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good morning

charlotte,north carolina♡


just my imagination

the cranberries

move in day


Good morning Charlotte, North Carolina, a lovely day this morning as we are kicking off this day with a positive attitude, a smile on our face and can't forget the most important necessity...coffee. The weather is nice today, not too hot, not cold all you need is a light jacket. If you got the reference I hope your day is even better. Today the 25th Annual Night Market and Food Festival kicks off tonight until this Sunday. Multiple food vendors, along with plenty of merchandise booths and live music will be there is it is a perfect way to start this weekend right. We have more news such as traffic reports and weather coming up along with a segment on adorable pets and their quirky tricks. We'll be right back.

♡coded by uxie♡








  • home (filler tab)

Alfie Templeman


Shutting the shower water off Vinny sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair. Vinny grabbed a towel drying himself off before wiping the foggy mirror clean to check out his appearance. Messing with his hair until it was laying the way he wanted. Vinny exited the bathroom walking over to the room to throw on something to wear.

Vinny had been living in the Lofts for a little over a month, and his room was finally starting to feel like his own. Vinny was a slow unpacker; most of his walls looked barren compared to his last place. Strolling over to his dresser he rummaged through the drawers, eventually finding something he wanted to wear. Dressing lightly, the weather was nice. Grabbing his phone which was charging next to his bed. He slid it into his pants pocket before heading to the front door with his tote bag. Putting on a pair of scuffed up brown vans he grabbed the keys and made his way to the elevator.

Vinny didn't have much of a plan for the morning, His job had him working the Annual Night Market. Luckily since they were a dispensary he wouldn’t be working the whole night and would get to explore some of it.

The elevator chimed the doors sliding open to the lobby. Vinny made his way out of the building, pausing at the threshold figuring out what his plan would be. Vinny hadn't met too many people in the loft, since he had been busy with moving in and taking up more hours at his job to cover the expenses of moving out. So he only knew a handful of people. He pulled out his phone, sending a quick group message to Nala, Mel and Jackie.

𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝗶𝗺 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲𝗻𝘀𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗯𝗮𝗴𝗲𝗹 𝗶𝗳 𝘆𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴
𝗶𝗺 𝘄𝗮𝗹𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘀𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝟭𝟬-𝟭𝟱 𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗸 𝘂𝗽

Vinny grabbed his headphones, turning on some music as started the walk to the bagel shop. It wasn’t much of a walk before he pushed open the door to his destination, the bell above the door announcing his arrival to everyone. Pulling out his phone again he sent another message.

𝗶𝗺 𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝟮 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗻𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗺𝗲 𝗹𝗺𝗸 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘆𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁

After the people in front of him ordered their sriracha maple breakfast bagel and cold brew. He pulled out his phone looking at the texts. “And…

♡coded by uxie♡










shingo, vinny, jackie,nala

"here we go."
Who knew the weight of one small cat is equal to the weight of a elephant crushing you under their foot. Tramel found out when both his cats sat on the center of his chest pretty much pinning him to his mattress, his pajama shirt hiked up showing his midriff and covers bunched around his legs trapping him inside the warmth. As much as he wanted to continue sleeping and remaining asleep for the rest of his life on the planet Earth, the weight of his two cats were becoming heavier and their purrs started turning into mews of impatience. "Siento que me quedé dormido a pesar de que son... las 9 de la mañana... que me jodan..." Sighing and rubbing as much sleep out of his eyes with his free hand, he moved his cats off his chest the warmth finding a new location on the bed sheets and softly let them nuzzle into his hand. Looking at the empty space beside him in his king size bed, the beautiful yet currently painful memories flooded back into his head of the one that he thought was his other half. Her fair skin, freckled shoulders and shoulder length blonde hair that still looked beautiful even messed up. The way she smiled each morning when their eyes met. The oversized shirt she wore...ugh enough! Those memories weren't as precious to her as they were to Tramel. Alright enough moping in bed get up we need to starting cleaning up and start fresh...no matter how hard it will be.

Tramel took his shower and made sure his fur babies were fed and their litter boxes were cleaned before sitting on his living room couch. Sighing he looked over at the small pile of empty boxes he scored from his neighbors job in order to pack up anything belonging to his now ex-girlfriend Madeline. What was supposed to be just a few days task gradually turned into nearly a month after finding her with someone else in her bed. While together they did agree to having sexual relations with other people but one particular person caught her eye a bit too much for Mels taste. What was supposed to be a fling turned into Madeline meeting said person on multiple occasions and the constant use of the words "just a friend" and "nothing is going on between us" didn't end. It doesn't stop there, the confrontation and desperate request for the truth only confirmed Mels' suspicions even more, it was only a matter of time before he had his heart broken. He never understood why he let himself get his heart broken even when he knew the truth. Maybe he just wanted to hold on to the small strand of hope left in their relationship. Shaking his head while scratching his locks, he picked up the box and made his way to the bedroom starting his rejuvenation in the closet. Quickly removing any articles of clothing, any pair of size six shoes, lace underwear he could find into the box, it quickly took around five minutes. Slightly happy with his concentration on the task at hand he took out a sharpie and labeled the box 'cheaters items'. Softly sighing he grabbed another box before he received a call from his mother.

While talking with his mother on the phone he felt his vibrate before unlocking his phone and viewing the text sent to him, nala and jackie from vinny. He had been flirting a bit with the dark curly hair kid using him as a distraction for his breakup phase. He did like talking to him and getting to know him, but even Mel wasn't stupid enough to jump right into a relationship when he is nowhere near done recovering from his recent one. But just imagining his lips against Vinnys' and feeling how soft his skin was when he touched him was something Mel couldn't ignore. He sent a quick text back to the group chat wanting Vinny to get him a vegan everything bagel with vegan cream cheese and a protein smoothie then resumed talking to his mom. Mel only had three boxes completed when he got off the phone with his mother. It was much better progress than a month ago but he still had more things of hers that needed to be packed away. He quickly looked up when he saw his roommate open the door without even attempting to knock. "Mierda cabrón you couldn't knock first? What if I had someone here with me?" He looked at him then rolled his eyes after his roommates response. "You just broke up with your long time girlfriend...ain't no warm body lying up in the bed but yours dude."

He talked with Shingo for a few minutes before the latter left the room heading toward the kitchen. Shuffling through the clothes in his closet he threw whatever he thought looked decent and didn't ride up his ass and walked towards the living room. He declined Shingo's offer for breakfast and texted in the group chat wondering if Vinny was able to order his food before it was too late.

"Vinny please tell me you were able to order my stuff...unless you purposely ignored this text so I can come and have a breakfast date with you~"

He sent the text message with a smirk before turning tv living room tv on watching the morning news while his roommate had the smell of dairy and meat cooking on the stove.

♡coded by uxie♡



Natalie did not miss Seoul.

True, she sorely missed the friends she had made over the course of her training period, and she still mourned the loss of that admittedly juvenile dream of K-Pop stardom, but the place itself? Seoul? That noisy, gridlocked hell that bled her wallet with every passing day? Nattie didn't miss it. The lax traffic of Charlotte in the early mornings further reminded her of the fact that, sometimes, the green grass of home was greener still.

Driving past the easy streets she grew up in, Natalie idly drummed on the steering wheel to the Top 40 earworm playing on the radio, a song too unremarkable to remember the title of but too catchy to not listen to. She shouldn't be having nerves about moving to a new flat, having already done a similar move to an entirely different country and culture. Talking up fellow Americans and extending the neighborly olive branch should be no problem. Still, this was her first home that was all to herself, paid and purchased with her own money. The culmination of a long journey, and Natalie still couldn't help but feel the best was yet to come...and the worst wouldn't be far behind. Nerves, nerves, nerves.

Parking in front of her new home brought her back to the earth. Natalie lowered the windows to look up at Garfield Village Lofts. It wasn't like she hadn't surveyed the place before, but seeing just how nice it looked for the price threw her for a loop. With a deep breath, Nattie slowly removed herself from the car, followed by the essentials packed into tidy cardboard boxes, what meager belongings she determined belonged in her new home. Guitars, clothes, laptop, kitchenware, toolbox. It wasn't much at all, but Natalie didn't need much to live a good life.

Now to get it all upstairs...

Even with her bad knee, Natalie was somewhat sure she could carry most of her stuff up to, like, the third floor. She needed the exercise one way or another. But the tools, the laptop, and other electronics were all quite heavy and she really didn't want to make multiple trips, elevator or no elevator. Grumbling while lighting a cigarette, she snapped a photo of her packed belongings and brace-bound knee, to be sent to the apartment group chat she had been invited to. Not enough time to get to know all of them before getting here, but Nattie reasoned that an icebreaker in the morning was as good a start as any. The photo was sent, as was a group message to no one and everyone.

local woman with shattered knee has difficulty carrying things to third floor

Audacibus annue coeptis
Look with favor upon a bold beginning

Georgics, Vergil (29 BC)

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.








  • home (filler tab)

David Bowie

Space Oddity

Grad school was no joke, as evident by the 7AM classes Rhodey was now on his way back from. Only his first semester in and he was already beginning to wonder just how bad he wanted this degree. Though he was trying not to make any rash decisions before he'd had another cup of coffee, the one he'd slammed before heading out on his walk to class was wearing off at the moment leaving him eager to get back to his apartment.

Since moving to Charlotte he'd already memorized the walk from his place and over to campus both in amount of time spent walking and roughly the steps taken. By his estimate, he was now approaching the block where the Garfield Lofts resided. Rhodey paused at the crosswalk and pressed the button, as usual the crosswalk was not accessible and did not provide any auditory feedback. Unsurprised, he instead took to his usual method of listening for the sounds of the flow of traffic until it sounded clear and safe to cross. The sound and the vibrations he felt in his hand as his cane rolled over the tactile bumps on the curb indicated to him that he had made it to the other side without getting hit by any cars or cyclists. Another little win Rhodey would momentarily celebrate.

He swept his trusty white cane, the same one he'd been using since he was a teenager, back and forth across the sidewalk as he walked down it. The rattling sound it made had strangely become a comforting noise that followed him everywhere. As inconvenient as it sometimes was to be reliant on a mobility aid, it provided the vital independence that he needed, and deserved.

He was approaching the entrance of the apartment when the rhythmic rattling of his cane's gliding was interrupted by a decisive thud as it came in contact with something. The sound was sort of hollow and faint, it felt like cardboard. Rhodey sighed slightly, it wasn't unusual for there to be any number of obstructions on the sidewalk. It was the kind of thing that would annoy a sighted person but they were all the more irritating when you couldn't see them. Rhodey would've complained, but it wasn't really worth it most of the time. He was only pulled out of his thoughts of frustation when he felt a vibration in his back pocket.

He pulled over to the side of the sidewalk and pulled his phone out, it wasn't like he was able to get in to the front door with ease at the moment anyway. The voiceover on his phone indicated that it was a text message, a few swipes and taps and he opened the message.

"Message in 'Loft Groupchat' from, unsaved number, thirty seconds ago, ''local woman with shattered knee has difficulty carrying things to third floor.'"
the slightly feminine robotic voice read. At that moment it clicked that the obstruction on the sidewalk was probably one of the new tenants that had been arriving the last few days. In that moment he was pretty thankful that he hadn't said anything. He didn't want to get off on the wrong foot, there would be time for that later.

Cautiously, he tested the waters, curious as to see if the new person, or persons, was still hanging around the sidewalk
he asked aloud as he often did when boarding elevators or entering unfamiliar rooms. Sometimes nobody said anything back, but at least he made the effort. He pulled his cane up so that it was straight up, the handle meeting about chest height. Rhodey rested a hand overtop the handle, curious as to if he would get a reply.

♡coded by uxie♡

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