Story Wild Tangent: Rain


D^3 CEM Team Leader.
Wild Tangents are just as their name sake would suggest, they can go anywhere and are not always cannon.

(Sorry for the confusion at the top. I thought I had selected prose, but got poetry.)


Wild Tangent Rain

Weather forecast for the night said heavy rain was going to move in early in the morning.

Kyo looked down the darkened road, street lights glowing faintly in the distance. The mist and fog from the coming was dying away. His team stood idle, nothing was over in this segment of the city. A pressing silence pushed in on them all, making Kyo shiver.

Adrenalin that was coursing though his blood was draining away, leaving Kyo fatigued.

“CEM 3, CC, no combat reported.”

“CC, CEM 3, roger that, stand watch until 0600.”

Kyo quietly swore under his breath. He then reached up, gently pressed down on his helmet. His RAES took the gesture and released the helmet locks.

Kyo lifted up the helmet and breathed in the still night air for the first time in the coming.

Nasar, Kyo's close friend came up beside him, Kyo gave the lunar elf a passing glance. The lunar elf's eyes glowing in the dim light, returned the passing glance. He had already pulled his helmet off and was holding it under his arm.

“Watch huh, we risk our neck and we get watch duty!?”

“Nas, chill, daybreak only hours away.”

Nasar grabbed Kyo by the shoulder and gave the half elf a small shake. Kyo smirked at the lunar elf’s gesture. Trust.

“We have a duty to do.” Nasar shrugged and turned away from Kyo.

Both of them turned back to their support vehicle, the rest of Kyo's team waited by the side.

“You heard the news, watch.” Kyo sighed. There was some grumbling in reply. “Spread out, your decision for helmets. Stay in radio link. Move.” With that his team dispersed into the night around their support vehicle.

Kyo walked calmly away from the truck, seeing his breath in the cold air.

Something cold hit an ear tip, Kyo blinked reflectively. One was followed by another.


Kyo looked up at the overcast sky reflecting back orange light. Kyo could hear rain pinging everything around him, including himself, slowly at first and growing harder, turning into a roar.


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