Whispers in the Walls [Inactive]

Dame Daigle

New Member
Dame Daigle submitted a new role play:

Whispers in the Walls - You are a freshman in a new and amazing school but... something feel wrong...

Welcome, young one... may you live in.... interesting times.


Take a seat, stranger, and let me tell you about some of the mysterious horrors young Highschoolers will experience this coming spring... the spring of the year 2046.

Those young ones, innocent and eager, will be enrolled in the most technologically advanced school in Japan, if not the world, and will recieve an education only dreamt of by the most ardant of academics... but things will not be...
Read more about this role play... 
Friday, May 23th. Year 2046


Kansai Region, near Kyoto.

The smell of fresh paint and the creak of new wood could still be felt as the students of the Sugimura Koutou Gakkou entered for the first time their classrooms after the welcoming speech from the principal. The halls were full of excited whispering as the student body made its way to its destination, each having great hope for their time in this upscale learning institute.

The sun was gently shining that day, and the horrors that most of them would experience were far from the surface, slumbering... but for how long?

Class 1-4

This was it, the small group of fifteen years old teens reached their homeroom and sat down, chatting, as a stately man made his way to the from the the room, starting to write his name and the curriculum of the following trimester upon the pristine blackboard. His movement were sharp and precise, and soon the room was silent... and that was when the strange whispers started... but it could notbe anything but the other students, right?
Chiharu entered the homeroom of class 1-4. She had been running a bit late for the welcoming speech and hadn't had the opportunity to meet anyone yet. It was hard, moving from Tokyo, where all her friends were. Giving herself a mental pat, she walked briskly into the classroom and sat at the absolut center table. She never really liked sitting in the front or the back, so middle ground it was. Looking around at the people sitting besides her, she gave them a huge smile.

She tried to pay attention to what their teacher was writing, but she kept hearing some strange whispers. Maybe it's just the other students in the back, she thought. Failing to focus on the curriculum on the blackboard, Chiharu decided to see if she could eavesdrop a bit on the whisperings.


Academic 25

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Piece of Mind 25

Health 25
Danny enters his class along with the other 15 year olds. He pushes his glasses closer to his eyes and walks into the room. Grabbing himself a seat at the front, he sets down his items. Adjusting his items to his liking, Danny turns around to see his other classmates, curious of their conversations. Seeing that none if them are speaking, Danny starts to become confused of why he hears voices. He knits his eyebrows together in confusion. Danny walks up to the teacher.

"Is this some kind of joke? Where are all these voices coming from?" Danny asks. The teacher simply acts as though he didn't even hear Danny. Even more confused, Danny goes to sit back down.

Academic 25

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Piece of Mind 25

Health 25
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Some students arrived late to the homeroom, as the teacher was still writing on the blackboard. Valerie was sitting in one of the window desks, and she enjoyed the view. A girl sat straight in the centre of the desks while another student, whom was a male, sat at the front, fixing his items.

Valerie yawned, looking back at the window. She went to the homeroom pretty early than most of the students, just to snag some of the seats near the windows. As she looked at the clouds, voices whispered into her ears and she turned around. No one was making a noise, unless it was the male, still fixing his items.


Academic 25

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Piece of Mind 25

Health 25
Stranger danger. Stranger danger.

So many of these students made Satoru uncomfortable, just be looking at him. At least he wasn't the only new student, but he felt so out of place here. The school was huge, confusing and full of people. His boots clicked on the floor of the hallway as he followed the map in his hands which was the only reason the teen wasn't lost and rocking himself in a corner. Anxiety was a bitch and he was no master of it. His earbuds were jammed into his ear canals, blasting loud music into his head, helping to keep him calm. He'd heard, and read on the internet, horror stories of how Homeschooled kids were treated in the Public schools. The teasing, the bullying...

He felt himself getting hot and prickly, his stomach was churning and his heart was starting to pound harder in his chest. Not now. No, not now. He was getting dizzy, his skin getting sweaty and clammy. Stopping to lean against the wall, Satoru sucked in some deep breaths and tried to stave off the oncoming anxiety attack. He let out a whimper, sunk to the floor, drew his knees to his chest and hugged his legs. He rocked himself and focused on the music, trying to slow his breathing.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6...

By six he was slowly starting to calm down, slowly and he was glad there was no one in the hall to watch him. How embarrassing. Class hadn't even really started yet and here he was, having a breakdown in the hallway. He was going to be late for his first class now. Thanks, brain. Finally he regained control over himself enough to shakily get to his feet. Using the wall for support he slowly walked toward the water fountain that was just ahead, he took a drink and splashed his face to try and cool himself down. It helped and he stood there for a few minutes longer, just staring into nothing, letting the music soothe his nerves.

Once the pounding in his head and his chest had been replaced with the pounding of the bass from his mp3 player, he looked down at the map again and continued on his way to class 1-4. It wasn't much further up this hallway, in fact, and he hesitated before pushing the door inward and slipping into the classroom. The teacher was writing on the board and he quickly took a seat at an empty desk at the back, hoping to avoid being scolded for being late to class.


Academic 25

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Piece of Mind 25

Health 25
Reina was late as ever, missing the train on the way to school. When she got off, she ran like her life depended on it. Her alarm didn't go off,mand now she was twenty minutes late to her first day of school. It wasn't usual for her to be late, she was usually the first one in class, yet here she was, running in the halls to class 1-4.

As she reached it, she immediately slumped down to her knees, catching her breath. After a few minutes, she stood up, brushed the dust of her skirt and opened the door, finding her professor writing something on the board, and some students inside looking bored. She quickly apologized to the teacher and took a seat near the back of the class.


Academic 25

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Piece of Mind 25

Health 25
He was late, but one of the first thing one Ota Noriyuki learned as a child was to never admit a fault within himself or his behavior. That was what kept him calm and relaxed as he finished flirting with the secretary to get his welcome packet, and this was what kept his smile in place, complacent and pleasant as always as he finally entered the classroom. He seemed to be one of the last to arrive, and as he summarily gazed over the remaining seat he decided on one at the back, figuring that getting to know his potential allies and rivals would start with observing them. Finding one such seat near a nervous-looking boy with music blaring in his ears that he could hear all the way to the front, he sauntered suavely to his new seat, giving his new neighbor a slight warning smile so that he would know who was the head honcho around here. The classroom slowly grew silent again, and that was when the whispers started.

At first he thought it was just some silly girls gossiping nearby, but after a little while of not understanding any of the words he grew slightly wary. He would not show it, of course, as his pride demanded him to be in control at all time, but it reminded Noriyuki of the times when he was alone at night when he was a child, the moonlight shut out by heavy drapes and the whispering of the wind resembling the whispers of evil spirit... he shook his head slightly.

No, it was merely his imagination, was it? To distract himself, he opened his packet and looked at his timetable and textbook for the year, stubbornly refusing to acknowledge the shiver wanting to run down his spine...


Academic 25

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Piece of Mind 25

Health 25
Nikkita rushes down the hall and bursts into the classroom. "I'm so sorry that I'm late." She interrupts. She then notices she's in a broom closet. Shaking her head she gives a small smile to the janitor before rushing out and slamming the door behind her. She finally comes across her class's room. Just like she did in the closet, she rushes in, thankful to be in the correct room. She heaves her bag onto her shoulder and walks to the back of the room. She sits ones come to last row, infront of a boy that's sitting next to someone with earbuds in. She hears whispers, thinking that they are just noises from the kid blasting music into his ears, she shrugs it off and tightens her ponytail.

Academic 25

Physical 25

Social 25

Piece of Mind 25

Health 25
Class 1-4

As the teacher, Sumiragi-sensei, finished writing on the board, he turned around and bowed slightly to his students. His crisp movement graceful and swift, he approached his desk and took a colorful bunch of pamphlet from the shiny surface, expertly gathering the thick pile of paper and giving a smaller one to each student on the front row.

“You shall be passing all but one pamphlet backwards all the way to the back row, and look into filling this form before noon, where you will be meeting with your soon to be friends. I expect each of you to perform admirably in your tasks, and take your new duties seriously. Thank you.” Another short and rather stiff bow and the stern faced man was sitting on his chair, looking at each student with an eagle stare.

The thin pile soon reached Chiharu, and she was able to see that it was a form to join a school club, the list being short and to the point as, according to the pamphlet, more would be accessible in later years. The following was her choice:

Swimming Club

Kendo Club

Boxing Club

Track and Field Club

Photography Club

Art Club

Flower Arrangement Club

Music Club

This choice would change her experience for the year, but what to choose? Moreover, she would have to meet her club mates at lunch, if what the sensei said was true...
Chiharu had been sitting in the middle of the classroom, seeing all the students slowly piling into the class. She laughed a bit under her breathe. Guess she wasn't running late after all. Curious as always, she'd been looking around for the strange whisperings, but all she noticed was everyone being either quiet, or also looking around wherever the noises came from.

Strange, she thought. One of the guys in her classroom even asked around about the voices, but noone seemed to have heard him. Or maybe they were ignoring him. Her train of thought was soon interrupted by a thin pile of pamphlets being dumped on her desk. Noticing the teacher had said something, but she hadn't been paying attention, she decided to just look at the pamphlets. As her eyes scanned the paper, she let out a loud, delighted sound, before clasping her hand over her mouth. She looked around apologetic to her fellow classmates, but quickly turned to the paper again.

She filled in her form and mouthed the words 'Track and field Club' as she wrote them down simultaneously. Satisfied, she turned to one of her classmates sitting by the window. It was a black haired girl, who was currently staring at the clouds outside. "Hey, what are you choosing?" She asked with a friendly tone, her spirits suddenly lifted by the prospect of getting to run again.


Academic 25

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Social 25

Piece of Mind 25

Health 25
Valerie, who was still mesmerised by the clouds, ignored the voices and focused on the sky. Blue and white with specks of flying dots covered her vision. She loves the sky,every time she looked at it she felt like one of the free, migrating birds flying through the soothing, cold wind.

Valerie sighed, the whispering voices suddenly distracting her from her daydreaming. A male student was whispering, but loud enough for her to hear. Her eyes widened slightly as the boy was asking about the voices. She shook her head and brought her focus back on the pamphlets that arrived in front of her by one of the students sitting in front.

Valerie looked at the options curiously. As she was about to pick one, the girl sitting at the front asked her a question with a friendly tone. A bit surprised that one of her classmates just asked her a question without warning, she looked at the options again.

"Uh..I think I'm gonna choose, photography class." Valerie replied shyly.

Then she proceeded to write it down.

"What did you choose?" She asked as she scribbled on the pamphlet.


Academic 25

Physical 25

Social 25

Piece of Mind 25

Health 25
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More kids had come in after Satorou had, at least he wasn't the only one running late for the first day in classes. That eased his worries some, and it was only then did he realise the teacher's lips were moving, but he couldn't really hear the word. Quickly, he plucked the earbuds from his ears and paused the song.

"...with your soon to be friends. I expect each of you to perform admirably in your tasks, and take your new duties seriously. Thank you.” The teacher finished before he dropped piles of pamphlets on each students desk.

He had no idea what was going on, until of course, the pile landed on his desk and he took a look at each one. After school activities? These were a thing? Wasn't spending all day in school enough for...

Oh, hey, Music Club.

He swiftly noted down his choice, his handwriting quite neat. Without music, who knew where he'd be. Hiding in a corner of his room, probably. He took the moment to look at his classmates, some were busy sifting through the pamphlets trying to decide and some had already chosen and were talking to each other. There sure were a lot of girls in this classroom.


Academic 25

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Piece of Mind 25

Health 25
Danny picks up the stack of pamphlets on his desk. He passes all but one back behind him as he studies it closer.

He raises his hand and looks up at the teacher. "Uhh, sir? Are these clubs required?" Receiving nothing but a simple nod from his teacher, Danny looks at the form again. "Photography it is. Good thing I brought the camera granny gave me." He says to himself as he fills out his sheet for Photography club.

Academic 25

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Piece of Mind 25

Health 25 
Nikkita grabs the papers that are passed down to her. She passes the last one to the person behind her and looks at the sheet. She quickly spots music club and immediatly jots it down for her sign up. Happy with her choice she goes back to doing what she was before, nothing. Sighing she looks around the room and notices that people are finally starting to talk. Se notices that the whispers fade away. She turns to the boy who was blasting music just minutes ago and says "what club did you sign up for? I did music club."

Academic 25

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Piece of Mind 25

Health 25
It took Satoru a few moments to realise that someone was speaking, and to him. He was distracted by the sound of whispering, so quiet he could barely hear it... yet loud enough to get his attention. When he realised the girl had spoken, he turned to look at her, his features somewhat twisted into a grimacing, shy smile that made it painfully obvious that he was anxious as well.

"Uh... music." He replied softly, not making eye contact with her.

He wasn't a fan of eye contact.

"So I... uh guess I'll see you there, right?"

Small talk was not his forte.
Seeing that the boy didn't really like to talk and converse, Nikkita just leaves him with a "yeah I guess we will see each other there." Obviously this kid didn't want to talk right now. Sighing, Nikkia flips through a book on her desk, the whispers still drift through the air like balloons but don't bother her much seeming how she has 3 brothers. She's learned to ignore voices.

Finding no interest in the book, Nikkita let's out another groan and looks around at her misfit class. All so different. Getting really bored again, Nikkita decides to listen to the whispers and find out where they're coming from.

Academic 25

Physical 25

Social 25

Piece of Mind 25

Health 25
The girl, Chiharu had chosen to strike up a conversation with, seemed shocked. She hoped, she hadn't scared her away or something. Maybe Kyoto people weren't as friendly? Deciding to keep smiling, she nodded. "Oh, that sounds cool! I'm track and field," she replied. "I can't wait to get these babies running." She motioned down to her tanned legs.

Looking around to see other classmates conversing, she continued her conversation as well. "I'm Nakato by the way. But you can just call me Chiharu, I don't really like my sur name that much! What's your name?" She extended her hand out to give a friendly handshake, seeing as she was close enough to the girl's desk.


Academic 25

Physical 25

Social 25

Piece of Mind 25

Health 25
As Valerie finished her scribbling, the female student was talking about how she can't wait to run. She smiled, Valerie used to be a sporty type.

She blinked as the student extended her hand for a handshake and introduced herself.

"It's nice to meet ya, Chiharu." Valerie said politely before shaking her hand vigorously. She didn't know why she shook her hand like that, she just felt the need.

"My name's Valerie Cain, I'm kinda like a foreign student around here. So my name isn't as cool as everyone else's." She said, grinning.

Now that Valerie knew that Chiharu wasn't a stranger anymore, she could talk to her more freely.


Academic 25

Physical 25

Social 25

Piece of Mind 25

Health 25
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