Who here wants to be evil?


Look for the Shade inside
I have this problem. I'm sitting here trying to plan a war.. But all I've got is mostly good guys.. I want to make this interesting. I want it to be a full out war.. So the question is.. Who wants to be evil?
I WANT TO SLAUGHTER RANKS OF THE GOOD THAT STAND IN MY WAY MWHAHAHHAHAHH! Yeah....ive always wanted to do this. How can you tell? You posted this like a minute ago. Ive been waiting.......
this is just the sign up page my friend.. dont worry u can be as evil as ud like 
until we get more people our war cant happen so if uve got peeps bring them along.. 
but I feel like the one baddy we got is bored so im glad ur here and responded so quickly
one thing im confused about, how do you dertimine rank? 
because im afraid if i make my own ill F**K everything up...
lol theres one master and all the rest are elders but if ud like to make a rank and make a reall badass be my guest 
dont worry about it trust e if anything Im open for change
Right on man third post down is a link sign up then click change of heart in my signature it'll take u to the rp thanks for joining us
Just a quick question can I be a different race besides a Vamp or a Wolf owo?
Well I was gonna be either a goo boy or girl still deciding on which of the two.
Well it's basically a very intelligent creature made of a goo slime or whatever you want to call it,on rare occasions they can also disguise speak and even walk about like a normal human like mine will of course. They are weak toward fire it can possibly kill them or just taking a bad enough beating till where they can't regenerate fast enough. In combat they can also heat chill solidify parts of them and use it as a weapon. They are also said to possess people.
yes sir lol


THE WAR WILL BE SEPT. 21ST!!! Be there or miss out on some epic battling..

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