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One x One Wide Awake: a prp between Rantos, Regal, and I


One Thousand Club

Any gender, must be 20+

They usually have one power; however, they aren't necessarily stronger than fairy tale characters. They just have more experience and wisdom, that's all. Most teachers are fairy tale characters, but some claim to be humans—as in, from Earth. No one knows how this could happen, though, and no one has the proof, anyways. They teach/help fairy tale characters harness their powers, though their powers usually have to be related/affiliated with the teacher's somehow. Sometimes, a teacher will take a student under their wing if they are more 'special' than the rest.

Any gender, any age.

They typically have one power, though some can have two. You will rarely see one with three. They are confused and, without their teachers, they would be scared. They can be just about any fairy tale character, though Snow White, The Frog Prince, and Little Red aren't available(obviously). There will be no cross-races(fairy tale x human); not yet, anyways.

Any gender, typically 16+

They are the ones that are in charge of the fairy tale characters—one per fairy tale character. They don't have any powers, but they do have objects of power. It could be a pair of glasses that can translate words when read, or even a ring that lets the wearer pass through objects. Anything, really! Though, these objects are given to them by the fairy tale character they are in charge of, so don't post any objects that aren't affiliated with the fairy tale you're partnered up with! Also, they still have a career/life in the outside world—most of them do, anyways.


Name ;;

Gender ;;

Age ;;

Rank ;;

Race ;;

Ethnicity ;;

Personality ;; (lists or full)

Short Bio ;;

Power(s) ;; (for Fairy Tale characters and Teachers only)

Object(s) of Power ;; (for Keepers only)

Fairy Tale character/partner ;; (for Keepers/Teachers only)

Theme song ;; (optional)

Other ;;
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Name ;; Robin Goodfellow aka Puck


Gender ;; Male

Age ;; Unknown (acts young)

Rank ;; Fairy tail character

Race ;; Fairy

Ethnicity ;; Caucasian

Personality ;; A trickster fairy with a heart of gold and a knack for getting in trouble. Puck enjoys the finer things in life, like giving someone the head of a donkey and laughing. He really is (or tries to be) a kind soul but he enjoys making jokes and pulling people's legs too much to stop. He loves domestic work and will often do it for others if they pay him, his payment is milk.

Short Bio ;; He was a jester to the fairy King and Queen and even the fairy King's right hand man for a while. Once fairy tails began entering the human world Puck started to become more and more of a free agent, he now doesn't take orders from the fairy King as much as he used to. But Puck will always be the King and Queen's jester.

Power ;; The way of the trickster: to defy all explanation, to be unbounded by the shackles of a flimsy "realIty"

Objects of power;; A magic flute.

Theme song ;; Maybe later

Other ;;

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Name ;; Parushi

Gender ;;

Age ;; Seventeen

Rank ;; Fairy Tale character — the cat from The Charmed Ring

Race ;; Kemonomimi — nekomimi

Ethnicity ;; Hindu/Indian

Personality ;; • Timid • Clever • Stubborn • Cautious/alert • Graceful • Orderly • Crafty • Unpredictable •

Short Bio ;; Parushi was a cat in ancient India. She doesn't remember much, but what she does remember was this:

People abused her, tossed her around like a ragdoll and never stopped. However, one day one fool-hearty merchant's son walked by, and upon seeing her suffering, asked to buy her for
100 rupees. The abusers quickly agreed, as that was quite the handsome amount of money. He bought two more abused animals, a dog and a snake, for the same amount of money(each). With no money left, he was forced to go back home. His father didn't give him any more money, of course, and instead turned him away for his foolishness. Then, the snake began to talk. Apparently, he was a prince. So when he told the merchant's son that if he returned him to his father he would be greatly rewarded, he jumped at the chance to do so. They came across a small lake/pond, where the two jumped into. The dog and cat were told to wait.

That's all Parushi remembers. For some unknown reason, she became a neko and now has a ring.

Power(s) ;;

Purr-suasian: Get it? Cause it sounds like a purr—oh, never mind. Parushi can talk others into doing her bidding; however, they must be willing(if only a little) to do so.

• Heightened Senses: Parushi has a cat-like sense of sight and sensitive senses of sound, touch, smell, and taste. She is also more agile/fast than most.

Object(s) of Power ;; xx

Fairy Tale character/partner ;; Ran

Theme song ;;


Other ;; xx
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Name ;; "Cheshire Cat, but you can call me Chire"

Gender ;; Male

Age ;; "How am I supposed to know that?"

Rank ;; "Obviously a Fairy Tale creature"

Race ;; Cat

Ethnicity ;; American

Personality ;; Friendly, Deceptive, Calm and Observant.

Short Bio ;; Cheshire has been around for a long time watching all the conflict that occurs in the world and occasionally offers good advice. However nowadays he spends his time exploring the world searching for new things or new people to observe and watch.

Power(s) ;; Manipulation, Soul peering, Shape-shifting.

Other ;; Aside from having Shape-shifting Chire is extremely agile.

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Name ;; Rose Lux

Gender ;;

Age ;; Sixteen

Rank ;; Keeper

Race ;; Human

Ethnicity ;; Chinese/Asian

Personality ;; • Timid/shy • Clumsy/klutz • Easily discouraged • Asocial • Naive • Sweet • Protective • Good girl/Obedient •

Short Bio ;; Rose, as a young girl and even now, never really grasped the whole concept of becoming an assassin. Why must they be emotionless? Why must they not get attached? Why must they... never love?

The Lux family... a famous Chinese assassin mafia that are on the good side. They fight for their Emperor, and Rose was supposed to be no different. She was expected to be amazing, just like her father: Chow Lux, head of the assassin mafia. However, she wasn't like him. She was like her mother, a woman that was sweet, kind, caring, and innocently in love with Chow. She was killed when Rose was twelve, which was very hard on her. That was when she decided to take assassin-training seriously, to avenge her mother. Or, at least, a little bit more seriously.

Power(s) ;; xx

Object(s) of Power ;; she doesn't have an object yet.

Fairy Tale character/partner ;; Chire~

Theme song ;;



Other ;;
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/18478351-256-k937952.jpg.35929bec23e729eda3249b03eab0276c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62070" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/18478351-256-k937952.jpg.35929bec23e729eda3249b03eab0276c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name ;; Ran

Gender ;; Male

Age ;; Eighteen

Rank ;; Keeper

Race ;; Yandere (human)

Ethnicity ;; Japanese

Personality ;; Yandere, must I say more?

Short Bio ;; Ran was born a human male who seemed to be cursed from birth. Growing up he was bullied, abused and mistreated in every way a person can think of. Not a single day passed without Ran thinking of plunging his scissors into his own neck. That was until he met his high school love, Riza. Ran and Riza dated for two years and during those two years Ran felt like he was on top of the world, as if nothing could touch him and Riza. Then he caught Riza cheating on him and things got bloody. The smile on his face during the punishment was bigger then any he had before then.

Object(s) of Power ;; Scissors known as "reality cutters" (many) and an ear ring that boosts Ran's raw power to very high levels.

Fairy Tale character/partner ;; Parushi

Theme song ;;


Other ;;



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Name ;; Aimee Fleur/Odette

Gender ;;

Age ;; Twenty-one

Rank ;; Teacher — Odette from Swan Like

Race ;; Human

Ethnicity ;; French/German

Personality ;; • Sweet • Liar • Meek • Strict • Mature • Lonely • Cowardly • Self-judgemental/critical •

Short Bio ;; Aimee was born to a French woman and German man. However, unlike most country girls, she was predicted to be special. So, she was treated differently from the rest. Only education and crocheting for poor Aimee. Soon, as she grew into a beautiful, fine woman, she was deemed perfect. Oh, how she loathes that word so.

Aimee never wanted to be
perfect. She wanted to play with other girls outside—heck, she'd even cook if she had the chance! Soon, her wish came true when her mother passed away. Aimee had no choice but to help around the house. Around her late teenage years, however, she disappeared.

Aimee was cursed by Rothbart, an evil, owl-like sorcerer, to be a swan by day and a Queen by night. One day, as the blanket of night was about to envelope day in its darkness, she came across a Prince: Prince Siegfried. The Prince was hunting with a couple of his comrades and lost his way, instead finding Aimee. He wanted to kill her, and as the Prince aimed his bow at her heart, a blinding light appeared. That was all Aimee remembered, before being sent to Earth.

Power(s) ;; Aimee can control water. However, she can only do this when the moon is in sight.

Object(s) of Power ;; xx

Fairy Tale character/partner ;; Puck

Theme song ;;


Other ;;

Name ;; Jack Frost

Gender ;;"I'm obviously male"

Age ;; 300+

Rank ;;Teacher

Race ;;Guardian Spirit

Ethnicity ;;British

Personality ;; Jack has an outgoing Personality. He is willing to do anything in his power to help someone out. He's quite stoic this way and extremely benevolent putting others first for the sake of their good. At the same time he's also pretty smart and can be pretty observant when necessary.

Short Bio ;;Jack is or rather was a human who became a guardian thanks to the guy on the moon.Confused after spending three hundred years of his life providing joyfulness to the kids by giving them a snow day and other fun treats, he later discovered that he was originally humn and had a family. He had an accident resulted in saving his sister but was turned into a spirit once again thanks to the man on the moon. It took Jack a little time to cope with this but eventually he was fine and was finally able to accept the work the other guardians did. Once he became a guardian he learned how the kids were extremely more important than he thought aside from providing them with happiness he learned that they were meant to be there for all children's protection.

After defeating Pitch with the other guardians Jack began taking in the Fairy Tale creatures that had started to appear all over the world. All the while maintaining his duties on earth. After spending some time taking care of different Fairy Tail creatures Jack decided to stick with only one as a student since most of his students had graduated to become teachers or were capable of taking care of themselves.

Power(s) ;; Cyrokinesis (Ice Manipulation)

Object(s) of Power ;; Many but there is only one that he keeps on him all the time and that's the student he's chosen

Fairy Tale character/partner ;; Chire and Parushi

Theme song ;;[media]

Other ;;
His staff is capable of aiding him in controlling a Fairy Tale creature if they lose control.

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