feels like months since the scouts "allowed" him to help them out. Clyve was only just beginning to realize that. He stops them and asks: "Guys, I feel like my help is being taken advantage of. are you actually doing this to me?"
Jomie shook his head "no no no. Why would you think that?" He fluttered his wings a little bit. "This job is very important. We have to look nice for the queen you know."
Clyve stops and thinks for a bit as the scouts flutter away, trying to hold back their hysterical laughter. "Ok." Clyve said. "Where should I put these when I'm done?"
He shrugged, "just no where dirty" he smirked and flew off to the lounge that was made for them.

Kori glanced behind her at the bit and the scouts. She shook her head and turned back to the trapped faery," ok this might do it, just be careful I don't want to rip your wing" she nodded moving more strings.

Joshua walked over to the lake and sat on some rocks by the edge. He took off his shoes and rolled up his pants putting his legs in the water. He took out his sketch book and started to sketch the landscape. 
Kori turned and walked towards the boy when the other fairy fluttered free. "Do you need any help?" She sat down on on of the crates.
Clyve stopped and looked up from the dirty boots he had, and saw Kori."No." he said to her. "I'll polish these and be done with it. I don't mind helping them."
Harley stood to the side of the dilemma with no hope of getting involved. She quietly knelt down and unsheathed her bow of pure white wood to care for it. The glisten of the color attracted the other members, and Harley sighed as the interested soldiers made their way to fawn over her weapon like excited children.
Kori shook her head "I wouldn't exactly call this helping. Helping usually means they are doing it with you. Like how I help my father, I don't do things for him"

Jomie rolled his eyes at the other "you've all seen it before calm down" he grabbed an acorn cap filled with a watered down honey mixture. He sat down on a couch like structure and sipped at it. "What should we do with that clyve kid. I'm running out of things for him to do"
Harley looked up at Jomie and said in a low voice, "Why not actually test his strength this time around? Clearly you've tested his sanity, so let him fight some dummies or something." She put away her bow and flew to the nearest waterbank and sat with her feet in the water, in deep concentration.
He thought for a moment. "I guess that would be very entertaining seeing that he hasn't had any formal training" Jomie smirked and raised his glass "thank you very much Harley for that wonderful idea" he sipped at his drink again. "Like he'll ever be a scout. Someone who is as naive as him. Ha!"
She stood up and walked back toward the other scouts. "Do you remember how naive you were when you enlisted? That was a sight to see," Harley said with a slight smirk. "But nowadays, everyone's just like him. So it's nothing different." What she thought and what she said were two different things; Harley knew the new recruit had potential, she just didn't know how to unleash it. Harley stared at a small white rose blooming near her feet, and after getting some odd looks from the other scouts, she looked at them in slight shock and embarrassment and sharply said, "Do you have any duties you need to fulfill?"
Jomie promptly shook his head "I was a child then, we were all children then. And no. I don't. We don't go on duty until the sun hits the horizon" he leaned back "and I'd you really believe in him so much then why don't you try training him hm? The tasks I give him is for busy work so he would leave us alone to do the real work"
"I'll train him if necessary." Harley replied in a somewhat confident tone. "But they don't even do any work, and when they do, it's never anything above satisfactory..." she thought to herself. She flew away to gather the necessary items for training when she glanced at the sky and saw a faint flare of red. "It's probably nothing," Harley thought in disbelief, and she left to get various weapons to see what the new recruit could use.
Clyve just stands there at what had just happened in front of him. He flew off, hoping to get his job done. Nobody followed him and he liked it that way. He'd always preferred solitude in anything that he has done.
Harley returned from her destination shortly after. There was a slight look of fear on her face. As the other scouts began to question what happened, she simply walked by them, and in one fast move, drew her bow and fired multiple arrows at a very distant target. All arrows landed dead center. She flew toward the target to gather the arrows for repair, and repeated the same process in multiple positions for a good while. She flew at an unbelievably rapid pace, as if she were in distress.
Jomie stood up and flew over to her "Harley, what's wrong? In all seriousness is there something wrong?" He put down his drink and took a hold of her arm before she fired another arrow "take a deep breath and tell us what is wrong"
Harley looked down and breathed heavily. Tired from her constant movement, she knelt on the ground, looked up, and sighed. Her deep scarlet eyes began to glow, and she said in a quiet voice, "I saw something. I don't know what it was, but it was nothing like I've ever seen before..." The other scouts looked at each other in confusion, and Harley stood up and said in a commanding tone, "It may be dangerous."
Jomie nodded in agreement he looked at the others "prepare to leave, we will found out what this is and report straight to the queen" he finished his drink and put the cup on a counter "can you describe it harely"
Harley closed her glowing eyes and spoke, "It was gargantuan, like nothing I've ever seen. The strange part is looked kind of like us. Only massive, and without any wings. It doesn't seem hostile, but I'm still not sure of this whole situation." She went to go fetch her highest quality arrows for battle. She turned around and commanded, "We leave at once. Be prepared for anything. If you can't keep up, then don't come. I make no promises of our safety. Meet at the east end of the scouting base, once we are gathered and ready. Do I make myself clear?" The others nodded in total agreement. "Wow, he's such a cool leader!" a young scout exclaimed. Harley closed her eyes and started to make her way toward the east end, when she passed the new recruit she agreed to train. "You may be new, but this is important. We will need all the able-bodied help we can get. Take a weapon of your choice and come to the east end, you'll be in my squad," she said to him in a low voice. It took Harley a moment to realize that she didn't make eye contact. She tightened her grip on her bow; she can't let anyone know about her handicap.
Kori shrugged and got up again, getting the things for her father and putting them into a basket, she out it around her shoulders and and started to walk back up the stairs. When she passed the floor that housed the scouts she noticed a sense of panic. She shrugged it off thinking it was just a drill.

Jomie glared at her slightly "that is a foolish decision Harley," he crossed his arms "if this situation is as dangerous as you say then he will just slow us down!"

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