Other Why did you pick your name?

I was making this account yesterday and while I was thinking of a username I noticed an empty box in the corner of the room and it said, AJM 10" WHITE PAPER PLATES.
My brother was making a squad for wasteland 2 and we were coming up with rp names for each character.

I came up with Raging Rickson and Devious Dilbert. I was so lamely proud of Devious Dilbert that I used it for my username.

Because my inner self is a punk wearing pure black. Also, it's my username for tumblr. 

My favorite ever username on any site was artisticalamity but hell if i didn't forget the passwords for everything related to it. Lol.  But that's beside the point. 
Honestly, I just used my real name backwards... but hey, this name is awesome because I can mess around with people thinking I'm Turkish (since apparently Kerim is a Turkish name, didn't know it when I was creating it.) I sort of just stuck with this and was too lazy to change it.
The name came from the TFS Nuzlocke Playthrough when they captured a Snorlax and named him Bork Laser.

I've been since using that psuedonym on the internet ever-since which is accompanied by the fearsome image of a pissed-off Snorlax. 
Nickname for "Amherst" I had gotten from a friend. Has nothing to do with the dog.
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this name randomly popped up into my head one day and just grew on me I like it cuz its unique and its never taken when ever I sign up for something so I use it for everything xD
well normally my username is beebasaur from a pokemon fusion, but while looking at pictures i saw this picture of a male bee warrior and i decied i liked him and while thinking up what to name him (for when i drew it) i found the name beebe which really stuck because it was so similar to beebasaur. well i used to use the bee as my pic and it reminded me so much of a knight thats why i added the warrior part

this is the pic that inspired it all

Life is a story.

And from that line I got my username, although LifeStory seemed a bit meh so I used a synonym for story, Novel. And wallah LifeNovel.
i chose my username for a few reasons, actually. first of all, spookie is my nickname in real life, which i earned by being very jumpy and easily startled. spook is also the name of my favorite roleplay character, and the one who really got me into the hobby. plus i dress alternatively, which some people find spooky, apparently.

so yeah, that's how i came to be known as spookie spook.
I made up this word randomly for a game. Then I kinda stick with it because I'm quite high-leveled in that game with this name so oh well might as well roll with it I guess
I blame my brother, since at the time, he was raving about FaZe Clan and a bunch of other stuff, and he kept annoying me about the subject matter, and I was just signing up for RPN. Seeing as "Faze" would be a pretty nice name in itself, I wanted to call myself that, but my brother advised me not to because I would have a bunch of CoD fans after me (and lo and behold, one person did actually ask me if I was interested in FaZe, which I don't watch to be completely honest)! I don't know why but I've also always had a thing for ending things in -y, like... Fluffy, or Puffy (my first two fish that died in two days because I forgot to feed them >///<), or Sweety (my parakeet that flew away), or Rexy (my toy dinosaur that I lost when I was 10), and the word Lazy (perfect description of myself at the moment! YAYYY). 

So... -y it is. And Fazey doesn't seem right, so let's kick out the e and be Fazy.
Literally my initials with an X. Its not that I'm horribly uncreative, its just that all the cool igns are taken so I gotta make myself stand out in a way that it doesn't sound like a 13 year old made an account like xXxMLGNinja69xXx
The reason I came up with this username is because, I am one of those nerds who have a huge vocabulary, and as a result thinking of Omen's I began thinking of Ravens and black cats and whatnot which are Omen's of Death. And it sounded quite cool and original, so that's how I came up with the world's edgiest name. Nah, I'm kidding about me being edgy it simply makes sense and sounds cool.
Doctor Nope is the name of the very first Legendary weapon I ever got in Destiny, so it brings a bit of nostalgia to me. Even when I now have more legendaries and even an exotic weapon, Doctor Nope remains to be my personal weapon of choice in the game.
I used to be Hollowed_Kadaver, a self made online entity, my picture consisted of a Gorey and zombified hollow mask from bleach, took the K from mortal Kombat, so thusly Hollowed_Kadaver


Then I became the mechanist because he/she were my favorite Npcs in fallout 3&4
My name came from a shirt that the Welcome to Night Vale podcast sells that says (you guessed it) Manic Pixie Dream Tarantula. I thought it was a funny play on the manic pixie dream girl trope. 
Way back when when little Ender was just another 13 year old scrublet *Insert flashback song/sounds* a new magical game had come out on Xbox 360 called "Minecraft." He of course had to buy it, not just because it was popular at the time, but because it was utterly fascinating to him. So fast forward like one or two years *Insert appropriate fast forward sounds* a new patch had come out that added a new mysterious enemy. It would teleport around and steal all of your goodies, which little scrubby Ender loved to do. No, not the teleportin' part the stealy one. It would also attack you if you looked at it's face, but that's besides the point. Well these enemies were called "Endermen" and they had there own dimension aptly named "The End." with a huge dragon-god thing guarding it. Out of all of his scrubby friends, only he was able to go to said realm and kill the dragon all legit like. After he busted into their world and defeated their "god", he himself was their new god, well to him at least. He would stay in the end and defend his underlings from his friends incessant attacks for quite some time. So long of a time that he went out and spent ten whole dollars to change his name to "The Endergod" and the rest was history.
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