Who's this loser?


doesn't know anything
Hello, I'm Fuchsia and I'm very new to this site. I've been on like one other roleplay site before but it was kind of an odd one and my posting was very sparratic so it's been hard for me to find another role play site to migrate to after activity died down on that one. I'm hoping this site can take its place as the new home for all my half baked character ideas and questionable plots. However, before I jumped in and began dumping all of that onto some poor, unsuspecting soul, I figured I should introduce myself here. :)

Posting this will also help me get to ten posts faster so there's that.

Oh, my apologies, I should introduce myself as well!

My name is Benjamiin, but you can call me Benjii, if you wish. I have years of roleplay experience and would love to explore the galaxies of character and plot possibilities on this site, too.

I would greatly enjoy writing with you, if you would like to? I am open to all ideas and pairings and, if you would like, I can storm a few of my own into the winds for us to discuss!
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Welcome to RPN!! I am the Mechanist! The hero of the commonwealth and of RPN!! There are Tons of RP's to join, and even more people to RP with, myself included ^D^ We've got all kinds ranging from modern to medieval to futuristic. I myself am prone to fantasy, medieval or futuristic rp's, and I am a sucker for romance and a good love story. Trust me when I say we almost have it all!! Feel free to help yourself to the cookies and punch at the table.
Thank you guys so much for welcoming me and showing me how the site works!
I can honestly say this is the best welcomes I've gotten on a roleplay site.

I would say that if you want to do some rp to shoot me a private message, but, seeing as I don't have access to that feature yet, I suppose you'll just have to post here instead until I get around to making ten posts.
Thank you guys so much for welcoming me and showing me how the site works!
I can honestly say this is the best welcomes I've gotten on a roleplay site.

I would say that if you want to do some rp to shoot me a private message, but, seeing as I don't have access to that feature yet, I suppose you'll just have to post here instead until I get around to making ten posts.
Just so you know, others can PM you, you just can't be the one to start a PM until you reach your 10 posts ^-^
Ooooh, okay that makes much more sense! Here I was thinking that I couldn't pm at all.

So yeah, I guess ignore what I said about posting here to rp with me, just pm me so this thread doesn't become a complete mess.
Heyo! Welcome to RPnation! Enjoy your stay here!

Also, I just have to say it, I flipping love your avatar.
Thank you, but in all honestly I just pulled this avatar out of my saved images after like two seconds of scrolling though. I put minimal effort into choosing it. It's still great though.

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