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pizza night on the roof ♡

just my imagination

the cranberries

the scene


You know...ordering pizza three times a week isn't lazy...it's pro business and that is exactly what our tenants have done this wonderful evening. With approved access to the lofts rooftop, it was only logical to have a small get together that involved music, snacks and yes...pizza. From the local pizza business of course. All it took was a few flyers on the event boards in the mailroom made on a printer from a copy machine store to get a good collective group of young adults to get to know each other. The rooftop was a perfect location with it overseeing the entire downtown of Charlotte, North Carolina and having an amazing view of the star filled sky.

Pizza has been ordered, drinks have been placed in buckets of ice and calm alternative rock music has been playing since the setting of the sun. Everyone is chatting and getting along and vibing to the tunes under the moonlight. Laughs have been shared and so have bizarre stories, nothing could ruin a night like this and even if it did it would make a killer story. Grab a drink and relax and have fun tonight and...don't forget the pizza.

♡coded by uxie♡


tenant #318



getting dressed, excited.


in her studio apt (briefly).


open for interactions.



monday mornings at al's liquor and grocery showed no mercy to nora's attitude and body. with the exception of the very few regulars that greeted nora with wide smiles and hellos, the day had been hard on her feet. standing behind a glass barrier for hours at a time while handling dirty money and mostly rude customers was something she always had to prepare herself for; but today, she was especially impatient.

"for fuck's sake, nora, ya gotta lose the attitude,"
a bald and well-rounded older man complained, restocking some popular wine coolers from inside the fridge,
"customers are starting to report a "'bitchy clerk who needs to smile more'". and as much as i like ya, customers are what keep my place running. not employees."

nora had hoped that the loudness of the freezer would drown his annoying voice out, but it didn't. she heard right. in other words, he had told her to put up with the customer bull or she was fired.

part of her wanted to steal a snickers bar, toss her nametag at his chest, and give him the finger on her way out, but she needed the job more than ever. she had barely moved to this place and the last thing she needed to do was stir up trouble. after all, she didn't move away from new york just to bring the drama into her fresh start.

was all nora could muster up. she was tired, she was sticky from dried up sweat, and her battery was at a zero. the only thing she was looking forward to most was taking a nice, warm shower for the rooftop party waiting for her. tramel had planned something of a kickback to get all the tenants together; booze, pizza, party games and music. it was the exact kind of healing she needed after dealing with the beating monday had put her through. especially the liquor.

so when the clock showed 7:00pm, she nearly jumped over the counter so fast to get out of the store and go home. but before she could leave, nora left $30 in the cashier and grabbed some wine coolers for herself. regardless of how tired she was because of her shift, she swore she would never leave the store empty handed. she wanted to chip into the kickback and make a good impression on her neighbors. considering, she would be living for them as long as they stayed in the building.


the steam from her hot shower nearly engulfed nora entirely. she came out of the bathroom, body covered in goosebumps as the cold studio air clashed with the heat the water provided her skin. but, a little bit of a cold breeze didn't matter to her; she was home, she was clean, and she was ready to party. nora was looking forward to the kickback all day and now she was just a few short minutes away from total relaxation.

she was lucky to save herself the trouble a day early by picking out her outfit; a simple white, long-sleeve dress with a slit going up her leg. but it wasn't until she threw it on that she noticed how high the slit was. she would have to keep the dancing classy and cute or else it would expose her silk and lace underwear. oh well, she shrugged, brushing her freshly manicured, french tip nails through her hair that had remained curly under the protection of her shower cap.

nora wasn't worried about flashing her peers. even though she did plan on drinking heavily, she had some control over herself, even in a drunken state. as long as she stayed up straight or seated, her ass would stay a mystery.

and after nearly an hour of getting dressed, perfecting her hairstyle and putting on a pair of her most comfortable heels, nora was officially ready. she couldn't help but strike a few poses in her floor-length mirror; she was, in fact, the epitome of beauty and she knew it well. nobody could tell her otherwise.

kay, bighead, get your ass going. you didn't get dressed just to stare at yourself in your studio.

offering one last smile to her reflection, nora grabbed her phone from the countertop and a cross body bag to tuck it into before heading out and closing the door behind her. before she left for the rooftop, she locked the door to her cozy apartment and made her way up.

"god, i'm starving."
she mumbled to no one in particular.

♡coded by uxie♡

Location: The Lofts
Time: Midday -> Evening
Mood: Anxious
Outfit: Ever changing

Mentions: minajesty minajesty
Plus anyone else really :)


Kate lay in her bed, smothered by a mountain of blankets and pillows. As the dull light of the mid-afternoon sun streamed through the window onto her dozing form she began to wake up, one moment at a time. Her slow journey into consciousness came with the sweeping warmth that comes with waking at one's leisure, her breath coming in slow, easy waves. Though as her eyes fluttered open and fell on her surroundings, almost entirely at once, it all came crashing down around her. There was a brief moment of confusion, as her foreign surroundings made their way through the murkiness of her clouded mind, then immediate, claustrophobic fear.

"Shit." She muttered, clawing at her many covers, fighting free of their grasp and springing to her feet. She all but ran across the room and snatched her phone up from where she had left it the night before. Leaving her phone across the room from her bed had been a suggestion from her therapist, a way to combat endless doom scrolling late into the night, but it had the bitter side effect of leaving her to sleep through all her alarms. Coming to life, her phone screen told her that it was 12:04pm and, somehow even more stress-inducing, she had three missed calls and one voicemail from her publicist. Kate's knuckles turned white as she gripped the phone, the sudden irrational urge to delete the message leaping to the forefront of her mind. Her thumb jittered, almost completing the action before a counter-wave of guilt froze it in place. With a reluctant sigh, she resigned herself to her fate and carried her phone into the kitchen area.

With a cup of mint tea brewed and held firmly in between her hands she stared at the insidious device, biting her lip before darting forwards with one finger and tapping play on her voicemail.
"Kathrine, you're not going to believe this, but I've figured out a subtle secret of human to human communication. When someone calls you, IT'S BECAUSE THEY WANT TO SPEAK TO YOU!" Her publicist shouted, the volume turning her voice tinny through the phone speaker. The device was surely never designed to handle that many decibels. Kate physically flinched from the shout, but her posture softened when it was followed by a long sigh. "I'm sorry Kathrine. It's just I'm putting my neck out for you on this one and I'm getting a lot of push back. I believe in you, but there are some people who don't." Another pause, just long enough for the sentiment to sink in. "But that's not why I called. I've got you a spot at a bookstore in town, it's a small time gig, just talking about your last book and your new one, but it will serve as good practice for the tour that you will go on... Y'know... Eventually. I sent you the details. I'll leave you to whatever vital activity you're apparently doing but next time pick up your da-" Kate tapped the button to hang up, unable to stomach further admonishment. Taking a sip of her tea she took a deep breath and came to her feet.

After her brief morning routine she found herself sat at her desk, a second cup of tea, billowing soft clouds of steam, to one side. Before her lay her latest draft, almost 100,000 words of... mess. It was convoluted, and meandering, with no real substance or style. At least that's how she felt after staring at it for the better part of three months. She had hoped that moving halfway across the world would make her vision clearer and yet here she sat, as blind as she had always been. Some voice, buried deep in the undergrowth of her psyche, told her it was her imposter syndrome speaking but a much louder voice reaffirmed her anxiety and squeezed at her chest, reducing her breaths to short, hurried gasps. It took her at least twenty minutes to regain her composure and slowly, with all the enthusiasm of cow headed to slaughter, she began to write.

The afternoon passed in an ever-shifting sea of motivation and anxiety. She would spend half an hour outlining a new chapter, convinced that inserting it around the midpoint would resolve a litany of issues in the latter half, before deleting it all in a flurry of insisting futility. By 6pm she had less words than she started with and, in a moment of what some might call weakness, but Kate would prefer to think of as inspiration she rose from her desk and hurried to a small cabinet in the kitchen. Pulling open the door she inspected its contents and pulled free a bottle of rum, groaning as she realised it was not only mostly empty but was also her last. Resigned to her fate, she made herself a drink and went back to her desk.

Hours passed, each accompanied by a smattering of drinks, until both the bottle and her motivation was exhausted. She flopped back in her chair, staring at the twisting sea of words on her laptop screen, struggling to make sense of them. She wouldn't admit to herself whether her double vision was due to burnout of the alcohol in her bloodstream. She was used to working into the night, as she had done since arriving in her new abode, but she was reluctant to push onward sober.

After taking one last look in her alcohol cabinet, she pulled out her phone and navigated to the doordash app, her heart set on a fresh bottle of spirit. But before she could do so a flicker of movement crossed her eye, the number of notifications on the building group chat slowly ticking upwards. Biting her lip in a moment's hesitation, she tapped the icon and the building group chat bloomed onto her screen. She had kept it muted, trying to avoid the distraction, so had to flick backwards and fought to catch up with the rapid messages that were flooding in. A rooftop pizza party? It sounded fun, but that alone wasn't enough and alcohol? Kate froze, the conflicting forces of her social anxiety and desire to drink clashing in her mind. After a brutal struggle, her anxiety won and she closed the app, coming face to face with her phone background, an old photo of her and her grandma.

Her grandma was the reason she had moved out here, uprooted what stood for a comfortable life to come halfway across the world and chase the stories of her grandmother's youth. Stories that just might help her with her own... With forced brevity, Kate offered to bring ice and mixers.

With a petulance that would put a unruly toddler to shame, Kate went about readying herself for the party. She settled for a pair of high-waisted faded skinny jeans, a grey wollen tank top, and a faded linen shirt that she wore as more of a jacket. She wore a heeled pair of ankle boots, to give her a much-needed height boost, and a variety of silver jewellery pieces. Her make up was subtle, with winged-eye liner being the focal point, drawing attention to her dark eyes. Her hair lay loose around her shoulders, brushing up against her features as she stared into her reflection. She felt a bit like she was over doing it and worried that people would see through her attempt to appear casual and for a moment she got the urge to get back into pyjamas. The confidence she possessed when making the decision to go out was quickly deserting her and she knew that unless she left soon it might abandon her entirely.

Quickly throwing her keys and phone into her pockets, Kate left her apartment and found her way to the roof. There were a few people dotted around, caught up in clusters of conversation. She dumped the ice and soft drinks in the obvious place before looking around awkwardly at those gathered. She recognised most of them through their profile pictures on the building groupchat, or just passing them in the halls, but most were strangers.

"God, I'm starving." A quiet voice mumbled over her shoulder. Turning, Kate saw the voice belonged to... Ellen... No Elenora. The woman stood, Kate thought impatiently, a few steps away. Channeling the final residues of her liquid courage, Kate closed the distance.

"I'll help you track down some food if you help me find a drink." She offered alongside a half smile. "But full disclosure, I am offering for entirely selfish reasons." Kate added, hoping the added levity would detract from the sudden intrusion.



  • mood


"here we go."
Who knew the weight of one small cat is equal to the weight of a elephant crushing you under their foot. Tramel found out when both his cats sat on the center of his chest pretty much pinning him to his mattress, his pajama shirt hiked up showing his midriff and covers bunched around his legs trapping him inside the warmth. As much as he wanted to continue sleeping and remaining asleep for the rest of his life on the planet Earth, the weight of his two cats were becoming heavier and their purrs started turning into mews of impatience. "Siento que me quedé dormido a pesar de que son... las 9 de la mañana... que me jodan..." Sighing and rubbing as much sleep out of his eyes with his free hand, he moved his cats off his chest the warmth finding a new location on the bed sheets and softly let them nuzzle into his hand. Looking at the empty space beside him in his king size bed, the beautiful yet currently painful memories flooded back into his head of the one that he thought was his other half. Her fair skin, freckled shoulders and shoulder length blonde hair that still looked beautiful even messed up. The way she smiled each morning when their eyes met. The oversized shirt she wore...ugh enough! Those memories weren't as precious to her as they were to Tramel. Alright enough moping in bed get up we need to starting cleaning up and start fresh...no matter how hard it will be.

Tramel took his shower and made sure his fur babies were fed and their litter boxes were cleaned before sitting on his living room couch. Sighing he looked over at the small pile of empty boxes he scored from Elenoras' job in order to pack up anything belonging to his now ex-girlfriend Margot. What was supposed to be just a few days task gradually turned into nearly a month after finding her with someone else in her bed. While together they did agree to having sexual relations with other people but one particular person caught her eye a bit too much for Mels taste. What was supposed to be a fling turned into Margot meeting said person on multiple occasions and the constant use of the words "just a friend" and "nothing is going on between us" didn't end. It doesn't stop there, the confrontation and desperate request for the truth only confirmed Mels' suspicions even more, it was only a matter of time before he had his heart broken. He never understood why he let himself get his heart broken even when he knew the truth. Maybe he just wanted to hold on to the small grain of hope left in their relationship. Shaking his head while scratching his locks, he picked up the box and made his way to the bedroom starting his rejuvenation in the closet. Quickly removing any articles of clothing, any pair of size six shoes, lace underwear he could find into the box, it quickly took around five minutes. Slightly happy with his concentration on the task at hand he took out a sharpie and labeled the box 'cheaters items'. Softly chuckling he grabbed another box before he received a call from his mother.

Who knew a call could take up two hours and within that two hours, Mel only had three boxes completed. It was much better progress than a month ago but he still had more things of hers that needed to be packed away. Hanging up the phone he noticed the time and quickly released a 'mierda' before texting Nico. He and his friends last week decided to host a small pizza hang out on the rooftop and when he got a good amount of people to come he was excited. He needed to have fun and get his mind off the break-up and this was the perfect event to do.

From grabbing Nico, to grabbing pizza to hearing cheering on the rooftop when they arrived with the hot pies, Mels laughed and actually enjoyed himself. The turnout was small but it was exactly what he wanted. The downtown life of Charlotte, NC was alive and he was happy to experience it. Placing the boxes of pizza on the table next to the rest of the side dishes and drinks he rubbed his hands together enjoying the small group standing and having fun under the rooftop lights. His eyes made contact with an ebony young woman in a beautiful white dress talking to a short haired brunette and his smile turned warm. Grabbing three glasses beer bottles he handed her one and the other beautiful female the other and took a sip of his before speaking. "You know each time I see you you're always so stunning I'm definitely going to need to get some tips on how to slay for real. Just wanted to let you know the pizza is here as well and Nalani bought some sides from his bar. But before we walk over there, I'm going to need the payment of sour gummy worms I was promised mi amor" He chuckled at Elenora before he eyes landed on the brunette "Perdón don't think we've met before even though i've seen you a couple times in the mailroom...Tramel Fitzgerald nice to meet you..." His warm smile never leaving his face.

cry for love


♡coded by uxie♡
Last edited:


Deliverer of Foods



angsty & hungover


black Grateful Dead long sleeve tee & black joggers & don't forget the rainbow Chacos


bed, bar, & roof


Kate & Nora

Black curls unkempt on the man's head bounced about as he danced, emotionless, in the middle of the floor- The remainder of the rave having fizzled out a bit before. His eyes plainly reflected the flashing lights in all of their technicolor glory, hardly distorting the lights with their own dull color. He found himself borderline motionless, a translucent plastic cup sloshing the last of its lukewarm liquid on his knuckles before they found themselves dropping the cup into a trashcan and meandering outside the dark building. His voice grumbled, a little raspy, when he asked the outdoor bouncer if he could bum a cigarette in exchange for a dollar bill he found crumpled in his loose jacket's pocket. Nala made it halfway back to his apartment before he remembered what he'd done. And he dropped the cigarette into the storm drain across the street from his door before he cared.

Nala woke with a start, nestled deep into the bowels of the down-filled quilts with a seething headache threatening to break into nausea. He inhaled swiftly the notes of a cinnamon scented candle left burning all night until it was just a puddle of oil and thin, short flame, sinking into that nauseated feeling. He threw the blankets off his heavy body and hesitated briefly before sitting up all the way, confirming his suspicions of having been out too late with no recollection of where he had been. Too often, this had been happening recently. Once more confirmed as he noticed the throbbing in his fists when running his hands through his tangled, greasy hair.

Motherfucker. I gotta quit.

He thought this every time, though nothing ever changed. Nala half-flopped out of his bed, though it still remained just a mattress on the floor with a sheet that continually popped around one corner or another, also ending up on the floor. Half his life seemed lived on the floor. Thankfully, he never let anyone into his room that would waver his sense of organization. That's what he'd call it-


His nose throbbed a bit as he stood up, still a bit wobblier than he would have liked, confirming he hadn't just been drinking the night before. He checked his phone for the first time in what was certainly too many hours, proven by the missed messages and whatever else was there. He cleared the majority of the notifications, only stopping to reply to the group chat for the other Loft residents. He'd pull himself out of whatever this stupor was and make an appearance of course, thanking whatever deity he believed in right then that he would have a moment to get ready by going to his bar to retrieve whatever food the others requested.

Catch phrase of the day is apparently whatever.

Nala hyperfixated on one or two words that felt they could fully encapsulate his feelings in that moment. Or two. Or even a few days. Everything bled together here recently, though he couldn't place a trigger on what could cause it. Nothing inherently bad had been going on since he moved out of New York. Not even a moment's regret.

Lying to yourself again. You regret it.

He felt weak enough to justify a cab to the bar, even though it was only a ten or so minutes walk if he was quick enough. He recognized the cab driver- a thin woman in her middle years with thick, gray hair pulled back into a low tail. He hoped that she wouldn't recognize him, but he was met with disappointment on that front when she called him by name and asked how he had been doing since last Thursday. She never seemed to judge him for his incredibly short rides. He remembered seeing her fairly often in the last few weeks. And he always tipped her extremely well.

Maria. This is Maria.

Maria waited for him outside the bar, even though it took about fifteen minutes to retrieve the cauliflower wings, buffalo-style chicken wings, and a box of a questionable number of mozzarella sticks. Though it was his bar, and he could do whatever he pleased, he still paid the bartender for the food after a painful number of small-talk exchanges with the staff, handing the bartender a fifty-dollar bill before putting two fingers to his forehead in a salute with a smile and grabbing a half-drunk bottle of Grey Goose from behind the bar on the way out the door.

Disassociated to the point of hardly remembering whether he handed Maria a fifty or a hundred, he popped into the elevator, stopping in he and Nico's apartment only long enough to roll a blunt and change again, placing the magical little scroll delicately in the right back pocket of his black joggers before snagging the elevator once more to the roof access point, carrying with him the bag from the bar in one hand and the bottle in the other. Tempting as it was to slurp some down on the elevator, he decided to wait until he could share it with the neighbors. But that smoke would be lit the second he arrived.

Mindlessly ripping at the blunt and staring off the building at the lights around him, people started arriving and socializing. Hearing their conversation lifted a pervasive loneliness in him, even if they weren't acknowledging him, but each other. He recognized them all, even remembering their names, though he hadn't spent much time with them since the Lofts opened up. He heard Kate and Nora share light conversation about finding food and drinks before he realized he'd held the bottle of vodka in his hand the entire time he'd been up on the roof. He let the blunt die and held it in one hand, proffering the bottle with the other towards Kate when he meandered up to the pair.

"It's a little warm and I think I drank a good bit of it, but the rest is yours if you want." Nalani offered a smile, half-hoping she'd take it from him for his own sake.

♡coded by uxie♡

elloise moulin


tired but excited


the roof



anyone on the roof

Elloise had all but fallen permanently asleep for the evening at her easel when the rich scent of freshly brewed coffee wafted across her nose. A voice, meek and gentle, whispered her name in time with a soft hand on her shoulder, giving Elle a gentle shake awake.

“Ms Moulin? Elloise?”

Slowly, Ella’s crystalline eyes fluttered open and a yawn escaped her glossed lips. Reaching a hand up to stifle the breath, Ella’s cheeks flushed as her fingertips grazed a thin line of drool that had been leaking from the side of her mouth. There was her assistant, a clever second-year art student named Yuki, with a steaming mug of coffee in one hand and a crispy bagel in the other.

“How long was I out?” Elloise groaned, taking the outstretched mug between her delicate fingers. Yuki shrugged, placing the bagel down on a small clear patch on Elloise’s desk.

“A few hours, I think,” Yuki explained, bouncing slightly on the tips of her heels as she glanced down at the golden watch adorning her wrist, “it’s 6:30, that’s why I was surprised to find you here.”

Ella blinked, taking a swig of her coffee. 6:30? How had she managed to sleep that long?

Oh no.

Jumping up slightly, Ella looked up to the clock on the wall and grimaced. Sure enough she was late to that dinner event that was taking place on the roof that evening. Wonderful, just a phenomenal first impression. Struggling to stand, Ella somehow managed to spill the coffee that had previously been in her hand down the front of her legs, a dark stain pooling at the top of her sock.

“Merde,” Ella cussed sharply, reaching for a paint covered cloth to dab up the droplets of coffee, “I am so sorry. I had a difficult time falling asleep last night. Seems like it’s caught up to me.” A heavy breath fell from Ella’s lips, a tuft of blonde hair flying up and away from her forehead. “I am so sorry but I have to go.”

Yuki gave a polite shrug and giggle, patting Ella softly on the shoulder. “You do that. I’m surprised that you’ve made friends this quickly.”

Tossing the dirty rag back onto the table, the cloth landing squarely on top of the bagel, Ella huffed and grabbed her bag, her chest bubbling out in fake laughter. “Very funny. I do have a social life, you know.” A lie, of course, Ella hadn’t had any close friends since she left school. “But, um, I would not consider these people friends. We all live in the same building. They’re having dinner tonight on the roof,” another glance at the clock, “which I am very late to. I have to go, merci.”

°•. ✿ .•°​

After searching painstakingly for a good wine (she ended up with two, making decisions was highly difficult for the frantic girl), Ella finally arrived home. After changing out of her coffee stained socks and loading the two bottles of wine into each arm, Ella climbed the many stairs to the roof. There, her neighbours had already begun to gather.

Running a nervous hand through the crown of her hair, Ella gave a wave and a sweet smile to the crowd, gently waving the two bottles of wine.

“Salut! I am so sorry I am late!”

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.


Annie Santana

Free time felt like the furthest thing from a reality for Annie. The rotation of her shifts put them on 24 hour shifts every third day, and though it was predictable, it wasn’t like she felt like she had the energy to do anything but go to school on her days off. Today provided absolutely no difference as she did her best to stay awake in her biochemistry class.

“Ms. Santana. Annie Santana.”

Her professor’s words had brought Annie out of the space she had zoned out to. She blinked a few times looking back him,” It’s Ah-nee. Like you’re saying awning. But you know, with an eee on the end.” She sucked her teeth to times pointing a finger gun at him and winking.

“Ok, Ms. Ah-nee,” a bit of sarcasm dripped from the man’s voice as he straightened his posture before looking at her,”Can you tell me what a catabolic enzyme is?”

She scrunched her face up as if she was struggling to figure it out, leaning forward on the desk with her hands together before sighing, “Uhh I don’t know….maybe a catabolic enzyme engages in destructive metabolism, which involves degrading or breaking down complex molecules into simpler ones with the resulting release of energy. In the body, the breakdown of food in the gastrointestinal tract by a variety of digestive enzymes is an example of a catabolic process.”

She took a deep breath and scratched the back of her neck, “The opposite of that is anabolic enzyme if you’d like me to go over that one too.”

Her professor took a deep breath and went back to teaching the class. She knew what he was trying to do and he had a valid point. She should be focused and paying attention in class, but she’d prefer if she hadn’t been challenged like that. She was well aware of her material, probably more so than the other students in the class because even when she was on shift – whenever there was a down moment she was studying.

She looked up when she heard her phone buzzing, noticing it was a group chat with folks from the apartment building, but ignored until her class was let out. She checked when she was out of her class and noticed it was about a get together on the roof. She was down for that and she let them know she would sure be joining, though she didn’t know when because she needed to study for a little bit.

She’d find herself in her, a jeep grand Cherokee in all black. One of the models from the last couple of years, which was a gift from her brother when she left out from Chicago since the only thing she ever drove while in Chicago was an ambulance. She appreciated the thought and it quickly be came clear that it was a good gift because Charlotte required so much more driving.

When she found the spot at her building, she slid out of the car threw her bag over her shoulder, and slithered into her apartment and into her room. There she spent the next a couple of hours studying checking the group chat in the interim and being rushed before she finally sighed and closed her biochem book.

Food sounded nice right about now and she was very sure that she hadn’t gotten any food today because she had been so wrapped up in her work. That vegan pizza Mel was talking about? Yeah she was going to get that. So she finally closed her text book, clicked her iPad off before getting up and head to the bathroom so she could clean up.

There was a moment when she was in the bathroom that she stared at herself, doing her best to believe that she wasn’t stressing herself out or messing her skin up from lack of rest. She huffed a bit, added some make-up and she was on towards the roof. When she got there she looked over the set up nodding her head in approval, but quickly diverted her efforts into finding that pizza Mel had promised her.

Tu Castigo

by Mariah Angeliq​

T-shirt, jeans, heeled boots

no one

º º code by ditto º º

"Great work, buddy." Rhodey extended his hand out to offer a high-five, flat palm towards the ten year old boy sitting across from him on the floor in front of the coffee table covered in drink rings from his chronic refusal to use a coaster. They were just too easy to loose, besides, the table was thrifted anyways and had come with plenty of scratches on the wood's surface.

Jude, his student whom he had been tutoring for the last several weeks now, excitedly returned the gesture. His smaller hand clapping against Rhodey's with a decisive clap. The two of them had grown pretty close the last few sessions of English work. He would never tell them, but he was kind of his favorite tutoring client. It had nothing to do with the complexity of the subjects, though teaching fifth grade was obviously breeze compared to helping apathetic teenagers learn SAT vocabulary words. It was more to do with the eagerness that Jude showed to learn. In he reminded Rhodey of himself at that age, minus the struggling with vision loss of course.

He rose up from the ground, stretching slightly to loosen the tension that had accumulated in his knees from sitting on the ground beside him. Sure he could've sat on the couch but there's hardly any fun in that, plus it's easier to teach when he can sort of 'feel' the energy from the student to help him decider if they were struggling or excelling in the material they were working on. Which was especially helpful when they were self-conscious about needing the extra help or if there was a language barrier like in some of his GED students. Making his way over to the bookshelf he felt along the flat surface until his fingertips reached the book of stickers he kept there for his younger students like Jude, or any other sticker fans he happened to teach.

"Alright, pick one out." He said holding out the book until he felt the weight of it lifted form his hand as Jude took hold of it. The young boy flipped through the pages until he saw a particularly inciting dinosaur. He peeled it off and firmly pasted it onto the cover of his notebook beside the other stickers he had earned from Rhodey "Thank you!" He said looking up at him with a smile as he scrambled up to his feet, school supplies in his arms.

There was knock at the door, good timing on Jude's mother, Mrs. Marlowe's, part. She was always exactly on time, something Rhodey definitely appreciated and admired as a fellow sticker for punctuality. He put a hand on Jude's back and the two of them walked to the door, his other hand reaching forward to take hold of the knob and swing it open.

"Hi!' The enthusiastic female voice was indeed Leigh Marlowe, she reached out towards her son to take hold of his books and pencil case "Did you guys have a good time?" she asked.

Rhodey nodded "He was perfect, as usual." he replied with a faux roll of his eyes and a smile as he withdrew his arms and folded them over his chest "I'll see you guys later." with a final wave the interaction was over and the door was shut behind them. His socked feet grazed the floor as he headed back towards the table to clean up. He had barely begun to bend down towards it when he felt a vibration and ringing from his pocket. In a single motion he pulled out his phone and held it up "Rooftop Pizza Night, pepperoni pizza emoji." The screenreader voice from his phone announced as the alarm continued to chime. He silenced the phone and tucked it back into his pocket, part of him wanted to skip the little get together. Generally he wasn't a fan of large groups of strangers, it's overwhelming enough for someone who can see. But he did want to try and make more friends who weren't from school, and it sure wouldn't hurt to get to know his neighbors. With a bit of a sigh he straightened back up and headed towards the front of the apartment.

He slipped on a light jacket and go-to sneakers. Feeling inside the breast pocket he pulled out a pair of sunglasses, holding them contemplatively. He hated dressing up as a stereotype, but sometimes it made things a little easier to wordlessly communicate his disability and not have to explain himself to every single stranger considering how his eyes 'didn't look blind' as far too many people had told him. An obnoxious statement but one he far preferred to those who referred to his lack of visually tracking things as 'weird' or 'creepy'. A pang of anxiety heated his chest, followed by frustration, getting pizza shouldn't be this hard.

With a small huff he tossed the sunglasses onto his nearby console table and slide his hand along it until he felt his folded up cane. He took hold of it and pulled the handle's top loop up and off of it so it could expand and click into place. He gave himself a shake, attempting to remove the nervous energy as he opened the door and stepped into the hallway. Counting the steps until he reached the elevator and took it up to the roof.

It was already much less rowdy than he expected. He could hear some people talking casually as well as other noises of other humans just living. He took some steps forward and brought himself into the approximate center of the party so he could continue to get a feel for the vibe, the tip of his cane tapping in front of him as he went.
rhodey rhodes
coded by kaninchen



mentioned: everyone
interactions: elloise
tags: ...​

The bam of the front door closing echoed in the apartment. Ronnie felt as though she was controlled by a puppet master as she walked toward her room, debilitated from the work day. After opening the door pitch blackness stared back at her. Among the blackness she was able to discern the outlines of dirty dishes, greasy takeout boxes and laundry scattered across her bed and her desk. She let go of her backpack, and it fell on the floor with a thump, as she felt all willpower dwindle in her. Each day the room seemed to only get more and more dirt piled upon itself, as though it was some landfill, and each day Ronnie had less inclination to clean up after herself.

She switched on the ceiling light and ensconced herself in her old, yet plush armchair. Then she threw her feet up and plonked them down on the ottoman. In the privacy of her room her only companion was the little, threadbare teddy bear that she had had since she had been a newborn. According to her mom, she had had the thing with her in the cot and later at the nursery every day. Somehow, after twenty-eight years, it was still with her and not tossed out along with her other childhood playthings. Yet, perhaps it ought to have been, since the fur was blotched with dirt in some places, the stuffing was escaping from the seams and it was missing an eye.

The thing was on her bed, and she looked at it with pensive eyes.

“Did you I not ask you to clean up this shitpit?” she asked. She had decided that it was a he, although she was not sure why, whether she had decided this randomly or if there had been a legitimate reason for it, like simply favouring male company.

Yes, you did, the teddy bear said.

“Well, you did one shit of a job,” she said.

She was in need of a drink, one high in volume and loads of it. Normally she’d have some beer in the fridge and a couple of bottles of liquor within arm’s reach, but she hadn’t had any time to restock her own minibar yet. It was the perfect time for a drink — straight after work. At this point she had grown a habit and now without any she was starting to get fidgety: her leg bounced in that annoyingly uncontrollable way.

You’re the one talking to an inanimate stuffed animal.

“I should throw you out. It’s ‘bout time, innit?” she said and sighed. Thankfully she was going to have some company tonight and not have to be stuck in her room acting like a crazy person and talking to a stuffed animal as though it was real.

She was in no hurry to head to the rooftop. She had time to grind out some achievements in RDR2, snack on some Cheez-It crackers and have a ten-minute power nap. Maybe by now most of the residents would be heading to the hangout place or have arrived already. Ronnie wondered if they were just as excited as her to have a bit of a get-together — the rooftop was one of the best places for one. You could see the stars and yell to the sky, and have your voice echo in a loop further and further off. Since it was bound to get chilly as well, she pulled a hoodie over her T-shirt and took off. She skipped two steps at a time as she sprang up the stairs.

On the rooftop, the atmosphere was already buzzing with early-night energy and zeal. She saw her friends already grouping up — Nora, Kate, Tramel, Nalani, Elloise, Anhia and Jameson. Now where were Nico and Vinnie, the goddamned slowpokes? She saw her roommate, Elloise, hold two bottle of wine, and judging from the packagings, quite fine wine indeed. Now who came with the Solo cups?

“You wouldn’t dare start without me?” she yelled out as she approached the group. She looked toward Elloise then. “Ells, get everyone a cup, would ya?”

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/* ------ left side ------ */

/* ------ left side info ------ */
mood ready to wind down

location work, home, rooftop

outfit black slacks, sweater vest, white button down

mentions Nalani, Ronnie, everyone else

tag dikdik dikdik meirenju meirenju

odette castillo

/* ------ right side ------ */

Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.

Odette bit the inside of their cheek to keep from groaning– out loud. Inside their head was a cacophony of internal screams. They adored their clients, of course (for the most part) but the ticking of the clock seemed to grow louder the closer she was to leaving for the day. Desperate to just taste a little bit of the freedom of movement, Odette shifted in their chair, crossing one leg over the other, and willed themselves not to look at the clock behind their client's head. Didn't want her to think they weren't listening.

"Well Darcy, it seems like you're getting a better grasp, I think, of what it means to be polyamorous. I know Kade suggesting it sort of threw you for a loop, and you surprised yourself by being open to it." Odette couldn't help it. They risked a quick glance to the clock while their client wasn't looking. Oh, god bless, only five minutes to go. "And despite the ups and downs you've had along the way, I've got to say: I'm impressed with the increase in effective communication you've got going with Kade now. I think that's important in any relationship."

Darcy nodded, but she was chewing on her lip. She was always an anxious client and Odette had a terrible time trying to get her out of her head. They'd been there, they knew how it felt, and they desperately wished that Darcy would just hurry up and see the light already and be positive and confident about some things.

"Darcy. Don't get all worried on me now! Remember, you've got control in this situation. Kade doesn't love you any less just because he wants to bring someone else into the relationship. Non-monogamy is perfectly natural, and true, so is jealousy." Sweet Jesus only two more minutes. Time to wrap this up. "Which is why you're allowed to set your boundaries about this, Darcy. You can't worry about things you haven't discussed with Kade, yet. You have to bring them up to him first. Who knows, he might not even want those things from someone else. But he could, and talking to him ahead of time would prepare you better."

Odette made a few notes in the file on their clipboard before looking back up at Darcy. "Our time is up today, Darcy. But before you come back to see me next week, I want you to take all those things you're harboring in your head right now, and talk. To. Kade. Then tell me about the conversation and we'll go from there, okay?"

Darcy and Odette exchanged their pleasantries and Darcy left to pay for the session with Odette's secretary. It was sort of shameful, but Odette heaved a huge sigh of relief when Darcy was gone and the door to their office was closed. Finally! It was time to unwind!

Like a ritual, Odette shed the outer skin that was their blazer and revealed a tank-top tucked into their slacks, before reaching up and removing the clip that allowed their hair to fall freely down their back. They reached into their top desk drawer and pulled out their phone, scrolling through their missed messages. Mostly from the group chat they had with their sisters, one or two from someone they'd met at a bar the other night and: invites to a party.

Odette grinned from ear to ear, what a perfect way to end the evening. And ending the last session at 6:30? Perfect. Just enough time to finish closing the office, get home, and get changed.


7:40pm, Odette was unlocking the door to their apartment. Perhaps a little later than they had planned, but they’d stopped on their way home for a bottle of nice irish whiskey (realizing they were running low on the stuff they usually had on hand), some cups (as an after thought), and a couple mini bottles to down on the way home. Nothing wrong with a little pre-gaming, right?

As usual, Odette was greeted at the door buy their pet raccoon, who would around their legs in excitement. “Hi, Jimmy. Yeah, I missed you too pal. Let’s go get you some food.” Odette reached down to pick up Junkyard Jim, and let him climb up on their shoulders as they strode further into the apartment, turning on the living room lamp for some light as they headed towards the kitchen.

Odette believed in feeding Jim only the freshest of foods: and usually laid out a buffet of crunchy vegetables and fresh fish. This time, Odette laid out some salmon and various veggies, as well as some apple slices. Jim wasted no time going to town on the food. “You’d swear I was starving you, Jim, jeez. Don’t eat too quickly, you’ll hurt your tummy.”

It didn’t take long after that for Odette to get ready, changing into a looser pair of slacks, a nice white button down, and a sweater vest. Naturally, they dressed it up with a nice belt and various gold jewelry, touched up their eyeliner, then grabbed the bottle of whiskey they had bought and headed to the rooftop for the party.


It seemed liked there were people that beat them here already, which honestly was how Odette preferred it. Being too early to anything meant waiting around in boredom for people to arrive. This way, they could immediately integrate into the social atmosphere. Most of the people present they'd only seen in passing since they'd moved in, but Nalani was already present. Might as well go join the group he was talking to.

They approached with a grin, holding the whiskey out to no one in particular. "Bringing out the booze already, I see. My kinda party!" They held out the cups they brought as well. "I heard someone asking for cups, guess it was good instinct to bring these, then."

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

Location: The Lofts, the roof
Time: Evening
Mood: Just about social
Outfit: Casual

Mentions: minajesty minajesty
logastellus logastellus
dikdik dikdik

Plus everyone else really :)


No sooner had Kate asked for a drink had several options sprung up around her. The first, a bottle of beer, arriving in the company of... Tamel! The name leaping to the tip of Kate's tongue half a second before he introduced himself. She let a greatful smile wash over her features as she took the drink, glad to have something to keep her hands busy before they wandered about in some nervous tick.
"Yeah, I've seen you about the place." She replied, just about able to put together the meaning of his greeting through a hazy half-dozen years of long-ago language classes. In spite of her complete and utter fascination with the English language, all attempts to learn its European counterparts had eluded her. "I feel like I should extend a blanket apology for my mail room outfits... Most of the time it's just whatever items of my floor-drobe smell the freshest." Kate continued, dropping her eye to the floor with a slight chuckle.

Had she overshared? Maybe. Tamel's familiarity with Nora had thrown her off a bit. For some ridiculous reason she thought that all the other Loft residents would be in the same boat as her, equally oblivious to their neighbours beyond passing hellos. The fact that some already seemed quite chummy was, at once, unnerving and... Well exciting. It had been a while since she had had the opportunity to socialise with people her own age, and the idea of having friends again... She was getting ahead of herself. She was out of practice making friends so it would be stupid to get her hopes up from a brief glimpse of familiarity. Though even as she spoke, she could feel the dust sloughing off her social skills, her once-charming charisma slowly finding its footing.

Glancing down at the bottle of beer she wasn't surprised that she only faintly recognised the brand. Moving to America had been one culture shock after another, including eating and drinking weird brands that she had some peripheral awareness of through movies and TV shows. It didn't matter, Kate took a rather utilitarian approach to drinking and with her buzz rapidly receding, she was even less picky than usual. Only one thing stopped her from downing the entire bottle right there and then: the damn bottle cap. Then like an angel from God, another man approached holding out a bottle that she not only recognised but adored. Kate hardly heard Nalani's disclaimer about the drink's temperature, nor really noticed the somewhat strong scent of weed that drifted over alongside him, her attention locked onto the goose.
"You're an absolute life saver!" Kate gushed, forgetting any lingering anxiety in her excitement. She happily accepted the vodka and, employing a trick from her uni years of drunken debauchery, tapped the bottle top of the beer against the base of the larger bottle with a well-practised elegance. Despite the light touch, the bottle cap pinged off with a surprising amount of force. She had learnt the trick from an ex many years ago, perhaps the only good thing to come out of the relationship.

With both bottles in hand, Kate uncorked the goose and lifted it to her lips, remembering what scant manners she had at the last moment, and stopped short of actually touching them. A thin trail of vodka flowed from the bottle into her waiting mouth, the almost tasteless flavour dancing on her tongue. Nalani's warning had not been without cause, it was warm, but Kate was so relieved to have anything she didn't really care. Once she figured she had swallowed a double measure, she lowered the bottle and chased it with a deep swig of her beer. The cold liquid was almost shocking in contrast, but she held her composure. Within seconds, she felt the alcohol get to work on her system, her previous anxieties rapidly receding in the rear-view mirror of her mind. Though as they left, they were replaced with a sudden feeling of embarrassment. Her display had been far from courteous, and she was suddenly terrified she had all but ruined her first impression with her new neighbours. A flush rose in her cheeks and her eyes fell to the floor again. She fought to find something to say, to find a way to make light of her display of concerningly desperate consumption of alcohol, but before she could, a welcome distraction presented itself.

The musical intonation of a French accent broke though the momentary silence as... Okay, Kate admitted to herself, She couldn't actually remember this girl's name. But whoever she was, Kate was immediately filled with an immense gratitude for diverting the attention away from her. It immediately warmed her to the golden-haired girl who walked over, wine clutched in hand. Then another person joined the group, then another, and before long Kate felt her embarrassment diminish as everyone began to meet and mingle. Looking over the newcomers she found she recognised them all, with the same faint familiarity as she had beheld the beer bottle. And now, as she raised the bottle back to her lips for another sip, she took comfort in the fact the taste had already begun to grow on her, as to she hoped these new neighbours might come to mean something to her, in time.

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After listening to the rhythm of humanity around him Rhodey started to get more of an estimate of the ongoings around him, it sounded like people were still arriving while some others were beginning to group up into conversations. It took a bit longer considering the low light of the evening around him didn't allow for gathering any visual intel from his limited remaining peripheral vision. He adjusted his grip on the end handle of his cane as he started to move around the area again. This time opting for the constant contact method of probing instead of the previous two-touch, not only was it a marginal amount quieter to sweep the cane from side to side instead of taping, it provided a little bit more tactile feedback as well. Which was nice considering being up on a rooftop still struck some part of his inner child with fear.

His cane struck something that felt like a solid object, a moment later he realized it was a table. With his non-dominant hand he slid it along the table's surface and inspected it's contents. In order of contact he came across a stack of paper plates, napkins held down with a small stone to keep them from blowing away into downtown Charlotte, and a few takeout boxes of different sizes. The large flat ones presumably being the aforementioned pizza, as making the decision to pass on the sides those were the ones he went for. Already he resigned himself to just eating whatever he ended up with. Sure, it would take minimal effort to flag someone down and ask them to help him out, but considering he had passed on lunch that day in favor of doing some assigned reading for class he'd prefer to cut the amount of time between him acquiring food and consuming it down as much as he could manage.

Propping his cane against the table briefly he grabbed one of the paper plates and opened the lid of the box at the top of the stack. The heat of the pizza stung his fingers slightly but not in an unbearable way, continuing to run his fingers of the top of the slice Rhodey attempted to discern the the type that it was. Though he truly would eat whatever he ended up with, he was crossing his fingers he wouldn't end up with that vegan pizza that he'd overheard was there. Small oil covered disks told him pepperoni. It seemed like the universe aligned had aligned in his favor. He picked his cane back up and made his way over towards the area it seemed most people were convening to. The voices chatting around him as he neared the mini crowd all sounded at least a little familiar but it was still hard to put names to them, besides Annie. He'd assumed she would be here soon too if she wasn't already. Still even if she was he needed to get a little out of his comfort zone anyways, and after the week he'd had at school he could certainly use a drink. "Did I hear something about booze over here?" He asked, adjusting his grip on his cane's handle once more to hold it by his side instead of in front of him.

rhodey rhodes
coded by kaninchen


tenant #318



let's get this party started!


rooftop kickback.


tramel & rhodey.


odette & kate.

the silent walk towards the rooftop was thankfully interrupted by another woman catching up from behind her. kate, yes. that was her name. even though nora's interactions with her weren't all that common due to work, she was still pretty good with putting a face to the name after one mention of it. and the nora couldn't help but let a smile grow at the start of their conversation.
"deal, cause i just might need a drink myself."
she chuckled, slowing her pace so that they could walk side by side the rest of the way. it didn't take the two long to get to the rooftop, and as soon as the fresh wind hit nora, she let out a breath of fresh air.

and here comes another breath of fresh air, she thought to herself as the smile on her face grew a bit wider at tramel's company.
"thank you, my love. you always know how to make me smile."
she exclaimed, and reached for the contents in her cross body purse. a few seconds later, a package of sour gummy worms made an appearance in her hand and she held it up like a prize before giving it to her handsome friend.
"one of the first things i grabbed before i left, i couldn't forget to grab them for you."
nora's attention briefly turned towards nalani who must have seemingly overheard kate's dire need for a drink since he came with a bottle of vodka. half full but could still satisfy kate's needs.

the rooftop kickback's turn out was becoming more exciting by the minute, as the entry kept spewing out more and more attractive guests who were holding up a little gift of their own for everyone attending. this was exactly the kind of relaxation she needed after a long day of working. no, slaving over a dirty counter to please bitchy people. the company of her friends, some good pizza, and a good helping of alcohol would sooth it all.

nora's attention flickered over to someone who had mentioned booze. it was rhodey standing in all his glory, holding his cane in one hand and a rather delicious looking pepperoni pizza in the other. it had reminded her of just how hungry she was. her sole mission before coming was to find food, but that could wait for now. she didn't want to be rude and just dart over to the rather appetizing set up when people were arriving and talking amongst each other.

"over here, sunshine!,"
she directed him, still brandishing her same charming smile in his direction,
"i'll even get you a cup too, just gotta pick your poison."
she explained, glancing back over at the arrival of odette, who had seemed to show up at just the right time. when she caught sight of them, nora couldn't help but admire the tattoos that decorated odette beautifully from what she could see.

♡coded by uxie♡
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mentioned: kate
interactions: nora, odette, rhodey
tags: minajesty minajesty thatonegirl28 thatonegirl28 nova.the.alien nova.the.alien

Ronnie saw a familiar figure approach the group and felt her face split into a wide smile. It was Odette, chic in slacks, a button-down shirt and a vest, adorned with different kinds of clinking trinkets that Ronnie couldn’t begin to differentiate. It almost felt like each time she saw them they were dressed in their best garments which had the ability to make her jaw drop. Maybe it was just her but with Odette's arrival the place seemed already livelier.

Almost instinctively she extended her hand when seeing them bring some cups with them. Some of her neighbours didn’t seem to need one in the first place — out of the corner of her eye she saw Kate holding two bottles and drinking from them alternately. She briefly wondered if Kate was someone who was able to hold her liquor, or if she was rather a total lightweight. Ronnie was indeed eager to see who among them were able to drink infinite amounts, or on the contrary barely any.

Then she overhead the conversation between Rhodey and Nora. The young man had already fetched some pizza for himself. Nora was stunning in a sleek, white dress, but then again she had always been as pretty as a picture. Ronnie was sure that she would be just as stunning had she arrived in a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. When she heard her offer Rhodey a cup, Ronnie blurted out:

“Yo, Nora, you might need to pour for him too. Cannot afford to have the juice all over the floor, huh?” she said and then couldn’t help but laugh quietly at her own comment.

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The rooftop


Margot Volkov


  • h

(click play twice!)

"Maggot, nice to meet you," Maggot winced at their own robotic tone and even more sickeningly human stutter.
"Maggot, good ta meetcha," Another twinge of embarrassment.
"Maggot," An awkward, foreign feeling, crooked-toothed smile and a quick headshake later and the raven-haired person was huffing and stomping angrily. How devastatingly difficult could the most mundane task that was simply introducing yourself be? Enough to have Margot huffing and shaking their fist at their own reflection. Just. Act. Normal. They wouldn't normally care, Maggot never truly cared about things like first impressions and the likes, but after years in beat-up vans and over-crowded, infested apartments, they needed this to be okay, for one thing in their stupid circus of a life to be easy, and their first apartment event? Their first chance to become more than a face and idiotically loud rock music?
This was it, as far as the big, swelling bubble of anxiety that had taken up residence right in the center of their chest cared. Maggot needed this to work. After a long day of dragging needles through skin and drawing, drawing, and more drawing, all coming to a peak with one particularly difficult client, who just seemed to shoot down every idea they came forward with before settling on a design, not only overrunning their whole appointment but overrunning the end of their workday, all they needed was to relax with some booze and potential friends. Oh how long it'd been since they'd been to any sort of party, months tucked away in their apartment.
Salem bounced up, the dragging of two paws down their torso pulling Maggot out of their overcrowded mind and down to the young pitbull, reminding them to take deeper breaths and unclench their hands, wiping away the speckles of blood that had begun to sprout under the pressure of their clawlike nails, painted black and sharpened to little points.
Their eyes lingered on their pale face and dark eyeshadow, their hair gelled into messy curls, and their black lips, before they finally turned from the mirror and moved out of the gothicly decorated bathroom into the cluttered, gothic studio. Margot laced on their chunky, black platformed boots, chains jingling, and pulled on their oversized leather jacket, giving themself a little twirl in the reflective closet doors, their insecurities being tucked away into their leather pockets, they wouldn't let themself ruin this. With a little bit of powder in their nose, a bowl, and 2 nips down the hatch, their mask was perfected, their persona of drug-induced confidence loaded and ready, steadying the shake in their hands and the stutter in their voice. The small resident tugged their vintage leather backpack on, already packed with a bottle of vodka and a mixed pack of cigarettes and blunts, and grasped their bottle of aged whiskey from Scotland, sipping as they slipped out the door of their apartment and trudged towards the roof, Salems muscly, black body with their skeleton vest and Beetlejuice leash keeping pace beside their master.
As they emerged onto the rooftop, they already began analyzing the crowd. Their eyes linked instantly on two friendly figures, first Tramel, who they'd met their first day moving in, after a string of sarcastic quips and one of Maggot's expertly crafted pre-rolls, the two were fast friends, and Odette, was it? The only other person in this building who seemed to follow a stunningly similar alternative lifestyle to their own. The artist lingered on the outskirts of the groups, Salem sniffing everything in sight curiously, the two waiting for a good moment to try to join the other tenants.

♡design by rabbitswarren, coded by uxie♡
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"here we go."
The smile on Mels face grew wider when Nora pulled out a bag of sour gummy worms from her side purse handing them over. Taking the plastic bag of candy out of her hand he leaned down kissing her on the cheek. "I can always count on you to supply me with my favorite junk food candy." Finishing the bottle of beer in his hand he placed the empty container in the husker bin labeled "recycling" then made his way back over to the table lined with the pizza and other food items. For once in a while...Tramel felt great, he felt happy to be around friends and new people, he felt normal. He wasn't thinking about his ex-girlfriend or work or anything that would cause him extra stress.

Grabbing another beer, he opened the can his eyes making contact with Nora walking over to the young man with the white cane after hearing his response. Jameson Rhodes. Chuckling when he say the guy holding a pizza in his other hand, he walked over placing his free hand on Rhodes shoulder in case he started walking anywhere. He met Rhodes in college and the two developed a solid friendship, rhodes was a great study partner to have and Mel always made sure that Rhodes was taken care of if any issues occured. He had no problem walking rhodes to the dorms to make sure he made it home safe or get up in the middle of the night and bring him an energy drink on the nights where he stayed too long in the resource center. When the lofts opened up mel made sure to tell rhodes that way they were in close proximity just in case anything were to happen. "Quick! How many fingers am I holding up?" Mel couldn't help but ask the stupid question knowing that Jameson would give a snarky response. He then looked at the slice of pizza just handing in the open air in Jamesons' hand, reaching over the box of closed pizza he grabbed a paper plate. Carefully taking Rhodes pizza occupied hand by the wrist he slid the plate under the slice "Nora I think i'm going to get smacked in the kneecap by rhodes walking cane and I one hundred percent deserve it for trying to make such a crappy joke." His smile grows wider as a deep chuckle rumbled from his throat.

He craned his neck when he heard Odette's voice rumbling through the small crowd of people. "Hey Odette when you're done making your grand entrance come grab some food and come chat with us!" Taking another gulp from his can of beer, he finally grabbed himself a plate and started grabbing foods from the table until he saw from his peripheral vision a female with long braids and a soft smile on her face walk over and begin talking to Rhodes and Nora. His eyes widened before focusing back on his food. Once he finished grabbing what he wanted he turned on the balls of his heels and made eye contact with the bruja. Ronnie Braun. He didn't have any grudges with her but he wouldn't be a good friend to Anhia if he was making heehee and hawhaws with her ex-girlfriend. "Ronnie...thank you for coming to the kickback I really appreciate it...your jokes could use some work though..." He plastered a fake forced smile on his face.

cry for love


♡coded by uxie♡
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Annie Santana

Maybe this wouldn’t have been a waste after all. She would be getting delicious pizza. No scratch that, she was CURRENTLY getting delicious pizza that she was doing her best to not look like un cerdo while she stuffed her face. Her mother always told her “comer como una mujer, no un cerdo.” It was just with her lack of time, her manners seemed to go with it.

Ah. What did her mother know. Plus. She was dead. So. One for Annie. Dang it. That maybe was a little too dark. She would say an extra hail mary somewhere. For now, she would focus back on the pizza that was currently disappearing slowly from her hands.

She had reached for another slice of pizza when her ear twitched at the sound of a familiar voice. Her eyes narrowed instinctively and the urge to throw the slice of pizza off the roof in frustration surged through every nerve in her entire being. She didn’t though. Any gratuitous destruction of pizza was punishable by lashing. At least, she thought so.

Instead – she made sure to be as inconspicuous as possible from her witch of an ex. La Bruja. She and her close friends had dubbed Ronnie this in (facetious) fear of invoking her brujeria if they were to say her actual name. It didn’t really make sense and deep-down Annie knew Ronnie hadn’t done anything specifically malicious towards Annie that warranted such disdain, but a broken heart was a broken heart and it played on her insecurities so much that it had turned into resentment. So, for now, la bruja it is.

A slow sigh rolled from the young woman’s lips as she reached to grab another slice, but her peripheral vision caught Rhodey on approach. Her mouth was full, so she didn’t speak when he initially arrived, and sort of watched him because she knew she was out of his vision. When he made a move for the pizza, she slid it ever so slightly to be more directly in his reach. She planned on taking another slice or so and just sneaking back into her room without ever alerting him to her presence or let Tramel catch her because she didn’t want to risk an encounter with her ex.

But for every person who called out to Rhodey, for every person who acknowledged his presence meant that she was one step closer to being spotted. They shared the same apartment, so clearly she couldn’t avoid her ex for forever, but she was definitely going to avoid her tonight. Or though she thought she would as she headed to the exit (with a couple of slices of pizza wrapped in napkins) before she heard her former lover’s comment towards Rhodey.

She knew it was a joke, though one in poor taste. She knew Ronnie didn’t mean anything by it, intentionally. She knew Rhodey could handle himself. The problem was 1. She had so much resentment towards Ronnie that anything she could say that could make her angry, would. Could have been about the weather and Annie would see red. 2. She would always take advantage of any time she could lash out at Ronnie and feel justified. She’d apologize to her friend Rhodey later.

She loved Mrl and appreciated him not being overly nice to la bruja. She probably should have savored that win and let everything go, but “ Tú si ere aqueroso, nadie te preguntó.It’s not a surprise you’re insensitive, that’s the only thing you’ve ever been able to show. That joke isn’t funny at all.” She took a deep breath and looked over to Rhodey,” Don’t listen to her. Siempre está como amemá.”

Tu Castigo

by Mariah Angeliq​

T-shirt, jeans, heeled boots

Tramel ( logastellus logastellus ) Ronnie ( meirenju meirenju ) Rhodey ( thatonegirl28 thatonegirl28 )

º º code by ditto º º

Rhodey chuckled slightly at Mel's joke "I dunno, Mel, how many am I holding up?" he asked lifting his hand that also held his cane and displaying his middle finger playfully. When the two of them met in college when Rhodey was a just a freshman and Tramel was in his senior year the two of them were able to hit it off when at a student mixer he was the only one who didn't treat him like he was the elephant in the room, and he wasn't afraid to ask some friendly questions about his disability either. All he wanted was to be treated like a human, which Mel did and then some. Their relationship had grown somewhat brotherly over the years.

He turned back towards the estimated source of Nora's voice, considering her statement when Ronnie's voice intercepted his thoughts. Generally he found it more effective to just ignore any and all ableist comments, he encountered them most days. If he had a dollar for every one he had heard over the years he sure as hell wouldn't be living in an apartment. Truthfully he was just stunned that Ronnie had decided to skip over the niceties and go straight to a joke in bad taste. Though he wasn't entirely shocked considering what he had heard about her from Annie.

When she jumped in to his defense part of him wanted to remind her that he didn't need rescuing. That was something his parents had always instilled in him growing up, that being disabled didn't make him helpless. Which was something that he had always known to be true, except for high school. That was another story entirely, one he would prefer to forget. It was never anything that he himself had done that made him remember that he was disabled, but the way that others acted around him. Not even including the downright ableist things that he had witnessed in his twenty-three years, it was those who had truly meant no harm who outnumbered the plain and simple bigots. Like people who insisted on helping him do basic tasks like he was a child, the ones who thought they were 'helping'. That was the category Annie was falling into now. Usually he would correct an action like this, take it as a chance to educate, but considering the circumstances, and all he had heard from her about just how badly Ronnie had hurt her. He let it slide for the time being.

(mentioned: Tramel ( logastellus logastellus ), Ronnie ( meirenju meirenju ), Annie ( AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami )
rhodey rhodes
coded by kaninchen

/* ------ left side ------ */

/* ------ left side info ------ */
mood surprised

location rooftop

outfit black slacks, sweater vest, white button down

mentions Tramel, Ronnie, Nora, Nalani, Nico

tag logastellus logastellus meirenju meirenju minajesty minajesty

odette castillo

/* ------ right side ------ */

Odette could feel themselves grinning ear to ear at Tramel's comment, and they couldn't help but roll their eyes fondly at him. Grand entrance, my ass, Odette thought, but it was endearing, and they couldn't deny that they felt a few eyes on them. And perhaps, they realized, they knew more people here than they had thought.

Nalani they had expected, of course. It was Nalani that told them of this place to begin with, and was the whole reason they'd moved into the place. Of course, Odette should've figured that Nico wouldn't be far behind. Perhaps Nico had mentioned it at one point too, but to be fair they were usually drinking when they were around Nalani and Nico so who could say? And Tramel, dear sweet Tramel. That one they knew about too, and perhaps it was risky living this close to one of their patients. Not that it would be all that different from them hanging out on the regular. Oh well, they were just going to try not thinking about that one.

Nora. That was one they didn't expect. Remarkable honestly- that they hadn't seen Nora, not even in passing, since they'd moved in. And yet, here she was in all her beauty. Odette couldn't lie, they thought Nora was absolutely breath-taking, and her choice of dress for the evening was stunning to say the least. She was easily the most beautiful person in the room. Odette could feel their face growing hot, and they forced themselves to look away. Probably for the best, they didn't want to come off as a creep. Still, they made a mental note to say something at least a little charming to Nora. After all, Odette's crush on her was a little over a year strong, at least since she'd befriended their little sister and started hanging around the apartment they shared. How lucky they were then, that Nora was their neighbor now.

Odette decided they were well overdue for a drink, and poured themselves some of the whiskey they brought into a cup before approaching the table, where they dutifully sat the cups and whiskey down for others to enjoy. The pizza smelled delicious, and they knew they were going to grab themselves a piece of vegan pizza. While they didn't necessarily follow the lifestyle themselves, Tramel had certainly taught them how to appreciate vegan food. Now that they were a closer proximity to Tramel, they decided to greet him more properly. "Heyy, don't know why I was surprised to see you here at first, as if I didn't know you lived here." Odette scoffed playfully at themselves. "Great choice on the pizza by the way." They set about getting themselves some food, placing a delicious looking slice of vegan pizza onto a plate.

Out of the corner of their eye they saw Tramel looking directly into the eyes of-- Ronnie! Oblivious to Ronnie's interaction with Rhodey previously, Odette was quite happy to see her, and grinned wide. "Oh hey, Ronnie!" Tramel looked less than pleased to see her, and Odette wondered if there was some sort of drama there that they weren't aware of. Hm. Interesting. They hadn't even known that Ronnie and Tramel knew each other. Hold on. Wait. "You two know each other?"

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.



mentioned: maggot, rhodey, nora, annie, tramel
interactions: odette
tags: nova.the.alien nova.the.alien

Ronnie found her curiosity getting piqued by yet another arrival of a neighbour — this time someone who she hadn’t seen before. They were dressed in an oversized leather jacket and what looked to be a black denim dress. Meeting someone new, Ronnie would be eager to sneak in a hello at least and get the compulsory vibe check.

She was mildly amused by Tramel’s antics, the way he bantered with Nora, Rhodey and Odette. It looked like he was expressing a lot of fondness to them, but when she felt his eyes land on her it was like all of this suddenly dwindled. His comment surprised her, considering he had just now cracked a joke at Rhodey’s expense as well, an awfully good joke too. Maybe they just had some kind of special bond so they were allowed to make fun of each other.

What drained her from all confidence were rather Annie’s words laced with so much wrath it made Ronnie’s hair stand on end. It wasn’t the first time that Annie spoke to her in this manner. In fact, the occasions were innumerable. Words like ‘insensitive’ and ‘disgusting’ and suchlike wouldn't normally wound her — she had been called all manner of things in her life — but coming from Annie she felt a twinge of guilt. Ronnie refused to let this show on her face, though — maybe because of pride, maybe because of arrogance — and she refused to acknowledge the sensation of her stomach dropping upon merely seeing her ex-girlfriend.

Hence she was grateful when Odette broke some of the tension with her friendly query. “Yo, you know Tramel?” Ronnie asked. She probably shouldn’t even be surprised — the world was a small place.

Last edited:

Happy Halloween.


Spooky, scary skeletons
Send shivers down your spine
Shrieking skulls will shock your soul
Seal your doom tonight
Spooky, scary skeletons
Speak with such a screech
You'll shake and shudder in surprise
When you hear these zombies shriek
We're sorry skeletons, you're so misunderstood
You only want to socialize, but I don't think we should

Happy halloween everyone! Our lovely loft tenants are currently chatting it up with each other on the loft rooftop for the 2022 Halloween Bash. Spooky and scary drinks from Dracula's blood spiked punch to cute Ghost cookies some of the other tenants children help make are spread across the foldable tables. Both grills are being used to cook a variety of burgers, links, chicken and beef and we can't forget about our vegan friendly options. The music is playing and the vibes are amazing at the Halloween Bash. Our tenants are dressed in their best custom-made or store bought costumes. There isn't a cloud in the night sky that can ruin this scary night. Put on your sharp fangs, slip on your cowboy boots and put those fairy wings on and lets' get ready to party!

'Cause spooky, scary skeletons
Shout startling, shrilly screams
They'll sneak from their sarcophagus
And just won't leave you be
Spirits supernatural are shy what's all the fuss?
But bags of bones seem so unsafe, it's semi-serious
Spooky, scary skeletons
Are silly all the same
They'll smile and scrabble slowly by
And drive you so insane
Sticks and stones will break your bones
They seldom let you snooze
Spooky, scary skeletons
Will wake you with a boo!

spooky scary skeletons

Andrew Stone

♡coded by uxie♡

Rhodey Rhodes

rooftop halloween party


With his cane in his right hand probing the area in head of him and a bowl of candy in his left, Rhodey made his way up to the rooftop for the Halloween party. He had debated for a good fifteen, almost twenty, minutes just pulling the damn mouse ears he paid $11.50 too much for and changing his 'costume' to Rocky or whoever else wore grey sweats that wasn't a felon or somebody's dad, or even just not showing up at all. Truth be told it had been a bit of a 'bad eye day' for him. It felt like his usual light sensitivity was turned up to an eleven since the minute he had snapped into consciousness that morning and it had been taking a lot more effort to do pretty much everything even though his actual level of vision hadn't changed at all. At least no to his knowledge, he really needed to find an ophthalmologist in the area. He hadn't been seen by an eye doctor of any kind since he moved to Charlotte, not a great habit to fall into.

Once he had put in some eye drops and took a shot to relax he had considered the problem solved enough to go ahead and get going. He also considered not bringing the candy along with him, he knew there would be food at the party already so he didn't really need to bring it, but his mother would have a fit if he showed up to a gathering without something. That woman used to send him along onto the speech and debate team carpool in high school with a Tupperware of whatever Pinterest recipe of the week she had chosen to fixate on that week. As annoying as it could be his teammates sure appreciated it.

The change from the elevator and hall lighting into crisp nighttime darkness was a welcome change as he stepped out onto the roof. Things were mostly laid out the same as they usually were whenever the rooftop had been used as a gathering space so he made his way towards the approximate location of where the folding tables usually resided, after a minute he managed to find them and tuck the bowl in his hand among the other snacks. Turning around he rested his now free hand on top of his dominate hand, resting them both on the top of his cane's handle and waited to see if he could hear any familiar sounding voices in the surrounding areas.




The rooftop

Margot Volkov


  • h

(click play twice!)

Tattoos were half off today, and Halloween movies were streaming through the tattoo parlor, everything from horror movies to comedies. The waiting room was buzzing with energy, packed full of anxious and excited customers, most already tucked into their Halloween costumes. Maggot had the pleasure of pulling the other tenants ahead of the line, ushering them into their own gothic-decorated cubicle and getting to work, for how better do you get to know a new neighbor than while going at their skin with a buzzing needle, filling the room with the metallic smell of ink and blood? It was pleasurable introducing their new friends to their home away from home, even letting them pick the next movie if the chance came up.
Maggot had gotten up earlier than ever, which was saying a lot, for they hated mornings more than anything. But this one day a year, the raven-haired artist got up early to prepare, to dedicate hours to their thrifted Halloween costume. With such a busy year, between the demands of finishing their apprenticeship to making music, they had gone more simple and traditional, with their own flare of course. They had put together a black faux-leather corset and black-and-red striped stockings, with a long, sheer, star-studded skirt that flowed gracefully behind them. It was topped off with a uniquely shaped, pointy witches hat, a pair of knee-high, chunky Demonias, and most importantly, their curvy wooden broomstick. Salem was even dressed up to match in a hilarious, hand-sewn black cat costume.
The work day came to an end before long and Salem and Maggot were quickly out the door and home before they knew it. With a quick stop in their apartment for some booze, the duo made haste to the rooftop. Maggot was surprised to find they were rather early to the party, Salem and them venturing across the rooftop to pour themself some blood punch, hoping it wouldn't stain the pale foundation around their lips. The darkly dressed two peered around the rooftop for a familiar face, before landing on a familiar little mouse, cane in hand. Ha, smart. They internally commended the blind tenant before taking a few steps over. The two weren't too familiar yet, but they had spoken now in then in the group chat, and Maggot found it was always best for those less-able-bodied to stick together.
"Hey Rhod-e-o," The witch dragged the pet name out, Maggot hated remembering names, nicknames were much easier, "How are ya this dark evening." The ironic choice of words was purely incidental, but Maggot hoped they wouldn't offend the other tenant much. As their owner spoke, Salem quickly got to sniffing the legs of the other person, searching his scent for danger.

♡design by rabbitswarren, coded by uxie♡

/* ------ left side ------ */

/* ------ left side info ------ */
mood already lit

location apartment -> rooftop

outfit pirate costume

mentions tramel, rhodey, margot

tag thatonegirl28 thatonegirl28 Nightmarish Nightmarish logastellus logastellus

odette castillo

/* ------ right side ------ */


Honestly, Halloween was Odette's favorite holiday. They could get down with Christmas and New Years, of course, but Halloween hit different. The costumes, the parties, the feeling of it all! Odette was unashamed every time they put in for paid time off during the week of Halloween. They had parties lined up every night of the week, and to be frank, they'd stayed fucked up for about four days solid at this point. After all, the best cure for a hangover was more alcohol, right? And those morning bloody marys worked wonders. If anyone asked, they'd swear by them as the perfect hangover cure, and recommend eating a bunch of bacon with it too. They'd even tried it with vegan bacon, just to prove a point to Tramel. And yes, it worked just the same.

It was clear how much they loved Halloween when their Halloween costume was taken into account. It was clear that it had been perfected, down to even the most meticulous detail. Odette wasn't shy about admitting that they wanted a costume that would get them, ahem, absolute loads of bitches. Something they said, complete with finger guns, of course. Every year for about the last four years, Odette was a pirate captain for Halloween, and boy did it achieve the exact results they had wanted. They looked fine as fuck and they knew it. Which was why they were currently checking themselves out in the mirror of their apartment, a half-empty bottle of Captain Morgan rum (their choice drink of the night) in their hand, checking themselves out unabashedly. And they couldn't help but admire the scars they had so handily crafted on their face. Their favorite touches, however, were the leather pants, leather corset, and leather arm braces. If that didn't give off daddy energy, what did? They downed some more of the Captain Morgan, straight from the bottle, then decided it was perhaps time to head up to tonight's party: the one with their flat-mates. And quite honestly, the one they anticipated the most.

Odette checked themselves out in the mirror one more time before turning away to get their things together. Another -- unopened -- bottle of Captain, a pack of six blunts that they pre-rolled, and a small baggie with a fine white powder in it. The bottles were set on the counter for a moment, and the pack of blunts was tucked away in her pocket (save for one, of course, that they tucked behind their ear.) They then popped open the small baggie, dipped their key inside, then sniffed a small heap of the powder off the tip of their key. After repeating the process a second time, they wiped their key off on their sleeve, closed the baggie, then tucked it inside their shirt for later. Ready to go, they tucked the full bottle of Captain under their arm, held the half-empty bottle in their hand, then strode out the door.

They'd just barely exited the door to the roof when they pulled the blunt from behind their ear and stuck it beween their lips, before pulling a lighter out of their pocket to light it up. Then, Odette finally took in their surroundings. Hm. They'd arrived a bit early. No big deal. Odette approached Rhodey and Margot, but still stood at a distance-- you never knew when people might have issues with the smoke. "Either of you guys wanna hit this?" Odette took one more long drag for good measure, expertly holding in a cough, before holding the blunt out in their general direction as an offering. They then exhaled, blowing the smoke off to the side, then cleared their throat. "I've also got some rum. If that's your poison."

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.


  • mood

    why couldn't akasha wear a sweater?

you need to give it up, i've had about enough. it's not hard to see that boy is mine.

the 90s r&b hit by brandy had echoed throughout nora's apartment as she got dressed for tonight's party. it wasn't just any party, it was a costume one--also known as the perfect chance to get crafty and display her artsy side. nora had been counting down the days for tonight since word ran through the apartment complex halls. not just because the halloween party landed on her day off, but because halloween was one of her favorite holidays aside from new years.

unfortunately, her original plan to go as medusa was shot down unexpectedly. the costume she had spent hours on crumbled when the snake headpiece fell apart in the middle of the night. and while it was a pain in her heart to see all her work go down the drain, part of her was thankful that it had happened when it did. it had given her enough time to think of a new idea. nora would be going as the infamous akasha, aka the sexiest vampire queen known to mankind. and there was no doubt in the brunette's mind that she would probably raise heads, unless someone new how to top a queen.

im sorry that you.. seem to be confused.. he belongs to me..
"that boy is mine."
the lyrics to the song fell effortlessly from nora's mouth in a whisper as she fixed her straightened hair and adjusted the chunky gold statement necklace that added an extra pound to her neck. a cheesy smile of approval began to decorate her face as she looked at herself in the mirror. she was impressed that she managed to get the costume right down to even the most miniscule detail in such a short amount of time. and when she was finally satisfied with how her costume looked, she disconnected the bluetooth speaker and began to head out of her apartment.

as soon as nora made it to the familiar rooftop of her apartment complex, she was disappointed that the cold-blooded trait of a vampire didn't come with the costume. the slight chill in the air pinched her skin as she gave her costume one final fix before taking in the scenery. halloween decor threw up all over the tenant's party zone and the table was lined up with just about every food and beverage you could ever crave. and nora's gaze landed on the bright red punch, she made her way over to the table to grab herself a cup.

taking a red solo cup from the plastic packing, nora grabbed the handle of the pitcher and began to pour herself half a cup of the liquid beverage. she then replaced the punch for a liquor bottle before giving herself a generous amount to fill the rest of the empty space inside. it wasn't until after she had given herself swig did she take note of the fact that a few familiars were already there. there was sweet rhodey dressed as a mouse, maggot the witch, and the lovely odette clad in pirate attire. they had gone all out on their costumes, and nora couldn't help but be excited about seeing the others who had yet to come.

no music.

♡coded by uxie♡

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