Where the world starts ending. (Sign Up)

Kiro Akira

Kagura's Yarn

So it's 2013, and of course the myans were right, I didn't believe it when it started, nobody did. We all assumed it was a huge joke but as the end of december passed it became to see from a joke to a living action. These walking things. These monsters, they're all out to get us and we're all alone. Theres just us and nobody else. Maybe beyond the way of our sight we shall encounter more people to provide for us. But you know as well as I do that it won't happen. We all know that it won't happen. It's just me, you, the others then them...Those things are probably going to over power us, some of you will die and if your bit I'll personally shoot you right between the eyes no questions asked. No matter how much I love you. So heres how it is ok?

Your not the prodigy, I'm not the prodigy and nobody here we know shall see the end of this world. Of course the dead will rise and your mission is the same as mine, survive. The world has gone to hell and you have nothing but a couple of small things you've gathered up to save yourself. Right outside, behind the place you call home. Thereis nothing but explosions, wreckage, those things....The things that were once human. Whether you see it or not this world will begin to end sooner then we all think, now lets see how we progress through out this world and let our books of the attack open to see. This here is where our story begins.

Sign up form.




Starting area:

Starting Weapons (Only 4):

(If you choose a gun, limit ammo and nothing over powered please?)




1:No God Modding

2: No Bunny-ing

3: Keep PG-13 (For the little ones and site rules)

4: Paragraph minimum

5: Kiro and @XEmptiness are owners we say whats allowed and whats not

6: Nothing against some of you but to keep things easier can we use anime photos?

7: Feel free to bot a few zombies

8: Have fun

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Starting area:

In the middle of the city, inside her place of work, the Lotus Art Studio.

Starting Weapons:

Metal Pipe from one of the art pieces.


Rho is a part-time college student who works in an art studio on the weekends. Her job is to sell other artist's work for them. She is or now, was a blossoming artist herself but, she had a little problem. She was pretty shy when showing her art to people, fear of being judged. What if she really didn't have any talent? None of that seems to matter now, I mean, unless the infected are interested in a canvas painting of a spring tree with buttons as the leaves.

When Rho wasn't attending school or work she usually could be found walking around the mall or in her back yard, stuck behind an easel and covered in paint. It's not that she didn't have friend's it's just that they were often busy and she was content being left with her hobbies, most of the time anyway.

Rho's parents were often gone and/or busy also. They both had very classified government jobs that had them traveling and working late hours often. Whenever they were home though, as seldom as it was, they let know Rho know that they loved her and tried to spend as much time as they could with her. The only problem with that was, they didn't know her. All they saw was a day dreaming girl who was always covered in paint. They didn't exactly approve of her major in art or how much time she spent consumed in it. They felt she would succeed in something more "practical" and for that, they never had the kind of connection she craved from her loved ones.


I seem to be having a really hard time writing out a bio for my character so this is mostly a place holder and I'll thicken the character up later :)

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Kiro Akira



Appearance (Human only):


Without the glasses

Starting area:

the outskirts in a small house

Bowie Knife


44. Handgun



Before the apocalypse Kiro worked at a small store not to far where he stayed, made minimum wage money and lived in a small apartment complex with Emi Akira. Other then working everyday Kiro spent his free time learning how to use one handed swords as well as going for jogs trying to keep in shape. He had no real big life or any good skills. He was average at his sword use tho.

When the world went to hell, Kiro and his girlfriend Emi left the apartment complex leading off to a smaller section of the city, he was just on the outskirts and stayed in a small house using a gas generator to keep the electricity running through the house.

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"I have no home. We have no home. Things will never be the same."


Harley Galloway



Starting area:

Alley way, right after she got her weapons.

Starting Weapons (Only 3):

Crossbow and a hunting knife

"Run. GO! I got this. Dont let them die. Keep them safe."


Harley is a traveler. She never stays in one place for too long. She was given up at 3 years old to a orphanage. She grew up there with no one wanting her. The nights there were sad and lonely. She had no one as family, as friends. She had NO ONE. She left the orphanage at 17 years old and begin to hitch hike across the U.S., seeing things that others would only dream about seeing.

She lived and amazing life for someone with no home and no job. That all ended when December 21, 2012 happened. She was woken up by someone trying to chew through the leather jacket she stole. She pushed the man away and spotted his deformed, pained face. He had blood all over him. She screamed and jumped away, her scream attracting more. She got up and ran for her life, making it up onto a latter before they could get her.

Through everything Harley hit up a weapon store, getting a crossbow and a knife. She was lucky, for someone who was wanted by no one. Still in this god forsaken world she still longs for the hole in her chest to be filled, by a family and a man that loves her but she knows that would never happen. She is the only one left on earth. She is the only breathing human left. So, why dont she just opt out?


She finds a dog later on named Jaws. He has on a military badge.


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Sorry if there was a misunderstanding but if that's alright with the rest of you I would like to keep this strictly animation. The realistic pictures of actresses kind of threw me off a bit. Again I apologize that the rules weren't written appropriately. 

XEmptiness said:
Sorry if there was a misunderstanding but if that's alright with the rest of you I would like to keep this strictly animation. The realistic pictures of actresses kind of threw me off a bit. Again I apologize that the rules weren't written appropriately.
In addition to that your stories are great and it seems you are very eager to begin this so, awesome.
XEmptiness said:
Sorry if there was a misunderstanding but if that's alright with the rest of you I would like to keep this strictly animation. The realistic pictures of actresses kind of threw me off a bit. Again I apologize that the rules weren't written appropriately. 

In addition to that your stories are great and it seems you are very eager to begin this so, awesome.
Yeah, I misunderstood but I edited it. Glad though, I prefer using anime pics.

Name: Emi Akira

Age: 17

Appearance: brown hair (dark brown in the winter; light brown in the summer), her eyes partake the color of green tea, and her hair reaches down past her thighs. She wears only skirts (along with a graphic tee) and dresses. They are easy to move around in, and are incredibly comfy. A pair of worn, black leather gloves cover her hands. For her weapons (and whatever else is needed), she sports a belt with multiple pouches and holders. Her height is 5'4. She is short :T

Starting area: Where ever Kiro Akira subsides (a rural area within a small house)

Starting Weapons (Only 4):

A Bow and arrow, a spear, a pistol, and one small pillow. (She can adapt to any weapon, as long as you teach her how to perform with it. But these are the main ones she favors.)

History: {unknown}


"In a world that occupies these horrid monsters, I live for stealth."
Name: Terri Jo

Age: 20

Appearance (Human only):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/shy11.jpg.a6089d01efef9323b5672c72bddde376.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6502" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/shy11.jpg.a6089d01efef9323b5672c72bddde376.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Starting Area: A small wreckage of a town that was once known as Flint to the people who lived there, located on the outskirts of the main city.

Starting Weapons (Only 3): 9mm handgun. Black bowie knife [holstered around her thigh.], and 7.62×51 mm polish bolt-action sniper rifle.

History: Terri grew up on a farm on the outskirts of the city. That is where she learned to hunt, fish, grow crops, and her favorite, ride horses. She was a typical southern girl, with a little twang to her voice, who dreamed big. She wanted her own pet store, to be a singer/songwriter, to be a sniper in the military and to have her own family. She grew up under the care of her grandpa, who passed a few months after she turned 18. He taught her everything she knew [including how to handle herself around others much stronger then her, and how to always find her way back to civilization if ever lost] and for that, she was grateful. Her weapons of choice all came from her grandpa. The bowie knife at the age of 12, the 9mm at age 16. The sniper rifle, found after he'd passed and the world went to hell, along with a few more of her grandpas military things she never knew he had. ~More to come later~

Other: All thats left of her home is the farmhouse, built by her great grandfather, an old pickup truck, occasionally used to get to town, and an old friend [more of a sister] she never thought she'd see again.



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William Henry



Starting area

Inside his home.

Starting Weapons



Growing up with no knowledge of his parents, William lived his entire life depending on his older sister Alina. Though he had many questions, he was shown love and affection. Being very overprotected by his sister he never sought out to be rough or adventurous. William focused mostly on his intelligence, quickly surpassing others at his age in school. Being socially awkward, William did not make many friends and was often picked on for his delicate features. Most days he would stay in his room and contemplated life, not having many long term goals despite his intelligence and capability to become anything he put his mind to.

The only person he adored was his sister who gave him anything and everything. Living in a small house in the outskirts of the major city, it was peaceful and quiet, and having already finished high school William was taking it easy. The season was changing and encouragement was given to him to begin college courses. That's when the havoc began. Summer was ending and there was a strange chill in the air. William woke on a Saturday morning putting his glasses on, and after using the restroom he noticed it was unusually quiet which was strange since his sister was usually tending to the house.

He walked towards her room and slowly pushed open the door which was slightly opened. With a soft tone he called her name and quickly realized he was stepping bare in a puddle of blood. His eyes opened wide in shock and he gasped stepping back into the hallway slamming his back against the wall. At that moment he heard a moaning sound coming from down the hall from the kitchen heading towards his direction. Fixing his eyes down the hall slowly he saw a figure which appeared to be his sister, only she was mauled slightly, and covered in blood. Calling her name in a frantic tone, frozen in fear, she continued to step towards him only with more aggression.

William began to take in deep breathes as he slowly backed away from what was now his sister. Begging her to stop he began to tear not being able to bare what was happening to the only person he cared for. Once he backed up to the end of the hallway he turned towards his room and quickly slammed the door locking it. He struggled to find closure as he heard banging sounds on his door...
Why was this happening...? What could I have possibly done to deserve this...? This must be all some dream... He thought to himself. Grabbing his hair and shutting his eyes he begged for himself to wake up, but after a short moment he realized what hell he was in. He's read all the books on the undead and seen all of the ridiculous movies. Could this really be happening...? Removing his glasses he wiped his eyes, sniffled and placed them back on.

All emotion that was left inside of him went away, and at first he contemplated killing himself. After coming to his senses he realized that dying was not what his sister would have wanted for him. She wanted him to use his gift of intelligence to better the world, to create something special. The bashing on his door continued and he realized it wouldn't hold for much longer. Being a mysophobe he despised the blood on his feet and searched for something to clean it off quickly. Putting on jeans and his boots he left the dark red sweater that was already on him.

Within a few minutes he could hear more moaning and banging on his door. William broke into a sweat realizing he had no time to pack any essentials, running towards his window he struggled to push it open and at that moment his door had smashed down and a horde of zombies were struggling over each other to devour him. Making it halfway out his window, his right leg was grabbed by one of the horrid beings, he screamed and used his left foot to kick the zombie in it's face forcing it to release him and also sending him flying out of the window and onto the grass. Falling on his left arm he felt a sharp pain and gritted his teeth. Rolling on his back he luckily was able to grab his glasses with his other hand, put them on and quickly got up. Holding his wounded arm he began to run towards the woods in a panic. What am I going to do...? He thought as he felt hopeless and without food, water, or any weapons he thought surely that his life was going to end.


A great problem solver when content. Lacks in physical strength but makes up for it with intellect. Able to get out of rough situations.

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Name: Ethan Vaughn Carter

Age: 17

Appearance (Human only):


Starting area: Corner diner, place of employment

Starting Weapons :

-Firefighter Axe


History: All his life, he was convinced the subsequent rating on the life and times of Ethan Vaughn Carter would be a resounded zero. Ethan lived a normal existence; the occasional fist fight with neighboring kids, high grades and horrendous grades. Girlfriend's meant nothing, as Ethan figured out early on that they meant nothing at such a young age. He lived with his mother and little brother, though Ethan's father abandoned the family when Ethan was naught but a squabbling babe. Even Ethan's little brother, Joshua, was boring. The kid seldom cried or caused trouble, and was practically adult-like in nature at an outrageously young age. Ethan loathed to admit it, but Josh learned how to cook before he could, and nothing wounded a man's pride more than asking your 8 year old brother to please make lunch. Living in the shadow of his little brother, Ethan cursed this blase life of his, one that he would soon come to yearn for once again as the world decayed around him.

(I apologize for the short history, I'm saving all zombie-related stuff for my intro post, if that's okay ^-^)

Other: Ethan is a very emotional person, especially now that his life is practically thrown away, and is slowly becoming accustomed to the zombie world he finds himself in. He is more confident than anything, both in his own abilities and the abilities of his friends. Ethan is too stubborn to let people become depressed, and often livens the moods of his comrades with sarcasm and oblivious-inquires, rather he means to or not.
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D: Is there a problem with my character?? It wasn't in the list of Survivors on the IC thread... O3O
[QUOTE="Kiro Akira]I thought I got her, but I'm sorry D: go post everyone is good 
@Delta your picture isn't showing

Is it better now? :x
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Name: David E.

Age: 19


David is a practical guy with a simple job delivering pizza door to door. He was on his second trimester of college and lived alone. He was raised by a single parent which was his mother after her father had abandoned him as a child to focus on his career as a professional scientist. In the year 2011 his mother had over dosed on some perscription drugs prescribed to her. Even thought he has had a rough childhood he refused to let it over come the person he is slowly finding himself to be.

David currently is in a relation ship with his girlfriend of two years Yuki. They met in college although she is a year a head in her studies. He was planning to to prepose to her on their up coming aniversary but has been hesitant about wether of not she would say yes. David has few health problems and has a hard time controlling his anger. Most of the time he is just childish and tries not to take anything seriously unless he is being disrespected. He suffers from asthma and diabetes type 1.

Starting area:

"Come on COme on...OH MAN! Beaten Again!" He puts the controller down contemplating wether to attempt to play the same level he broke night trying to beat in the first place. David looks up to the ceiling of his room. On his ceiling there a couple of pin-up posters and a ceiling fan thats light flickers on and of at random. At this point he can feel the weight of sleep on his eyes and is slowly about to drift away. When the alarm for work starts blaring a loud annoying Asking Alexandria song. He grunts and rips the alarm clock off his dresser and throws it across the room. It hits the wall and a couple of the nobs break off before it hits the floor.

Having a hard time breathing David quickly opens the the top right drawer on his dresser and rumeges through it to find his asthma pump. After catching his breath he stands half leaning against his dresser staring into the the drawer he opened. Starring back at him was a photo of him when he was five with his mom and mickey mouse. He remembered the summer his mother took him there after she sold 10 of her best paintings to the museum where she worked. Next to that was a photo of his girlfriend Yuki. The only two women in his life. Only one he had to worry about.

He stands up straight and starts heading toward the close he had layed out for work the night before. He get dressed and stand a few feet away from the window looking as the day slowly goes by. "Eh maybe one more try before I head out the door." He walks back to the screen where it is still moking him of his all nighter failure and grabs the controller determined now more then the other fifty times to beat the current level of his favorite zombie game. David is in the zone making shot after shot after shot. He is so close to actually winning this time when suddenly the tv turns black. "WHAT!" His eyes grow wide and he super face palms himself. "I WAS SO CLOSE!!". Trying to calm himself down he pinches the center top of his nose closing his eyes shut trying to erase what just happened from his brain.

Grabbing his bag and slamming the door to his room he heads down stair and into his semi dark kitchen looking through the cabinets only to find one box of cheez it's. Disappointedwith his effort to go grocery shopping twi days before he decides he will have breakfast outside. Right before exiting the front door to his apartment a slam from the other side that stops him at his tracks. He stays still and silent wondering who was slamming against his door. David step closer to the door looking throught the peek hole but sees no one. There was nothing in sight. He steps back only an inch when the slamming returns. Quickly he looks to find the old guy from upstairs and the neighborhs across the hall a mother and her two children gathernig by the door slamming their bodies against it.

David noticed that their skin looked a lot paler and they all had blood and wounds all over them. He runs back up to his room and looks out the window seeing a crowd of moaning sick looking people surrounding his apartment and slowly the idea creeped up on him. Was loosing sleep finally taking a toll on him? Did he play for so long that he became warpped into the game? Was he dreaming right now and didn't even know it? Anythign was more logical then the reality that he knew eventually he'd have to face. Once David finally came to his senses He took a few fast step and went into his closet. When he opens it a shrine of anime is revield. In the closet is a long skinny black case. He grabs it and places it on his bed across from him. *BOOM* *SLAM* he hears a couple of moaning noises and suddenly he realizes that the zombies had broken the front door and are now heading up the stairs. He opens the black case and reveals a katana.

Looking at it he feels scared by whats outside but dexcited and ready to fight as best as he can. He opened the door to his room letting in ten zombies all coming after him. "COME AT ME TO STINKY DEMONS!" He ran at them swinging his katana at full force. Will David make it?

Starting Weapons: Katana

Name: Brielle Larae 23 years old

Job: Emergency room nurse in the city. RN for 3 years.

Description: Long Black hair, Black brown eyes, 5’11”, [picture to come later]

Lives: In an apartment in the city Grew up/home: In the city..

Family: Only child. Only living relatives are an aunt and cousins who moved away.

Weapons: Bow and arrow, Bolt Action Rifle, Tomahawk
Name: Zombies!!!!




Starting area: Everywhere

Starting Weapons (Only 4): Teeth, hands, feet, OTHER ZOMBEHS


Dead things don't need a history



Just for fun O.o They actually make weird groaning noises.
*giggles manically*

Best role in the RP!!

A bunch of dead people!!

Thank you SOOOO much for asking me to do this ^^

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