Not made of lies and deceit
Abilities: Before; and after transformation
Appearance: Pictures are allowed, but must be accompanied by a paragraph, even if it’s just simple stuff like height, etc. If using a picture, please put it at the top of the character sheet, not here.
Strengths: At least three, with a short description of each
Flaws: At least three, with a short description of each
Personality: Can be in depth or simple, depending on how thorough the strengths and weaknesses are described
Background: Can be as in depth or simple as you like, depending on how you want to play your character. Must be at least one paragraph.
[b]Ability:[/b] Before; and after transformation
[b]Appearance:[/b] Pictures are allowed, but must be accompanied
by a paragraph, even if it’s just simple stuff like height, etc.
If using a picture, please put it at the top of the character
sheet, not here.
[b]Strengths:[/b] At least three, with a short description of
[b]Flaws:[/b] At least three, with a short description of each
[b]Personality:[/b] Can be in depth or simple, depending on how
thorough the strengths and weaknesses are described
[b]Background:[/b] Can be as in depth or simple as you like,
depending on how you want to play your character. Must be at
least one paragraph.
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