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Multiple Settings Wide Variety of Possibilities My Friends...


Dragon Mama <3
I'm a glutton for punishment..................Here we go.....!

Hello there!
My name is Rachel. I'm 22, and a relatively new mother to a 6-month-old baby boy who loves to giggle and screech and talk. I've got a terrible obsession; roleplaying. Oh yes, I'm sure it's actually absolutely terrible in the sense that I feel like I never have enough roleplays going to sate my creative hunger! I'm looking for anyone who would like to roleplay. I do have some preferred etiquette and form of writing that I take part in:
-Take the writing seriously. Typos happen and grammar can be difficult to deal with sometimes, I get it, but at least try to write seriously, even if the topic of the roleplay is comedic.
-Any size of writing is fine. I'm not saying every post has to be an extremely long paragraph. So long as I have something to respond to (whether it be dialogue or actions or both, it's fine). I understand that sometimes responding can get difficult, so if it's short/one-liner posts for a little bit of time, that's fine; but it shouldn't be happening all the time.
-You can play pretty much any character you want (male, female, non-gender, both, whichever you would like I'm not fussy or picky) so long as it is possible in the realm or world we're roleplaying in. I'll do the same and play whatever sort of character I believe fits into the world we've entered.
-If you're not interested anymore, please just let me know. We can talk it out or fix it or go to a different roleplay if it isn't working out. Just. Tell. Me. I once had someone (who I thought was a friend) just randomly stop roleplaying with, come to find out a few days/weeks/whenever it happened later that it was because he "didn't like my character". It was just plain hurtful. So please, just talk to me, we can figure it out.
-Roleplaying can happen wherever. Here, discord, email, whatever works best for us at the time.
-Keep me informed. Life happens, if you can't respond that's fine. If you forget, I'll poke and double check with you, and feel free to do the same to me if I don't respond for a while. After about a month of no responses period, I'll just assume we're done. Life happens and opinions change, I understand, but we gotta talk about it and let each other know.
-Any Rating. It all depends on the roleplay we want to have, but whether we go the darkest dark possible or the super kiddie fun time (depending honestly, really depends. That would probably depend on the fandom, which yeah some are a bit more kid-style in the comedic sense) I'm fine with just about anything and we can talk it out and decide what we'd like to go through with.
-Collaborate. I don't want to plot and come up with these ideas alone. I need help with writing some of the npcs and coming up with ideas.

Now as for the types of roleplays I'm interested in or okay with; there are very few types of roleplays I'm not okay with. For one, it's my opinion and preference that when you have a Fandom based roleplay that the characters you play as are Original Characters that exist in that world, if possible. I personally don't like to play canon characters because they're not a character I created; I don't 100% know how they would act and I don't want to go against how the creators envisioned them. So any roleplays of mine within a fandom will be original characters only. Not to say we can't run into canon characters along the way, but it would be best if we just stuck to original characters in my own opinion.

I'm completely fine with custom characters, worlds, races, anything of the like seeing as I already do that with my own games and art and such. I'm fine with dark themes but am not okay with "abuse". Torture is usually fine, actual abuse in a domestic setting, nah no thank you. I am not okay with "god-modding" where the character is able to do any and everything they could possibly, it adds no dynamic to the roleplay and makes it boring. I am also not okay with "meta-gaming" where the character knows things that only the actual player would know (Out Of Character basically) for the same reasons; makes the game boring. I am completely okay with adult themes and such. I would like to request that anyone I'm roleplaying with being at least 18+ if not 21+, especially if we get into darker more adult themes.

Now for the kicker; some examples of roleplay themes/topics I'm interested in: Scaled 1-3 stars *

Slice of Life *
Fantasy ***
Science Fiction ***
Modern *
Historic **
Fandom ***
Romance **
Action ***
Adventure ***
Thriller **

Steven Universe *
My Hero Academia **
Marvel **
How To Train Your Dragon *****************
Legend of Zelda (BOTW, TP, SS) ***
Pokemon ***
Horizon Zero Dawn ****************
Rising of the Shield Hero ***
Warrior Cats *
Star Wars **
(will add more?)

Vampires ***
Werewolves ***
Yokai (monsters) ***
Shape Shifters ***
As you can tell, anything "non-human" is pretty interesting to me^^ ***
Ghosts ***
Pirates ***
Animals (like in Warrior Cats) ***
Dragons ***
Superheroes ***
Etc ***

Ideas/Plot Hooks:
-Real person/people from the outside world gets sucked into whatever game they're playing and has to survive there ***
-Not as cheesy but super intense forbidden relationships
-Adventure and intrigue, go on a daring quest to save someone or collect some treasure ***
-A school full of monsters/gods/creatures whichever fits, maybe a human gets thrown into the mix ***
-DnD. Hardcore man. Just. DnD. ***

Those are my preferences and ideas. You can feel free to suggest some to me and we can talk about it. I'd prefer a PM for actual discussions but you can express your interest here if you like and then we can talk in a PM, but either way, it's ending up in a PM. Thank you for taking the time to read through all of this, and I hope to write with you soon!
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By the way, the "Glutton for Punishment" bit in my post was because I like to sign on for too much. But I feel like I don't have enough ways to sate my hunger for creativity and writing, so yeah.
Hello lovely, I’m a huge lover of darker themed stories. I prefer writing as female oc’s and having lots of side characters of all genders. If maybe you’d like to discuss ideas let me know!!
Hello lovely, I’m a huge lover of darker themed stories. I prefer writing as female oc’s and having lots of side characters of all genders. If maybe you’d like to discuss ideas let me know!!

Sure! If you're okay with the possibility of me playing any gender. I'm fine with playing anything, so depending on what we do I'm not sure what Id play. But yeah I'd so be down for a rp with you!

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