Story William's Journal (Streets of Angel City)


God's lonely man
Journal: Day 1

Today is the day where I transport the people of Angel city. I am very excited to help these people get to their destination safely and soundly.
There have been times where there were altercations, nothing to minor for me to take care of. For example, A lady was with her child and a man was grabbing her left arm through the window. I think it was the father, but I didn't ask the woman because she was in distress. I tried my best to keep my temper in control.
Luckly, she pulled out a gun on and pointed towards the individual that was the Threat. "Don't touch me child you Bastard, never get near us again! We're leaving you!" She screams very loudly
Thank God that man took a step back and rethink his decision Because any moment I was about to snap.
I did the first I usually do. Turn on the car and left the scene with the mother and her child. I felt sorry for the child to see that moment in their life. No child should experience bad things in their childhood. Children should have a happy family where they feel safe, and a home they look forward to going back. I don't know what is wrong with the city but their needs to be some change. I am not the right person for that job. looking at the future of this city, it will never happen for a long time. This place will always be my home wither I hate or love it.

"Where would you like to go madam" I ask the mother. "Anywhere far away from this place. I... Take us somewhere safe" She replied.
I know the one place where it is only safe for the both of them. It was her brother. "What about your brother's house. The one near the church and right by a diner." I spoke.
She looked at me in awe. I bet she was thinking how a stranger that she never meant would know she had a brother. "How do you know I have a brother? Who are you?" she spoken with fear.
"I know a lot of people in the city and far away. Sorry If I troubled you, It's kind of an old habit of me." I said while giving her a reassuring smile. I look back at the kid. He was still clinging onto her arm. Tears were dropping from his eyes. "What about you Birthday boy. How are you holding up right now?" He wipes his tears away. "Sad sir." It was all the kid can manage top say.
"I know, terrible thing to happen to you but don't worry about it. Just keep your head held up high... Oh happy birthday kiddo." I said to them. All they did was stare at me. I just smile back at them. "It's rude of me not introducing you, my name. Names William. What's both your names." I spoke. "Caitlyn, that's my name and my boy's name is Ethan." The mother spoke softly.
I nodded to their names. "Well, it's nice to meet you both" I replied back.

I continued to drive the roads of Angel city throughout the night. Keeping driving that's what I did. I finally stop at the house that belong to the brother.
He was standing at the front porch. He got up and ran towards the door. Caitlyn went outside the taxicab and embrace her brother with a hug. Ethan too hugged his uncle.
Caitlyn let go and walks ups to me. "How much do I owe you William?" She asks me "It's on me Caitlyn, You three have a nice day." Like I usually do, turn the car on and drive off.

As I looked back from the mirror. I see the mother and a child holding hands. I just smile to myself.

End of Journal: Day 1
Journal: Day 2

After yesterdays incident, It got me thinking. For the years I have been on this earth, I have seen the horror and brutality of what humans do to each other.
They are capable of love, compassion, and hope but they're usually not that kind of person during desperate times.
Sometimes I wish the better for them. I usually pity them for their ignorance but that is their human nature. I know that i'm no different to them.
What I am afraid i'll take things in matter of my own hands. Decide the fate of human beings to this day. I not that the person anymore and have been changing a little bit. You know, like learning some wisdom in life and growing wiser as I continue to not age as the years go by.
Hopefully I don't let that person come back to haunt me.
Nothing in my life has change for me. I stopped making friends a long time ago and hunger for social interaction.
Too many people have passed away and I'm still alive till this day.

Luckily I found an abandon bar not too far away from Angel City. I might get going on repairing the bar today. As you know, I don't like doing the easy route when It comes to my powers. I'm more of a hardworking kind of guy but the good thing for me is I cannot sleep at all.
I can close my eyes and get a single hour of no sleep. I do envy the humans with their sleep. What they dream fascinates me.
I hope later in life I can find a peaceful sleep.
I should get my shift done today and I hear on the news it was gonna be a sunny day but I know a rainstorm is coming.
People will need me for their service.

End Journal: Day 2
Journal: Day 3 part 1

Today has been a slow day. Traffic seems to be getting slower by the minute as the streets accumulate with vehicles.
About five hours ago, I was stuck in the middle of the road. An accident happened in front of me. Some guy's red car ran through a red light. This resulted in the red car
To be hit from the side by a garbage truck. Luckily nobody died instantly. Cops did arrive and called the fire department and paramedics. The firefighters got out of their vehicle, ran towards the red car. Used some kind of saw to cut through the door. Once they were done cutting, they began to pull out three teenagers. The boy who was driving looked bad. Like blood was coming out his side. There was a piece of shrapnel that Impaled him after the impact. The other two were girls. They came out without a single cut except for a couple of bruises. Girls were in a state of shock. What was sad, was that the three teenagers were related. Brother and sisters, they were. One girl got up, ran away from the scene. The policeman chased after her, but he couldn't catch her, and he gave up. She then disappears into the alleyways– gone as she is alone in this city. I hear a police officer telling me to leave the scene. So, I left, driving my car through the streets of Angel City. The more I look around, the more I see death and destruction around me. All I could hear was the sound of rain. The city always seems to rain. Maybe it was a sign. A message that there is no hope, no light in the darkness. Nothing can save this city.
Journal: Day 3, part 2

The storm continues for hours. Streets are flooding with ankle-deep water as I drive through the streets. Traffic seems to be bogged up because of the water today. Police seem to be blocking every corner of every street when it rains. They only let elites through first, or if you're lucky enough to bribe with the right amount of money, they will let you go through the street you’re on. Police here have no respect, no honor, no sense of protection and serving the people. The Damnedest of them all would be having no humility. When a beggar asks for food, they receive a beating from a cop. When people become helpless and defenseless– crying out for help, and no one responds to their call. Cops don't care about your whining, the suffering you were inflicted upon this city. They only care about their payday check. What can I say, everyone here is miserable? Anyway, I was driving through the streets looking for potential customers. Then suddenly, a cop pulls me over. Me being a law-abiding citizen, I pulled over to the curb. I innately look at the rear-view mirror. What I saw was a cop car, but nobody was getting out. Were they waiting for me? Did they expect me to haul ass in my taxicab? Whoever they are, they sure are taking their sweet time. Realizing my engine was on, I twisted the keys and turned off my car. I take this moment to reach my newspaper roll on the dashboard. Turning it to page one, I see a headline saying: “William, a wanted man is roaming the streets!” I looked down furthermore for what the article had to say: “William is a male Caucasian. The individual has white hair, blue eyes, a fit build, and stands at 6’2. Man drives around a sixty's taxicab. If you have found this individual; please report it to the police immediately.” I smiled to myself, to think they needed to arrest me. What a day I thought to myself. People are so desperate just to find me. This isn’t my first time getting away from the cops.

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