Wing Sellers

Aria Rising

What would an angel look like if it's wings were removed? This was the thought of the scientist who came up with the idea that angels actually aren't better than humans with out their wings. When an angel's wings are removed, they form an item that matches their soul, whether its a sword or a necklace, or even something to wear. These items are known as, "angelic item." Angels are humans with magic and wings, but their magic can be transferred.

Another person came up with an idea of selling the magical items, and imagined how much money. The angels did not like this though, because the only way to remove an angel's wings is if their soul is removed, or they decide to change forms and become a part of some one else's soul. Selling an angel's wings eventually became illegal, and all angelic items were brought back to the homeland of the angels. It is easy to find an angelic item, because they all have a gold imprint of an angel's wing on it, no matter what it is.

However, some people still got angelic item, through black markets, or binding with an angel that they became great friends with. Angels give their wings as a gift of friendship, and can't be away from the person their with, or the angel will start to disappear, or become a demon. The People who contain an angel's item are also known as Binders. This is a story between a binder and an angel, an angel and a demon, a demon and a binder, a group of scientists. What is this a story of? The story of Light and Life.


Okay, I know I probably don't have to do this but these are the different types of characters again, just in case you like to glance through stuff rather than reading the whole thing. Lol, it's fine, I know we all do it.... Anyways...

Human: An angel without wings and magic or an angelic item [yet] aka, what you are in real life. (not necessarily needed, but if you want to you can start as a human]

Binder: A human with the powers of an angel that decided to give them powers.

Anti-Binder: A binder with an illegal angelic item. Not all of them always know what it is.

Angel: A holy being with special powers that can be transferred by choice or by being killed.

Demon: The ones with lower power can only take forms of animal-like creatures. The more powerful they are the more they look like humans. They usually end up searching for their angelic item, but can never be turned back into a true angel, though they can have their powers back.

Wing seller: A person with multiple angelic items, whether illegally or not.


1. No stealing ideas or controlling other characters that aren't your own.

2. No godmodding or mary sues

3. No more than three powers or items.

4. No more than 4 characters per person



Age: (Angels/Demons: just put what age you look like)

Powers: (Everything except human)


Appearance: (pictures preferred, but everything accepted)

Theme song: (optional)


Angelic item: (Everything except human; you can put a picture and a name, a name and a description, or just a name and people can use google)

My Characters:

Name: Okami Mashiro

Age: seems 16

Powers: Though she can't do anything other than read minds, she has the power to grant wishes and dreams other than her own. She can grant any wish, depending on the person's sad experiences. If the person's life is full of darkness, she can grant lots of wishes.

Personality: Okami is your typical daydreamer, always thinking about how nice it would be if she could become best friends with a human, possibly even bind with one, but she also doesn't want to give her wings up for just anyone. She has big dreams that probably will never come true, especially since she comes up with a new one almost every day. She is very clumsy and falls a lot when walking on the ground.


Role: Angel

Angelic item: A glass charm that is shaped like a tear. Referred to as the Broken Dream.

Name:Shin Kasagawa

Age: 15

Powers: The power to control wind, which he earned at a palm shop, buying a pair of red gloves. He also had gotten a pack of cards with the ace of hearts being an angelic item that had the power to create illusions. He constantly fights demons with an angelic sword that increases his speed by 20%.

Personality: Shin is quiet, and smart. He thinks a lot about everything and does nothing without thinking it through. His has a strong disliking for people who are clumsy, and though he helps a lot of people he hates people who rely on others.


Theme song:
Role: Wing Seller

Angelic item: A Pair of Gloves, also known as, Heaven's Working Hands. The deck is known as Eraced, and the sword is known as the Feather of Binding.
(this sounds pretty fun, so ill join .u.)

Name: Doon Exinor

Age: 17

Powers: can create and manipulate whips and chains of pure fire. But this can only happen if he has some sort of conductor (like metal) at hand. Without metal, his powers are almost useless except for heating up a stove.

Personality: Your typical bad-boy with a sharp tongue and dirty mouth. He lives by breaking the rules and has a great sense of adventure. At first he might seem cold and vile, and he is, but after a while he would start warming up.

Appearance: Guys/smile-anime-guys-12082279-850-1002-1.jpg

Theme song:

Role: demon

Angelic Item: a beautiful wool scarf, called Bethroned Ragdoll. It gives him temporary manipulation of other people who are mentally broken.

Backstory time~

Doon became a demon after he had met a human. Back then, he was a full-fledged angel and gave his item to a human, whom he thought he trusted. The human had gone against him and tried to sell him for a large amount of money in a black market. The human was found out and brought to jail, leaving Doon's Angelic Item at the market. Enraged by the betrayal, Doon went on a furious rampage, attempting to try to murder his human friend in captivity. When his brother, also an angel, tried to stop him, Doon angrily ripped his brother's soul away, stealing his item. He bound the rest of his brother into his own item. He took the angelic item and shredded it apart, tearing the components and rearranged them into a loose scarf. By now, his human friend had already died, and Doon was completely shattered by the betrayal and his attack on his brother, causing him to turn into a demon. He was afraid to go back into the higher world, staying in the earth realm. Doon has tried to forget everything, and has almost shut everything away and replaced it with a calm, cool personality.
(Yeah ty I hope so too.. My friend came up with the name of, "Wing Sellers," so therefor I can't take credit for the title,but just the storyline lol)
I'll be joining.

Please excuse me if I make any mistakes along the way.

Name: Kotone Homoto

Age: Seventeen

Personality: Kotone is that naive girl a person knows they can take advantage of the first second they speak to her. She is sweet and very giving, willing to give anyone her own items if they needed it. Through out time this has landed her deeper into a hole of life. Her friends that she has made along the way have tricked her over and over, putting her into debt and fights. Still, she pushes through it to help others in need, believeing that everyone is good on the inside. A bit clumsey, but with good enough reflexs to keep herself from getting hurt too badly. She goes to the local high school, but only every other day since she is working most of the time. No one is really sure about her parents, everyone assumed they died, but there is a rumor that they tried to kill her one day with poison and ran, only for a angel to save her.

Theme song:

Role: A young human girl

Name: James Randolpf

Age: around twenty

Powers: morph materials into items, must be an equivalent exchange though.

Personality: James is a stern man, he doesn't let anything past him. He though, isn't a man of the law, or wasn't, seeing that he has gotten into plenty of trouble in his past. The young man moved from city to city when he was younger, running from the cops till he came to this town and settled in. He heard about 'angelic items' around his second year in the town and went on a search, finding his first item and went with it. While very rude and angry he does show protection and love for those whom he believed to be important.

Role: Anti-Binder

Angelic item: A pen, he didn't catch the name of it from the old man he bought from it so he just refers to it as 'old larry'

Name: Verra

Age: 18

Powers: Original power: can turn any none living object into gold (no people, animals, or plants)

powers from stolen angelic items: The ability to control electricity (she needs a thunder storm or electrical outlet to use it though) and the ability to communicate with birds

Personality: Verra was once an angel, she fell in love with a human man and to show her dedication to him she gave him her angelic item and binded with him. However the power of her ability, to create gold by simply touching an object caused her lover to become greedy and he left her, which inevitably caused Verra to turn into a demon. Originally she appeared in a raven’s form, but after acquiring other angelic items through deception and murder she steadily gained power. She sought revenge on her former lover, thinking maybe with his death and retrieving her own angelic item she could once again become an angel, but after all that she still remained a demon.

She has been hurt badly emotionally and that has caused her to become dark and blood thirsty, even though she already obtained her vengeance she has found no comfort. Underneath everything lies a broken little girl, but on the surface she is a manipulative, evil, angery, person. She uses a mix of seduction and fear as a coercion technique. She also has a very violent temper.


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Theme song: Mad World - Gary Jules ([video=youtube;Oa-ae6_okmg]

Role: Demon & Wing Seller

Angelic item: Original: crown of the sun (golden touch)

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stolen or bought: harbinger of heaven (communicate with birds) (its only one earring even though there are two in the picture)

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angelic wrath (control electricity)

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Name: Sanz Vurrein

Age: 19

Powers: Can solidify his bones and skin to the point where they are indestructible by any mortal forces. His skin takes on a gray sheen, almost like it has been covered in thin glass, when this occurs.

Personality: Sanz is the sort of person who goes out of his way to help someone, then prefers to not be recognized for it. His past experiences have lead him to avoid extended contact with most people, and he will push away most. Even so, he still cares about people, and will genuinely help those in need.

Appearance:View attachment 11957

Theme song:


Angelic item: A series of silver bands, these are loosely bound around his wrist and neck, and he never takes them off.

Backstory: Sanz grew up in the shadow of his older sister. A woman well known for being one of the biggest delinquents around. Following five years her junior, he constantly was hounded by those who would desire revenge. Rather than involve others, he kept to himself. He fought alone, became strong alone, and remained alone. Until she came around. A girl who appeared no older than 10 or 11 came into his life, and refused to leave him be. She would tend to his wounds when he came back from a fight, and helped him regain emotions he thought long departed. That is until she was ambushed . . . some calling themselves wing hunters had come for her. Just before they were both killed, the girl gave Sanz a smile, and disappeared. She had given her life into the silver bands that formed around Sanz. For the first time in his life, Sanz raged, and he killed. Those who had deigned to hunt her were no match with the angel's power now coursing through him. To this day, he curses not being able to save her more than any other happenstance in his life. He has also sworn never again to let such a thing happen, and to keep her power safe from those who would hunt for it.
@Melifous Nemesis Accepted, ty.

@Ixidor Hmmmm... Maybe.... jk Accepted!

I'm gonna start as soon as I see at least 3 more people joining
Name: Seth Curester

Age: 17

Powers: Gravity manipulation as in he can mostly manipulate the gravity around himself to be able to dodge attacks, walk on ceilings or just to defy the laws of physics. He can't really affect other people with this power. He also has the power of light manipulation but he transferred that to someone else.

Personality: Seth is very loyal to those who manage to earn his trust and very protective of his best friend, who he sees like a younger sister of sorts, not that he's had one of those. He's very perceptive, picking up small details that other people may have completely overlooked and plenty talkative.



Role: Angel

Angelic Item: He doesn't have one at the moment.

Name: Lace Paust

Age: 16

Powers: Light manipulation, she can create small bursts of light for defense or just to make a pretty show though she uses the sun or other light sources for her power so if there is no light then she would be defenseless. She can also use light for healing purposes and to read the emotions of others or to make them happy when sad.

Personality: Lace is a very quiet and shy girl, being easily frightened and afraid of most other people but if you get to know her then she'll be much more talkative and easygoing than she seems.


Role: Binder

Angelic Item: A gold ring with engravings on it.
@S n o w Accepted! ty :) 2 more till we start oh but I just realized that you didn't put an item for your angel. I might not have made that as clear as I wanted it to be, but for angels, it means what they look like as an item or what the angelic item they'd create if binding with a human

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