Story Wild Tangent PTSD


D^3 CEM Team Leader.
I mentioned in the post I created last night that a picture was drawn in response to a wild tangent.

I also said it was yet to be posted.

Well... it's now posted.

Wild Tangent PTSD

“The top will be pleased with your progress.” JAT said, his silhouette appearing in Kyo's blurred vision. The overhead lights framing his tormenter with bright white light.

JAT held up a syringe, strangely it was in focus.

Kyo's eyes widened in fear.

“ easy to easy to control.”

Kyo felt a sharp pain in one of his arms. He tried to move his arm to no success. Kyo rolled his head to one side, his blurry vision leaving after images. His arm was tied down.

JAT withdrew the empty syringe, laughing.

Kyo blinked his arm was now ash colored. Then pain flooded in, making him scream in pain.

“Welcome, pain.”

Kyo then felt a his body shudder, and then heard a sickening crack come from his bones..

Kyo let out a scream and tried to move only to find he was still tied down, this time the room was his own, JAT was standing over him again in better focus.

“Well, that was interesting, shall we begin again?”

“No!” Kyo cried out weakly as he felt the needle pierce his skin.

Kyo let out another yell. He tried to move but his body would not respond, sending him into a panic. With in seconds he could feel his body, sending more adrenalin though his system. Pain was coming from his left arm. He was laying face up with his arms and legs spread out.

With out thinking, Kyo shot upright, all traces of weariness gone, only to be replaced by heavy breathing. He slumped over himself, calming himself to little effect.

“Why this dream?” Kyo thought aloud to the empty room.

He pulled himself back upright and fumbled for a small pill bottle on the nightstand. He turfed the lid off and poured two small pills out. He shook the bottle.

I'm nearly out. I have to get some more tomorrow.”

Without hesitation Kyo tossed the pills into his mouth and swallowed.

He then laid back down on his side and almost instinctively, curled up into a ball feeling his heart still racing from the waking nightmare.

Minutes passed and Kyo calmed down, he had let loose a piercing yell when he woke up from the nightmare. He wondered if anyone else heard the yell. He sat back up, straining his ears to hear any movement, nothing, just the sound of the ship itself settling. Motors and machinery at the heart of the ship echoed in the frame creating a subtle backdrop.

“Good.” Kyo thought, laying down and closing his eyes.

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