Who is still excited for Exalted 3?

The Dark Wizard

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I know @Greenstalker plans to be in the first game I run.

However I've noticed discussion about the game in general has died down, here on RPdom, my gaming groups, various other communities, etc.

I don't blame any one though, there was a lot of hype.
well there are many reasons for me to be excited. First of all ı choose two MA's going to be in book but that is not all I will get to decide or acquire :P Secondly I am not that over clods or have big expectations from E3 since high expectations usually ruins a good but not satifying product.
I wouldn't say I'm excited for E3, so much as I'm ready for it.

A lot of the hype for me has died down due to the large delays, but I still have high hopes for it.
I would be interested to see what E3 has in store.. I only just recently got into exalted and tabletop gaming in general (at least one that I actually bother to read the rules hehe)
I have a little grudging interest that I can't suppress despite my misgivings. I've seen new editions be "the worst thing evar!!!!1111oneoneone" too often to be super-excited about it, especially since I hated the direction ETP took 2nd edition in the errata, and they're supposedly (I haven't been following closely) the leaders on E3e, but they did some things right (I still use the errata in my games despite not caring for it personally, after all) and I'm hopeful that with a chance to completely rebuild from the ground up they can make awesome mechanics and still make a super-interesting game world, too. If they can marry the fluff and mechanics a bit better and still make it FEEL like Exalted (something that seems to be missing from 2.5 physical combat), I will be a very happy camper.

However, I'm still asking for 2e books for Christmas from my friends and family and hording them, in case they get harder to find and 3e turns out to suck.... also, buying new books always sucks. I'm always broke :P But I'm holding out hope that 3e will make Exalted the best ever...
Excited? Nah, I'm not capable of sustaining excitement for as long as it's been since the kickstarter, delays or no. Still definitely looking forward to it, there's just not a whole lot of point in rehashing discussions that have been had ten times by now.

...That said I've gotten rather frustrated by the playtesting for it lately. Stupid NDAs, I know no less than four people who are in the things. One of whom I'm dating. Still allowed to know nothing! Bah!
I was never excited; but I look forward to it.

I will be excited once they announce Abyssals and Infernals. At this point I'm most interested in investigating the design decisions on EX3
Best not hold your breath, the projected completion date has been pushed back to March. At the moment.

Captain Hesperus
I've been doing my best to avoid spoilers because I don't want to get hyped up and burned out on Ex3. I'm not too happy with the fragments of what I've heard, but I'm going to give it a chance (this is also why I am avoiding all the Ex3 threads).

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