Other Why did you pick your name?

A lich is an undead fantasy creature, and one time in a dnd campaign we were fighting one, and my character before had been complaining about the beach the party had been to before, because the water had been infested with leeches, Our DM was an asshole I made the comment that was 'great, fighting the lich right after leech beach." And I recalled that while making my username. Voila, lichleechbeach.
I just reworded my username from my old rp site. Introverted = SociallyAwkward. Ghost = Soul. IntrovertedGhost = SociallyAwkwardSoul
There's this Real Life Brand called SpeedHunters that mostly appear in Need For Speed games and that sounded like a really cool Username. 73 because Need For Speed Payback has a team called League 73 so I combined the 2 to get my name.
My favorite color is saffron and I love the idea of the royal hierarchy and what it means to be in power. I think of it a lot when I'm struggling with my depression or mania or anxiety. Thinking of the power of a king. It's a grounding concept for me. So there you have it Saffron_Majesty. :)
I...I like Gundam, but really in all seriousness, I am a huge fan of the franchise in itself
I'm a Harry Potter nerd who loved Sirius before his demise and with his form being that of a Grimm, I'm also a gamer who has had Reaper in my handle in some form or other
I always try to give myself a name that is both unique and hyper feminine when making accounts. For some reason, the first thing that comes to mind is always food and celestial bodies.
So initially I thought about calling myself Mooncookies or Star something or other, but nothing sounded catchy enough. Then I had the idea of using the word "runes" to invoke the idea of magical writings. So I tried "Star Runes" or "Sun Runes" but that didn't sound good enough either. Then I got the idea of changing "runes" to "glyphs", and somehow thought of "fairy" for the adjective... So now I'm Fairy Glyphs.
Karn Maeshalanadae is one of my main OCs, though at this point in my story canon he's fading out of the spotlight in favor of his descendants.
In middle school I went to school with around 50 million Shelby's so I opted to go by the nickname I was given "Cobra" (Yes I was named after a car lol)
Well now that I am older with roughly around 20 tattoos and counting I just added that plus Queen and mashed it all together! XD
Kind of lame I know.
My friends nicknamed me Gremlin for behavioral reasons
In CM13 it's commonly accepted that Marines as a whole are incredibly stupid and honestly I think they are too despite being a Marine main myself, so we're often compared to cavemen and referred to as ungas which the muhreens have of course latched on to; making it a part of their culture.

It's hard to argue your faction isn't stupid when half of your people are getting run over by their own tank; shooting their buddies in the back of the head with a pulse rifle by accident or taking enough painkillers to make their own hearts explode. At least we're not xeno mains though!
Used to be in Sea Scouts, got pissed during a training exercise when we were on a boat and everybody started singing ‘What should we do with the drunken sailor?’ The name stuck, even though I haven‘t been in Sea Scouts for 2 years.

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