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Futuristic Where Cold Graves Lie


Le photographe est mort


A Breather...

"So you guys are the new recruits, huh? Well, follow me to the practice area. See what you got."

Buck's gesture prompted the new recruits to line up like a group of ducklings. They all were orderly and tense, wondering how their first training unit would go. Why exactly did they sign up for this job? It's a dangerous life to live, but at least you're provided with the means to defend yourself and, maybe more importantly, those you hold dear. You don't remember life any other way. For years and years, decade upon decade, Earth has been nothing but ice and snow. Not through greenhouse effect finally dooming us or through gradually dropping temperatures, but within moments. Nobody could foresee the New Ice Age. Earth's population thinned out dramatically, with large parts of the planet dying out entirely. Many of those who survived the initial onset of the N.I.A. fell to either delayed effects of the cold or were killed by the Perish.

Here and there, camps were still a thing. Communication outside of the area was difficult to establish, so you only really know of your own area's condition, and even that doesn't seem as clear as you'd like. Some say the area is part of the former United States, with others claiming it is Australia. And then there's a bunch of other unfounded claims, too. Be it as it may, humanity is scattered and negligible around these parts, but it exists.

The daily distribution of Thermal Amps seems an eternity ago, but your vitals are stable and you're not in danger of freezing to death. Must be your mind making you feel more miserable then you really are. Better start paying attention. Out there, daydreaming can cost you your life. And others, too.
The Premise

The world is frozen over and a mysterious race of extraterrestrial creatures roam the vast tundras. Nobody knows where they came from, but shortly after the catastrophe, aliens have landed on Earth. Some people theorized that they are responsible for the New Ice Age, but it's never been proven and, ultimately, doesn't matter.

You are a citizen of Daisy 7, an outpost of the Militia, in which recruits are trained. Those who are let out in the field are tasked with eliminating Perish and collecting the liquid they seclude, the only source currently known to enable the production of Thermal Amps. Without Thermal Amps, humans freeze to death in these conditions, simple as that. You are in the process of learning how to use weapons, how to navigate through the chaotic tundra, how to operate the imposing mechs known as Chariots and how to deal with the Perish.


The Enemy

Perish are a near zombie-like race of extraterrestrial beings that roam the earth ever since the New Ice Age has set in. They come in a variety of different variants. It is assumed that many unknown subspecies exist out there due to the records of the plague's early stages, during which grotesque creatures have been allegedly sighted. All Perish seem to share the Thermal Points, which serve as weakpoints as well as the invaluable access to Thermal energy.

It is currently not known wether Perish are sapient or even sentient and, if so, to what degree. However, logs have been found in certain nests. Though clearly manmade, it appears that Perish do indeed have a hierarchy and a sort of system, though it is either erratic or too complex to make sense of with the limited information available. Due to their aggressive nature and substantial threat to humanity, efforts of research are primarily concerned with examining how to eliminate them as quickly as possible and how to engineer the Thermal Energy they appear to naturally produce.

  • 7CziP32.png
    The Hives:

    The Hive are vaguely humanoid, being bipedal and in possession of two limbs functioning like arms. They appear to assemble depending on what parts of remains a larval-stage Hive finds. Their eyes are generally small and glow in a bright blood-orange. Hive's movements are often a little crude but they possess the speed and strenth of a healthy, adult human male, often even exceeding humans by a bit. Their bodies are covered in soft, green or flesh-colored scales, giving off an infected impression, while bodies are seamed with spherical Thermal spots which glow in the same light as their eyes.


Our characters will either be newly recruited or lowly ranked members of the Militia, fighting for humanity's survival. They'll be introduced and formed into a squad and will, from there on, try and ensure that mankind makes it through this catastrophic event. Not just in an attempt to allow other people to survive, but to keep the monstrous beasts that have visited Earth at bay. How this is achieved is up to you. All recruits are required to learn how to use weapons and Chariots, but how specialized your path is depends largely on your choices.

Possible Career Paths:


The Mecha Expert

An expert at handling the chariots.

Unlike the Agents, these Militia experts have excellent knowledge of machinery and are able to maneuver the Chariot like no others. However, once outside the Mech-Suits, they find themselves less confident when utilizing rifles or other weapons of direct usage.


• Support / Covering allies in combat

• Brute force

• Broad knowledge when it comes to machinery


• Less skilled on foot

• High risk strategies make it harder for mechas to escape

• May be useless when Mechs are impossible to use due to the environment


The Scientist

Well versed in the creation of Thermal Amps and all kinds of bio-chemical weapons, these men and women are tasked with not only keeping the population alive, but with inventing new methods to combat the Perish.

They are responsible for coordinating attacks and may be actively out in the field, depending on the objective.


• Powerful technological and biological weapons provide unpredictable offense

• Essential to human survival

• Often protected due to their importance


• While able to defend themselves, they received the lowest amount of battle training, thus in danger easily

• May become sitting ducks in combat

• May not be able to provide aid due to a lack of supplies


The Agent

Agents are the most numerous group due to the fact that Chariots are expensive and difficult to produce and maintain. Agents are expert shooters and have adapted to the conditions, so that they are masters of traversing the barren lands. They are supported by a variety of technology to be as valuable as any Chariot, which includes nightvision and stealth technology.


• Marksmanship

• Are provided with and can utilize traversal technology like hooks with ease

• Can easily hide due to their stealth technology


• May have no access to certain areas

• May find themselves overpowered by the larger Perish

• Not as skilled in using machinery such as Chariot Suits

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yesssss, oh my gosh! I'd love to be a part of this too!
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I've wanted to be in one of your RPs for ages but there is always a reason not to be. Depending on when this starts I'll have a lot more time on my hands if you don't mind me asking bothersome questions until then. :)
WOAGH! There's a whole buncha stuff to look and gawk at. Seems like a fest of fun.
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Where Cold Graves Lie

Thread is up! It might take a while to start but you can start chatting and making characters and such.

Ironrot said:
I've wanted to be in one of your RPs for ages but there is always a reason not to be. Depending on when this starts I'll have a lot more time on my hands if you don't mind me asking bothersome questions until then. :)
Oh my, how flattering. I didn't know anyone would follow my projects. :D Ask away.
This sounds awesome! Though I'm not surprised that you've outdone yourself once again :)

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