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Fantasy Whimsy's hunt for a 1x1 (fantasy/scifi/apocalyptic/future/historical)

Whimsy Wren

Witchy Whimsy
Who is Whimsy Wren?

* Self proclaimed roleplaying addict (I love to read and write so it combines into the best of both worlds!)

* I am female. Sort of hard to miss, but I'll make note of it just in case.

* I am (at the time of writing this) 26 years old. That being said, I try not to roleplay really young characters unless they're secondary or background characters.

* I live in the United States and my particular time zone is US Central time (for those of you who live in other countries or far away from me and want to know the time distance)

* Again, I live in the US. While I try to learn more about other cultures, don't be surprised if I don't know everything. If need be, correct me patiently? I would love to learn more!

* Last note: I currently work two jobs, though I do make time for roleplaying. So I do make sure to reply at the very least once a day, if not more. Especially at night or in the morning before I go to work.

A few things to know about my roleplaying likes/dislikes:
(These are here mostly because I have had problems with them in the past. So must be said, sorry. I know I'm a bit picky, but I try to avoid unpleasant surprises that waste everybody's time.)

* I only roleplay through PMs. For some reason, I always seem to forget about forum roleplays so I don't do them. Sorry, but it just tends to happen. I like the privacy of PMs anyways. (although, that was awhile ago, so I could be persuaded to try again!)

* I do not join group roleplays. They go too fast for me and I've just had problems with them before in the past. I prefer one on one.

* I do not see online roleplay as a sexual fetish. Bedroom roleplay and online roleplay are two different things. So, no, I will not do a cyber roleplay with you. I am not averse to some romance, but I would rather it not be the main plot. It's against the rules anyways.

* I enjoy good grammar and good spelling. Everyone makes mistakes, but I like to be able to see a good effort.

* I like depth to a post. A few solid paragraphs are just the right amount. It's not too long and it's not too short. I can make do with a paragraph, but please not only a few sentences. It makes it harder to send a reply back if I don't have much to work with. I can write really long posts too, though it depends on how much I'm given to work with.

* I do not make pretty posts. So no post styles and what not.

* I do not really enjoy modern roleplays unless there is a fantasy flair to them or there is a sudden apocalyptic turn to them. I am not completely against them, but you are going to have to convince me. Just seems too mundane too me...

* One of my pet peeves is people who don't read things like this so suggest things that should have already been outlined. Or, you know, go off and do their own thing while appearing like they haven't read what I wrote in a post at all.

* I particularly enjoy fantasy, scifi, and historical fiction roleplays.

* I can do some romance... but, no, I do not believe in love at first sight. Perhaps some attraction, but not love. So, no, my character does not love yours and wants to marry your character after only a week of knowing them.

* I am open to gay and hetero pairings as well as furry/anthro/whatever, but refer to my comment about cyber roleplaying.

* I do not like godmodding (who doesn't?) so please don't make my character do something. You don't know how my character will actually react to something, right? And it takes all the fun out of it!

* I don't really like doing roleplays based on books, games, movies, etc. The exception would be using the worlds, I suppose. Just no using existing characters. So an example would be placing our OCs at Hogwarts, but they would not at all know the book characters.

* I can play guys, girls, creatures, whatever.

If you managed to read to the end and haven't been scared away, then don't be afraid to contact me! PMs are best!
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Post-Apocalyptic Spheres:
Society is obsessed with the end. We obsess over each personal end and what might happen after. We obsess over societies’ end and what-ifs. Some say disease. Some say war. Others say natural disasters. And, whatever it may be, what happens to society afterwards? Do all of us perish and humankind becomes extinct? Or do some of us survive to rebuild? If some do survive, what happens to us then?

Society’s obsession pushes us to outlets. Some find this outlet by way of religion. Some find it by way of works of art. Fictional movies… books… television… anything one could think of. Then there are those who take the obsession on a more serious level, making plans for whatever might happen.

One such man owned a considerable amount of money. He founded ASM, or the Apocalyptic Survival Movement. It amassed a great number of followers in secret, including various government officials and those in higher power. With his wealth, and the support of ASM, he had great Spheres created. Each Sphere had a function and was built far beneath the surface, each connected by tunnels. Each tunnel was constructed with shifting plates to withstand the earth’s movement. There were thirteen Spheres scattered across North America.

Each Sphere was constructed to act like a gyro sphere to remain stationary against the earth’s movement and was divided into two domes. The lower dome acted as a reservoir and water filtration plant. The upper dome was livable. Some acted as greenhouses and farms. Some acted as cities to house large numbers of people. Each dome was lighted by UV lamps that cycled through artificial days, the air filtered and recycled.

When the world was lost, the Spheres were sealed to the topside world. Those who lived in the Network came to believe they were the last survivors of earth.


The year is 1781 and it is mere months from the British surrender by Cornwallis in Yorktowne. Though the Treaty of Paris will not be signed until 1783, and thus naming the former Colonies as a free nation, the fighting is soon to come to an end. Still, to the weary and downtrodden soldiers, the war seems to be an endless one.

But even in foreign countryside King George’s redcoats often find the comforts of home in the welcoming arms of the Loyalists, those who still swear their allegiance to the Crown of England. One such career soldier finds a soft bed and a warm meal at the home of a wealthy farmer of the Abner Bennett. Bennett’s wife Prudence is long since passed, but left him two daughters by the names Chastity and Emeline. Chastity is a model daughter and loyal to her father’s wishes. Emeline would sooner spit in the evening stew than go along with her Tory father’s views.

Even so, Emeline remains demur to the British parade of officers through her home. When the farm sleeps, she makes use of her mother’s gift to her of literacy to craft letters to the resistance and details anything she might overhear of British movements.

Our redcoat and Tory’s daughter shall meet, but it is not a love story that blossoms. Our redcoat is smitten, imagining carrying sweet Emeline off to England once the Crown has won. She is flattered by his wish to woo her, but wants nothing more than the Crown to fail. She certainly has no wish to ever sail to England. The valley of the Virginian mountains is her home and she wishes to see it free. So if the redcoat wants her hand… he will have to turn his back on the Crown.

Under the Egyptian Sun:
Long ago, the gods walked among us just as any mortal would. Birthed through the worship of man, they amassed their power and grew strong because of the faith of their followers. They created a balance to the world that left it thriving. But the minds of men are fickle and their faith began to wane. Now, they are all but forgotten except in the hearts of few, seen little more than myths and legends in the minds of others.

But in that long ago time when the gods still openly roamed, there was a priest of Egypt who knew the weight of his heart. He feared his weighing and so sought to change his fate. He could not get to Osiris, so instead set his sights on he who ferries the souls and watches over their tombs. But once birthed from the faith of man, only a god can kill another god. So instead the priest laboured to build a tomb that would ensnare Anubis and keep him from enacting his duties. With magic now since lost to the modern age, the priest warded an unfinished tomb and trapped the jackal god in a sarcophagus.

Confined to the tomb, Anubis laid unaware of the passage of time and the waning of the gods. His body laid trapped, his mind and projection limited only to the small tomb where he laid for several thousand years. His tomb could only be opened by one of light heart, his sarcophagus released by the same touch. A map, written by a thief who could not open the tomb but marked its position, waited for one curious enough to go looking for the promise of an untouched tomb of possible riches.

Viking Treasure:
Not all treasure is silver and gold, though precious hoards certainly do entice the minds of men. Captain Benedict Blackthorne was one such man who captained the Maiden’s Revenge, one of the most renowned marauding ships of the seas. But his precious Revenge was now in the Locker with the majority of her crew, payment for a half of map. But armed with the whereabouts of the second half of his map, and lucky to have his own life, Captain Blackthorn gathers a new crew aboard the Beansidhe. A white carrack class ship with grey sails and a veiled lady at her bow; she’s not the fastest lady on the seas but a sturdy one.

With one half of the map, and knowledge of the other half, Captain Blackthorne also hunts down the key that will unlock the secrets of the full map as all three components are necessary to find the map’s end. Said key is special, a round disk with a hollowed out hole. Along its side engraved the runes that give it its magic. For on the seas there is magic long lost to dry land, supposedly mythical creatures abound in the unexplored depths.

At the map’s end is Norse gold, it is said, an island completely hidden but for those who know where it is or have the map to its location. But to the Captain, it’s not just about the treasure. He cannot deny the lure of gold… what man or woman truly can? But what is important is the history, is the artifacts. That is what he wants the most. He wants to remember what so many have lost, now think to be merely legend. He wishes to see it for his own eyes.

Kernos… The name of a people and of a ruin. Both lost to the waves of ocean and time. Well, until the ruins had reappeared out of the ocean, of course. Just off the triangle of coasts of Italy, Sardegna, Corse and Sicilia the shifting of the earth and changing of the oceans eventually brought forth an island in the Tyrrhenian Sea. Like a sea god of old, it seemed to rise from the depths of the sea… and threw scientists into a tizzy. Unsure how long it would remain above the waves, there was a mad dash to explore it and record every crevice. But it was there that a discovery would be made that would rock the archaeological world.

Upon the barren rock was discovered a previously unknown collection of ruins. Dating back to nearly 800 AD, it was at first thought that it was more evidence of the Etruscan peoples that had once inhabited the shores of ancient Italy. However, great murals that had miraculously stood the test of time and sea quickly put that idea to rest. Great scholars and linguists eventually came out with the name Kernos. Whoever these unknown people might be, they were called the Kernos and the island was the only record of their existence.

Over the next several years, the island remained above water and a wealth of new artifacts was found. The greatest would still be the murals and carvings, giving a glimpse into the life of the Kernos people. A dark skinned and fair haired people, they were sea faring once upon a time. But no one could figure out how the people had just disappeared. The sea had likely claimed the island, but there was no evidence of any of the people escaping whatever travesty had befallen them.

Within the years that passed, a tomb was discovered on one of the archaeological expeditions. When unsealed, it instead revealed another sealed entrance to what would later be discovered to be a vast network of tunnels. With the promise of a trove of artifacts and untouched knowledge, an expedition was put together of a team of scientists to map out the tunnel system. They spent a month in the tunnels before they chanced upon a gate that was laughingly nicknamed the Gate to Hell. It proved to be difficult to open, its locking mechanism a puzzle that could not be forced to open. Fueled by the intrigue of what such a complex door could be hiding, it took a number of days before the ancient doors finally creaked open. What lay beyond was far past the realm of imagination.

Experts had once wondered just what had happened to the Kernos people, why they had simply just disappeared. The answer became clear with the opening of the Gate to a deep underground cavern, lit by crystals as bright as the sun and containing a thriving world of greenery. Here too the Kernos had thrived, developing a bustling city and keeping alive the last thread of magic in the world. Without it, their crystals would have long since extinguished and the life of the cavern perished.

Bounty Hunters:
The Earth was dying. The population was far too great in number to be sustained. So Exodus was created. The Earth would die, but not all humans would die with her. Instead humankind’s legacy would be preserved. Upon Exodus boarded the greatest minds, the best athletes, the strongest warriors. Still others were allowed to board as well, though there were rigorous tests they needed to pass. On October 23rd of the year 2125 of the old calendar, the Exodus departed Earth for a far off solar system with its passengers in deep stasis.

In the year 2228 of the old calendar, the Exodus entered the orbit of the planet designated Oceania. As the passengers were slowly awoken from stasis, the Exodus remained in orbit of Oceania while a terraforming device was sent to the surface. The majority of the surface was covered in water, fresh water opposed to the salt of Earth. The land of Oceania was comprised of many island clusters. The largest no bigger than Earth’s England and the smallest no smaller than Earth’s Hawaii. The Exodus came well equipped with flora and fauna, a ship called the Ark also scheduled one year behind the Exodus that contained enough cargo to repopulate Oceania’s oceans and islands with life.

On the 1st of the year 1 of the new calendar, Exodus landed on the largest of the islands on the spot now named Exodus City to commemorate the voyage. And though a day on Oceania was just as long as a day on Earth, both planets of comparable size, the year was longer. Its temperature was cooler, all a result of being farther from the system’s sun though still habitable. As a result, a new calendar of months was created. There were fourteen months, all comprised of five weeks that were seven days long. Their year was 490 days long.

Now, nearly two hundred years into the future, Oceania is a thriving planet. There is one centralized government and the preferred mode of transportation is by boat. Trade between islands is lively. The people live in a combination of a rustic and seafaring lifestyle mixed with advanced technology. And while the standard of living is fairly decent throughout Oceania, it does not stop the rise in crime. While not ruled by any sort of criminal underworld, some islands are harder to govern lawfully by the centralized government. In direct correlation to this, Oceania has seen a rise in the profession of bounty hunters.


The world fell and the world rebuilt. With only a small percentage of what had once been, society began anew. But in the aftermath of the Great War, a small group of evolutionary advancements began to emerge. The first of these babies born were sent to labs as scientists sought to understand just where the mutation had come about. The initial manifestation of the strange mutation was purely physical. The children had pointed ears like that of elven legends. Each baby had eyes of unnatural brightness that would appear to glow in dim light. It would be later that scientist realized the lab specimens could see in the dark. The mutant children each had a spattering of spots that marked their faces along with parts of their backs, chests, and arms. The overall appearance gave each child a rather feline appearance. Further mutation would later include a flatter, more feline nose and sharper canines. As the children grew beneath the watchful eyes of the scientist, more mutations set them apart from humans. The children were faster, more agile than their counterparts with almost unnatural grace. Their strength was far superior as well. The shortest among the full grown children still towered over normal humans.

These mutations continued to pop up between the two continents of the rebuilt world with no thought to race. All would have the same attributes and only the colour of their skin would mark them apart from their own kind. And, with time, those afflicted were eventually seen as subhuman and were given the name Blue. The mutation eventually stopped appearing in children born to human parents, disappearing as quickly as it had appeared. Some hypothesis was that it had been a manufactured evolutionary leap, though no pinpoint could be traced back to a specific lab or scientist. It made no difference though as a new race had already appeared. However science could no longer take them far, so the Blues were no longer sent to labs. Instead, a new market for pets and slaves arose. Blues were not recognized as humans, so they earned no rights. Some Blues were bred for companions, others for labour. And some were bred for fighting as arenas were built.

Vidar was born in a small village of free Blues. He was raised as a warrior in the primitive lifestyle that the village had adopted to escape notice from the humans. His skin is dark in tone, his spots lighter splotches against his deep skin. His hair is a fair white, usually kept in a long braid. His eyes too are pale in colour, an icy blue. When he was still a young man, the village was discovered by the humans. Children were sent off to training camps. The elderly were killed. Women of breeding ability were sent off to Stables. Vidar was one of the few men sent off to the Colosseum. There they can be auctioned off as fighters to battle in the arena.
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Hello! I'd be really interested in discussing possible plots with you!
Would it be ok if I go ahead and PM you?
I'd be forever thankful if you did that 1781 plot with me tbh, I've been craving something set in this time period for a long time now! ♥️
I’d appreciate if you could send the pm though, the site’s kinda glitching out on me right now (stuck at 9 posts).

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