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Multiple Settings Where is your god now?

2000 years into the future, and still mankind refuses to wait. They are never patient, always rushing to and fro. Cars, trains, and planes faster than they’ve ever been. Yet mankind won’t slow down. It won’t wait. And eventually, those asshole humans decide they need to use nuclear energy on a dangerous scale to zoom round the world at a catastrophic pace.

And then their resources run out.

Radium, plutonium, and most other radioactive materials are running dry. And with no way to artificially make these elements, the world is breaking into chaos. And just as you’d expect, it’s a nuclear war.

Everyone’s fucking dead, yeah, move on. But something is still alive.

A humanoid subspecies rumored to have lived under the ground for long before the humans existed suddenly awoke when the bombs fell. Tribal leaders and religious figures command that their people stay below ground.

But two emerge.

Takula and Amtaz. Young lovers blind of pain and ignorant of suffering. Adventure is abundant above ground, and they are thirsty for it.

Unfortunately for them, the world is a hopeless wasteland. Few pre-war buildings and landmarks survived the instense fallout. The little life remaining is mutated and aggressive. All living things must fight for their lives. All living plants are poisonous raw. All animals are hyperaggressive and territorial to the extreme.

But regardless, the two young lovers will find a way.

I’m looking for someone to play Takula, the female. This is an FxM roleplay, with action, romance, drama, horror... and most importantly, blood.

So roll up your sleeves and let’s you and I get down to business, partner.

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