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Help Why can't I see the all my notifications from yesterday?

Asher MoonSong

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So basically yesterday I started an rp with someone from this site on discord, but like an hour after we talked about the rp on discord (that they seemed to enjoy) they un friended me, so I couldn't message them anymore. I thought it was an honest mistake, so I tried to re friend them. It's still pending today so I don't know. But when I went to find this person's original post on rpn I can't find it, or the notifications I got from the thread.

Does this happen when someone blocks you? I don't care that they ghosted me, but I don't really know why I can't find the original post or the notifications, since this is the first time being (possibly) blocked on rpn.
Being blocked does not prevent you from seeing other people's threads, as far as I know. It sounds like they must have deleted their thread.
Being blocked does not prevent you from seeing other people's threads, as far as I know. It sounds like they must have deleted their thread.
Oh okay, so if you delete your thread would the past notifications/alerts disappear?
So basically yesterday I started an rp with someone from this site on discord, but like an hour after we talked about the rp on discord (that they seemed to enjoy) they un friended me, so I couldn't message them anymore. I thought it was an honest mistake, so I tried to re friend them. It's still pending today so I don't know. But when I went to find this person's original post on rpn I can't find it, or the notifications I got from the thread.

Does this happen when someone blocks you? I don't care that they ghosted me, but I don't really know why I can't find the original post or the notifications, since this is the first time being (possibly) blocked on rpn.
maybe removed?
maybe moved?
maybe deleted?

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