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Finished [Widersia] Shadow Play: Act I


Chaos Incarnate
Roleplay Type(s)
This RP is part of Isekai Hell, you can check this link here if you're interested in joining.
This RP is now full and closed. Post cycle will probably be (hopefully at MOST) every 4 days, but I'll try to do it whenever I can get to it after everyone else has posted.
The plot of this RP will involve Giovanna, a minotaur looking for a way to make her start in either power or riches who has done enough travelling and digging around to find enough information on a site of interest. An abandoned underground theatre elsewhere from settlement in Widersia that possesses a magical artifact that could be the exact ticket to what she wants. The difficulty is that the underground theatre had went very unentered and unfound for a very long time, up until a recent uncovering which experience from others have lead her to believe that it may be haunted or have squatters within. On top of that, rumour has it that said artifact is safeguarded by a strange intelligent being that inhabits the place all alone spending their entire time creating creations and such for the sole purpose of amusement and entertainment to an audience they don't have.
Giovanna has placed aid requests for those willing to explore an abandoned and potentially creepy location in order to help her find an item she wants, which will likely involve having to encounter with some strange smart creature that likely isn't some sort of natural being.

CAST (and goals)
Giovanna ( Femboy Femboy ): Find out what said magical artifact is, and to obtain it for herself in order to gain power.
Zahrah Fiore ( Elvario Elvario ): Happiness Research from studying the entertainment 'ghost' thing.
Erich Zann ( Maxxob Maxxob ): Broaden his knowledge of 'human' nature and traditions that defy logic or sense.
Valen 'Val' Rerin ( Sir Mayday Sir Mayday ): See if in the house there is any knowledge or information of old.
Dreayth Dominatus Malus ( SixSense SixSense ): Discover the magical artifact and see if it of any use to him. (Also, as a monster, probably shouldn't get found out)

Not far outside the gates of Clockhaven, a large carriage with plenty of space inside had waited for arrivals. Giovanna had made sure to acquire both a secluded and specific meeting place where she could divulge details on the quest, especially since it wasn't so simple to acquire said information about the location in the first place. So, she wasn't in the mood to accidentally pick up people who would follow along in hopes of stealing spoils. Hopefully there wouldn't be anyone else snooping around there at the time and that said news was kept on the downlow.
The interior of the carriage was visibly much nicer than the outside would lead on to believe, Giovanna having had gone around and used her wits and charm to the best of her abilities so that at least she could ride in quality and comfort. The fact that she would be so freely sharing it with strangers was just a small gesture in hopes that they would prove useful to her helping achieve her own goal. That, and it wasn't all genuine interior quality, much rather a whole lot of cheaper material and such that just looked good but wasn't what you'd actually imagine it being worth. It didn't matter, it was just for transport.

Giovanna patiently waited inside, curious to see whom at all would arrive as she sat by herself with her elbows rested on the table and her chin on her clasped hands. She hoped at least some people would show up and that things wouldn't be a bust, it'd turn out terrible if people didn't appear. Lightly tapping her hoof on the carriage floor, the minotaur grew a little impatient as she muttered under her breath.
"I so hope this little magic thing in this place turns out to be worth it. I already committed too much into this, at least maybe there'll be some other junk in there that can probably be sold for money. Not sure what to do about this weirdo that's apparently in there though, maybe someone'll show up who's used to that sort of thing and can flush it out of there, or if talking to it's an option. If it can be rung out for interesting answers, then that'd be a benefit... " she murmured softly. The minotaur had given instructions on the ad for those wishing to aid to come to this said location where a carriage should be waiting, for them to just come in when they arrive. For the most part, she wanted to keep secrets on what was going on, but it would have been difficult to advertise what she was doing. So, she had only highlighted the importants of what they'd be dealing with.

That had been the main gist of it, she cared for the curious little item of power she had heard of most. If it gave great power, intelligence, wealth, or some combination of multiple, well she just had to have it.​
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Zahrah Fiore


From: https://www.zerochan.net/3034810
Mentions: Blue Cow Femboy Femboy
[Goal: Happiness Research from studying the entertainment 'ghost' thing.]

After their previous adventures, they'd continued their happiness research in earnest. It's why they rejoiced when they heard Widersia had some sort of creature that was able to amuse and entertain nearly non-stop. Surely that'd make for a great teacher to get them to learn how to spread happiness through their performances even better! Thus, they'd set out to Widersia. For research!

Eventually finding their way to the meeting place, with some effort, they knocked on the carriage door. “Hey! Hey! Hey! Is this miss Giovanna's home on wheels?” They asked. That was where they were meant to meet, right? Probably was.

Should someone open up, they'd jump back in surprise. “Oh wow, I knew I could expect someone lovely, with a lovely name like that, but you surpass all expectations~ I totally love the blue on blue on blue combinations! It really contrasts the fierceness of your orange-red eyes and those gold-brown details really bring it together! Though, wowie, with such measurements, by my estimates, you'd be able to bring happiness to a considerably vast amount of the male population and probably even a fair share of the female and other population categories!” They couldn't help themselves from opening up with a strong [Smooth Talker B] to hit it off with their new employer. That and they genuinely meant it in the way only the cotton-brain could.

Smooth Talker – Character Grade B, Appraisal B, Empathy B, Insight B, Performance [Acting/Singing/Dancing/Spoken Word/Tin Whistle] B, Persuasion B, Seduction B, Energised B Languages [Common, Terran, Beastial, Sylvan, Monster, Analog] – Character combines whatever (meta)knowledge they can find out about someone with persuasive, empathic and seductive smooth-talking, acting and spoken word in an attempt to make others act according to their will. Character speaks to them in whichever (of the main) languages they are most comfortable with. - Grade B Energised – 3 Post Cooldown

That said, there was another thing they realised they should do. “Oh, oh! I should introduce myself as well! I'm Zahrah Fiore, happiness researcher, Redcliffe Contributor, Hero of Ravenswood Village, Saviour Of Shiku No Mura, Mile High Club of Happiness Member, Convict Converter, Solution Seeker, Bird Post, Loved by Outcasts and I'm pretty good at performing and stuff!” They stated.

[Isekai Mundane], [Expert Tinkerer], [Technological Eccentric], [Ally of Lykra, the Champion]

Goals: Broaden his knowledge of 'human' nature and traditions that defy logic or sense

Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario

From Ryke to Widersia, that had been the second time which Erich had made such a trip. Remembering his fellow tinkerer and co-founder in the Tinkerer's Triage, the squirrel girl Eriedeth, the tinkerer had stayed clear from The See while making the trip. Once more, his travelling would take him through Eastern Empire territory, so he could reach the small nation of steam and clockwork, sandwiched between the two warring realms.

Upon reaching the technologically advanced country, at least when compared to the others he had been in, the engineer found some curious ad for a job. It told of some magical device and the possibility of being the area being haunted. Erich was someone from a world where nothing supernatural existed, anything out of ordinary being treating as hallucinations or a brain malfunctioning. However, due to his recent encounters, of blood wraith, demons and vampires, he knew there was a good chance of that actually being true. Despite all of it, his methodical mind didn't fear it and was his curiosity was actually piqued about it. With that, he had decided to embark in this opportunity.

It didn't take too long for him to arrive at the meeting spot, a carriage waiting for those interested in the opportunity. Tilting his head slightly, the inventor would begin to approach the vehicle, wanting to spend a few moments to gaze and wonder about its make. Just as he was approaching it, he noticed that someone was already there, right in front of the carriage's door, addressing someone inside the vehicle.

From behind, Erich's hazel eyes caught the pink-hair of this person, their stature smaller than his. Uncharacteristically of him, the tinkerer was actually paying attention to every spoken word, his methodical mind parsing through each and every choice made during the speaker's discourse. The words used were ones of praise, mainly towards the physical aspects of whoever was in the receiving end of it. The sight must have been a bit odd: the inventor's eyes locked on the back of the pink-haired person's head, left-gloved index gently tapping against the underside of his own jaw. He knew not why someone would praise another's appearance, his mind drawing a bit of a blank, confusion etched on his expression.

Eventually, his eyes would gaze upwards, towards the person who was receiving all the praise. Immediately, he would notice their horns, his eyes began glinting with curiosity! Had he finally found them? Tesla Coils disguised as pointy protuberance on top of someone's head? Yet, a brief flash of previous conversations crossed his mind of all the other times he had made the same assumption. Likelier than not, they would be simple horns, his excitement plummeting as his heart sank. A long sigh left his lips, as he composed himself once more to look proper to his employer.

And, as soon as the pink-haired person finished introducing themselves as 'Zahrah Fiore', a plethora of titles following suit, he would be speaking up from behind their back, remembering the basics of etiquette as contained in the 'Nykkon Conglomerate's General Manual'.
"It is a pleasure to meet both of you, Giovanna and convict converter Fiore. I am Erich Zann, engineer and tinkerer."
Titles: Human
Goals: See if in the house there is any knowledge or information of old.

Valen rolled his shoulder as he made his way to the meeting spot, his mind still thinking upon the ad he was shown by a fellow adventurer. Seems like he was aiding someone else on a personal quest, and it could go in any direction. He had been hesitant when he saw such a thing, but the mystery of it all beat down the cautious side of his mind and well here he was. Plus, maybe he could find something for himself on this quest. Not some coin, though that was always helpful. Something that would help him in the preservation of history and ancient relics.

With that thought in mind, he traveled to new lands with new faces. He grinned as he remembered some others from his last quest, a assortment of characters. He even was missing Koralia, and wondered if she would try to eat a ghost if she ran into one. Likely. He chuckled to himself as he finally made his way to the meeting spot. He took his time to admire the carriage, as to him it was grand and lovely on the outside. He would not mind living in such a thing. As he saw the others he would approach and give a grin and raises a hand in greeting "Greetings strangers, I am Valen."

He would look over the others and bobs his head at them "Pleasure to meet you all. I am a adventurer, and relic hunter." It seemed a assortment of characters this time as well. His usual quick and to the point introduction should do until he got a feel for these folk.

Dreayth Dominatus Malus

Titles: Demon, Monster, Born for this, Offworlder
Mentions: Sir Mayday Sir Mayday Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob Femboy Femboy

The last job had gotten quite messy due to an unfortunate turn of events, that Thaddeus fellow was a dumb one at that. Earning himself that snowy grave for deciding to turn on them during negotiations. After such sporadic events it was best to lay low now and Widersa seemed like a good respite, his allies seemed to agree however they seemed to choose fun over laying low.

While they were busy at the Casino, Dreayth chose to pick up a local job. Something simple that would keep him occupied and out of trouble, the rewards seemed promising enough, perhaps he could obtain some bargaining chips if he is lucky. The meeting place of question was a carriage, a nice one at that. Dreayth nearly second guessed if this was the meeting place in question because the transportation seemed more akin for high profile personnel.

The large monster would open the carriage door entering to see an interesting group. A pink haired fellow, a very large and voluptuous beastkin, a scientist, and a shady adventurer guy. It was performance time, “Nice to meet you all, Name is Dreayth, Adventurer and practitioner of the Spear.” He’d smile warmly as he took a seat, “I appreciate the spacious and luxurious cabin. Most jobs I take often aren’t as accommodating.” ’He smiled, standing in at 7’6, a plight that Giovanna seemed to share with the group. A smaller group did create a bit of concern, less people meant more communication and kinship with the people present. If he were to be found out to be a monster, it would be a hassle.
Elvario Elvario Sir Mayday Sir Mayday Maxxob Maxxob SixSense SixSense
Character Sheet
Soon enough, it would seem that her boredom of waiting around alone would come to an end. Her ear twitched and slightly raised at the sound of a knock. Could it be those whom she had gotten to manage horses and drive the carriage? Surely not, they weren't going to take off for the moment until either her word or they had waited way too long. Plus, it didn't seem like there was anything else she'd need to hear from them about.

"Come in, come in, the door's open" Giovanna spoke aloud, wondering to see who first would have ended up showing up. Expecting the sight of some sort of adventurer or even a medium, the minotaur watched the door. Then, promptly got up to open it anyway. Her sight was met with a person of shorter stature than her (though quite frankly, that wasn't much of a surprise when meeting new people), but they were surprisingly jubilant and pink. Giovanna... wasn't at all sure what to expect of this first arrival, they were talkative in a rather odd way. Charming, to be sure, but did they really seem like the 'adventuring into potentially dangerous and creepy locales' type? No, not at all. But assistance was still appreciated. Maybe they had some weird secret talent that managed to get them around in one piece considering how immediately kind and trusting they were. They at least understood and knew how to flatter a lady.

"Ah, greetings little one. That's quite a lot of titles that you have... apparently" Giovanna greeted, she wasn't sure what to think of everything Zahrah had claimed. They were rather talkative, so it was hard to discern if it was just a lot of silly nonsense or pride rather than a truthful backstory. "Though all your compliments are much appreciated, even if they are mostly very suggestive of my ability to seduce people of different genders, though I understand that is the kind of thing that just comes naturally to me" she smiled softly. There didn't seem to be any noticeable bad or weird intentions behind Zahrah's motives, but everyone always had secrets. Someone that cheerful simply couldn't have something they had an intent to not speak about.

Then, following behind Zahrah, an appearance more expectable that would originate from Widersia. Sure, she could have aimed her search primarily sourcing from somewhere more of adventurers, but Clockhaven was the closest and most convenient location. Plus, she could source her own resources and transport from there. Nevertheless, she gave a small wave to Erich. If the strange entity rumoured to be at their destination was something with an interest in creations, then a person of the same interests would be convenient to have along. Hopefully he would prove useful in other ways than being a nerd excited by random stuff that surprised him.
"Hello there, Erich, thank you for coming. I'm sure your assistance will prove useful" she answered, wondering whom of the two who arrived would actually end up being more useful. She was placing her odds on Erich.

Then another human had joined them, more specifically an adventurer. Someone fit to delve into locations was exactly something she was looking for, though she grew silently concerned over him being a relic hunter. If there were people who stood in her way of obtaining said magical artifact if it proved beneficial to her, it would be a personal failure if it ended up with no benefit to her strength, fame or wealth. That was her true and only goal, it didn't matter how much the people around knew.
"Greetings, Valen. I hope that what I'm looking for can be located" she answered, she was real specific that it wasn't a 'we', but chose not to put emphasis or let it be obvious. She may have to keep an eye on him to make sure that he didn't somehow get his hands on what she wanted and take it from her.

Then, a fourth had arrived. A most peculiar and surprising one, but a definitive man who looked like he could both intimidate and hold his own in trouble... at least that's what she could guess. You could never know with 'random help' what secret capabilities or fears they were holding up their sleeve. Though, the beastkin (as what she assumed) looked both promising and sounded promising from his introduction. A small grin donned her face.
"Welcome, Dreayth, I thank you for the nice welcome. I hope that you're as promising as you look" she greeted, moving back to her seat now that it appeared she had a group of either promising people or sorry-looking human-shields to drag with her to who knows where.

"Welcome in, everyone take a seat and get comfortable. The ride will be a little while, so it'll be a good opportunity to explain a little what's going on. So, we'll be going on a little trip to an underground location that was uncovered. It's on the down-low still, but info tidbits tell me that inside is an underground, abandoned theatre that hasn't seen use or entry in... well, years most likely. But, there's a strange haunting entity that exists in the place, makes creations for entertainment and the amusement of a non-existent audience. I'm looking for a specific magic artifact, while I can't divulge full information on it, I'll be able to take a guess if I see it. So if you find anything interesting, do run it by me and let me take a look, there's something really special that apparently may be of importance to that strange entity, so we'll have to locate and find out what it is, and then a way to obtain it" Giovanna spoke, looking amongst everyone assuming they all took a seat. With everyone on board, Giovanna would eventually briefly stand up and open the door to call to a man waiting to drive the carriage.

"We're ready to go, set off when you're ready" she spoke, receiving a nod from him in return and closing the door again. Retaking her seat, she smiled and looked among everyone.
"Well, we'll take a moment to get there, but my name is Giovanna if anyone didn't pick up on it. I hope that the four of you are used to such locations, since we're going into quite untouched waters, we may encounter the dark, immense dust and cobwebs much to my high-class dismay, and spooks and ghosts of any sorts. Plus, whatever these 'creations' are might end up either bringing a smile to ones' face, or putting a frown on them, so we'd need to be careful of anything touched and on high guard. Do any of you have any experience whatsoever with dungeon-delving or exploration? Or, anything else you'd like to say?" she asked, before eyeing Valen for a moment before she went on to what she had to say next.

"The item I'm looking for is very specific and very important to me, I will be very disappointed if one of you... tries to do something unconventional and gains your own interest in it. It's not useful for you, and I'm sure pay from other gains from the trip can be much more payment to you. Or, anything else that might be of your desire. Right then, anything to say, anyone? Or am I just gonna have a bunch of charmers ogle me the entire ride?~" she questioned, grinning with a cheerful hum. Hopefully she could find a little entertainment out of these new faces along the way to brighten her mood. She wasn't sure whether or not she was taking things too seriously, but she had to be when she wanted something.​
Zahrah Fiore

Mentions: Blue Cow Femboy Femboy | Erich Maxxob Maxxob | Valen Sir Mayday Sir Mayday | Draeyth SixSense SixSense
Languages: Common | %Analaog%
[Goal: Happiness Research from studying the entertainment 'ghost' thing.]

“Oh, it is also a pleasurable pleasure to meet you, mister Zann. An engineer and a tinkerer?!? That's awesome!!!” They'd quickly switch to another language. “%Does that mean you can speak Analog? I love this language because the beeps and boops and bops and patterns are always really funny to make and it's really efficient and fast to talk a lot in little time! Also, also! You totally look like an inventor type, did you know that? Ah! Of course you do! You are one. I got to say, I love how you're fitting the stereotype in all the right ways! Does this mean you're going to build towers and lasers and tesla coils while on the field and deploy them? Or do you have those fancy med-kit-spray thingies that heal you instantly?%” They were clearly excited to meet a [Tinkerer]. “%You know, even though my mother made me purely out of cotton, I am a [construct], so I wonder if I can be tinkered on! I bet there are some cool upgrades that'd allow me to bring even more happiness!%” They also added, happy to inform their latest friend.

They'd also greet the next person (Valen). “Greetings former stranger! I'm Zahrah Fiore, happiness researcher, Redcliffe Contributor, Hero of Ravenswood Village, Saviour Of Shiku No Mura, Mile High Club of Happiness Member, Convict Converter, Solution Seeker, Bird Post, Loved by Outcasts and I'm pretty good at performing and stuff!” They reintroduced themselves to the newcomer. “Wait, you hunt relics? How does that work? Do you just find them then shoot them? Isn't that a waste? Wouldn't you rather hunt monsters or something? I hear [monster hunter] was really popular and the [rise] might have this creepy mole-rate like dragon thingy that paralyses you if you come close. I don't know much about relic hunting though. I didn't even really know they were huntable. I just thought... wait. What relics are we talking about? You're not going to steal from the British Museum or rob tombs? Or are you? I don't like mummies. They are bad for happiness.”

The next one to enter immediately caught their interest. “Oh my heavens! I get to actually meet one! You're totally one of those aren't you mister Draeyth?!? You're totally, undoubtedly, without a second thought, a NUDIST are you not? That's so cool! I always wanted to question one about how a lack of clothing brings them happiness and your shirtlessness could be no clearer indication. By the way, I love the horns and purple vibes you got going on, purple is such an awesome colour, but that's another thing, why don't you tell me all about what made you choose the shirtless life and how it affects your happiness?!? It'll be great for my research! You see, I'm Zahrah Fiore, happiness researcher, Redcliffe Contributor, Hero of Ravenswood Village, Saviour Of Shiku No Mura, Mile High Club of Happiness Member, Convict Converter, Solution Seeker, Bird Post, Loved by Outcasts and I'm pretty good at performing and stuff!” They introduced themselves.

“Do you only practice your spear or do you also fight with it? I think it'd be pretty neat to fight with it.” They'd ask afterwards. “Also, I know right, this place is totally dope!” They stated, also happy with their accommodation on wheels. “Even Pimp My Ride couldn't get us anything more neat than this, I'd wager! Although that was always a bit over the top to begin with.”

They were a bit confused by Giovanna's reaction. “You can appraise me if you want to see for yourself! I won't resist!” They stated, as they'd allow their titles to be read even by low-grade appraisal. “Although the titles just kept coming and coming, you know, I'm not sure how that works, but it does!”

“Hmhm. Your ability to seduce must be high indeed. Then again, you also look really strong and cool and awesome and sort-off magical. Though I'm not sure if it's colourist for me to assume you might be magical because of your really neat blue colours?” They wondered if that was rude or not.

Upon being told to get comfortable, they'd nod. “Well then, with your permission.” They'd state. Getting comfortable was an important process to obtain happiness and they spotted what would clearly be the superior place of comfort. As such, they'd type to climb onto Giovanna's lap and lean back. Were they to be allowed to do so, they'd continue. “Thanks, this really is extremely comfortable.” They'd state, looking upwards, but being unable to see Giovanna's face from that angle. Ah well.

“I'd love to meet and befriend this haunting entity. Maybe they're just as nice as Tiefy!” They stated upon the first mention of it. “We can ask that entity itself to join as well, perhaps, no?” They asked, hoping to make yet another new friend.

“Oh, I've been all over the place! Murderous forests, flying airships, nearly drowned, villages of sad snakes... you name it! Whatever this place is, I can handle it! I'm much, much sturdier than I look! Also stretchier! What else would I like to say... Hmmm.... I play Tin Whilste really well! I also speak almost all languages! I'm also pretty resilient and can regenerate and I can do social things! Hmmm... I got a bird? That's about it!” They wrapped up.

They were confused by what she said next. “If it's important for your happiness then we should totally try help you get it, no?” It seemed very simple. “They say oggling is good for happiness!” They added. Very scientific. Should they be allowed on her lap, however, there was one issue. “Though I guess that'd force me to relocate, which I don't want, as I needed to get comfortable and this is the superior comfortable position. Which reminds me, you can pet me or squish me if you want. I'm cotton-based and I recently learned that doing such things to cotton-based life-forms can bring others comfort and happiness. Also, not to brag, but I give great hugs! Standing offer for all of you!”
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[Isekai Mundane], [Expert Tinkerer], [Technological Eccentric], [Ally of Lykra, the Champion]

Goals: Broaden his knowledge of 'human' nature and traditions that defy logic or sense

Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario SixSense SixSense Sir Mayday Sir Mayday

The tinkerer nodded, in courtesy, as instructed within the 'Nykkon Conglomerate's General Manual', as both Valen and Dreayth arrived at the meeting spot, his eyes lingering a moment longer on the latter’s horns, shifting quickly to Giovanna’s, before his attention was drawn by someone else.

Erich’s usual lighthearted expression took a turn to a more friendly one, his attention focused on Zahrah. His excitement appeared to peak as he had an opportunity to talk about his work. “%Hah! I also like to use analog myself. So efficient and direct. It makes communicating with machines so much easier than using… uhhh… whatever I was using a moment ago.%” The tinkerer didn’t exactly know what Common was, but he instinctively knew how to speak, read and write using it. “%You seem to have quite the advance knowledge of how tinkering can be done, the good tinkering… oh! You know about the Tesla Coils too?!%” More and more, through beeps and boops, his excitement appeared to be growing. “%Lasers are my specialty, but I have a feeling that some of the creatures in this land hide Tesla Coils as their horned appendages!%” He said, a gloved hand pointing at both Dreayth and Giovanna’s horns in turn. “%So far, this hypothesis has been shown to be incorrect, however, I believe that eventually I will be proved right!%” What he had discarded previously came back with full-force, despite the absurdity to anyone with a modicum of common sense. “%A [construct]? Made out of cotton?!%” With Erich’s surprise being evident, he leaned towards Zahrah, hazel eyes focusing intently at the pink-haired person, leaning left, right and even crouching down to make sure no detail, nook or cranny had escaped his appraising gaze. After a while, he would get up on his feet, staring straight into their pink orbs. “%I wouldn’t be shy to try my hand at tinkering you. Maybe some synthetic serotonin could be exuded from your form, from time to time, around you. I think that would do the trick!%” While biochemistry was slightly out of his de-facto expertise, he was willing to go well beyond his formal education, his mind already turning with the possibilities.

Erich would then enter the carriage and take a seat, when offered, without a second thought. Certainly, whoever designed it had quite an ingenious mind, making full use of the space to make its interior spacious.

To Giovanna’s question about prior experience, he fell into contemplation for a moment, before speaking up. “I haven’t delved into dungeons, but I did have quite a bit of experience shooting down vampires while in the Underbelly, some lawless place at Ryken’s underground.” That experience was mentioned quite nonchalantly, as if he were talking about something else entirely.

“Currency is good enough for me, it allows for materials for whatever I try to develop.” Still, he couldn’t help but tilt his head slightly at the last bit of her sentence, an expression of clear confusion on his face. “Charmers? How does one quantify if someone is a charmer or not?” His gloved hand moved to his hairless chin, slowly scratching it. “Ogling… why someone would gaze towards you in an impertinent manner?” He continued with the line of questioning, clearly not aware of whatever strange or odd nuances the big-bovine-female was implying, the hand that was on his chin moving to on top of his head and scratching it.

Mentions: Femboy Femboy Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario SixSense SixSense

1702013459812.png"Splendid this seems like a proper party! Sharp eyes, quick tongues, and of course a intimidating amount of muscle" Valen would grin at the other party members. "Charming employer as well." Valen would add idly as he looks into the carriage. He was not one to refuse some comfort. At the mention of the door being open, he would try to slide his way inside and acquire his own spot to sit and with adequate foot room. "Greetings, and no worries we will acquire what you are looking for." He made sure to stress the we. He also added in a small grin on his face as he made sure to look Giovanna in the eyes. He didn't want to give his employer any doubts about hiring them all after all. Had to make sure she knew that they would find it of course. Some idle thoughts came into his mind about the size of the woman as he did a quick once over. He hoped that wherever they wee going wasn't cramped. In a dungeon or underground being tall did have its disadvantages and chance for injury. He would be sure to suggest spacing wherever they go. No need for them all to be bumbling into each other and hurt someone. The protection of their employer was quite important. Source of coin and all the other important things.

Anyway, he would slide his way inside. Plus he had a feeling that with the puffball of pink energy, relaxing would be in short supply. He was proven right. For after the minotaur woman went over their plan, or lack of one, Valen found himself barraged with words and questions. Yet he was prepared for this, being the brother of a dozen or so kids taught him a valuable skill. Selective hearing. He zoned out as Zahrah listed their titles, focusing at the end as they started to ask questions. "Greetings Zahrah, and I agree mummies are bad for happiness. They also can cause you to lose you appetite and even empty your belly depending on the smell and sight. Decay you know." He shrugs and looks them in the eyes as he says " I don't shoot relics, and I do prefer it to monster hunting. Though at times there is no choice, those two come together often. The bowles of the land hold fantastic, horrifying beasts. They also hold great mysteries that I simply want to find. Mysteries of the past..relics of ages of old. I help find some. Soo on this adventure, we may run into whatever. Take care of me friend okay? You are a relic hunter now too. got to take care of our own." Instead the acceptance of the hug, Valen would reach out and would pat Zahrah on the head if not stopped.

He would listen to the tinkered with slight interest as he speaks in some unknown tongue before saying his experience. "So a marksman and crafter? Good eyes and a creative mind are useful for such work today." He would then lean back in his seat and look at their employer. "And anything else? I can make a fine berry rum. Maybe after I can show you." He would wink and look out the window of the carriages they moved before turning his head back.

He would rub at his chin as he looked at Giovanna before asking. "Most of what you said does not seem dangerous you know. A entity that entertains others through its creations. This job seems very accommodating like Dreayth stated. Can not help but have me quesiton again what we might run into. Do you know if there any traps or are we just truly going into this blind?" Valen would keep his eyes on Giovanna and then said " This item is very specific and very important to you...so you know about it don't you? You seem certain something is there..mind telling us about it just a little? Might help us find it, and keep us on our toes if there are any dangers to it. Come on, satisfy one of the torches of curiosity that lit up when we met eh?"
Last edited:
Dreayth Dominatus Malus

Titles: Demon, Monster, Born for this, Offworlder
Mentions: Sir Mayday Sir Mayday Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy Maxxob Maxxob

The group seemed rather wholesome, perhaps too wholesome compared to his last group. However Dreayth reserved his thoughts for later as Giovanna briefed them. Despite being no stranger to creepy and eerie places, dungeon diving would be an entirely new experience for the Monster, perhaps a bit ironic. Monsters usually are the ones infesting such places, not exploring them for treasure. “I’m interested in anything else we find aside from your item of interest, money would also be fine if nothing suits my interest.”

The pink haired individual was an annoyingly energized individual, more hyper than everyone present in the wagon and it showed. They bounced around from person to person introducing themselves until they landed on the monster himself with an interesting assumption nonetheless.

“I’m not a nudist, that would require me to not have pants, shirts and armor can just be a bit restraining at times so I prefer just a cloak at times. However since you have such a rapport of accolades, I’ll tell you my findings.” Dreayth smirked as he leaned in. “Being shirtless reconnects you with the environment,’the wind hitting your chest and back. The sun rays shining down on your skin feels amazing. Even when it rains, the droplets hitting your body is quite therapeutic. When in town, the woman can't seem to get enough of you. All these things make me pretty happyzPerhaps you all should join me in being shirtless.” He would look towards Giovanna with a sly grin in reference before returning back to Zahrah.

“Unfortunately I only practice with the spear, I don’t really fight with it all too much.” Dreayth shrugged playfully, deciding to humor the pinky. “I’ll display some practice in the dungeon when we run into some monsters for you.” A puzzled look would appear on the monster's face at Zahrahs mention of ‘pimp my ride.’ What the hell was pimp my ride? He’d just push the thought away as some nonsense and smile as though he understood the joke.

Dreayth would chuckle at Zahrah getting comfortable in Giovanna’s lap, their findings of the spot being extremely comfortable amused the monster. This thing certainly had a couple screws loose. He would then turn back towards the equally large beast. “Dont blame me for oogling, blame your parents for bringing such beauty into the world. It’s rare to see eye candy that’s my size.” The monster would prop his chin up with his fist as he continued to oogle Giovanna, his eyes looking her up and down intently.
Elvario Elvario Sir Mayday Sir Mayday SixSense SixSense Maxxob Maxxob


Character Sheet

To Giovanna, Zahrah felt like they were very talkative and it wasn't something she was very sure on what she should be feeling about it. If it was some ploy to play dumb and fool everyone, then it was a very successful go at it. Though, on being offered to appraise them, the minotaur didn't have said capability but had to give it to the doll's confidence... or idiocy, she still had no idea what was going on within the confines of Zahrah's mind.
"Nevermind, I don't want to know, but these titles you speak of... it'd be nice to have a real impressive one, one which really implies the capabilities one does possess and speaks volumes unto the masses when they hear even murmurs of it. Ah, but 'tis a little thought, perhaps a hope or dream... hopefully, having you along may provide us good luck on our group obtaining some of these impressive and illustrious titles that you claim you have some of your own" Giovanna answered. With some of the absolute nonsense it felt like that Zahrah had openly spoke to other members of the group, she wondered if Zahrah had ever accidentally stepped on the toes of someone they shouldn't... metaphorically speaking, though for the kind of person they were, Giovanna wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if the doll had literately done so. She was going to say a word or so to the doll about calming down so that they wouldn't become an annoyance to the rest of the group with their hyperactive antics, but it appeared that they found her fine at least for the moment. She herself wasn't too bothered at all, it was quite funny to see someone so innocently-minded and full of childlike wonder for once. If only more people were like that.

Though things got questionable as to the true mind of Zahrah when they so confidently chose to sit on Giovanna's lap. Was that... confidence, cockiness? A pure smug aura? Or was that truly just pure idiocy? Or one elaborate ploy of false idiocy to assert dominance? Such acts were becoming very confusing for the minotaur to think about, just silently looking at the little doll. After a moment, she answered.
"I... I will say, I admire your courage, even if I don't understand it. But finding it comfortable nonetheless is still a kind compliment" she answered, giving the doll a pat on the head and lightly squishing their cheeks when they said about doing so. Zahrah was weirdly brave for everything they did, it was very much admirable.

Looking to Erich, at least he had some experience. Though she wasn't sure if everything they encountered would be able to be shot then it'd at least be worth a try.
"Ah, I'm sure your assistance will be most appreciated. I'm sure I'll be able to find you suitable payment after all of this. As for the matter of ogling... " she spoke softly, thinking for a moment as she glanced elsewhere.
"I think you have a lot to learn about the world, sonny... " Giovanna answered, thinking that Erich must've had his head in too many books and not talking to enough girls... or guys, whatever he was into. She wouldn't judge. She couldn't tell what the conversation was about, but he and Zahrah appeared to be having a lot to talk about. Hopefully they got along well, but it appeared Zahrah talked to everyone though. So, it was just the outcome of having a very talkative person in the group.

When Valen questioned about the artifact, she supposed speaking on it a little couldn't hurt.
"The artifact is a mysterious item that is said to bestow power upon the wielder of the artifact, binding some sort of ancient special power to them. Though, that's kind of as much as I know. Nobody's really gotten it, so I'm going in order to find and seek it for myself. I expect to get it into my hands after this" she said, adding extra emphasis to the last part. She hoped the others wouldn't get any ideas from what she stated.
"It may be cursed, but that's a chance I'm willing to take. So don't touch it, unless you want something horribly bad to happen to you. Let me find and inspect the item first, just help with safety and searching, and we'll figure it out once we find exactly what we're looking for. As for traps, that's why I'm choosing to not go alone. Everyone will have to be on their guard, for if this thing loves creating things... then creating tricks and traps may be a thing it does. It'll be up to everyone to look out for eachother".

Giovanna smirked at the sound of Dreayth's flirtatiousness, humming softly.
"Oh? Well isn't that nice? You're not so bad yourself, it's quite nice that I get to see that much of you. Though, I think you'll have to prove yourself a little more just for me to join you in your... shirtless ideals. I'm not so easy to please like that, darling~" she chimed, she hoped Dreayth could prove himself as a capable man. He'd be a really nice one to keep around for long, if he was truly useful and not a random flirt. That is, if he didn't have other important places to be. Otherwise, she moved on a little.

After enough time, the carriage had reached its destination. As everyone would leave, they would be greeted with the same sight.
"Well, it would appear that we are here. Is everyone ready, does anyone have a way to light the dark? I suppose I think I have some lanterns or such in supply here, if anyone would like one" Giovanna spoke. If anybody in the party would like to take one, there were lanterns in supply to take... there were also snacks in terms of different nuts, fruits and even candies if anyone wanted to yoink some for themselves.
Zahrah Fiore

Mentions: Blue Cow Femboy Femboy | Erich Maxxob Maxxob | Valen Sir Mayday Sir Mayday | Draeyth SixSense SixSense
Languages: Common | %Analaog%
[Goal: Happiness Research from studying the entertainment 'ghost' thing.]

Their excitement grew as Erich replied to them. “%I think we were using common~%” They informed Erich of their previous language. “%Though I'll admit I sometimes mix it up with Terran due to how similar they are~%”

“%Of course I know about Tesla coils! They are super duper awesome zap-weapons!%” They leaned forwards toward Erich when he stated his theorem. “%Woooow, that'd be so cool if it as true. Oh, but I know, if it's incorrect thus far, why don't you just make it correct! I'm sure we can figure how how to Tesla-Coilify the horns of folk~ We can make them electrifyingly horny!%” They were pretty content for comping up with such an amazing plan.

“%Yep! Not just any Cotton either! I'm 100 percent organic!%” They proudly added. As Erich observed them, they were happy to show off every nook and cranny. “%My mom made me pretty well, didn't she?%” They stated proudly. “%Serotonin...? I forgot what that was, but if we can use chemical warfare for happiness, I'd love to hear more about it!%”

Next, they were happy to hear that Valen agreed on the badness of mummies.“Exactly! Although I don't really have a working stomach so I'd not have to worry about emptying it! Wait... I think my bestie Tiefy is also sort-off undead. Hmmm... I wonder if people also think she'd smell bad...” That would be an issue. “Either way, you forgot th worst part about mummies! Curses! I heard through various media that mummies can bring curses down upon people and those are horrible for happiness!”

“I'm not sure how to take care of you, but I love being friend already, so I'll try~” They happily replied. “Oh my, a relic hunter as well? Although if we don't shoot them, how do we hunt them? Do we use nets instead?” They were still a little lost on that part.

It was a tad disappointing to hear that they hadn't met an authentic nudist after all, when they heard Dreayth's reply. “So you're like... a partial nudist? Or does that not count?” They asked to confirm. Especially as he'd still tell them of his findings. “Won't your skin burn or won't you get hot or cold that way?” They asked.

Another thing stood out as well. “The woman can't get enough of you? So in your cases, using clothing to decorate yourself would subtract from your attractiveness potential? How utmost peculiar! What about the men and everything else? Does it work on them as well?” As for joining them, they shook their head. “No, I've heard from some folk that it might break the illusion if I did that.” They didn't explain further.

“Don't worry if you can't use your spear well enough, I'm sure you'll get all the practice you need during this trip!” They encouraged Dreayth.

As for Giovanna, they felt a bit let-down. “You'd say none of my titles is impressive..? I'm really proud to be a [Mile High Club of Happiness Member] at least...” They stated, clearly disappointed that their valuation of such a cool title wasn't shared. They'd smile at the next bit. “I'm sure we can do great together and if I could, I'd share all the luck in the world with all of you!”

“Courage?” They asked, confused about what they did that needed courage. “It's supah dupah comfy!” They reaffirmed, leaning back a bit. Giovanna would notice their cheeks were highly squeezable. Like a plushy. She'd also noticed they didn't mind being squeezed in the slightest.

When they were asked if they could light the dark, they shook their head. “Nothing at all~” They proudly stated. “You don't happen to have glowsticks or glowing rocks, right? Not that I need them, but those would be fun if youd did have them~” They'd add. If not, they'd just grab a lantern. “I'll always be your only guiding light~” They sung to themselves as the figured out how to turn on and off the lantern.

[Isekai Mundane], [Expert Tinkerer], [Technological Eccentric], [Ally of Lykra, the Champion]

Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario SixSense SixSense Sir Mayday Sir Mayday

Nodding to Valen as the man gave his assessment about his own skills, Erich added. “Indeed, I always like to test the weaponry I produce in real situations of appropriate stress.” He said, before drawing an odd looking pistol from the inside of his white lab coat, which looked more like a plastic toy-gun.


“I tinkered with it quite a bit since the last time I’ve used it. Added new crystals to focus its optical beams further, giving an even stronger concentration to it. Still, it is just as recoilless as before.” His voice contained visible pride in his craftsmanship. “Mmmm… berry rum, alcoholic beverage. Some call it liquid courage for the times that one needs it. Possible to impair correct judgement, however.” Erich commented, in passing, in a dictionary-like quality, as the fellow human commented as being capable of producing it.

The tinkerer, upon hearing Giovanna being glad about his presence on this opportunity, Erich couldn’t help but give her a small smile. Her next comment, about experience, would make him tilt his head slightly. “That was something I’ve heard before…” He murmured, falling into a pensive state as he wondered what that was all about.

His attention quickly shifted to Zahrah once more, his mouth forming an ‘o’ as they mentioned common. “%So that is what it is… common. Good to know. Can’t say I’ve heard anything else from fellow organics so far. But, with the mention of this Terran… huh… seems like the native population of this place is more diverse than I had thought and not only in species.%” The inventor commented, remembered how his mentor, Cellica, was lizard-like, but haven’t spoken to him using anything other than this ‘common’ or analog.

And, as soon as the cotton-make construct appeared to willing for a joint project of electrical shooting horns, a wide smile appeared on his lips. “%Heh, seems like a good idea to have them horny and electrical! I bet it will be shocking!%” He laughed as he said that, eyeing both Giovanna and Dreayth for a moment. “%Maybe any of the two would make for good subjects for this experiment. Attach some nice microfusion cells inside their horns, along with transmission wires directly into their cortex, so they can control the production of electricity…%” That was his first draft, not really grasping the possible horror that he might be talking about.

“%While I have don’t experience in sewing, even I can see that your mother’s work in remarkable.%” He told Zahrah, nodding vehemently about the quality of their make. He was, however, slightly worried about the lack of hardness and possible frailty of someone made out of cotton. But, maybe, his worries were unfounded. “%It is a nice hormone that makes people happy and calm as well. They’ve used it in great quantities where I came from, it made civilians quite docile, peaceful and happy!%” Erich added to it, not really grasping, once more, that it had been a form of control employed by the company in his homeland.

As the carriage reached its destination, the tinkerer quickly got out of it. With Zahrah having the initiative of taking a lantern, he would right have one of his hands free, while the other was firmly holding his Danger Vaporizer. But, when seeing the candies, his eyes widened a few notches, getting some into his mouth for much-needed sugar, which his brain required quite a bit to work at optimal range. “Thanks! These taste pretty good!” He said with a mouthful, while chewing on them.
Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob Sir Mayday Sir Mayday SixSense SixSense

Giovanna raised an eyebrow at the doll, sighing and shaking her head.
"No, I was referring to myself acquiring such a title. I cannot prove whether you have such titles or not, it would be a thing of interest for myself to acquire, the fact that you possess them does explain that you have been around and about your fair share of places already, so hopefully an exploration such as this shouldn't prove too alien or troubling to you despite your... assumable skillset that has so far been given" the minotaur mentioned, not really sure what exactly it was that Zahrah even did in order to help or be useful. It quite frankly wasn't obvious in the slightest, all they had did was so confidently sat on the minotaur's lap and talk a lot. Hopefully their usefulness would reveal itself at some point...

Hearing the thanks come from Erich as he prioritised getting a sugar fix over a lantern, she could notice the blaster gun of sorts and hoped that it'd be as useful as it felt implied to be with the fact that he pulled it out as his initial go-to weapon of choice.
"I hope that your tech proves functional where we're going, I know good things come out of smart people like you but sometimes creations aren't as reliable as good old handwork. Though if there's traps or anything of the sort, hopefully you'd be smart enough to figure it out if left to it... and, you're welcome for the snacks, whilst I mainly got them for myself, it's not fair for me to expect anyone to go into such a place on an empty stomach. That'll surely cause a distraction for one" she spoke with a soft smile. Hopefully, Dreayth and Valen were also prepared to head inside, there still being lanterns present if they wished to acquire one but supposing that they should go in soon enough. It'd be unhelpful if nightfall were to be already upon them when they were finished and leaving. Her transportation payment might not have them supplied for their transporters to await that long...

"Right, lets get to it. We don't want to spend too long dawdling around. Assuming you've all figured out or know how a lantern works... " Giovanna spoke, turning on her own as she headed towards the entrance. Having people around was helpful, but she knew focusing on the quest at hand was paramount to her above all else at the moment. She could focus on potential cooperators for the future, or willing assistants to her own interests, after all was said and done.

When the group would go inside, it would be a rather dusty and cobweb-filled tunnel that clearly hadn't seen use in forever. The lanterns present were the only thing keeping it from being pitch-black, though as they travelled further in the path would descend slightly lower underground with a few occasional faint blue glows visible in cracks and seams. Things would feel like they were ever so slightly brighter the further they went, up until they came across a slightly wider corridor.

Two torches were lit, bringing a dim light to the room and helping see. There was a light at the end of the corridor, behind a broken door that was barely open. With perhaps a little elbow work and strength, it could be brute forced open... or even trying to squirm one's way through it might be possible. But at the space? For a normal person, nigh impossible. Maybe it could be held open, but forcing it open all the way would likely be the best option.

Then again, there was a pretty obvious thing on the floor. Spaced out coloured tiles. There was definitively enough space to walk around them, and they didn't even look like they belonged there. Some were plain, gray slabs just like the rest of the architecture... although others held differently coloured engravings on them that glowed with a light hue. There were a few random assortments of junk and weird things nearby, of which GIovanna wandered over to and shined a light to look them over.

"Hm... a lot of these seem weirdly hand-crafted or something, some of these don't have dust on them, like they're fairly new... " the minotaur spoke in thought. With her light near to the wall, there was writing within different glowing text much like the coloured runes on the tiles.

Among them, the things were written:
Still and nothing as stone
Or a fatal step out of place
You have to move forward into this space
Find a shield for the bad

There's a second step to be had
Don't dare the unknown, learn from your past
Whether it comes from the first or the last

Pretty clearly, the last line is poorly scratched out. There's also a note stuck to the wall, but it doesn't obviously explain much. Just also quite a lot of coloured words where the dye has slightly faded away. From the looks of it, someone didn't entirely finish making the riddle... or at least, getting rid of their notes on making it. The person who left it... clearly was not having a great time.
The blue line doesn't work...
Green line would have to be the last one in the riddle. Or at least before the blue one, so it's the 'Last one that was spoken'.
The red line may not be a good enough hint. It doesn't hint that it only works for the next tile... it also doesn't have a written connection to Yellow.
Is the pink line too literal?
No, the blue line doesn't seem helpful enough as a clue. How would I hint that they have to step on a blank or green tile beforehand?
The Green line might also be too hard... note to self, never do this riddle-hinting puzzle again. It's too annoying to consider design flaws. Maybe the line should say something about... trusting every second step? The first step is always the most dangerous one?
Maybe think of something more interesting for this tile. I'll just leave them and they hopefully shouldn't think about them.
Note to self: Only slightly maybe come fix this later... or get rid of it. I have discovered that I do not like this puzzle. It was not fun to make, and is probably less fun to solve.
(If you wish to attempt to solve the tile puzzle, you can post your stepping order from the starting point. You can move one tile at a time, in any direction including diagonal. As long as your order makes it to the end (one of the tiles in the F-row) without triggering something bad along the way or on the last space, then it'll be counted as successfully solved.
Action: Solve the Puzzle
Order: A5, B4, C3, C2, D2, E2, F3

I'll post early to give clarification on whether or not you specifically solved it with that attempt, you can try as many times as you want... though, there's always the option of trying to brute-force pass it. Though that is up to player choice, at their own potential outcome. If you wanted, you could try... other things with the puzzle, if you wished.
Mentons: Femboy Femboy Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario SixSense SixSense

val.pngValen would nod his head at the explanation from Giovanna about the magical item. "Interesting.. it is cursed. Well I will not touch it myself then. " His torch of curiosity dimmed, but still alight though he decided to leave more questions for later. He hoped to maybe get the chance to take notes of the item. Such items usually had a long history, either full of glory or blood. Whichever the case, it would be a interesting history to discover. After a quick inspection of Erich's weapon and complimenting it, he decided to lean back and enjoy the comfortable ride. Closing his eyes and letting the ball of cotton candy and the tinkerer talk in their strange language. but he would mention "We do not shoot relics, or net them. Don't want to damage anything at all. We simply find them. Follow clues or maps, does not sound exciting but all the obstacles along the way make it so."

He would doze off and awaken when they finally reach their destination. A slow waker, it would take him a moment to get out of the carriage. Grabbing his supplies and whatever else he saw they thought they would need. Lantern included. He would take his time following the group, his golden eyes inspecting the entrance and the runes upon it. He would hang in the back of the pack, taking his time looking over the walls of the tunnel. Brushing aside the cobwebs with little concern. Honestly all caves were similar, rodents and pests. Though the glowing blue cracks were interesting. Was this because of the artifact or something else?

As hey finally came to the first puzzle, Valen scratched at his head as he looked at it. "It..seems like someone was attempting too make a puzzle...I wonder if this is just because the engineers did not talk to the designers? Huh seems a bit out of sorts." He would hum as he would take out a notebook, copying all the lines down into it. After he was done, he would raise the lantern and look at the stones. He would whistle and says "Get some light over here and try to shine it on the stones...Let's see if there are footprints on the stones closer to us. We can try to figure out where others have stepped..maybe see where most have gone. We should not place all our trust in ancient text."
Zahrah Fiore

Mentions: Blue Cow Femboy Femboy | Erich Maxxob Maxxob | Valen Sir Mayday Sir Mayday | Draeyth SixSense SixSense
Languages: Common | %Analaog%
[Goal: Happiness Research from studying the entertainment 'ghost' thing.]

“%Yep, as common as it gets. Not even rare or S-grade.%” They replied on the mention of the previous language used. “%You haven't heart Beastial yet? It's pretty adorable with all the animal noises in it. Sylvan is also fun cause it's like they're saying. Then Abbysal just reminds me of emo music. So much cream and screeching.%”

“%We'll be in the business of amping up all the horny folk with electrifying qualities!%” They stated, getting more and more excited. “%We should totally ask them!%” They replied, looking at Giovanna and Draeyth. “Does either or both of you want to be made electrifyingly horny by me and Erich?”
They asked, summarizing their discussion for extra effectiveness.

“%Thank you, I'm rather proud of how my mother made me!%” They replied gleefully. “%Oh! That sounds amazing! Can I order like... multiple buckets full of that stuff? There's so many places I could use it... perhaps I should figure out how to make it rain down from the clouds! Imagine how much happiness it'd be ring if it was raining that hormone!%”

“You can assume any skill-set you want of me, or appraise it to know for sure!” They replied to Giovanna, not entirely understanding them, but rolling with it all regardless.

As they reached the puzzle, they got excited. “Ohhh! A puzzle, this might work for happiness! I'll try figure it out.” They read through the lines, humming to themselves as the drew the pattern they saw. “Sooo... we can't get on any purple ones.... we can't get on any blue ones if there's not a blank or green before it... we can't get on any pink ones if there's a purple or green after it... we can only get on green ones if we can get on another one directly after... I think... the green one isn't clear to me if it means you have to step on 2 greens in a row, if you have to step on a 2nd one after stepping on a green one or if you can only step on a 2nd green one if there's two in a row... I'll go guess you just have to step a second time if you step on a green one! That should make sense considering blue seems you can get on it if you've been on blank or green first! Yep, that should work! Then you can only get on a yellow one if you step on a red one first... so... Here I go!” Having crossed out all options except for one, they'd make their move.

Action: Solve the puzzle.
Order: A5 - B5 - C4 - C3 - D2 - E3 - F2 - F3.

Getting on A5 to get the protection from the bad, they'd hop on B5, being protect from the bad there. Then they'd move to C4 and C3, upon which nothing happened on either space. Then picking up protection against the bad again, they moved to D2 and then E3 with the previous protection. Considering they couldn't move to F2 without being on green first and needed a second step after landing on green, they went from F2 to F3 to check out both the green and blue requirements in one go. That should... hopefully... solve it?

Should that fail, they could always try asking someone to throw them or to just use their Elasticity to get across. Or perhaps their special movement [ Fall to Pieces] to get across. Yet where would the fun in that be?

On the topic of fun. “Are puzzles like this the type of fun obstacles you meant, mister Valen?” They'd ask. “Does this mean we earn a relic if we get through?” The scoffed at his idea to use footprints. “Worst case, just get thrown across or fall to pieces or use elasticity... or let me try and keep trying! What fun is a puzzle if you don't even try it as intended? Wasn't that the type of obstacle you mentioned?” They were a tad disappointed he seemed to try to find a cheat to it already, before even really trying.
Dreayth Dominatus Malus

Titles: Demon, Monster, Born for this, Offworlder
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Femboy Femboy Sir Mayday Sir Mayday Elvario Elvario

“It’s a date then.” Dreayth winked as he got more comfortable in his seat, head closed his eyes, and kicked out his feet as much as he could within the cabin. However this was short lived as Zahrah was not satisfied with their answers provided.

“Hmm yeah you could say that, it’s more like what’s under the clothing is important. Having a good physique makes it much more effective. There are cases though where having clothing adds on to the attraction by giving a sense of curiosity to what’s underneath. As for men, it doesn’t necessarily attract them but more so they’ll often tip their hats in respect, respect for how I trained to achieve such physique.” Dreayth’s eyes still remained closed as he responded to the pinkett. Their questions were pretty peculiar however it seemed to come out of a place of innocence which was pretty strange.

“Hey thanks for the words of encouragement Zahrah. Hopefully I don’t cause too much trouble!” Dreayth responded, mocking pinkeys cheeriness.

Once they had reached their destination, the monster would stretch out his body. Loosening up promptly for any trouble they might run into. He’d also opt to grab a lantern and even put on the cloak he had been given from his last job. Not that he minded being topless, but you never know what you might run into in a cave.

As the group descended into the cave, the cool dampness began to settle in and tickle the monster's skin. He let out a sigh of comfortability under his breath. The coolness and lack of sunlight reminded him of the void, minus the void born screams. Nonetheless, Dreayth felt rather comfortable with not being able to see well in the dark. Too much sunlight tends to be overwhelming and awakens the need for carnage. However for the time being, the monster was as cool as a cucumber.

After a short trek in the cave they’d stumble upon a puzzle which Dreayth would look at with dissatisfaction, “I’ve always hated the puzzle part of adventures. Even the person who made it isn’t too fond it by the notes.” Dreayth sighed, he would look towards Erich and Valen.

“Hey…uh Eli? No..wait I got it!” Dreayth would begin to snap his fingers to start up the hamster in his brain. “Ethan!” The monster pointed at Erich. “This seems like some smarty stuff for you to figure out. Any idea? Or perhaps you could break the puzzle all together and we still win?”

[Isekai Mundane], [Expert Tinkerer], [Technological Eccentric], [Ally of Lykra, the Champion]

Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario SixSense SixSense Sir Mayday Sir Mayday

The idea of making both Dreayth and Giovanna’s horns electrified, effectively making them electrifyingly horny, was an exciting prospect for the tinkerer. He saw it as an upgrade to their own natural defenses and less messy than just skewering someone with their pointy appendages. “%We need the right compounds to make serotonin… mmm… I wonder if we can produce them.%” He appeared pensive to the other matter, still unsure what sort of chemical components one would be able to find in this world. Still, that rat-pharmacist which he met in the Underbelly could be a shortcut, assuming he wasn’t a quack.

With the sweet taste of the candy still lingering in his mouth, he nodded cheerfully towards his employer, before speaking. “Oh, don’t worry about it! The best way to deal with traps is destroying them, in my experience at least. I am not the best in detecting them, however.” Erich warned, delving further into the tunnel.

Eventually, coming across the puzzle, he would step towards it and tilting his head slightly as he began reading some sort of riddle. He became pensive, his mind churning with the possibilities, while his eyes would become unfocused for a few moments. What brought the inventor back to reality was Dreayth’s voice. “It is Erich.” He said nonchalantly, appearing to have arrived at a solution. “I think I might have found a way to get through it. If it doesn’t work, I guess I can just use some blaster fire of my Danger Vaporizer on every tile until the puzzle breaks.” The tinkerer said, before beginning his own attempt at solving it.

Action: Solve the puzzle
Order: A1, B2, C1, D1, E2, F2.
Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob SixSense SixSense Sir Mayday Sir Mayday
Giovanna briefly stopped her investigation of the corner trash, her ears perking up a little at the weird thing she heard Zahrah ask of her and Dreayth as she looked to the pink one. Giving a very questioning eyebrow-raise, the minotaur had no clue what the doll's endgame was. It probably wasn't helping that Dreayth was enabling such strange conversation, not having a clue about what was being spoken between Zahrah and Erich. But obviously, she shook her head.
"No, I think I'm quite fine, I'd rather like to be left to pick my own taste... " she answered, her attention was now rather brought to focusing on the puzzle as Valen made a good point to look for footsteps on it. At least someone was focusing on the task at hand.

Zahrah's Order: A5 - B5 - C4 - C3 - D2 - E3 - F2 - F3
"Good idea, I can tell you're used to this sort of thing... - " she mentioned, noticing that Zahrah had went ahead to try and complete it. A little bit hesitant that Giovanna thought maybe the doll considered it like a silly game of hopscotch, she reluctantly watched as they had made it pretty far. Watching the pink doll person make it all the way to the end- until a very uncomforting collection of clicking and triggering sounds had went off the moment they stepped on the green tile at the end (F2). The doll would find that before they could make their last step, the trap would launch and spring them back in what felt like a comedic, cartoony sense using a combination of mechanical engineering and specific elemental magic. Though fortunately, Zahrah's strength was pretty dense and durable... or rather, the fact that it was the completely opposite made it durable in this sense as their soft and plush self would protect them. That, and Giovanna happened to be the one stood in the way of where they would be launched back, so the doll would just find themselves catapulted back into the comfort of the tall, blue lady once again completely unharmed. Giovanna looked down at them and lightly patted their head.
"Riiight, well, that's more than I was expecting... " she spoke softly, she was going to shine a light to see before Erich had also stepped forth to try and complete it. Waiting in silence and watching curiosly, perhaps the smart tinkerer could figure it out.

Erich's Order: A1 - B2 - C1 - D1 - E2 - F2
First step, fine. Second step, fine. Third step, fine. And with a fourth step, still nothing wrong. Up until the fifth step (E2), where a clear audio cue of mechanics in the works gave an obvious hint that there had been a mistake in choice of stepping location. From the ceiling, a small opening had revealed itself and outward came a long, slender skeletal hand constructed from what felt like some sort of old bone and other small mechanical pieces to combine it into one long and lanky arm. It's hand was in a fist motion, aiming ready to punch the tinker... before it's hand opened in a small gesture of confetti with the sound of a party blower coming from some undescript location.

Before the sudden surprise of the same back-launching tile trap went off and did the exact same thing as what happened to Zahrah. Luckily, Dreayth was so kind enough to be stood in the way to help Erich from not landing on his feet... which Erich would thus then just be bounced and knocked into Giovanna also as a protective safety cushion. The minotaur was getting kind of annoyed that it felt like she was suffering the most from the puzzle that she wasn't even testing.

Sighing as she lightly moved away from Erich, she held up the lantern and moved close to the tiles to actually check them out like Valen suggested. It wasn't very helpful to tell since some of the dust, dirt and loose stones on certain tiles were already disrupted by the two which had went first. Although there was one thing she could notice.

"Some of these tiles look like they've been touched or stepped on... and I don't recall either of you touching them" Giovanna pointed out. The tiles she pointed out appeared to be A4, A6 and F1. If they were so far unused tiles that had managed to stay more used than the others from what it appeared, then they were likely useful to know. Then again, considering how far Zahrah had gotten, maybe they weren't too far off. Unless it came from previous experimentation, Giovanna hummed a little in thought.

"Well, as much as I'd like to not get used as an impact cushion again, it feels like there might be more than one solution" she commented. Then again, Erich had suggested his own second-plan if it didn't work. Though she chose to just stand back a little and let the others figure it out... just in case.​
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Zahrah Fiore

Mentions: Blue Cow Femboy Femboy | Draeyth SixSense SixSense | Erich Maxxob Maxxob
Languages: Common | %Analog%

Zahrah was glad for Dreayth's added information. “I see, I see. So people would assume you trained for it by default? I heard there's magic and drugs and genetics that can make someone like that as well?” They were a bit curious about that bit. “Although you're making it rather complex about adding or not adding clothing. Though I did once hear that if I'd go shirtless it would 'ruin the magic' from someone. I'm still not sure what that meant.” They added, although they didn't ponder upon it for too long.

“No worries! I'm sure you won't cause trouble, you're a lot of fun to have along! Besides, me and minster Erich can hopefully make you and miss Giovanna even more horny and electrifying!” They added, forgetting they'd conversed about their plans in a language unknown to Draeyth and that the latter might therefore lack a lot of crucial (though equally confusing and silly) context to this statement. They did make a 'zapp zapp' noise though. Giovanna's previous refusal hadn't fully discouraged themjust yet.

That said, hearing Dreayth also mention breaking the puzzle, they puffed their cheeks. “That's no fun! Clearly someone put effort into this, we should at least try it a few times before breaking it! Though I guess breaking it and giving up after a few times would be fair as the creator did so as well... but we owe them a few tries at the very least!”

Turning to Erich, they'd nod. “%We'd need to find a chemist or an alchemist or both! Or a biochemist! Or perhaps we can harvest it for something! I'm sure there's magical creatures out there that have a whole lot of it to share with us if we ask them nicely!%” They stated with a fair bit of confidence.

“I believe I can fly~” They called out after being launched. As surprising as it was, it was also pretty fun. Especially the landing was. “Oh me, oh my, to land in the comforting bosom of someone so strong and mighty. I couldn't have asked for a better comfort to my failure~” They stated happily with some [Smooth Talker] behind it.

Smooth Talker – Character Grade B, Appraisal B, Empathy B, Insight B, Performance [Acting/Singing/Dancing/Spoken Word/Tin Whistle] B, Persuasion B, Seduction B, Energised B Languages [Common, Terran, Beastial, Sylvan, Monster, Analog] – Character combines whatever (meta)knowledge they can find out about someone with persuasive, empathic and seductive smooth-talking, acting and spoken word in an attempt to make others act according to their will. Character speaks to them in whichever (of the main) languages they are most comfortable with. - Grade B Energised – 3 Post Cooldown

Sadly enough, all good things had to come to an end. They were pushed off before Erich could join and crash into them into turn. What a wasted chance. That said, they were already thinking about their next attempt. “OKAY! THAT'S IT! I GOT IT!” They called out triumphantly. “There's a second step to be had means that you just have to use two green spaces in one go! Then you've got two steps. Besides, even if that doesn't work, I can step on a red one before stepping on the first green one and I'll be shielded for the bad of the first one! So whichever it is, this is guaranteed to work!”

They'd look at the lovely blue cow minotaur lady behind them. “If you think there's more than one solution, then this surely has to be one of them, otherwise it would make absolutely no sense at all!” They stated with a lot of confidence.

Action: Solve the puzzle.
Order: A5 - B5 - C4 – C3 – D -2 - E1 - F2

“I'll go the first four steps like before, as that worked. Red protects against yellow, blank, blank, then another red that might protect against green or if not, I can have the second step that's needed to be had upon the next green tile!” They'd cheerfully hop across the path, hoping this would surely be it.

[Isekai Mundane], [Expert Tinkerer], [Technological Eccentric], [Ally of Lykra, the Champion]

Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario SixSense SixSense Sir Mayday Sir Mayday

Before making his own attempt at the puzzle, Erich had observed Zahrah’s one, making a mental note of every single tile they stepped on. His analytical mind never stopped trying to dissect exactly how each one of those tiles worked.

When their attempt was cut short at F2, almost at the very end of the puzzle, Erich took his turn, stepping calmly through the tiles. Eventually, however, his attempt would also end up in failure when he stepped on the purple tile at E2

His hazel eyes narrowed as the mechanical and biological arm was launched towards him, ready for a punch. The tinkerer began bracing for it, getting ready for the assault, only to be met with confetti instead and an odd sounding-trumpeting. With his guard lowered, he would tilt his head sideways for a moment, before being launched backward by the spring-loaded tile.

There was little he could do in mid-flight, being first launched towards Dreayth’s muscular form, before ricocheting towards Giovanna, the towering minotaur, having his face deeply buried within her ample bosom. He began suffocating, the desperate need for air guiding his every sense in that very moment, turning his face left and right, further rubbing his cheeks against her hills.

Two sprawled hands found purchase against Giovanna’s generous fleshy mounds, successfully dislodging the engineer from her suffocating bosom. A dual click was heard as his black shoes hit against the rock-made floor once more and, despite what had just happened, Erich showed neither shame nor embarrassment, no. Not a single tint of red hue was found on his cheeks. He simply gasped for air, glad he could breathe again.

“That is really dangerous!” He mentioned, pointing an index finger towards Giovanna’s chest for a moment, before starting to fix his lab coat and turning around the puzzle once more. He began listening to Zahrah assessment of the puzzle and began sharing his own findings.

“I agree. The red tile needs to be stepped on before the yellow tile. The purple title can’t be stepped on. The blue tile can be stepped on if you step in the green tile beforehand.” And then there was the information about the green one. “I believe one can step in the green tile in every even step: the 2nd, the 4th, the 6th… let’s test this hypothesis. Either Zahrah or I is bound to get it correctly this time around. For that is only logical.” He would conclude, his logical mind guiding his in this process. And with that, he began his second attempt at it.

Action: Solve the puzzle
Order: A1 - B2 - C1 - D2 - E3 - F2
Valen would frown as he looked at the tiles, but he was not prepared as Zahrah just threw themselves onto the tiles. Valen would frown but shrug as they try their best to solve the puzzle their first try. He listened to Zahrah as they voiced their thoughts as they stepped on the tiles " Where there is one puzzle there are usually more. Probably have more traps ahead till we get teh relic. There is no harm to look for more clues, or take your time to try and solve a puzzle..long as there are no traps pressuring you to finish quick. Not everyday you have a person of cotton candy to try it over again and again." He rubbed at his chin as he watched the pink ball get catapulted back. He would whistle and clap his hands after seeing them be alright "Nice work. almost made it."

He would watch as Enrich would do his attempt..and would be glad to be out of the way as he too was launched back. He gave a grin as he watched the commotion and landings. Did not seem the puzzle was that dangerous. A welcome sight. He would hum and then says to Dreayth "Destroying it is always a option, though I prefer that last resort. Though we can not stay here forever."

He would watch as the others go forth again into the puzzle. Turning his head and nodding his head. "Well I suppose I should try the puzzle myself to see."...And then Valen proceeded just skip on tiles in the 1 and 2nd row. Almost like a game of hopscotch.

Actions: Solve Puzzle
Dreayth Dominatus Malus

Titles: Demon, Monster, Born for this, Offworlder
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy Maxxob Maxxob Sir Mayday Sir Mayday

Dreayth would watch the others as they attempted the puzzle, interested in the lack of lethality of consequences. “I’m a bit surprised by the punishments for this puzzle, whomever designed this is quite peculiar.” He’d take note of this as well as the groups lack of caution when it came to testing things. Alongside Dreayth, Giovanna also seemed to be withholding her attempts at the puzzle as well. Perhaps she too used the others as bait to test the waters. Could a powerful and unique artifact be truly stashed away in this cave? Who would take the time to create obstacles that don’t completely deter people from attempting them. He'd reserve these questions for whatever comes next, for now he’d play along with his act.

The monster chuckled as he watched both Zahrah and Erich fail, the puzzle ejecting them into Giovanna’s bosom safely. “Nice catch.” He’d give a sly grin, once Giovanna decided to move away in annoyance he’d turn to Zahrah and Erich giving them a thumbs up of approval. “Keep up the good work guys, I think you almost had it!”

The pinkett was quite the airhead it seemed though they did make a good amount of progress their first time around, more than the scientist which was interesting. They were almost at the end, it was merely a process of elimination from here. Their resilient body allowed them unlimited tries would prove useful, perhaps Zahrah should take point in testing the danger of things from here.

Dreayth would nod in response to Valen, “thankfully I won’t be needed, seems like Zahrah will crack the code on this shortly.”
SixSense SixSense Maxxob Maxxob Sir Mayday Sir Mayday Elvario Elvario

Giovanna was a little annoyed when Zahrah used her as a landing cushion, why was the pink-haired doll taking this so nonchalantly? They could have been in grave danger yet they were singing their little mind into peace as they were launched by the puzzle. Plus with all the shockingly electric related whatnot that was spewing from their mouth, the minotaur wondered just how long they were going to keep this childish persona up for.
"Okay, I get it, maybe you'd be able to solve it if you took it more seriously... " the blue minotaur sighed, hoping her annoyances would be over. Unfortunately, they got much worse after Erich's outcome of failing the puzzle had also sent her his way... with a much more disgraceful landing. Glaring at him, she stared daggers into the back of his head as he moved off like it was nothing.

"D-don't just pretend you didn't do that, if you don't prove yourself useful I'm knocking every tooth right out of your emptyheaded skull and stuffing the rest of you as a taxidermy" Giovanna hissed at Erich, already feeling ready to give him the hardest smack of his life. Turning her deathstare to Dreayth the moment he joked about it being a good landing, her respect for everyone else in the group except for Valen had pretty much dropped to rock-bottom in such a short timespan.

"You all must best be lucky I'm willing to forget easily for the moment. For now, at least, and only because I suppose two of the people here have never even considered the thought of what it's like to be in proximity of a woman in that regard" she answered in a frustrated tone, referencing Zahrah and Erich in what felt like complete absentmindedness of the rudeness of their actions. If she wasn't on a hunt for an artifact that was for her own selfish desire, she'd have considered actively looking for dangerous traps to shove them into from this point. Yet, they were still needed and useful to her... even if she found them despicable.
Zahrah's Order: A5 - B5 - C4 – C3 – D2 - E1 - F2
Giovanna looked to Zahrah when they cheerfully exclaimed that they understood it, keeping quiet to herself and crossing her arms in front of her this time. She did not feel interested in helping out if someone were to fail it again, but chose to watch to see what would happen. The doll's trip across the puzzle would go smoothly without failure... up until the very last row. Again. When stepping on the final green tile (F2), an infamous and unsatisfactory clicking sound of triggers and such would be heard under their feet. It was the exact same as the spring sound, so incoming was the same trap that had been clearly used multiple times... though instead, this one had the audacity to simply just launch its victim directly upwards.

Instead of a comfortable bosom awaiting them, Zahrah would find themselves catapulted directly upwards and a little bit forwards just so they wouldn't end up landing on the puzzle again. Though, the obvious downside is the absolute impact of smashing against the stone ceiling... and the unceremonious drop into hitting the cold, stone floor beneath them. Luckily, they were a doll, so it wasn't as bad... didn't mean it wasn't bad. Giovanna had to do her best to withold putting a little smile on her face.

"I can see why you're not taking part" the minotaur briefly spoke to Dreayth, the man was likely staying out of trouble himself although with his earlier comments she could only think why he wasn't more supporting of... well, the annoyances taking part in the puzzle that had embarrassed her by joining in with them. At least there was less trouble though.

Erich's Order: A1 - B2 - C1 - D2 - E3 - F2

Erich would find themselves walking across each step one by one, not a single sound or indication that something had went wrong yet. Fourth step? All good. Fifth step? Not a problem. But then, the sixth step... a slight awkward silence, Giovanna raising an eyebrow in confusion and wondering if it was broken. With how much launching had been done already, maybe it ran out of whatever sort of power that it used. But then, different sounds of clicking and opening latches could be heard beneath the floor. Then, with a due short moment, the door in front of them would struggle its way open as other mess in front of it soon fell and cleared out of the way. There was no congratulatory confetti or anything, but the door had opened.

"Hm, I suppose there is a use for your potentially empty head after all. Good one, darling. Hopefully bringing you along won't be as much of a pain after all" Giovanna spoke, at least more happy that he was able to prove his intelligence and not some sort of... weird, touchy creep.

Valen's Order: A1 - B2 - C1 - D2 - E1 - F2

Whilst Erich had managed to solve the puzzle, Valen would at least get an opportunity to see if his answer to it would have functioned. The first five steps were flawless execution and nothing at all went wrong, but the six step made that clear 'trap triggered' sounds underneath the floor... though, it appeared that the trap didn't go off. Possibly from the fact that the man prior to him had solved it, Valen was luckily spared of something happening. Considering what happened to Zahrah, it might've been much worse from the first initial set-offs that the other two puzzle attemptee's had encountered.

"Well, good job on passing that... thing. Feels a bit out of place, to be honest, but hopefully with brains... and... 'bravery', like all yours, any other problems should be simple enough to deal with".

The minotaur held up her lantern, beckoning for those in the group to come along as she headed to the open doorway. Looking in, she shined a light to see a stairway leading down.
"Guess we'll find out where this leads... " she muttered, taking slow steps down.

When the group would arrive, they'd be met with a rather strange and shoddy sight. A messy, underground theatre complete with a stage. The entire place was dirty, covered in cobwebs and dust, a complete mess. The loges didn't even look like they lead anywhere, and were mostly just there for aesthetic appearance.
Giovanna felt cautious to enter, unsure where whatever they could be looking for would even be in here of all places. There was a bunch of junk and other scrap and stuff amongst the seats that didn't look like it belonged in a theatre, on the stage appeared to be something that looked like a microphone on a stand. Also on stage, some strange cubes, in another corner a phonograph and typewriter on a table. And to the side on another table next to the wall, two sets of scales with small coloured blocks on them as well as some spare on the table. Clearly there was some writing on the wall, but it'd need a closer look to read them.

There was also two notable other doors, a door behind the curtains that must have led to some sort of back-stage and another on the opposite side of the room which was a wild guess where it could be.
"I hate creepy places like this... well, best get looking. Don't get into trouble or set off anything dangerous. Say if you find something interesting" Giovanna said, walking forth. She was likely going to just oversee the operation to keep an eye on things as well as investigate around the theatre itself for things that weren't being checked.​
Zahrah Fiore

Mentions: Blue Cow Femboy Femboy | Draeyth SixSense SixSense | Erich Maxxob Maxxob | Valen Sir Mayday Sir Mayday
Languages: Common | %Analog%

Zahrah observed Erich's landing with clear interest. Upon him calling out that it was dangerous, they shook their head. “I'm fairly sure that was what is called 'fan-service!' It should be perfectly non-lethal. It happens a lot in media like anime, or perhaps exclusively in that! It seems the manner in which you extracted yourself from this cleavage and seemed to grab onto the assets are both highly reminiscent of the anime 'ecchi' antics I've stored in my database. They normally provide a surprising amount of happiness, though the media never made it clear if that is mutual. For you to allow me to observe such an 'ecchi' ritual in real-time and in front of my own eyes is great!” They were clearly rather pleased about having witnessed it first-hand. “Though I must admit, it doesn't seem to bring you or miss Giovanna as much happiness as it does in the media. Perhaps they do not accurately reflect reality.” That was rather disappointing to them.

They looked at Valen confused. “I'm 100% organic cotton, but I'm not candy. I believe that attempting to eat me would lead to some serious stomach problems, so I'd highly suggest against doing so.” They made clear. “Thank you, thank you!” They stated, happy to be complimented.

Draeyth would get a smile and a thumbs-up as well. “Thank you for your vote of confidence! I'll totally do my best and more!”

That said, Giovanna's reaction to the 'ecchi' scene definitely raised more questions. “Is this threat of violence with regards to the 'ecchi' ritual that Erich displayed an attempt to play up a certain... 'dere' role? My databases don't have a back-up on which ones there were, but I do recall there being one where you always act angry despite liking something. Is that what you're doing, or is this a genuine form of dislike and a realistic threat?” They asked, eager to improve their understanding.

Giovanna's next bit confused them. “If you're referencing mating rituals or the likes, you'd be correct! I never had a body, so I could only scour the internet for information. It was always rather debatable and confusing and now that I miss a lot of databases, my knowledge is fragmented, corrupted and confused. It's tough!” They tilted their heads. “I don't supposed you'd be willing to teach me more about what it's like to be in the proximity of a woman in that regard? Now that I've got an actual body, I believe I'd be able to take in the information much better than ever before! I think they call it first-hand experience!”

Sadly enough, they failed again. It seemed like Erich's option was correct. That said, with their high vitality, regeneration, elasticity, resistances, armour... They just got smashed into the ceiling, dropping back then, then getting back up and brushing off their clothes. “Oof... that knocked the air out of my cotton!” They stated. “I'd not recommend trying that if you're flesh-based!” They warned the others. Seeing Giovanna try to avoid smiling (Insight B), they'd smile at her. “Don't worry, you can laugh! I'm pretty sure this would have qualified as 'slapstick humour' which is also great for happiness!” They stated, with a thumbs up.

Upon entering the area, they looked around. “Whoo.. this is run down!” They commented. “Looks like all this stuff might be more puzzles!” They did seem one thing that stood out. “Dibs on the microphone! I'm an [Understudy] after all!” They stated, rushing off to see if the microphone was on.

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