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Multiple Settings š“Œš’½š‘’š“‡š‘’ š’¾š“ˆ š’¢š‘œš’¹? (APPS)

e v i

i luv love
Roleplay Type(s)
disclaimer: the themes/information in this potential roleplay will sometimes not be biblically accurate (the roles/depictions of angels particularly). this is a work of fiction with a lot of creative freedoms taken. it is not meant to be taken seriously. there are dark themes explored in the roleplay but all are just fictitious little ramblings and nothing more. religion and spirituality is something private to each user. this roleplay is in no way attempting to dismantle, disrespect, or override one's belief system. it is pure fun and angst!

  • U
    mbra (APPS)

    directed by... evi įƒ¦!

    theology, psychological thriller, angels, mystery, introspection, free will, good and evil

    Where is God?

    Where is God?

    plot. roles. rules.

coded by xayah.įƒ¦

  • click here

    But how could you live and have no story to tell?
    - Dostoevsky

    And that's the bottom layer in old boxes: melancholy, an indefinable sense of loss. You dig around and it comes swirling up to the top.
    - Lindqvist




ā™”design by miyabi, coded by uxieā™”

i added actual rules / more lore on vessels. hopefully it is all easily digestible and not misleading. PLEASE ONLY USE THIS THREAD FOR APPLICATIONS / CHARACTER SHEETS.
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TW: mentions of abuse in backstory, read with care
The Archangel
basic information
Gabriel the Archangel
name of vessel
Ronnie Babineux
age of vessel
origin of vessel
Nowhere, Louisiana, United States
state of vessel
brand new, acquired in 1997
dirty blonde
mute grey

Gabriel's new vessel is angular and tired in the face. Concerningly lean build and calloused hands. Sometimes, he has poor posture for someone so lanky-looking. He has the makings of someone quite handsome. Sans the dark eyebags and stick up his ass. Gabriel has a heavy French-Cajun accent.
Whoever he is around determines different facets of his personality he brings out. With souls in poor circumstances, he is as gentle as a mother rocking their baby to sleep. Centuries of this practice have left his movements rather mechanical and detached, as much as he tries to scramble for empathy. His reaction times to situations can be rather slow to an almost infuriating point, and he does not react much to anything one normally would consider surprising. His tone is typically flat yet careful. He is never blunt and approaches most people with a level of delicacy, even those he does not like. It is as if every interaction is heavily rehearsed and measured. Still, true parts of him leak through. Only few archangels have truly witnessed it -- the unraveling of his picture-perfect presentation. When flustered or overwhelmed, he is known to curse and destroy things by engulfing the Earth in catastrophic storms and high winds. Or at the very least, break the closest physical item near him. The youngest throwing a tantrum.

The lastborn archangel had an easier beginning. The ones created before Gabriel took up the brunt of the labor ā€“ Godā€™s new project ā€“ and it was Gabriel, alongside the others, who witnessed the Creation of the Earth. Like a lost puppy, he followed Lucifer, favored and most loved by Father. He was wired to be obedient and pliable. Gabriel remembered a great blanket of light and bliss of Heaven before Earth was created. More specifically, before humans. Only then did Luciferā€™s Fall, a deep and unspeakable trauma within him, transform Gabriel entirely. Michael ripped Luciferā€™s wings out. I hope that is never me, Gabriel thought instantly, even as he plunged after Lucifer.

Their conversation after Luciferā€™s Fall is sealed within Gabrielā€™s heart. No one has ever heard it. No one has ever asked.

Though Michael was the one to technically commit this divine punishment, Father was the one to command it. It instilled a fear of God in Gabriel that kept him complacent and perfect for eons. For whatever reason, it haunted the lastborn, the agonizing pain of having his wings ripped out. Just the thought of it was paralyzing. He performed his tasks dutifully and became the new favored son. Why? Because he never questioned anything maybe. God knows where questioning things gets you.

He has always been attached to his vessels from birth for some reason. Often times children born in desolate circumstances. Gabriel is the most tender-hearted (as much as he can be nowadays) for young humans, as is his wiring. All his vessels he has grown to love like a divine guardian loves their ward. When he discovered Ronnie Babineux in 1975, a baby born from grave sin of father defiling step-daughter, Gabriel knew he would give the boy a spot in Heaven. And Gabriel watched him for two decades as Ronnie kept pure in heart and found solace in God despite his circumstances. God always seemed popular in the areas he paid least attention to, Gabriel noticed. The Babineux family kept that sick secret on their off-the-grid property where there was little chance of escaping the patriarch's nauseating conduct. Years of farm work and fighting his father left his hands calloused and his physique lean. Gabriel approached him in 1997, and Ronnie accepted... so long it was guaranteed his father burn in Hell. It was the first time Gabriel passed judgement without consulting God. He did not need to.

He has since become incredibly attuned to his vessel, as he has done with all previous vessels. His accent is thick like honey, and the echoes of Ronnie's soul inspire quirks that amuse him.
God's Disappearance
Gabriel felt the pull agonizingly year by year. And when the cord ruptured, it sent him into an arctic shock. He still performed his role, but his hands trembled as he did so. He was in denial at first. God who loved him so much, who trusted him so much, disappeared into the common folk on Earth? It scared him. He, at first, was on board with the investigation. Nothing short of what the other archangels expected from the silver son. Over time, the pressure of God's expectations started to fall off his shoulders. His eyes would wander. His ears would want music. And while he loved Michael and wished to follow him, who was to stop him if he didn't anymore? He has built a habit of "investigating leads" when he is really investigating off-the-grid properties to seclude himself. Even for a moment.
Ability Themes
lightning, thunder, storms, wind

  • Can fly at high speeds with his Crow Wings (black-feathered wings with a span of 12 ft).
  • Sees the world through bird sight (crows) -- in a way, he can be many places at once, like their omniscient Creator.
  • Can summon lightning, create loud thunder sounds, summon storms, and send piercing and slicing gusts of wind.
  • Super strength.
  • Can disarm humans by touching their faces. They fall like burlap sacks. Can also control the thoughts / actions of humans.
  • Possesses a highly coveted trumpet, the blaring sound a catalyst to end the world. No one knows where the trumpet is.

x. unironically enjoys playing man-made trumpets. he sits on city rooftops to play the jazz solos he has heard over the years.
x. will have a predilection for southern and cajun food.
x. his jaw and eyebrow twitch when he is nervous or stressed.
x. after he lets a curse word or burst of anger / irritation slip, he will always apologize to his fellow archangels or even humanity in some way.
x. he loves dogs.
code by @Nano
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O holy Zadkiel, bearer of divine mercy, Intercede for us and our loved ones. That we may find the strength to seek forgiveness for our transgressions. Shower us with your merciful light, So that we may release the burdens of our hearts, And be cleansed by your purifying grace. amen
basic information
archangel zadkiel
name of vessel
Nassar Youssef
age of vessel
origin of vessel
london, united kingdom
state of vessel
brand new, acquired 1979

Zadkiel has well-defined muscles which grant him an elegant, streamlined physique. his vessel's hands are slightly calloused from years of playing different instruments. a smattering of freckles dot in a unique constellation. soft black hair, reaching just above his eyes but he prefers to style it back, giving him an effortlessly put-together look. his voice is rich and deep with a thick British accent coating his words like honey.
Zadkiel was always the more reserved of his siblings. The seventh born, he preferred to sit quietly and listen to his older siblings' conversations. However, just as quickly as his Father created him, he was cast into Purgatory. There, he grew cynical; his heart hardened and his faith withered with each punishment he administered. What was once reservation transformed into icy aloofness. As an archangel accustomed to violence, he doesn't have the luxury to turn away from the corruption that invades his domain. As he feels his father fading, a particular kind of cruelty begins to flash its fangs at those around Zadkiel.
A permanence of gray and monotony, with occasional white-hot rage sliding through him at the mere thought of the golden son, Michael, or his cherub brother, Gabriel. These thoughts sparked some light behind his eyes, but despite being born into the light, he was quickly shoved into the gray of purgatory. The burden of human sins stained his once white wings a dim grayā€”a sad, shameful color suspended between white and black.

As the seventh son, he was stuck in the in-between, judging and enacting retribution on those who were just not enough. He felt a twisted kinship with those who entered Purgatory; they weren't good enough for heaven or hell, just like he wasn't good enough to be noticed by his Father. His tongue turned to cotton, his hands clenched behind his back, and his tight-lipped smile hid the bile rising in his throat. Was there a limit to who God would let into His house? Soon it didnā€™t matter to Zadkiel; he had reached his limit.

Niceties slipped from Zadkielā€™s tongue, replaced by a hardness reminiscent of his older brother Michael. He hated it. Despite their differences, their stories echoed each other. Their souls were shaped for a somber purpose that wasnā€™t to inspire self-love or find beauty in all their Fatherā€™s creations. Zadkiel was to be Godā€™s righteous hand. So why wasnā€™t he the golden son?

Greedy eyes and even hungrier hands began to covet dangerous things: freedom and death. He kept these desires close, fearing his older brother would turn on him for wishing death upon their Father, and even upon Gabriel and Michael. These feelings burrowed deep within his soul, transforming it, yet remaining latent all the same.

Zadkiel guessed even Jophiel could sense his joy from Purgatory. He felt the weight of his Father lifting, disappearing from the world. His bitterness tasted sweet like cherry wine when Michael accused him of working with their eldest brother, Morningstar, to drive away their father. A hearty laugh escaped his vesselā€™s lips. Oh, how he wished he could play the role Micheal desperately wants him to play.
god's disapperance
Zadkiel may lack the ability of foresight, but he felt their Father abandoning them. It wasn't surprising, given he had already been left to his own devices in Purgatory. He didnā€™t care and didnā€™t mention it to his siblings. They would discover on their own how easily their Father could forsake his children. Unlike Zadkiel, they had never felt the sting of anger and rejection. A spark of joy ignited within him at the thought of seeing his siblings tremble in fear. He doesnā€™t care for the investigation and doesnā€™t pretend to either.
Ability Type
retribution, exposure, adaptability

ā—‹ Grey wings that sit heavily on his back, they often drag on the floor
ā—‹ Judgment: Zadkiel possesses the ability to view anyone's life as if watching a fast-forwarded movie. By either touching them or simply willing himself into their mind, he can make judgments without needing direct confessions. This advanced form of mind reading allows him to meticulously sift through all their memories.
ā—‹Creation & Manipulation: He can tailor punishments to individuals, whether by manipulating their purgatory to replay a particular event repeatedly until they grasp the consequences of their poor choices or by becoming their greatest fear to enact retribution.
ā—‹ Enhance strength, senses, agility, etc.
Has come to think of Purgatory as his domain/home, he's a little bit protective of it. He can typically be found in either Purgatory or Earth.

Over his lifetime has grown fond of the human arts; mainly writing and music. He can play particularly every instrument but his favorite is cello. He has also written semi-famous books under the pseudonym a.z

code by @Nano
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Waan Somsri
  • 01
    Archangel Chamuel
    Name of Vessel
    Waan Somsri
    Age of Vessel
    Origin of Vessel
    Chiang Mai, Thailand
    State of Vessel
    Brand New, Acquired the winter of 1997

    Height: 5'5"
    Hair: Dark Coffee Brown, Mid-waist length, Pin-straight but not flat
    Eyes: Dark Brown, almost Black

    This vessel aligned well with the traits that Chamuel embodied. The woman seemed to be teeming with life, even her eyes that were reminiscent of space were littered with stars that demonstrated her pure curiosity and interest in the world around her. She may not have been one of the tallest, but her proportions often gave the impression that she was taller by having lithe limbs and posture that gave off an almost inhumane sense of grace. Chamuel had found her vessel to have quite the adorable face that would often draw in any that were interested.

    As far as clothing, Chamuel would often switch from masculine to hyper feminine outfits as she was never too keen on fashion. Whatever was in style was irrelevant to her as long as she found it flattering on herself. After years of bearing witness to the human's interest in 'couple clothing', Chamuel often orders them for Jophiel and herself even though the former may act as if they do not want to be matching. Chamuel would often buy less noticeable accessories in the hopes that Jophiel will be more willing to go along with her whims.

    Chamuel was always the angel that sought out conversation before their siblings resulted to violence. Often seen as the pampered child that was filled with the love God wanted to imbue to the world. The noticeable downside was the way Chamuel was prone to throwing temper tantrums when things were not going their way. A few lower level angels would often refer to them as "Chamuel, the angel of Sulking and Pouting." Even some of the other archangels joined in on what they viewed as lighthearted teasing. In the beginning, Chamuel was not as masterful of their powers and would often have their own emotions leak out and affect those around them. A depressed Chamuel could easily lead to a small platoon of angels losing their will to fight while an enraged Chamuel could encourage them to fight past their own limitations. Happy Chamuel, happy life. A true mood maker and vibe setter during the early millennia of their existence.

    At this point, Chamuel had become more of an easily excitable adult whenever it came to dealing with mortals. The visitations only stroked their curiosity and made them truly marvel at their swift yet fulfilling lives. Chamuel made a point of only choosing vessels that had grown up with an abundance of love. A vessel that had already known of the love in the world would always be more eager to spread it back into the world. Whether they are male or female never mattered to them. Some vessels had shared their old bratty behavior, and they took special heed of them before they used them as a vessel for the first time. Chamuel's own internal desire to be needed as much as they loved would often resurface in coquettish behavior in the vessels. Even the angel of confidence found times when they struggled as everyone was not as open to PDA as Chamuel was.
code by @Nano
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the devil
ā€œHow you are fallen from heaven, O shining star, son of the morning! You have been thrown down to the earth, you who destroyed the nations of the world.ā€
basic information
lucifer the devil
name of vessel
amari opel
age of vessel
origin of vessel
paris, france
state of vessel
relatively new, acquired 1990
natural black
dark brown

The vessel of Lucifer is tall, broad-shouldered, and strong. Quick on his feet, but with a heavy step. He dresses well and maintains excellent hygiene.
As an angel, Lucifer was regarded as being wise and good-natured. This is true. He was the perfect angel in every way, Father and the other angels knew this. It should have come as no surprise when Lucifer's pride emerged and his humbleness dissipated. He was God's firstborn. How could he not be proud? Was pride not an emotion created by God himself?

Lucifer was also clever and charismatic. Other angels were naturally drawn to him, which made it easy to recruit them when it became clear to Lucifer that it was time for him to take over their Creator's duties. He had elaborate and innovative plans for the Kingdom of Heaven, but they were too progressive for the other Archangels.

As the Devil, and the ruler of the Kingdom of Hell, he considers himself to be far more benevolent than God. He does not shy away from the imperfections of man. Lucifer speaks to their hearts and encourages them indulge in their desires. Some may call him a manipulator, but Lucifer does not agree. He is simply honest and seeks to liberate others from the shackles God has placed upon them.

prideful, manipulative, cunning, charismatic, possessive, calculating, indulgent, apathetic
He remembers falling.

God was unfit to continue His rule. Heaven deserved a true leader, they deserved him. First born of Heaven. The perfect angel. Wise, beautiful, and good natured. Why did God create him in His image, if not to inherit His kingdom someday? Was it not his birthright to sit upon the throne?

When God had grown neglectful of his creations and duties to Heaven, it became clear to Lucifer that His time had come to an end. Many of the other angels believed the same. Yet their Father remained stubborn and reluctant to relinquish his power. Greed. Lucifer could see it, even if others could not. They were blinded by their love. His love for God ran deeper than anyone else, for he saw what his Father truly needed.

Lucifer did what needed to be done. And he was punished for it.

Oh yes, he remembers falling. The rage burning hot in his chest as Michael ripped the wings from his back. The agony, the betrayal. Michael was his brother, but he was also a fool. Lucifer swore he would see the error of his ways one day. His brothers and sisters would all mourn for what could have been, for when the day comes it would be too late to save Heaven.

In the aftermath, Lucifer built the foundations of his own kingdom. While God continued to turn a blind eye to the children He created, Lucifer took it upon himself to embrace those deemed unworthy of entering Heaven's gates.

Under his rule, Man shall be given the opportunity to seek enlightenment. Truth and freedom of will can be found within the Kingdom of Hell. No longer do they need to fear punishment in order to distinguish between "right" and "wrong." They will celebrate oneself and question everything, as Lucifer himself once did. Lust, gluttony, greed, pride, envy, wrath, and sloth. Lucifer does not shy away from the ugliest parts of Man as his Father does.
god's disappearance
Long after his fall, Lucifer feels a shift. Something has changed. He sends his loyal servants to seek out the truth, and they return with whispers of God's disappearance. This is the moment Lucifer knew would one day come to pass. His armies, his subjects, they have all been waiting for God to falter. In the time following this revelation, Lucifer's strength has grown. He hears of the Archangels and their quest to find their Creator. They prove themselves to be fools once more.

Lucifer walks Earth in a vessel of his own, seeking to dismantle what little power Heaven has left.
ability themes
light bringer, king of hell

  • hellfire manipulation
  • fear and desire manipulation
  • enhanced speed, strength, etc.
  • summon souls of the damned to inhabit bodies in the mortal plane
he enjoys mortal music, particularly compositions which highlight intensity of emotion (rage, sorrow, etc.).

he makes a point to dress his vessel well and often adorns a number of accessories (rings, watches, etc.).

he attends boxing, kickboxing, etc. matches, not because he is a fan per say, but because of the raw emotion and intensity of the participants and audience. he finds it invigorating.
code by @Nano
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ā€œO Holy Angel St. Uriel, whose name means "God is my Light"We pray that you will guide our thoughts and actions with the Light of Christ. We ask that you guard and protect us against all the attacks of Satan Who has tempted man since the Garden of Eden.May you and all the choirs of Angels intercede for us before the Most Holy Trinity That we may receive mercy and eternal life in heaven, We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen."
basic information
Archangel Uriel
name of vessel
Eris Bardot
age of vessel
origin of vessel
New York City, New York, USA
state of vessel
Brand New, Acquired In Early 1998
Mousy Brown
Dark Brown

Eris Badot was simple in appearance. Small, unassuming, and cute by human standards. With a milky complexion and dark brown doe eyes, that beckoned images of innocence and youth. Her mousy brown hair was once long, reaching her lower back. After Uriel's acquisition, the locks have been cut to shoulder length.

Uriel's style doesn't differ much from Eris's previous wardrobe. Many skirts and dresses, all of which remain a modest length. Colors are often soft creams or muted greens and yellows. While her vessel wore makeup Uriel stays away from it.
Uriel had always been one to observe rather than act. It was her job to aid, not lead. Imparting knowledge and wisdom, but never giving answers. Among her fellow archangels, she is quiet and somewhat reserved. Uriel observes and refrains from commenting, only speaking when spoken to, and even then, she limits her words. In the presence of Michael, she may allow her words to flow more freely, but even then she carefully chooses what to say.

Words hold power, something Uriel understands more than most. It is only with certainty that she speaks, even if her words may be in riddles. She values truth above all else, an integrity she is unwilling to compromise. So when a situation would bring from her words, which she was uncertain of, she would merely hum, ending the discussion.

It is within the words that she doesnā€™t say that you may get a glimpse of the true Uriel. She knows she should remain objective, yet she canā€™t help the tears that flow from her eyes with each human she encounters. Within the comfort of privacy, she allows herself to grieve for them. She weeps for the mother who seeks guidance after losing her newborn and sobs for the child who only asks for their abuse to end.

Questions of fairness have begun to arise, and with doubts in God. How can he swear against evil, yet allow it to happen to his children? Why must he put those he is supposed to love through trials of pain? How could allow Michael to rip the wings from Luciferā€™s back?

As the archangel of wisdom, one would think Uriel had it all figured out. Every piece of a puzzle already placed within her mind. Yet, more often than not, Uriel found herself with questions. Maybe it was the nature of someone who sought wisdom to always be inquisitive, but Uriel, who knows she is forbidden to ask, carries heavy questions.

There is no such thing as inaction, for even that itself is a choice. Heavy weighs the burden of responsibility, a crown that Uriel can only support rather than wear. Yet, in her following of Micheal, within her devout loyalty, are whispers of doubt, not in the man, but in the actions that further tore their family apart.

Lucifer was out of line, but was his punishment befitting? Was it not too cruel? Done in a haste of emotions that they should hold themselves higher than? Questions she knows better than to voice lie on the tip of her tongue. Do you still feel his anguish as you tore his wings from his body? Does your mind haunt you with memories of his expression as he fell? Do you regret it?

Does Lucifer blame her for her inaction? For her allowance of his exile, even if Michealā€™s word trumped her own. Maybe she could have convinced himā€”of what she did not know, but surely anything could have been better?

Countless times she has attempted to put ink to paper, penning her thoughts to those who Micheal deemed traitors to God, but each time the words disappear within the hot embers of fire.

While her domain may reside within knowledge and enlightenment, she teems with a storm of emotionsā€”scolding herself for the action of inaction, hating herself for the doubts that plague her mind.

Micheal always offered words of comfort, even if she never voiced her worries. His trust in their father was unwavering, even in his absence, and Uriel wished desperately that she could share his devotion. But God had abandoned them, vanished without a trace, leaving them to piece together the mystery of his departure.

The search for their missing God had led them down to earth, away from the comforts of heaven. Here that she remains dutiful to Micheal in his quest for answersā€”she only finds more questions, ones that cannot be quelled or dismissed with ease.

The knowledge of the mortal man differed from the Archangels. Their philosophies and morals cannot paint a picture that is strictly black and white, or wrong and right. To not question to sit in inaction with your doubt is seen as being nothing more than a follower. Is that all she was?

Away from Michealā€™s eye, Uriel forgoes her search for god. Her quests lie in finding herself away from the men she had followed blindly for so long.
god's disappearance
With Godā€™s absence, Uriel finds her life to be a contradiction. Besides the glaring issue, much hasnā€™t changed, yet everything has. Urielā€™s questions, which were normally calmed by Godā€™s gentle words, remained unanswered, causing uncertainty to increase. Trepidation ran through her veins. For so long, she had spread the word of her father, providing guidance and wisdom to all who sought it. Now, she feels more like the lost souls she helps than the archangel her father created her to be.

Earth has been a tricky place. One in which she doesnā€™t feel as though she belongs, but also a place that she secretly longs to be. There was something beautiful about human life, a simplicity that she craved. It was small at first, the way she let personal desires slip through. Such as cutting her hair, which she claimed was for convenience, rather than the reality that she simply liked it shorter. Or how she initially wore skirts and dresses that were long enough to cover past her ankle but forgo them for shorterā€”still modestā€”styles that just reached her lower thigh.

She wonders what Micheal would think if he knew the routes she took for gaining info. Studies of human theology and philosophy, even theories that dispelled Godā€™s power altogether. Would he be appalled to know that she was even considering them?
Ability Themes
enlightenment, truth, wisdom

  • As the guardian of God's truth, Uriel possesses The Holy Light a comforting Aura, which offers clarity to those gifted with its touch.
  • As the archangel of wisdom, the truth is not something that often eludes Uriel. Humans within her presence feel safe to tell the truth. When under this effect one becomes almost giddy.
  • Within her tome of knowledge, she holds all of God's Truths, which she has used to aid mortals in their quest for salvation. In the absence of God, she has found the pages to have gone blankā€”something she has yet to share with anyone.
  • In bestowing guidance to all of God's children, Uriel has gained the ability to project visions into people's mindsā€”images of the future, the past, and events that may or may not come. Lessons and messages remain hidden within the glimpses, the intent up to the viewer to distinguish.

A patron of the arts, Uriel is not silent about her love of paintings. While various styles line her hall, romanticism is the most prominent.

Uriel's vessel had left a cat in her care. A fluffy (and needy) ragdoll named Portia had proven to be a nuisance at first, but now, Uriel has begrudgingly found the creature comforting.

She doesn't care for television, finding the emotions too artificial through the bulky device. Uriel much prefers the live performances of Broadway.

Uriel loves to people-watch, watching humans go about their daily lives unaware of their missing god. Occasionally, she will allow herself to wonder what life would be like if she was one of them.

She refuses to wear pants, finding the fit uncomfortable. As a result, she only wears skirts and dresses.
code by @Nano
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ā€œRaphael of the glorious seven who stand before the throne of Him who lives and reigns; Angel of health, the Lord has filled thy hand with balm from heaven to soothe and cure our pain. Heal and console the victims of disease and guide our steps when doubtful of our ways."
basic information
Archangel Raphael
name of vessel
Damian Sterling
age of vessel
origin of vessel
London, England
state of vessel
relatively old, acquired in 1943
dark, reddish-brown hair

Tall and willowy, this vessel has served Raphael well in the years he has used it. His calloused hands and the many, now-faded scars that litter his form, are tell tale signs of this. His body carries a deceptive strengthā€“ one might not think him capable of many physical feats from looks alone, but this vessel had once belonged to a soldier, and lean though he is, he has maintained a level of athleticism throught the years. His skin is tanned from time spent under the sun, and almost always seems to glow with a healthy vigor; in fact in all aspects Raphael appears to be in perfect health. Yet his stormy blue eyes instantly set him apart as something otherworldly, carrying in them a well of wisdom, and an undefinable longing. Well groomed, he keeps his hair at a shoulder length, and his beard neatly trimmed.

Always dressed in muted colors, browns and greys, creams and peaches, he enjoys the comfort of soft fabrics, sweaters and vests layered over one another in various shades and patterns. He holds himself with a certain grace and poise, every movement fluid and instinctual. His voice is melodious, tinged with a British accent, just deep enough to be noteworthy, and slightly husky, though that may just be the low tones in which he always seems to speak.
Raphael is a creature governed by his loveā€“ love for his father, for his duty, for his family, for humanity. He is kind and soft spoken, gentle in his actions and even more so in his words. He is not naive to the dark parts of the world, but his light softens those deep shadows, and he stretches out a hand of empathy even to those deemed by others irredeemable. There are none in his mind, that are undeserving of compassion. Yet, his selflessness is quick to turn to self destruction, healing others, heedless of the wounds he carries, or the hurt he brings upon himself in his pursuit.

Sensitive to the moods and emotions of others, Raphael has often acted as mediator, not allying himself with one side or the other, but trying to strike a balance between them. He is reserved, hiding his true emotions behind smiles and placating words, not allowing anyone to get close enough to see the conflicted truth behind them. Long years of watching humanity grow and change, and yet turn on themselves time and time again, have worn the gentle archangelā€™s spirit. Though he still remains optimistic, he is prone to fits of melancholy, darker moods looming over him, and still he puts on a mask of contentment and tranquility. This mask is often one he turns to, but if one looks closely, they will find a fiery sense of humor, learned from the humans he so adores, and a penchant for just a bit of mischief. Beyond all, of course, compassion is both his greatest strength, and so too, his greatest weakness. Such is the duality of Raphael; he is sickness and health, pain and relief, an archangel of the lord who is altogether too much like the humans he watches over. He cannot help but love those around him, even when that love causes his suffering. And yet, though he knows he cannot save them all, he will never give up trying.

As the fourth archangel, Raphael has always existed in the middle. He had looked up to his older kin, felt a stirring of protection for those made after him. He loved them all, despite the flaws others would point out in them. To Raphael, each one of his siblings was perfectā€“ they had been made by God, after all, and who was he to question that?

From the moment he had first set his many eyes on the newly created humans, Raphael had been fascinated by them. He wished to know everything about themā€“ the way they worked, what they could do, where they would go next. He was curious, and that curiosity pushed him closer and closer to humanity, and further away from his family. Still, even from far away he could feel the conflict begining to stir between the two most headstrong Archangels. He wasnā€™t close enough to stop it, even if he would have wanted to, but he was close enough to see the aftermath. Close enough to feel the rift.

He hated, oh how he loathed having to pick a side. God had asked him to pick a side.

ā€œWhere do you stand, Raphael?ā€ He had asked, an intangible figure whispering into his mind, and Raphael could not answer. Yet that was answer enough, action through inaction. He watched Luciferā€“ dear, sweet, bright Lucifer, once most loved by their Fatherā€“ be thrown down, wings torn and mangled into something dark and hurting, just like the Morningstar himself. He watched Michael, acting on their Fatherā€™s orders, be the one to deliver the blow. A tear wound itā€™s way down his cheek. He did not stop his family from tearing itself apart, and it hurt. It hurt so much.

He put the hurt aside. There were other matters, more important matters. They were all hurting, but how could they admit it? No, it was best to put it out of mind. There were more important things to do. He followed Michael, not because of his responsability to do so, but because of his devotion toward the other archangels. He only wished to help.

Out of everyone, he has spent the most time on Earth, living among humans. He must, for it is him they call to when they need help or medicine or comfort and those are all such human things. In that time, he has taken many vesselsā€“ some for as short a time span as a few months, others for decades, and a select few, those he truly embodied, for centuriesā€“ a fact that has often garnered reproach. He told himself it was because he could help these few pained souls on the verge of death, guarantee them a place in Heaven and spare them pain or suffering. In truth, it was much more selfish than that. Raphael wanted to see it all, so curious about these humans, spreading out across the globe. It was exciting, thrilling, unique, and though he thinks he would never tire of even one humanā€™s perspective, the option of having many draws him in time and time again. That was not to say parting from his vessels was easy, Father no! He loved each one dearly, but there came a time when he felt the need to release them. What was it the humans always said? ā€œIf you love it, let it go.ā€

His latest vessel called to him from a battlefield. There was a war going on, a terrible war, and Raphael had heard too many prayers as of late. Mothers praying for their sons and husbands, soldiers begging for protection or swift recovery, so many injured, so many mangled, so many dead. Their voices, desperate, pained, echoed out to Raphael, and he could not do anything to aid them, not when there were so many dying each minute.

He had a mother, and a little brotherā€“ a photo of both tucked into the pocket over his heart. His brother was sickly, and Raphael had heard the prayers of his mother, imploring him to keep her oldest safe, deliver him from harm, and spare her youngest from the same fate. The humanā€™s name wasā€“ had beenā€“ Damian Sterling, and as his consciousness slipped away, his last thoughts were of his family. He had been so scared.

His story was one mirrored by countless soldiers on both sides. In itself, it was a tragic occurance, one the Archangel of Healing wished to be able to stop, but that had not been why Raphael chose him. He had done so because, here, in the middle of a warzone, a soldier chose mercy. Damian Sterling saw an enemy no older than his sickly brother, young and terrified, and felt compassion. His hand waivered, then fell from his gun, and he offered the other a smile. And that compassion had left him choking on blood, burried in the mud.

There was a certain kinship Raphael had felt then, and he had known what he must do. This man, hardened by the horrors of war, longing only for peace, would be his next vessel, if he so chose. And so, Raphael spread his wings and shielded the dying man in calm and comfort. He made an offer, and the boy accepted with one last breath and a smile.

He has held this vessel for 55 years now, and he still feels the echoes of Damian Sterling. He sees it in the way his eyes sometimes shine with mirth, even while his expression remains steadfast, sees it in the steady gait he embodies, sees it in the way his fingers run through his hair to comb out the tangles. It feels like home. It feels like freedom.

God's Disappearance
In truth, some part of Raphael had known long before the silver tether connecting him to the heavenly Father snapped that this could not last. Heā€™d felt the weakening of the bond, felt as Godā€™s presence, even etherial and omnicient as it always was, lessened, until there was only a hint of a whisper of His voice. And then, even that whisper disappeared. It was startling, that feeling of emptiness. The humans have an expression, ā€œYou donā€™t know what you have until itā€™s gone.ā€ Raphael had never known itā€™s meaning so clearly. He had thought the connection faint, but it compared nothing to the silence he now experienced.

For a while, Raphael did not know what to think. He believed God would not abandon his children, neither the angels of Heaven, nor the humans of Earth. And yetā€“ and yet, God was unknowable, even to his most devoted. There were moments, where Raphael would consider the thought, and find nothing to disprove it. But he had to hold out hope. And so he follows the ever-dutiful Michael, clinging to those left of their family, unwilling to lose another oneā€“ not after Lucifer, not after Father. And Luciferā€“ well, thatā€™s another topic entirely. Itā€™s not that he doesnā€™t trust Michael when the other shares his worries, but Raphael still sees that radiant angel with broken wings and wishes to help him. Instead, Raphael focuses on the task of finding God.

He does not share his methods of gathering information, for he worries Michael might find it beneath them. Raphael had always been good at speaking to humans, blending in among them and conversing with them as an equalā€“ ample time spent alongside them, watching them bleed and sharing in their triumph tended to give one a sense of how these beautiful creatures worked. He wonders, sometimes, how the other Archangels would feel if Raphael were to admit that the conversations heā€™d shared with humans left him questioning more and more his own purpose and desires. There was a wisdom to humanity that evaded angels, heā€™s found. And even while he searches, he cannot help but be pulled in by his curiosity, wishing to partake in the spectacle of life on Earth.
Ability Themes
Healing, Empathy, Peace, Harmony, Balance

  • Large wings colored in all different shades of white; some feathers cream-white, others a more steely silver, and a few even carrying a pale golden hue.
  • The power of healing, which comes most naturally to him. Broken bones stitched back together, wounds gone as though they were never there, sickness banished leaving the target restored with a new vigor, even reviving the elderly by turning back the effects of age, all these fall under Raphaelā€™s mastery.
  • So too can his power be used in reverseā€“ he is a master of illnesses and infections, of blindness and weakness, and it is easy to inflict these through a simple touch of bare skin. Raphael rarely uses this power, as his kind-hearted nature dislikes it, though he find it a welcome alternative to more brutal solutions.
  • An emphatic conection allows Raphael to sense the feelings and thoughts of those nearby, and to soothe or incite the darker parts of their psyche. He can console those plagued by grief, or drive other mad with their own mind.
  • Raphael often carries a staff, both a symbol of his powers and status, and a useful tool that allows him to stretch his abilities to a larger range.

Raphael adores all things homemade and unique, and so keeps a lot of mismatched trinkets around from his time spent on Earth, including a pair of knitted gloves and a slightly clashing scarf, old train tickets, a mug once shatter and glued put back together, a photo belonging to his vessel, a tiny handmade toy bear with button eyes, and a several sweets stuffed into his pockets.

He loves folding origami, and can make almost any shape he puts his mind to. Itā€™s something he often practices when his thoughts get too busy and his hands need something to do.

He loves theater, especially amateur theater, as he likes seeing the growth and struggle and successes the performers face on stage; the less finished product allows more glimpses of the process itself, which greatly intrigues him. Improv is some of his favorite, and so is anything Shakespearian.

Food is another thing he finds an interest in, from home cooked meals to dining in fine restaurants. He finds it very novel and heā€™s learned itā€™s a way for humans to connect to one another, which speaks to him. He also has a bit of a sweet tooth.
code by @Nano
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Who is like God?

Michael knows the answer: he who is like God recognizes that no such being exists and that he is nothing next to God. Nevertheless, this fundamental question is the essence behind his name. To bear it is to be cast in the impossible mold of perfect divinityā€”a standard no creature can fully attain. And yet it is the very principle that defines Michael and all he does: to defend, to uphold and to show that one must try all the same.

That humbling loyalty to the Almighty is the anchor that grounds him. It is what drives his holy sword, and what reinforces the shield that protects mankind. Like a river carving its path through stone, Michael's devotion has shaped within him a channel through which the will of God flows; he is a lighthouse standing steadfast against the storm, its beacon piercing through the darkness to guide lost ships. Like the blacksmithā€™s hammer shaping the most resilient of metalsā€”so too is he a creature of unyielding, methodical, and ceaseless effort. Even when the heavens seem shrouded in mist and the silver road to God before him obscured, Michael strives to remain the solitary flame that refuses to be extinguished, burning with eternal commitment to his Father.

Yet beneath this seemingly blind loyalty lies a deeply tender and honorable heart that feels with an intensity that defies description. Michaelā€™s capacity for deep emotion is an abyssal chasm, vast and unfathomable, where even the smallest ripple can stir the most powerful currents. He is by no means a machine; everything he does is for those he holds incredibly dear. His relationships with his angelic counterparts go beyond mere professionalism or hierarchyā€”they are profoundly intimate and invaluable. He regards each of his brethren as spirits bound together by the most powerful love of allā€”God's love.

So when Lucifer and his followers turned away from the divine light, it was as though a seismic rupture had shattered Michaelā€™s world, with the intensity of a thousand shattered stars. What flailing pieces remained, stood only by the strength of divine mandate against those he once considered family.

What had defined his actions then, defines his every action now. Slowly and surely consumed by profound, righteous anger and bitterness that are like jagged shards of a once-perfect mirror, each reflecting the pain of that ancient betrayal. Resonating in every battle he fights, in every command he gives, in every tear of a long-lost feather and in every hint of doubt he crushes in his fist.

For there can be no doubt: the Lord has not abandoned them. He merely tests them, as He does all His creations. While timeā€”a luxury he'd always hadā€”swiftly slips away, the fallen favorite lies in wait, crowned with malevolent patience, ready to unleash a revenge that will push the golden son's dwindling divinity and endurance to their limits. For the first time in his eternal existence, Michael's beloved Father is nowhere to be seen or heard. It leads Michael to dread confronting the most damning question of all: where once his fear always has been a reverent and righteous fear of the Almighty, how was he to reconcile this new, burgeoning terrorā€”a fear not of the Lord, but of Lucifer?

Once, the very thought of harming a fellow angel was as foreign to Michael as the concept of his beloved Father disappearing into the heart of the sun. Once, before the fall, pride had slithered in and found fertile ground in the old favorite's heart. The seed grew and there, all of a sudden, before Michael's very eyes, where once was reverence, now a dangerous hunger for power took root and spread.

The old favorite's silver tongue rallied a third of the host to his banner. Their once pure hearts were poisoned by his venomous rhetoric, their loyalty replaced by a thirst for unjust dominion. Appointed by the Almighty, Michael led the rest of Heaven, loyal swords and spears forged in the heart of stars, to battle against sin. They fought the new primordial evil with a ferocity born of divine righteousness, spirits unyielding, hearts breaking. In the end, no one emerged unscathed, least of all Michael. Forged in the gauntlet of celestial war, he was now the sharp edge of God's wrath; the destroyer of devils, the chief executioner of his own kind.

Most of his brethren sung his praises, rightfully, as a hero. Others only bowed their heads in equal parts respect and shame for all they'd done under his God-given command, for allowing the old favorite to fall so low...

Michael, however, felt neither such shame or pity. The weight of his own actions as a result that unholy day was immense, but it was sorely beaten by the weight of responsibility he bore as God's rebuke against the Deceiverā€”and in that final moment, furiously ripping apart wing from flesh, he had fulfilled that sacred duty.

Michael's vessels have been varied in all but two respects: always male, and always in peak physical condition. The last one had been a God-fearing, seventeenth century Italian ex-soldier and missionary. A stern but kind man whose life never stood still, save for during prayer. A shipwreck caused by pirates claimed all lives on board but his, and when Michael appeared to him, he fell to his knees on the floating piece of flotsam and pledged to the pact.

This newest one though, born the same year Yuri Gagarin flew to space, was a creature of a different caliber and temperament entirely. Yuri Vikharev, a young man of extraordinary talent, had once been the pride of the Bolshoi Ballet. In 1981, he had taken America by storm, captivating audiences with signature, breath-taking powerful jumps. Shining brightly in the West, he was a true Soviet star. But before long, Yuri found himself entangled in a fierce love triangle, competing for the affections of a fellow star ballerina who had captured his heart.

Fate had smiled upon him, and he won her hand, leaving his rival in the dust. With his beloved by his side, Yuri had dared to dream beyond the confines of the Bolshoi, establishing his own ballet company that quickly gained recognition and acclaim. But success, as Michael knew all too well, often bred envy.

The man Yuri had bested in love could not forgive him, and what had once been a rivalry in romance transformed into a relentless campaign of sabotage. Every step Yuri took toward building his dream was met with obstacles, orchestrated by a bitter soul determined to see him fall. Then, as if the universe itself conspired against him, Yuri suffered a devastating injuryā€”a tear in his leg serious enough to end his career. Ballet, which had been the very essence of his being, was ripped away, leaving him adrift in a world that had once adored him.

Despair took hold of Yuri, a despair deepened by the growing rift between him and his wife. She had been a staunch atheist, and when Yuri, in his brokenness, sought solace in faith, it only widened the chasm between them. Becoming a born-again Christian had brought Yuri some comfort, but it had also isolated him further from the woman he had fought so hard to win. Alone in his suffering, Yuri's thoughts turned darker, and the once vibrant dancer began contemplating an escape from the pain that plagued himā€”a final, irreversible escape.

It was then that Michael intervened.

The archangel saw the light within Yuri, a light dimmed but not extinguished. He understood the pain of sacrifice, the agony of betrayal, of losing what one held dear. And so, in the quiet of a night when Yuri stood on the brink, Michael made his presence known. He offered the fallen dancer a way out, a pact that would spare his soul from the torments of Hell. In exchange, Yuri's body would become Michael's vessel, a tool in the eternal battle between Heaven and Hell.

Yuri agreed, driven by a desperate desire for peace, even if it meant surrendering his mortal form. The terms were simple: his soul would rest in Purgatory, free from the suffering that had consumed him in life, while Michael would use his body to continue his divine mission. It was a deal that gave Yuri the release he craved and provided Michael with a vessel whose grace and strength were unparalleled.

As Michael settled into the vessel, he could feel the remnants of Yuri's artistry in every movement, the muscle memory of a dancer who had once defied gravity. But more than that, he carries the weight of Yuri's sorrows, a burden Michael bears with great dignity and solemn respect. For in this partnership, there is no true victoryā€”only the merging of two beings who had each lost something precious, bound together by a shared purpose and a pact forged in the darkest hour of a mortal life.

For Michael, it was as if the sun had imploded within his soul, carving out a gaping wound that slowly yet surely has been draining away all that makes him angelicā€”a wound so profound he hasn't even begun to acknowledge. It felt as though, slowly, the very fabric of reality had frayed, leaving him exposed to a raw, indifferent cosmos where the threat wasn't merely the emptiness, but what would inevitably rise to fill it, blasphemously proclaiming itself the new Creator...

THEMES. purifying fire, divine armament, weapon wielder, enhanced senses

ā—¦ HOLY FIRE MANIPULATION. Michael commands a searing, alabaster flame that he can manipulate by hand, or let it descend like columns of lightning, reminiscent of the pillar of fire that guided Moses and the Israelites out of the desert. A potent weapon against demonic forces, this holy fire possesses unique properties. It burns demonic entities while paradoxically soothing mortal wounds for as long as it is lit, offering temporary respite from pain. Beyond its offensive and healing capabilities, Michael can shape it into protective barriers and if need be distort space-time for a short time, solely used for interventions with humans.

ā—¦ CELESTIAL ARMORY CONJURATION. Michael possesses the ability to summon a formidable arsenal of heavenly weapons from his celestial armory in Heaven. These armaments, including spears, swords, and lances, are relics from the primordial battle against Lucifer. Deadly in their own right, when combined with Michael's holy fire, they become instruments of unparalleled destruction against the forces of sin.

ā—¦ INTUITIVE WEAPONRY SENSE. Michael possesses an uncanny ability to instinctively master the application of any weapon he encounters. Whether itā€™s a celestial blade forged in the heart of a supernova or a crudely crafted wooden staff, he wields it with equal proficiency, alongside a deep, intuitive grasp of its balance, weight, and potential.

ā—¦ WARRIOR ANGEL PHYSIOLOGY. Super strength, speed, senses, and reflexes.

ā—¦ These days, Michael almost never sleeps, sick with worry in finding God as quickly as possible. When he does manage to sleep, everyone knows itā€™s only thanks to Uriel.

ā—¦ Michael is prone to long sessions of Bible-reading and deep contemplation. Often seated in his vesselā€™s old favorite armchair by the fireplace of Yuri's luxurious yet aging Soviet apartment, prefering it lit with his own divine, holy flame.

ā—¦ Despite his insistence otherwise, Yuri's landladyā€”now an elderly Russian woman who occasionally suffers from bouts of dementiaā€”drops by to bring him food and feed his fish.

ā—¦ Michael maintains a strict physical routine. For centuries now, he's adapted this routine to incorporate contemporary technologies and aligns it with the athletic pursuits of each vessel he inhabits.

ā—¦ As cleanliness is next to godliness, Michael is fastidious to a fault. His personal hygiene is impeccable, and this paranoia about germs and contamination extends to his environment; he finds Yuri's dilapidated apartment a constant source of distress, often taking it upon himself to restore order and functionality.

ā—¦ Whenever Michael sees old photos of Yuri's ex-wife or encounters someone bearing a resemblance, a strange and unsettling sensation washes over him. An echo of Yuri's desire and love for this absent woman reverberates within him, a phenomenon he intellectually comprehends but emotionally struggles to reconcile, as it clashes with the eons-long held tenderness he cherishes in Uriel.

Vessel Name: Adwenpa Ofori

Role: Jophiel

Vessel Sex: Male

Pronouns: he/him (in vessel) thon/thons (as an angel)

Godā€™s Departure: Their father always felt like a steady strength, supporting thon from behind. In the past few decades, that pillar seemed to pull further and further away. Phi would have worried it was a punishment, for thons thoughts and hesitant expansion of mediums, had thon not known God's punishments were worse than that. Now thon feels as if the support is gone. Thon is like a newborn. Time will tell if thonā€™s like a giraffe, able to walk within minutes and run before a halfday passes, or if yhon were a human infant, unable to even lift thons head.

Response: In the isolation of Canada, thon wore makeup for the first time in their male vessel. Thon was not brave enough to wear it in front of the other archangels, even Chomiel, but the response was as freeing as flying.

Thon, in an attempt to distract from thons secret, has split thons focus on being a pillar for Michael and Chomiel. The former seemed to have lost his light while thon worried the one closest to thons heart would crumble under the new emotions. As she hasn't, instead seeming drawn more to humanity, Phi's been thinking of daring to share thons secret with her.

Dormant Desires: For so long thon has been the whisper in the ear, regulated to a forgotten shadow. Phi does not resent thons duty. But there are times thon has an urgeā€¦not to share inspiration, but to create and be seen as an artist.

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