Story Which would you read?

Pick one of the four plots, which one intrigued you the most?

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Roaming The Universe and Stars
Hello everyone! So, summer has started for me and I decided to finally be serious about writing this month. Camp NaNoWriMo starts up soon and I really want to impress this year. I also wanted to restart my account on Wattpad since I feel like I've grown. With that said... I can't decided what to write.

I've narrowed the ideas I have into 4 (which is still a lot) plots and whichever one gets the most votes, I will start working on. Some I started a writing for slightly and others I haven't. The ones I have, I'll post the first paragraph I have to give you a little taste. So, please choose the one that intrigues you the most! The poll ends in 4 days so don't waste any time. Expect if your digesting the plots. If so, take all the time you need. ;)

Plot 1- Their Hero Complex

So, a girl is taken by the government and made into a clone of a hero who had died in battle. Need more explanation?

In this world, monsters constantly come from seemingly nowhere and destory everything around them. Luckily, the Colors of Justice are here to help! With all the colors combined, they will save your life and mine!
The public rely on these 6 heroes daily and created action figures, movies, TV shows, based off of them. They are the hope in the city of darkness, so the government couldn't let them die.

A scientist figured out how to alter someone's apperence to make exact replicas and decided to preserve the hope the heroes brought through others. So, whenever a Hero dies, they kidnap a person and change them to be the said color.

Therefore after the Blue member dies in battle, the kidnap the main character and wiped all memories, as well as emotions from her. Of course, things never work out that way do they? Blue remembers some fragments of her life and goes on a journey to find out who she was before becoming Blue. Also, seeking to stop creating more Colors once and for all.

The idea is basically Power Rangers in a psychological Sci-fi book. The book is meant to be dark since becoming someone you know you aren't, but made to look like can mess you up. But, it deals with the power of emotion in varying degrees.

Plot 2- Savgery and Royalty

Ever wanted to see a Disney Princess take down an army of men? Well, this is a novel for you!

In this Fairy Tale Retelling, the dearly beloved Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, have the abilities of monsters. Snow White can posion you with a kiss, Cinderella can make you go crazy with illusions, and Sleepy Beauty can let your nightmares become a reality. Yes, these girls are Monster.

But, Rapunzel hates it. Chained to a tower by the Kings' Guards, she longs to be accepted as a Princess in hopes she will no longer be labeled as a Monster. With the help of a kind-hearted guard, she hopes she can become a Queen to finally show she's no monster.

Unfortunately, the other princess want to become Queens too and would kill anyone for it.

This idea came from a picture in my head of a girl being surrounded by chains while wearing a slightly bloody dress. I thought it would be cool if Disney Princesses could be as scandalous and scary as any other nightmare you have. But, it's not so dark since it does have some funny moments, romance, and deals with the idea of Monstrosity.

Plot 3- Chess Board

If you were given a second chance at life only if you killed others, would you?

A girl wakes up one day in a dark and foreboding place only to see 31 other people seeming as confused as her. Turns out, Life itself have given them another chance of life because sadly, they all died. The game is as follows:
You represent a chess piece and are assigned to either Black or White. Your abilities are limited to your rank. A pawn has only one elemental power. While a Queen possess unlimited Elemental power.
With these powers, you will go through different dimensions to find their symbol of life. Only one side may take it.
Whichever side gathers the most symbols, all of them will be able to live again.

As the game goes on the girl is conflicted with the idea of taking away another chance for others, when she had took her own life for granted.

This was a roleplay a long time ago I had created and decided to write it this time since people liked the idea of dimension hopping for another chance at life.

Plot 4- Super (Villain) Market

A girl goes to her local convince store called: Super Market to finally get a job. To her suprise, this convince store is actually a reheblitation center for Super Villians.

This reheblitation center helps Villians to become Heroes or help them enter society once more. At first in denial, she comes to join a team to help Villians who want to change for the greater good. Using her ability of cancelling power, they will help Villians and Heroes a like find the true meaning of being a hero. But, not everyone is liking the idea.

I oringinally had this to be a Webcomic. It's vastly different from my other plots (still deals with heroes like my first one) since it's more of a adventure/teen fiction story. It does have dark moments, mostly dealing with the Villians. But the characters have become close to my heart and all of them grow in their own way. Either for better or worse.

First paragraph of Savagery and Royalty

"People have stopped calling me a princess a long time ago and took up calling me a monster. Only a monster can be chained to floor and watch the blood on the wall dry everyday. Only a monster can be blindfolded when she's washed and fed because of their fear of death. Only I can be that monster. But, I never wanted to be feared. I only wanted to be the princess they had told me I was. However, being born a Rapunzel comes with both royalty, savagery and the feeling of chains."

Their Hero Complex

"“Careful now,” I look up and saw a women staring down at me. Her hair was as white as snow and her face seems… So kind and welcoming. For some reason, I felt like crying because of it. The women reached down and grabbed my hand. The touch made me calm down instantly. Tears started to flow down my face and the women smiled. “It's alright. You’re finally born, Blue.” Her hands brought me towards her in a hug in which I buried my face in her hair. “I'm Professor Eden.” She said gently before gently bringing me to face her. “Can you say ‘Blue’ for me?” I slowly nodded my head, but when I opened my mouth it sounded as if a machine had buried itself in my vocal cords. I tried again, but the sound resonated from my mouth again. Professor Eden quickly rubbed my shoulders. “It's alright. Come with me.” She took my hand and guided me away from the Tube. I went to look back at it, but people in white coats quickly blocked my view. “Eyes ahead, sweetheart.” Professor Eden sang. I averted my eyes back on her Vanilla hair. She sat me down on a table and scientists started to surround me. “Chin up.” One scientist said. I lifted my chin up and gagged when a wire went down my throat. “One, two, three, out.” Another scientist quickly yanked the cord out. My hands quickly went to my throat as I started to cough. “Please don't do that again…” I said meekly and flinched when I spoke. “Great!” Professor Eden clapped her hands together, “Did you see any more glitches?” She asks the scientist besides her. He looks down at his tablet, scrolling a bit before shaking his head. Professor Eden looks back at me. Her hand goes to my cheeks and her thumbs rub my skin gently. “Welcome back, Blue.” Her eyes are soft and warm. Also, they seem to look past me as if she was demising the fact I'm not Blue. But, she says I'm Blue. Then what am I?"

That's it. Please do not take any of these ideas of mine and take them for your own. I just want some idea of what other people want to read.

Thank you to all who vote!
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The #3 chess board seems interesting !
And it will probably be easier to write since there was a rp with this plot and people liked it. Dimension hopping is a cool idea.
It can develop in a lot of interesting ways so of the plots you suggested my vote goes to that one. :)
The #3 chess board seems interesting !
And it will probably be easier to write since there was a rp with this plot and people liked it. Dimension hopping is a cool idea.
It can develop in a lot of interesting ways so of the plots you suggested my vote goes to that one. :)

Thank you! When I Roleplayed it I thought it'll be easier if it was a novel so I decided to create it this year.
If I may offer some input on my personal preferences and what I think as writer really has the potential to strike a cord with people from what I can tell from these premises.

Overall, there seems to be a great focus on supernatural abilities and users with conflicted ideologies that use them. There is a lot of potential for exploring contrasts and interactions between characters in many aspects of their lives, but unfortunately the way you seem to be heading to explore is a little too clearly derivative. It´s not a bad thing to take inspiration from other works, but when reading it you can tell that it´s a spin-off or an re-interpretation that doesn´t really bring any new meaning only new details , that´s when people start calling things a rip-off. Sometimes, without it even being a rip-off.

Your second and third plots are the ones that suffer the most from this. Death game plots have a history of being screwed up by amatheurs and honestly speaking most people with a critical mindset tend to view them with heavy skepticism because of that. And your second plot´s best description was a litterall announcement of you ripping something else off, something which was already an adaptation and already pretty much adapted in the way you are offering. Honeslty speaking, the second plot looks like an auto-drop to me, and the third plot will be a very heavy burden to do right.

I´ll just change paragraph to go into more detail about that. You see, your third plot has a number of flaws from the getgo. Death games bring bias due to their history, and are only as good as your ability to balance the exact right amount of drama with the exact right amounts of character development and conflict. There´s a whole artistic flair to it, and on top of that, you´ll also be competing to stand out on your own instead of copying times that worked. And the cherry on top of the cake, though the latest is my personal preference, but I find that elemental powers are one of the most bland forms of magic there is. And as such, something extremely boring. Elemental powers are almost like a hack for instant magic without having to develop a system (freeform magic is really the only thing that´s any worse), and while with most people I don´t think it´ll harm you, you won´t exactly get showered with praise for using them either. Might as well just not have powers at all.

Now that I finished pretty much bashing the two low-hanging fruits, let´s talk about your two better premises, numbers 1 and four. Honestly, they are very similar. They both rely on a world immersed in a climate where fighting at a major scale may have been turned into a major thing and seek to show the humanity of an otherwise inhuman character. Thus, they both rely on how much your characters develop, how much you explore your setting and how much you make the bridge between the character´s problems and the problems of the readers. They have a lot of potential for what you can come up with when shaping your world and really the reason I would vote 1 was mostly preventive. It´s a lot easier to pull 1 off, since your character is already one whose ideology can better match the reader´s and can be more easily humanized than supposed villains, and is also easier not to copy-cat other works in 1, a problem I already discussed you seem to be all-too-willing to expose in yoursef.

I hope you find this minimally useful.
I actually liked plot 3 and 4. Let me tell you first of all good luck with this and choose out of those two which one stands out the most. Chess Board, plot 3, something about it catches my eye with the consequences of taking one's life for granted. There are many ways to go with it and I find myself intrigued. Again, good luck with your writing.
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