Story Wild Tangent : CASS Haycon


D^3 CEM Team Leader.
I like writing these little short stories more than I like writing my novel. They often have something to do with the novel only in a tangential way.


Wild Tangent: CASS Haycon

With the trans-dimensional experiment on the Prometheus successful, the Centurian ship yard decided that the previously used Rouge and Leviathan class ships used for diplomatic uses were no longer sufficient and a waste of a warship.

Arc ran into the lounge where Kyo was busy swearing something about hunters and a laser cannon. Nasar sat next to Kyo, watching the screen with mild amusement and only gave Arc a passing notice.

“Did anyone here read the memo sent out recently?” Arc asked.

“No.” Both Kyo and Nasar answered. Kyo followed that with a continuing stream of swearing until a green explosion filled the screen, plowing a guy in armor into the wall on the far side of the screen, followed by an announcer proudly stating 'Game Over.'

Kyo set the controller down. “Did something piss Soea off?”

“No, Nick and Sven have agreed to let you fly the new Haycon class ship out.”

“Why not send Linus, he's already done transdem piloting.”

“Doesn't say. But it gets better.”

“Oh?” Kyo said, dreading the next part. Arc was reading it off of a tablet, so what ever bad news was there, Kyo would have it verbatim.

“We are to also fly it on it's maiden voyage to Ascalion to test the Centuron Trans Dem drive.”

“So when do we leave?”

“Tomorrow, 0900.”

“Lovely.” Kyo stated and turned his attention back to the TV and the video game. “Anything else I should know?”

“The name of the ship is CASS Haycon, designation HCS 001, hull number 314.”

“Any more?”

“Nope.” Arc replied as he turned to leave.

“I suck at this game. Twenty some deaths.... why did you want me to play it again, Nasar?”

“Wanted to see you get killed.”

“Gee, thanks.”

“Everybody strapped in?” Kyo asked over the radio in his ship, C.A.S.S Haybusa.

Yes, yeah, yep and a 'y' came back on the radio.

“Rodger that. Port of haven tower, SCS 042 preparing for take off.”

“SCS 042, be warned of a high head wind out over the ocean. A hurricane is storming along in the south waters.”

“Rodger that.”

Kyo closed the line of communication and started the rest of the ship. The two wings that make up the bulk of the body folded out into the flying position.

“SCS 042, you are clear for launch.”

“SCS 042 Launching.”

CASS Haybusa shot forward and up, fast.

“How fast do you think he punched it?” A radar technician asked his supervisor standing over his shoulder.

“I don't know, who ever he is, I didn't hear a gravity crack so...He punched it evenly.”

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is you captain speaking,” Kyo began, “I advice you to look out the southern windows to see the brewing hurricane, scheduled to make landfall on the leeward side of the ship yard tomorrow, sometime in the afternoon.”

Kyo was surrounded by screens showing every possible thing he could want to know about the ship. A predominate screen showed the ships own radar image of the storm.

Nasar looked out the window looking at the storm brewing and the many lightning bolts dancing across the empty ocean below.

“Kyo, whats the likelihood of us getting struck by lightning?” Nasar asked.

“Not likely, unless you made one strike us, I never did ask Kain how well adamant can stand being stuck by lightning.” Kyo said, looking thoughtful.

“That is one hell of a way to inspire confidence, leader.” Nasar said sarcastically, making everyone else snicker.

“I must have done something right, or Woolven would never has suggested that I take the lead of a CEM Team....I would still be stuck in a general combat division... same with you Nasar except that you would have been bottom rung, rank five.”

“Just be warned Kyo, should you EVER cross the verge line, I will kill you personally.” Nasar spat back.

“I'll note that in you're next eval.”

That remark drew several 'ohs...' from everybody else.

Kyo reached down and turned the radio headset back on.

“Shipyard, this is SCS 042 requesting permission to land.”

The line remained silent, then a hassled female came on. “Say again?”

“This is SCS 042 requesting permission to land.”

“SCS 042... Kyo Deemer... DACRP... DAMNIT! You guys sure chose a good time to try and fly in.”

“I was ordered to fly in today.” Kyo replied.

“Fine, permission granted. Know that the shipyard is in final preparations to weather the storm. You're ship will not be allowed into the ship yard for protection, wait... do you know you are suppose to fly the Haycon out?


The usually active shipyard was subdued because of the approaching storm. Many of the crates of metals and barrels of chemicals were moved inside of the massive facility. The many blast furnaces that allowed the shipyard to work were cold. The only active stacks were the cooling stacks for the fusion reactor, thick white steam billowed out of the tops. Kyo circled the island once and landed on a spot marked by a giant red T in red circle.

Kyo set the ship down on it and turned off the engines. The wings folded back automatically, making the ship look even more intimidating with the four panda missile pods exposed, showing the tips of all of them. As soon as Kyo jumped down from the wing, he recalled the ship into storage.

“That side pocket storage device is really handy.” Arc commented, watching Kyo's CTI gauntlet fade back out of sight. Arc had seen what it can do. With that device, Kyo was armed even when he didn't appear to be. Being able to summon a Talon modified Storm ship anywhere has it's advantages.

The female air controller greeted them inside the nearby structure.

“So what is it that is so important that darp sends one of its cem teams to do here?”

“You read the notice, we are here to fly out the Haycon, is that a problem?” Kyo calmly stated.

The air traffic controller's eyes seemed to have bugged out when Kyo mentioned problem.

“Of course there is a problem, there is a category three hurricane bearing down on us, and you want to fly a brand new ship out!”

“Last I had checked, it wasn't suppose to make landfall until tomorrow. So for the mean time there is plenty of time for me to fly it out.” Kyo stated.

“Fine, get out of my office.”

“Where is the master of the shipyard?”

“He is probably in his office overseeing the lock down. Or out on the floor inspecting the Haycon.”

Kyo's team was pointed at the door to a tram system. Kyo pushed the summon button, a buzzer sounded and a motor whirred into action. Two tram cars pulled to a stop in front of the platform.

“Get in.”

Kyo climbed in, waited then tapped on the screen where they wanted to go.

The tram lurched into motion, sped through a tunnel and out into the main building facility.

Huge would an understatement for the place, the yard was built to handle two Prometheus class ships side by side. The cars lurched around another corner and came to a buzzing halt.

The master of the shipyard was in his office looking at the storm from the southern windows.

He turned around as Kyo's CEM team entered the office.

Kyo came forward and offered his hand.

“Sven, I would take it?”

Sven returned the gesture.

“Yes, and you are Kyo Demer. I have heard much about you. You are making quite a name for yourself and the rest of your CEM team as well. And, if I recall you have a ship from this yard?”

“Yes” Kyo answered taking a seat and gesturing for the others to do so as well. “One of the storm class.”

“I take she is serving you well.”

“Yes, for a ship that has been holed through a wing.”

“Well, you did get a personal ship built for combat.”

“So are the Aegious Skycrawlers.”

“Ah, but that is an out of date line, they no longer reflect the shipyards highest achievement. But I have also read the news that you have little to no patience for small talk. The Haycon is complete and the christening ceremony is done, now she just needs to be flown out and have the new transdem drive tested. Due to the storms approach, you will not be able to land back here once the test is complete, you will have to stay on Ascalion until the storm passes and the yard is in operation again. That will take a total of five to six days to assess the damage. So, make it seven to call it safe.”

“And what of DACRP, Nick does need to know that me and my team will be taking an extended time off due to the storm?”

“Nicholas already knows. He requested that we load some basic food and bedding onto the ship. Ha, I never send a ship off without some food stores.”

“Well Sven, can me and my team see the Haycon?”

“Oh, oh sure.”

Sven led them out off the office, onto the tram to the other side of the yard, down a flight of stairs and on to the floor.

“There she is, boys,” Sven looked back and then hastily added, “and girls.”

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