When The Wind Stops Blowing


Retired M

Humans and dragons fought a long war, with dragons not coming out the victors. At the expense of almost their entire race, a few dragons went into hiding to better make sure that they will continue on. Through many years of peace after that, a few dragon hatchlings made it into the world. With the help of two human orphans the only remaining male dragons survive their first years of their life. Also with the help of the elves, the last remaining females that are known are being taken care of to the best as the elves can. Because the dire needs of these dragons, they have taken up strong bonds with one individual to better help their survival, lacing their feelings, thoughts, magic and their souls between them.

Meanwhile the world is being threatened anew by Goblins. The goblins had rallied their forces and are now throwing endless amount of demands at the empire. Things began to make a turn for the worse when the Goblins show that their threats are not to be taken of light, eventually destroying the Empire and claiming it as their own. The world is put under term oil as everything people have know gets turned upside down and the Goblins try for domination of other races.

Dragons and their Riders

Drgaons start out as Hatchlings, small scaleless and wingless lizards no bigger than a cat. Their growth is rapid at first until they get as large as a Large dog. By now their claws and teeth grow in and scales began to take form into rock hard armor for their skin. Tail growth or soft spiny membranes began to grow down their back. All are just called Hatchling in this stage.

At the ages of 13-15 hatching learn how to breath fire. They are now the size of a large horse. Their scales color will become much more defined, their horns will almost be full grown. Their bones grow harder and they can now take bigger injuries. Their muscles begin to grow and they become much more powerful in strength. Males are called Drakes and Females are called Drakka in this stage.

After a few more years, at ages 17-19, Dragons wings come in. A thin see threw membrane will appear along the ridges of their backs. When the wings are ready to emerge, they will break open, much like losing a tooth and another one coming in. At first flying take a little while to get use, but it is a natural instinct to dragons. By this times dragons are nearly full grown, reaching the higth of a small building and they continue to grow slowly until try die. Males are called Dragons and females are called Dragonelles.


Humans : Human are nothing special, but they often are associated with the war they waged on the dragons. Humans are also often looked down on their destructive and potent habits. Although this is not always true, they can be the most destructive of races.

Wood Elf: Elves are “tree huggers” in Human standards. Most Elves place nature before themselves and are one with the world. They are the more peaceful of the races, but also can be the most stand offish race. Rarely do they want to trifle with other races and keep to themselves. They are friends with dragons, often living in peace with them, exchanging favors and knowledge.

Dwarfs: These people are traders and Blacksmiths. They are completely magic-less, but in some cases immune to it. Dwarfs can be extreme when it comes to politics. They are tricky to deal with and hard to please.

: These are Mining and Farming people. Gnomes are very magical. Contrary to popular belief, Gnomes are more closely related to the Fay then Dwarfs. Gnomes can specialize in enchantments and other magical properties. They also are known to specialize in herbs, poisons and minerals. Gnomes tend to sell their magical properties and other services to make a pretty coin. They have no shame is getting a little coin. Gnomes tend to be the friendliest of Races.

Orc: Orcs are head strong and quick to fight. The Orcs ruling system is based on a code of Honor and Dignity. Orcs are good for their word and moral code. Most Orcs are known for their strength and loyalty.

Places to Know

People to know

NPC Skeleton








Name: Sorfiril

Age: 253

Gender: Male

Race: Elf

History/Background: One of the elders who took in Enndolyn and Elvandel and asked them to watch the dragons. He often takes care of teaching them how to fight and the drgaons how to hunt.


Age: 257

Gender: Female

Race: Elf

History/Background: One of the elders who took in Enndolyn and Elvandel and asked them to watch the dragons. She often teaches them things they need to know outside the world, history language and other skills they need.




Named creatures and Dead creatures or people.


Age: 503


Race: Dragonelle

History/Background: She and her mate ran from the slaughter in hopes of rebuilding their race. With many failed attempts, she finally manage to birth two Drakes who had bonded with humans. She loved all of them with all her heart and tried to prepare them for the world outside. She was dark green. Her mate was Dark grey, almost a black.


Age: 6

Gender: Female

Race: Drakka

History/Background: Her brothers Yale and Roen and her Mother Legaen tried everything to keep her alive, but the weather was too much, she looked much like her dad and her brother Yale.


Age: 763

Gender: Male

Race: Dragon

History/Background:He flew a great distance injured to deliver two eggs to the Elven people to care for.
Name: Tannin

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Appearance: Dark skinned like his sister. A lean, tall frame with broad shoulders and lots of muscle. His eyes are a deep green color.

Likes: Dragons, hunting, eating, arguing

Dislikes: Humans, stupid people, Taking orders, under cooked meat

Strengths: Has a lean body that is good for speed, adaptable to any short-range weapon. Usually able to find solutions to problems, given the time.

Weaknesses: Where his sister picked up a dragon's mercy and peaceful ways, Tannin picked up the temper and ferocity. He doesn't think before he does things - like fight.

Personality: There is no filter between Tannin's mouth and his thoughts. He will always speak his mind, no matter how much trouble it can get him in to. This aside, he is very mature for his age, and wound rather tight. He loves his brothers and sister, and feels a strong responsibility to protect Rhea. He trusts his siblings completely, but it can take him awhile to open up to anyone new. Trusting anyone else is difficult for him; as he was abandoned by his own race. He can be quick to anger.

History/Background: Humans have made Tannin bitter. When he was small, still one of them, he was struck often and spoken of in an ill mannerism. At the age of four, he was sacrificed to a snarling, savage she-beast. A small child and his sister left cold, hungry and afraid, waiting for death. He still doesn't understand their reasoning for believing twins are bad luck.

Tannin isn't angry at the humans for shunning, striking or even abandoning him. He is angry because they hurt his sister and killed his friends. His only friends have ever been dragons, and he thinks of himself as a dragon more than anything.

Weapon of Choice: Anything with a blade; preferably a sword.

Dragon Name: Yale

Age: 17

Gender: Male

A long, slender body that ends in a spaded tail on one end and a shapely, almost chunky head at the other. He is a little smaller than the average Inn. Built to move fast.

Color: A dark shade of grey

Likes: His siblings, being playful, anything shiny, messing with Banter

Dislikes: Humans, conflict, anyone messing with his siblings, the thought of human siblings being taken away

Strengths: Speed and unusually large claws

Weaknesses: His scales are just a bit softer than the average dragons



Dragon Name: Wren

Age: 20

Gender: Female


Color: A deep red









Gender: Female

Race: Elf

Appearance: Enndolyn looks like a bird. She has sharp features and a long nose all spread across a pale, sharply angled face. She is long and skinny, as most Elves are. Her hair is cut sloppily, reaching to just above her hip, and platinum blonde. Her eyes are a clear glassy green.

Likes: Archery, dragons,

Dislikes: Humans, hunting,





Weapon of Choice: A bow

Name: Rhea

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Appearance: Rhea has very long light brown hair. Because of being outside all the time her skin has a bit of a tan to it, and it is in no way fair. Her body is small and skinny because of food being hard to find sometimes.

Likes: Cake, flowers, Books when she learns to read.

Dislikes: Rude and mean people. squash, eggs, crabs (the live ones)

Strengths: Can be quick to think, quick to learn

Weaknesses: she is scared of being alone, doesn't want to lose her real brother, or her nest siblings. Other than the bit of bitterness she holds agenst her own race, she has a big heart and a bit naive.

Personality: Rhea can be very shy and a big pushover. She is easy to take advantage of has a hard time saying no. She loves to please her brothers. She likes to laugh and is always aware and observant of her surroundings. Every now and again you could catch her day dreaming, but it is rare for her to do so with anyone else around but her brothers. Other than that Rhea is bright and curious as a person.

History/Background: Rhea had been abandon along with her twin brother because her village believed that twins are very bad luck. Rhea holds a little bitterness towards humans despite her being one. She has a little bitterness in the fact that humans had almost destroyed dragons, and also that her and her own brother's family gave them away to be eaten.

Weapon of Choice: Most likely sword

Name: Roen

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race: Dragon,

Appearance: dark forest green color, two large horn that directed foreword on either side of his head. He has long soft membrane ridge down his back. His eyes are almost the same color as his scales.

Meat, Shiny objects, Warm places, flying

Dislikes: Cold places, threats to his siblings,

Strengths: Strong, Scale color allows for Forest blending, long tail acts more like a whip

Weaknesses: Hot Headed, can rush into danger without thought

Personality: Roen often spend his time bathing in the sun and warming his scales, it is his favorite thing to do. Roen very much likes his human sister and brother whom he was raised with. His pride can often get him in trouble. He can be protective of his human siblings because he fears they are weak and are easy to kill.

History/Background: When he had hatched he was told the stories of his races fate and the responsibility he has on his shoulders to try and save whats left of their race.

Name: Banter

Age: 42

Gender: Male

Race: Gnome

Appearance: Like most gnomes, he looks like a full grown child. He has a large head of very curly orange hair, and a scruffy chin of curly orange hairs. He has a signature belt of herbs and supply and his small lute slung on his back. He also has a dagger by his side for protection, though you often see him use it for things other than fighting.

Loven everyone, Singing and dancing, to tease, taking care of the weak, though he wont admit it.

Dislikes: Negative people, underground

Strengths: Smooth talker, great at the lute and singer, Herbs, Poisons, Magic

Weaknesses: Not very strong physically or agile

Personality: Banter is a Gnome with a notable caring personality, a bit flirty at times. I likes to keep a sarcastic and knowing air about himself. He likes to get on other men’s nervous, and treat women with a gentlemens demeanor. He has a habit of scratching his chin.

History/Background: Banter is the usual Gnome that grew up in a family of magic and herbs and then picked up and went to go see the world. Nothing prepared him for meeting the last of the dragon race, but he felt like the children they had with them were in need of a caretaker until they could take care of their sleeves.

Weapon of Choice: Small dagger for help.

Name: Elvandel

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Race: Elf

: Elvandel is very tall, a usual elf trait. Elvandel's face is angled and sharp. His arms and legs are long, making his strides long and his reach far. he has short blond hair and blue eyes.

Likes: Dragons, fighting, Forests, elves, fruit

Dislikes: being wrong, meat, people who fight dirty

Strengths: Elvandel is strong and quick

Weaknesses: His pride can get in his way in his decision making

Personality: Elvandel has a problem of pride. He can be loud and a little bossy a slightly demanding. He often tries to take lead and struggles with trying to keep control of Asetith who never listens to him. He can get frustrated easy when things are not going as he wants. Even though at times he seems bossy and demanding, everything he dose is in the thought of someone else and thinks little of himself.

History/Background: When Elvandel was younger he entered the temple to learn how to best serve his elf nation. He was put to work in the elf's holy temple. He worked hard and learned the way of the spear and often did guard duty around the temple itself.

Weapon of Choice: Spear

Dragon Name: Asetith

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Race: Dragonelle

Appearance: She is a rare white color, the horns that will grow out are small and curve around almost in a ram shape. she has slim spikes running down her back.

Her sibling, playing, pretty much doing what ever she wants to do

Dislikes: Being told what to do, Birds, Humans

Strengths: She is fierce and can be a force to be reckon with.

Weaknesses: She sometimes just doesn't care, neglecting things that are important.

Personality: She can be fierce and quick to make a decision. despite her beautiful white scales, she often has a very unladylike personality. She loves to play and rough house. she is constantly told to keep her scales in better shape, but she heeds no warning because she doesn't think there are any dragons left alive and her and her sister are the last. She does what she likes when she likes and hates being told what to do.

History/Background: Unknown if she is related to the other dragonelle that had came to the elves as an egg, she still treats her like a egg mate and a sister.
---------------------The Humans Introduction---------------------------

For a reason forgotten over years of war, Dragons and Humans continued to fight each other in wars that held many casualties. Humans thought dragons as mindless beasts, only fighting for survival. Dragons though humans as destructive creatures, who do not belong in the world. The war between them stretched out centuries. One dark day, the humans launched an attack on the dragon’s home nests, slaughtering all Dragonelle, Dragons, hatchlings and eggs. This blow was devastating defeat to the dragons. That battle signaled pretty much the end of the war. Soon after the battle of Dragon Mountain, as people started to call it, the lords and king issued that dragons were to be killed on sight. Soon there was never a dragon to be seen, years and generations slowly passed and dragons were slowly lost from human’s minds.

What the humans did not know, if lands far away from the original battle, a mated dragon pair flew a long ways away, knowing they may be the only ones to save their race. They had flown long and hard, to a place with harsh weather and food hard to catch. It was a place with snow and gravel with bitter winds. The mated pair feared that this was the only safe place to stay until they could have a few clutches of eggs. They tried many times but the weather was not forgiving and the eggs died, even the babies died when they came out of the eggs within the first year. The Dragonelle was slowly beginning to lose all hope of raising hatchlings of her own, let alone save the dragon’s race.

Years passed and the dragon’s presences were soon noticed by the village just down the snowy cliffs where they lay. The villagers feared the beasts not knowing what they were, where they came from or why they were there. Thinking that if they left the dragons sacrifices that they would leave them alone, the villagers began to take cows, chickens, fish, walrus meat and other goods to the dragons lair. Although raw with anger from the death of their race, the dragon saw no need to harm the humans in any way that they could become a danger to them and their nest.

After so long, the dragon finally died, leaving the dragonelle alone and pregnant with one last clutch of eggs. Before long she laid three eggs, all as gorgeous and healthy as the last before these. She tired to the best of her abilities to keep these ones very much alive. Almost immediately after she had laid the eggs, the village took up two children to sacrifice, twins whom are considered bad luck, and left them to the dragonelle’s demise. When the Dragonelle whet to go collect what the village had left for her, she saw the two children and could not bring herself to harm them. They were both scrawny and shaking from the cold. She took both of the children and placed them with her eggs, where they laid among them like if they were dragons themselves. They were beatten with abuse and look like they were denied that of a normal and healthy human existence.

They were still very young and knew close to none of their own people’s language. Regardless the dragonelle taught them her native tongue, Draken. She however learned quickly that human’s had to eat much sooner than a dragon, who could easily go a month before needing food. Providing for the children made her happy. Soon enough her own eggs hatched, two males and one female. From there, she named them and the two humans.To the Dragonelle’s surprise, the males had a special magic around them, and the human children the same. After months of observation the Dragonelle figured out that the two males had bonded with the two humans, leaving scars on the human children's wrists. The two male hatchlings seemed much stronger and healthier than their sister, who stayed scrawny and weak; just as her other hatchlings looked before they passed on. The humans also seemed to benefit from this, they seemed almost as healthy, despite the lack of nutrition, and living in the harsh weather with lack of proper clothing. The female only did what she could, teaching them how to survive without her, hunting, problem solving, and how to take care of themselves. Most of all the, the dragonelle tried to make the understand the fact that they must try to save their race.

------------------------The Elves Introduction-------------------------------

A battered and injured lone dragon flew and hard as he could with two eggs clutched in his claws. He flew with the utmost urgency, despite all the heavy injuries and the loss of blood as he flew. He sometimes dropped from the sky momentarily, than began to fly again. He felt like caring his own weight was the hardest thing he had ever done in his life. He took no breaks, and flew as fast as he could, to the elves. The elves were the only ones he could trust with these eggs. They needed to be protected.

The elf village was in a normal peaceful day, the temple was open where elves came to pray to nature and gain the blessings of gods. Although the sun was cover in clouds and the rain threaten to come, the elves praised for it to come and help the forest grown. Soon their calls were answered when the rain began to poor.

A roar soon broke from the soothing patter of the rain, it was like thunder and shook the forest. The injured dragon flew down and landed on the temples stairs and collapsed on the ground. Blood trailed down the steps of the temple, washing away with the rain. With two large gasps the dragon began to tell the elves of the things that were happening. As he spoke, he voice slowly died down, and then with the dragons finally gasps, he pleaded the elves to keep the eggs safe, for the sake of their race. There, the dragon died when the elves gave their word to protect the two eggs.

Days later the elves sent a search party to the dragons temple in the moutons to discover a complete blood bath. Blood and Bodies littered the large mountain tops, nests and caverns that were once a thriving dragon colony. Drake and Drakka use to play on the rocks, gliding from Small Mountain top to mountain top, were they now lie broken and gutted. Dips in the rocks, opening to large caverns holding nests of eggs, smashed and rotting. Dragonelles lay dead and cold holding on to what was once their broken future. Dragons blood ran thick down the mountains, blood spilled in protecting their race, blood spilled in pride and in vain. The elves returned heavy hearted, a hatred filling them inside.

The elves soon assigned two young apprentices of the temple to take care of the eggs, keeping them warm and loved. When the eggs had hatched, both the apprentices experienced something beyond their imagination. The dragons had scared them on the wrist, and over the years, the dragons very beings were almost like it was their own, shared. Over the months they experienced things through the dragons, communicating them in ways they have never heard off.

The Elders of the elves took an acute interest in this and decided the dragons had chosen them to be their protectors. So the two elves were titled to Dragon Protector, a label never heard of till now. From here the two elves were in charge of the dragons every needs. Sadly the elves quickly realized that both the dragons were in fact dragonelle. They realized that this made the survival of their race very slim, but they did not give up hope that the dragons had ensured the safety of a few other dragons.

As years went by the elves raised the dragons and the young elves to the best of their knowledge of their dragon ancestors. They taught the drakka Elven, Common, and a limited amount of Draken that they knew from the exchange of language between the two races.
Enndolyn was rarely nervous.

After all, she had two dragons, her friend and fellow Dragon Protector Tuor, her own race; plus a handful of other races; and her select set of skills on her side. But the goblins were ruthless savages, and now they were in charge. The Elves had lived in peace with most and avoided the ones they didn't, but Enndolyn was wondering just how long it would be until the goblins found them and...Affected them. She wondered what would become of them. Slavery and slaughter seemed to be the most likely choices of all that had run through her mind.

The Elf girl sat on the steps of the Temple, braiding her long hair as these thoughts ran through her head. She liked to come to the temple to think...There was so much history there. And being a holy spot....It was her favorite place to think. Her thoughts were clearest here.

Her thoughts wandered to the history. There wasn't a lot that happened here that didn't affect her. When she and Tuor were but babes, a dragon collapsed on the steps she sat on, cradling two fertilized eggs. Dragon eggs. Enndolyn never liked the fact that the death of this dragon was on these divine steps, or that he died in pain, but she couldn't have done anything at four. It was such a tender age. She remembered watching the blood run. The Elf maiden bit her lip and knit her thin eyebrows...She was doing something, though, just not for that dragon exclusively. She was taking care of one of the hatchlings. Ugh, Asetith was such a pain though...But Enndolyn loved her. Asetith, Wren and Tuor were her best friends.

She paused, her hair now in a long, tight blonde braid. She gripped the bottom of it, keeping it all in entwined. Her thoughts had gone back to the goblins, and were now mended with her friends. Enndolyn used to worry about humans hurting them, which Asetith and Tuor openly mocked, but now she had to worry about goblins. Goblins were never a threat before. Especially alone - they were easily defeated. But in numbers, and with the power of law? Goblins weren't very smart, but Enndolyn knew they were dangerous.

Enndolyn cursed, something she rarely did, and let her hair unbraid itself. She stood up and walked down the steps; her eyebrows pinched together. She wanted to express her thoughts to Tuor. her only hope was that he took this seriously.


Yale finally spotted what he was looking for; a small group of deer. If dragons could smile, his scaly lips would have curled in to a smirk. He folded his wings and pressed his weight against nothing, heading toward the creatures teeth-first. When they saw the dragon in the sky, teeth bared, they scrambled. Skinny legs tipped with tiny hooves proved powerful and quick, but Yale was quicker.

The young dragon teased the herd for a while. He chose a small buck to pick off. Due to his size and speed, he tended to differ from other predators in the sense that he didn't look only for the younger, weaker, sicker game. He enjoyed a challenge the way a small child would enjoy a game.

His body hovered a few yards above the herd; just enough to give his powerful wings room to beat. Yale was going dramatically slower than he could have been going, but going full speed would mean passing the deer. One wing beat brought him face to antlers with the buck he chose. He extended his neck and closed his jaws around the animal's head. It panicked, left behind by his herd, and thrashed in Yale's jaws.

The dragon stopped flapping and found the ground. The buck was kicking out in all directions, trying to connect with Yale's rough hide. The dragon cackled, smoke puffing from his large nostrils. He enjoyed the blood on his tongue. It gave him a dark feeling of victory, and the buck wasn't even dead yet. Yale decided to take it easy on this one and turned his head in one fast, jerking movement. He felt the crunch before he heard it. The buck went limp in his jaws.

The sadistic feeling of victory he got when he made a kill kicked in, full force. Yale dropped the buck and licked the blood off his lips, then grabbed it in his claws. After a handful of heavy flaps, he was in the air again, carrying the meal back to his family.

(I just found out Tannin means dragon ( :)


Elvandel wondered the corridors of the house the dragons, himself and his fellow Dragon Protector, Enndolyn, were provided for them to live in. Soon after the dragonelle that a fallen dragon had brought to them learned how to spew flame, they became a quick nuisance in the Temple. Occasionally they lit things on fire by complete accident, or in Astith’s case, on purpose. So they were provided a really nice, fire proof home to stay in and out of the way.

Opening another door Elvandel peered into the room to see no sign of the white scaled dragon he was looking for. Closing the door, he let out a heavy grown and slid his hand down his cheeks, leaning on the door for support. Astith, where are you? He spoke to the she dragon impatiently through his mind. He waited good length of time, but no answer came. She was ignoring him and intentionally.

Huffing he stood up straight and strode off to the temple, brooding over the dragonelle’s disappearance. She often went on flies around the village and in the surrounding forest since she had sprouted her wings. He did not mind that she did so, he just wished she would tell someone when she did and do it on her own time, not when she was suppose to be getting lessons from the elders.

Finally he reached the steps of the temple and climbed up them with purpose, his long strides skipping two steps at a time. After a few steps he heard a curse. Snapping his head around to see who would say something like that on the steps of their holy temple, he noticed his friends and Co-Dragon Protector Enndolyn. He watched her for a moment as she abruptly stood up and started walking down the steps.

“Hey Enndolyn.” Elvandel waved his hands a little to catch her attention, slowly walking down the steps to meet up with her. He rarely heard her curse, he wondered if Asetith had managed to convince her sister to skip class as well and Enndolyn was in the same boat as him. “Hey are you doing ok?” He finally said when he reached her.


Rhea looked up at Roen as he sat as still as a statue a little ways from camp. He sat on his hindquarters, his back as straight as he can manage and his neck curving in an upside down U as he stared almost unblinking into the trees. “I have no idea how he does it… sitting for so long without moving.” Rhea whispered to her brother Tannin. She continued to watch the dragon; his back was swollen with two large bulges on either side. Their brother Yale had sprouted his wings a few months ago, Roen has been in the worst mood since then. One reason for not being the first of himself and Yale to get their wings and second because growing the wings in the first place was a painful process, Roen's obviously going to break out of the pockets on his back soon.

Rhea took a shaky breath, “I remember the last time Roen was like that. He and Yale took turns hunting while watching us because both mom and Voaria couldn’t hunt for themselves anymore, being so sick. I remember when Voaria closed her eyes and… and took her last breath.” Rhea held her heart when she said that, almost like she could stop the awful stabbing pain. “When Yale got back, Roen was waiting for him, just like that… to tell him of our sister’s fate. It is strange some times, watching him wait like that.” Rhea commented quietly. She looked around the camp, they had a small fire going, and things were quite just between her and her brother with Banter gone. The gnome had backed up some things a few days ago and said to stay put until he got back.

“You know… it was hard to trust Banter at first, but since the 7 years of being with him, things have really changed for the better, do you remember when we first meet him?” Rhea felt like whispering when she spoke, because of how quite the forest was, she felt as if the forest itself would shatter if she spoke to loudly. She continued to talk quietly to her brother, taking her eyes off Roen only to look at the fire as she told her side of what she remembers of the adventure’s leading up to her current predicament.

~Small Flash back~

It had only been a few months since their mother had passed on telling them to leave the nest and find other dragons. Roen and Yale had just learned how to breathe fire and they were almost big enough to ride when Rhea and Tannin got tired. They did not travel far, but they did get off the mountains, leaving the evil village, in Rhea’s opinion, behind. The winds were just as bitter off the mountains as they were on, but the hunting was much better. They went a few weeks of traveling, not sure of were to go or were to even start looking for other dragons.

Soon enough they hit their first human town. Heeding their mothers warning about keeping Roen and Yale away from human’s eyes, Rhea suggested that the dragons stay behind in the trees where no one can see them. Despite all of Roen’s protests, Rhea said she was going and that’s final. So in an ultimatum, Rhea made her way down to the Village, assuming that Tannin came with her.

When they had gotten down and entered the outskirts of the village, Rhea started become slightly overwhelmed by the amount of people around. She held onto her brother as they walked, but her curiosity seemed to get the better of her edging her on through the streets. As they wondered through the busy road, Rhea observed everything with wide eyes. People were yelling at others with words she could not understand and waving their arms to toward them, as if they were calling out to the people around them. She noticed one of them men yelling hard next to cart full of large red… things. Tugging her brother she approached the cart and noticed they look much like a sphere, they had a sweet smell about them. Reaching for one, the man suddenly started yelling at her. Rhea was so startled she had gone to hide behind her brother.

Before the man could continue to yell at them, a smaller man approached. He was short, but had the hairs on his chin much like the older men Rhea had seen before. His face also seemed to betray much age. The smaller man seemed to speak something to them and pointed at the red spheres. Rhea only nodded, not knowing what he was actually saying, just knowing that he was asking something about the red balls. The Tinny man grinned and then spoke to the man at the stall. to Rhea it almost sounded like he was speaking two different languages between her brother and her and the man at the counter. She watched as the smaller man handed some shinny objects over, to get a bag of the sweet smelling red spheres in return. The smaller man than waved the red object in front of Rhea and Tannin like bait, and slowly began to walk away, constantly looking back at them never taking the red object from their sight.

"I think he wants us to follow him Tannin... lets go." Rhea only pulled on Tannin, forcing him to follow the smaller man. She knew this might not be a good idea, but again her curiosity got the better of her.

(Thats pretty awesome!! I wanted to keep writing, but I had to realize that I needed to give you a change to respond too haha. I think I write too much sometimes!)
Just about when Enndolyn's braid had unraveled completely, Elvandel found her. He caught her attention by waving his hand. "I was just about to come get you. I need to - Ugh." She groaned and grabbed his wrist, towing him off the temple steps. She stopped a few yards away from the building and released him from her grip. "Okay, we have a problem. I -" she started, but groaned and snorted when she realized she had no idea how to word her concerns.

Enndolyn decided to start with the humans. She didn't tell Elvandel anything he didn't already know; humans were unpredictable and dangerous. She went in to explain how goblins were dangerous because they were predictably unpredictable. The elf girl took a breath to compose herself and studied her partner's face. "I'm not making any sense, am I?" She sighed again and just dove in; expressing her fears of ending up like the dragons at the goblin's bony hands.

"But I don't think we'll be as lucky," Enndolyn finished in a puff. "With three survivors, I mean. You
know that Wren and Asetith wouldn't stand a chance if a wave of goblins or, nature forbid, humans found them." She paused again, letting it sink in. Elvandel, she reminded herself, knew all about how paranoid she could get. She couldn't decide if that was a good or bad thing. "Please tell me I'm worried over nothing and that goblins will be off the throne soon."


Tannin nodded. "I didn't think it was possible to be so still until I watched Yale," he told his sister, refusing to match her silent register. He spoke a a very typical volume. His sister's tendency to see the forest as so delicate, as he could easily tell was her reasoning, was something he had failed to understand or agree with. If anything, the forest was the opposite of fragile. Just like Roen, who Tannin knew would be fine once the pain his new wings would leave subsided. If he was lucky, Roen would be able to fly immediately.

Roen was on his haunches a few meters from their small fire. He was shaped like a perfect curve; like someone started to draw a U but stopped when they hit the bottom of the page. Even his tail was stretched as straight as possible behind him while his neck curved in to the top half of the unfinished U.

When Rhea mentioned Voaria's death, the unexpected comment hit him like a punch in the face. He remembered that day very vividly. There was no way to forget it; nor did he want to forget it. Tannin didn't say anything to her; he just knit his eyebrows and slung his arm over her shoulders protectively, as if Rhea would end up like their late sister if he didn't.

Rhea's thoughts ran in the other direction; shifting once again, which Tannin was grateful for. He cracked a smile. "Of course I do. He's way too weird for me to forget," he reminded her as images swirled through his head.


Tannin never wanted to leave their home in the mountains; no matter how harsh it was. But he knew they had to. The thought was only confirmed when
Legaen said it, just before she passed. Tannin would never stop missing her. And since he felt like he owed her something for saving his and Rhea's lives, the least he could for her was leave his comfort zone. So, he left and took his siblings with him.

Tannin was just as skeptical as Roen when Rhea kept insisting that she go in to the human village. This was one of the few times Rhea wouldn't give up easily, and Tannin usually hated it when she was like this. So after they found a spot for Yale and Roen to wait, invisible from the foot of the hills, Rhea set off, then, leaving Tannin to scramble after her.

It had been eight years since they had last been in a human town. Tannin remembered next to nothing, and was glad he didn't. The town was overflowing with people. It was busiest place he had ever been to, and he didn't like it. There were men and women hidden behind piles of goods, screaming in to the street to call the young siblings over. He couldn't help but feel relief when Rhea grabbed on to him, as he was about to grab her. She was the only familiar thing in this place. He noticed the shiny red orbs had caught her eye. The man at the stand was yelling at them to come over, and Rhea had obliged; tugging him along with her. "Rhea, this isn't a good idea," he said in a hushed voice. She either didn't hear him or ignored him.

When Rhea reached for one, the man who called them over snapped at her in a harsh tongue. She was startled and ran behind her brother. Tannin was glad she did - she couldn't offend anyone from behind his back. A smaller man then stepped out from behind the big one who was telling them off. He said something to Rhea, who just nodded in confusion. Tannin didn't say anything; just stared the little man down, who turned to the other man. Tannin didn't bother to try to follow the conversation; he knew he wouldn't be able to understand it.

Before he knew it, the tiny leprechaun of a man was waving a sphere in front of their faces and walking away, as if trying to lead them somewhere. Like they were animals. Tannin shifted his weight and snorted at the guy, not sure if he was offended, irritated or both. Rhea, of course, insisted on following the guy. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" he asked, but walked with her anyway.

(Ha ha, I know what you mean. I Held back a bit, simply because I wasn't sure what you had in mind ^-^)
Elvandel let a small ‘whoa’ escape his lips when Enndolyn jerked him off the stairs and to the side a few lengths from the building. When Enndolyn let go of him she stated that they had a problem. Elvandel raised an eye brow, crossing his arms and rested them on his chest ready to hear about their problem. Honestly at first he thought Enndolyn was going to tell him that Asetith had done something again. She kept starting and stopping her sentences, huffing in fustigation. Knowing she often did this after she has thought about things; he waited patiently for her to organize her words.

After listening to her start compare human and goblin tendencies and her worries of the elf nation falling under the goblins claws, Elvandel finally figured out that she was fretting over things of the world again. He wouldn’t say Enndolyn was an overly paranoid person, but she has a point and could sometimes be practical about her thought. He would admit, sometimes there were times she would say things that would be a little ridiculous.

“ ‘You are worried over nothing and the goblins will be off the thrown soon’” Elvandel said almost monotone, repeating word for word what she said she wanted him to tell her. After watching Enndolyn’s expression he grinned a little, but then it died down into a small smile. “You probably are not worrying for nothing. Look Enndolyn, no one but the dragons know, or knew, where we are. We are hidden from the world; try not to think about it too much ok? Beside goblins are weak and everyone knows it. The humans only got the dragons because they play dirty; they just got out dirtied by the goblins.” He sounded a bit smug when he finished, he was pretty sure goblins were still as stupid as they always were.


Rhea was grateful for her brother’s comfort, leaning on him while they shared their memory. She liked listening to Tannin’s side of the story because it’s nice to hear what he was thinking and doing. Not that she needed to know, they know each other so well that things only seemed like second nature, to know what the other would think or do. She continued to talk about the little man they had ran into that changed their lives in ways unexpected.


“I think it will be ok. I think he lied to that man with the red things to help us.” Rhea said, pulling Tannins by the hand as they walked. Finally the short man stopped in front of a building and went inside. Rhea followed him, never once letting go of Tannin’s hand. She felt like she had a death grip on it. She was scared, but curious at the same time, but as long as her brother was there she was sure they would be ok.

When they got inside the building Rhea looked around to notice cloths were everywhere. There were fabrics that look fine and some that looks old. The smaller man than stood in front of the twins with two of the red things in either hand and said one word, “Apple.” Offering each of them one, Rhea took hers and held it in her hands. She had not remembered seeing anything like it. She knew it was a food because of its smell, but the weather was so harsh and the dragons did not eat anything much but meat, so expecting for her seeing it before now was a little out of the question. They ate nuts and some berries on occasion, but her brother and she were strictly meat eaters for the most part.

The small man than placed his hand on his chest and said, “Banter.” Rhea nodded and looked at Tannins, “I think that’s his name. “ Looking back at Banter, Rhea placed her own hand on her chest, mimicking Banter and spoke quietly, “Rhea.” Than reaching over to her brother she laid her hand on his shoulder, “Tannins.”

The little man’s face stretched in an unmistakable grin of success and took another apple out of his bag and walked away to a lady behind the counter and spoke to her. Rhea only watched curiously, taking a bite out of the sweet object. “MMmm, this tastes really good. I wonder if the weather was too cold for something like this to grow.”

After a few moments the man returned as looked more at Rhea than Tannins because he noticed the boy was a lot more skeptical of him and he would probably get things done faster speaking to Rhea. “Rhea.” Banter said to get her attention, she stared a little wary. Taking off his coat, Banter held it up for them to see, “Cloths.” Putting the coat back around his body he pointed at Rhea and Tannin’s cloths, “Old.” Then he turned around and pointed at some of them at the rack, “New.”

Rhea looked a little perplex and spoke to Tannin, “I am… not sure what he’s saying.” Soon enough the women behind the desk approached them and handed them both a set of cloths. The fabrics under Rhea’s hands were soft and fine. The rags they were wearing were small and broken, and certainly out grown. Rhea just looked at Tannins, gaze at the cloths that he also received. She reached to touch the fabric to see if it felt any different. Gagging that it felt very much the same, she smiled at Tannins.
Enndolyn released a sigh. "I guess you're right...Goblins are pretty pathetic; no one knows where we are..." she said slowly, twirling a piece of long blonde hair between her fingers. She dropped it as a thought occurred to her. "But...Like you said, they fight dirty. And-and in waves? In waves, they're four times as dangerous. If not, five. What if they do find us? What do we do then?" Enndolyn had no doubts in Elvandor's - or her own, for that matter - but the place was filled with children, elders, and Elves who had no interest in or no knowledge of fighting. As for as she could tell, not much good would come from a battle with the humans or goblins. They were such a peaceful race.....Any fight between two Elves would be clean and quick with no dirty tricks. But a human? They'd do anything to win. Goblins had always been out for blood. All of her thoughts showed clearly on her face, as per usual. She was an expressive girl. Enndolyn looked at Elvandel and released an exasperated sigh. "Yeah, I know. Curse my paranoia."


The building was even more suspicious to Tannin. Strips of fabrics hung from the ceiling. There were cottons, silks...The strips were all dyed in different colors. Tannin noticed something that looked suspiciously like Yale's rough hide. It looked raw and was an ugly brown color, unlike his brother's skin. The boy reached up to rub the strip between his fingers, not being able to help wondering if the man hunted dragons. Yes, that's exactly what he did! He recognized the dialogue he and Rhea had used and wanted to know if there any dragons left to -

What was he thinking? There were only two dragons left in the world, and they were safe. And what dragon was brown? And how many years had it been since they were hunted to near extinction? And -

"Ugh!" Tannin let go of the fabric. It was a lot dryer than Yale's hide, and far too smooth to be a dragon's scales. Just as he stepped back from the strip, his face scrambled in a disgusted expression, the man came back in. A bit embarrassed, Tannin stepped in next to his sister. His eyes never left the man's.

All Tannin did was observe, and he noticed that the man, "Banter", was making a better effort to appeal to Rhea than him. That made sense - he wanted not to be here, and it must have been obvious in his expression. "Are you sure you should tell him our names? He looks a little...Crazy," he asked Rhea, not bothering to hide his dialogue or even lower his voice. There was no way Banter would know what he was saying, anyway. Banter kept spitting out words in a very different tongue. It sounded rather aggressive to Tannin, far more guttural than Drakken. If Banter's tone wasn't so gentle, Tannin probably would have snapped.

When the man handed each of them a red sphere, an apple, Tannin simply stared at it. He fingered the surface. Smooth. As he looked up, he saw Banter walk away to talk to a woman. He snorted, wondering what this guy expected them to do with these things. He looked at his sister to express this thought, only to be met with her biting in to it.

"Rhea-EEEE, don't eat what he gives you! You don't know where it's been, where it came from, what he did with it..." Tannin whined. Well, why not? Any authority he had was gone, now, anyway. He watched his sister bite in to the sphere, exclaiming about how tasty it was. With a sigh, he closed his eyes and tasted it. There was no way Rhea was doing this by herself.

It was juicier than he thought it would be. Certainly a lot crunchier...Then again, he really didn't have an expectation. It was different, that was it. The crunch was quite pleasant; the flavor very, very different than what he was used to.

He lowered the sphere as Banter came back in, not comfortable enough to take a second bite. What Banter gave them next..Obviously clothes. A lot softer and fresher than what he and his sister wore, but did that mean better? They did the same job the same way, didn't they? Tannin looked at Banter, then at the clothes, back to Banter, and raised an eyebrow. It was Tannin's way of asking what he wanted them do with the clothes. Did Banter expect them to
wear it?
Elvandor just stood and listened to Enndolyn continue on, changing his arms from his chest to his hips sometime in the middle. He just kind of figured she needed to let her worry out, at least that’s how he saw it. He never really thought about the danger goblins posed in waves. When he did start to think about it, he felt a bit of alarm weld up inside of him. She was right in the fact this city could not stand an attack at that multitude, not even with their dragons on their side. Taking a deep breath, he did not think Enndolyn caught his small slight of panic.

“I don’t think the elders are going to let anything like that happen to the city, nor the Queen or King. I think we might have an evacuation plan and things like that. Some way to protect ourselves. Come on Enndolyn, I am sure you might be thinking to hard… We have class soon anyway. Ugh.” Trying to change the subject, Elvandor let out a loud grown and pressed his pointer finger and thumb against his nose in a pinch. “I lost Asetith again, or more like she ran away and won’t talk to me. Do you know where Wren is? I swear I want to throttle Asetith sometimes!” Elvandor raised his hands in the air is anger, as if he was trying to call lighting from the sky to strike down his annoyances.


A large snap in the distance alarmed Roen, making him rise from his sitting position, opening his mouth to display his sharp fangs. Rhea jumped when Roen had suddenly moved, also standing in alarm.

“Do you know how hard it was to get you two into the changing rooms?” A voice came from the trees.

Banter finally appeared from the shadows of the night and placed his bag down on the forest floor, which was much larger now than when he had left. In his hands were three bags and, to his size, something rather large with a cloth wrapped around them, tied neatly. He placed everything on the ground next to his bag, his eyes catching Roen’s movement to come closer and settled in a crouch next to them. He let out a loud exasperated sigh and sweeped the back of his coat across his brow. Obvious tired from carrying so much stuff.

“I am back Lady and Gentleman, with candies.” Banter said, opening up a bag and tossing Rhea and Tannin’s small wrapped candies. Rhea smiled at the gnome, Banter always brought them things when he came back from the city. He was always worried about Rhea and Tannin going into the city, which was one of the few things he wouldn’t let them do. Banter had been almost a father to them, just as the she dragon Legaen had been a mother to them; at least that’s how Rhea has felt over the years.

“But biased on the fact on how you two reacted when I tried to separate you each into your own changing room to change your cloths, made me think of your nicknames! Rhea acts very much like an adorable little timid Bunny and Tannin much like a fierce and scary Tiger.” Banter seemed to have picked up where he had left off when he first entered the camp, “When I first meet you two, you were getting yelled at by the stall keeper to keep your begging little hands off his apples. You two look like you had been through hell and back, so I thought the least I can do was give you food and some cloths that actually fit you. Especially your sister, she is a lady. I had told the keeper that you guys were form out of town and visiting me. I was very pleased when you two did what I planned.” Banter let out a hardy laugh and scratched the scruffy orange hairs on the tip of his chin.”I am surprised he believed me with you guys dressed the way you were, but I guess he just let it slide since you two did no harm. I will say I was not expecting to meet two dragons, nor was I expecting for you guys to be raised by them…. Teaching you guys was hell, specially you Tiger.”

Rhea stood up and left her bothers side, taking a step forward next to Roen, “So what do you have there, wrapped in the cloth?” Rhea asked curiously, popping the little candy into her mouth. Banter smiled, and turned to get the large object and place it between the small group, “This… This is going to be my gift to you, a special gift. I saw these in the shopping district. The things I usual bring you are just trinkets, things that will always come in handy or teach you things.” Banter said while he was slowly untying the string around the cloth. When he was done he kept the objects wrapped up. “When I give you these, I hope you take very good care of them, for these are not toys. These are gifts that I will be giving you in hopes that they will last you for a life time.” Banter said in a serious tone. Rhea’s curiosity was getting the better of her as she felt herself leaning closer, as if that would help her peak into the cloth.

Unwrapping the cloth, Banter reviled two long swords. Both swords were stretched and gleamed with a beauty about them that was unnatural. One sword was a black metal, with silver-ish white patterns engraved all up and down the blade that seemed to dance around the sword. The sword next to it was the white silver-ish color, the same that was engraved in the black sword, its engravings matching the black swords in color and design. Both of them looked identical except for the color swap. At the end of each of the handles on the pumble was a large red jewel embedded in the metal.

“Meet Morax and Solas. These are twin swords, like you two. Morax is the black sword, Solas is the white. These two swords are made by one of the finniest dwarf smith alive, as a pair. They should never break as long as you take care of them. Tiger you may choose first, Morax or Solas?” Banter took a step back and placed his hands on his hips and waited for Tannins to choose.
Enndolyn released a well-needed breath. She was glad Elvandor kept his cool. He was right - she was constantly over-thinking things. That was where all of her problems were rooted. The girl liked to think. So, she took a moment to compose herself and shifted all of her thoughts to the lesson they needed to go to. "I haven't seen her...Crazy little lizard...Maybe she dragged Wren off somewhere? Please don't throttle Asetith. She'd fry your sorry butt in a second and you know it," she told him, giggling. She crossed her arms and forced a smile. "Where have you looked?" she asked, looking arund as if the dragons would be there when she turned around. Enndolyn didn't worry about Wren because Wren wasn't half as difficult as Asetith could be. Er, was....


Tannin jumped a bit, more wary of Roen than whoever was in the bushes. He saw Banter and laughed at the memory they had been discussing. "Welcome back," he told Banter, folding his arms over his chest. He unfolded them to catch the candy Banter tossed him. After studying it for but a moment, he popped it in to his mouth. It was rare when he tasted something sweet. Candy always was something Tannin enjoyed just because it was so different.

Banter's worries about them going in to cites was, to Tannin.... Completely unnecessary. After all, a young boy and girl that looked little like twins - certainly related, just not obvious twins - would stand out far less than a red-headed gnome. Besides, when it came down to it, Rhea and Tannin would probably be far more likely to be able to defend themselves if they had to. Banter has his magic and his sly words, Tannin had physical strength and ferocity, Rhea had...Well, Tannin wouldn't let her fight. She had Roen, but wouldn't be able to fight with him against humans.

Banter spoke of their nicknames' origins. Tannin laughed again. "I'm sorry...Do I scare you?" he taunted, but really was grateful that Banter had gotten them out of that mess. Humans were very sensitive. The gnome really knew how to think on his toes, and their first meeting wasn't the last time that this had saved them.

Tannin saw his sister's curiosity. Only seeing it on her face made him realize that he matched it. Banter always brought back very...
Interesting trinkets. Nothing boring ever came from Banter's trips. Tannin couldn't help but feel a bit of annoyance while Banter spoke of the items and how they "weren't toys". It made Tannin want to scream We're not twelve anymore! Spit it out, what is it? but he controlled himself. Stupid gnome.

When Banter pulled out the swords, Tannin let a big smile shine through. Finally - an actual weapon! The markings on both swords looked like they held a lot of meaning, but it was nothing Tannin would be able to decipher. He couldn't help but want to grab the black one but, like his attitude, he controlled the urge. When Banter offered to let him choose first, he reached for Morax and ran his hand over the flat edge of the blade. Tannin lowered it and looked at Banter. "This one's nice, yeah? I think I'll take Morax..."

(And I CURSE thee, Writer's Block, to an early and well deserved GRAVE)
Elvandel felt his brow bend in a scowl and he crossed his arms again, “Hmmm… I was about to check the temple. If she was not there I was going to check the outskirts of the forest. If she not there…” Elvandel just began to list off all the locations he felt like he could recall Asetith loving to visit.


Folding her wings, Asetith dove muzzle first straight into an icy lake, making a splash as large as the trees surrounding the body of water. When she hit the body of water, she felt every inch of her scales get washed clean. Keeping her wings folded, Asetith moved her body in a snake like fashion around the lake snapping and drinking fish and water alike.

When she pushed her body back up to the surface, she let her head emerge first to survey her surroundings and then slowly climbed up the bank, pulling her body out of the water. Feeling the sun beat down on her she arched her muscles, belly rehydrated and full of fish. This was the life, nothing to worry about and her doing whatever she wanted when she wanted!


Banter smirked his signature smirk when things were working in his favor, “I knew you would pick Morax.” Banter laughed, and then scratched his scruffy chin. “Bunny, you are now left with Solas, I have a feeling you would not mind because I figured you would have chosen it anyway."

Rhea nodded at Banter’s explanation, picking up the sword and looking at it, feeling absolutely absorbed by its beauty. Roen seemed to hover over the sword, his eyes gleaming on the metal as it flashed different colors against the fire. “Roen this is mine, not yours. You can get other shinny medals else ware!” Rhea huffed at the dragon. Roen continued to stare at Rhea in return. “I was not going to take it, I promise Rhea.” Roen said in his defense.

Banter finally turned around and opened up another bag, handing both Rhea and Tannins belts to hold their swords in. “You both know really well that I cannot help you learn how to use those swords. I can teach you math, history and different languages, but I cannot teach you swordsmanship. I think I know someone who can. He is a friend of mine, but he is human. I think we can trust him in the matters of you two. Not sure about the dragon though, he does come from a soldier’s blood line.”

Roen lashed his tail and hit the ground hard, making a loud THUMP. “No.” His fierce one worded answer hit Rhea as a wave of fear, unease and anger between the link that connected them, her own fear arising from the link a little. Rhea finished wrapping the hide belt around her and slipping the sword in the holes meant to hold the blade. She considered the suggestion and realized she felt indifferent, a little scared, but indifferent none the less. She did have a tad bit of fear and bitterness for humans, but if they could benefit from it, it seemed like the prime time to suck up any hatred born of pride and scorn. Besides, not all humans were the same, the village they come from was a village of bad people, Rhea though.

Rhea only looked between Tannins and Roen then quietly spoke, “We should wait for our brother to return from hunting before we start to disgust making our next journey. “
Enndolyn clicked her tongue just as Wren landed next to them, folding her ruby red wings as she eased on to her belly and looked at Enndolyn; her expression saying she was very ready to go. The Elf girl looked at her fellow Protector. "Asetith could learn a thing or two from Wren-Wren, yeah?" she asked with a laugh, putting a hand on Wren's scaly nose. If dragons could laugh, Wren did. She produced a hissing, sort of bouncing sound from deep in her throat. "Poor Elvandor," Enndolyn added, in a much better mood than she was a few minutes ago. "I'll look with you, if you want."


Tannin was glad everyone - ahem, Rhea - was happy with the sword arrangement. Solas looked better with her anyway. Roen was always after something shiny...Yep. This was his life. Nothing odd here. Nope. No, sirree, nothing strange at all here.

He took the belt and wrapped it around his waist. He stuck his new sword through the scabbard and couldn't help but wonder how he looked in it. Just holding Morax made him feel like a threat. But of course, Tannin had no idea how to swing a sword. And, of course, Banter had a guy for that. And that guy was a human just like -

Wait a second...What about humans? Tannin knit his eyebrows and growled. Before he could say anything, Roen beat him to it. Tannin saw Rhea flinch and wrapped his arm around her. "Yeah...Sorry. That's not happening." He said it, but he knew that it really his best and only choice. There was no way Tannin would ever trust another human. What kind of world did he live in, where he can't even trust his own race? What kind of being would slaughter another race simply because they felt uncomfortable near one? The generic humans may have forgotten, but Tannin could never forget something like that.

Just as he protested, the sound of muscular wings pierced the air. Yale landed on heavy talons and dropped bloody buck at his feet. He smiled a toothy, blood-stained smile. "Miss me? Nice toothpick, Tannin," he hissed, swinging his tail back and forth, picking up a rhythm. The dragon looked around at all the faces and tilted his massive head. "Did I miss something important?"
Asetith lay in the sun long enough to know she should start heading back. Getting up she spread her wings and was about to take flight when something caught her eye. Turning her head she gazed into the forest, she wings still spread wide. She stared long and hard, adjusting her eyes. Suddenly she sneeze, flame sprouting from her nose and scorching the ground. She stomped on the grass to make sure the flames were out completely and then gaze at the one spot again. Nothing was there, at least not anymore, that or it must have been her imagination.

Shaking her head violently, she spread her wings all the way and took off in one powerful stroke, launching herself in the air. I am coming back now Elvandel, so there is no reason to send out the search party… you worry to much, She thought to her elf care taker.

Elvandel sighed, “No need to anymore, Asetith said she is coming back now. She should be here in a few minutes. Geez, why can’t she just be more like you Wren?” He then again threw his hands on his hips and stood there waiting. He fidgeted while waiting, shifting from side to side and waiting for Asetith to appear in the skyline.


Banter laughed and addressed Yale, eyeing his kill, “Those tooth picks cost more than your hide would go for. To answer your question, yes you did. I want to take these two to a human man I know to teach them proper sword play. I have no idea how you and Roen got connected to who you did. Roen and Tiger don’t think things through, while you and Bunny think of all the options before hand.” Banter ran his hand through his hair and walked to the fire and sat next to it, extending his hands to the flame and gently made it dance with his fingers.

Rhea held onto her brothers arms around her and talked to Yale, getting his attention, “ I know humans are not the favorite of races… and as much as I don’t want to admit it, we are human too. No harm, should, come to us. Plus… It is Banter who will be taking us. He has never lead us wrong before.” Rhea tried to reason.

Roen huffed smoke out of his nose and Banter chuckled, “Thank you Bunny, I would not take you guys there if I thought it was a danger. You are right, you two are human, and you will have to get over your hate one day. Hate is what starts bloodshed, and from Bloodshed is an endless war. War always ends badly, no matter who the victor.”

Rhea than turned around and hugged her brother back in the thought of fighting a whole human army and losing everyone. They would stand no fighting chance in less they knew how to use their weapons.”I guess we can always go find an orc tribe that would be willing to teach you two. That would be a bit of a stretch though. It’s up to you kids.” Banter finally said, shrugging and laying down on the grass.
Enndolyn giggled, the back of her hand covering her mouth. It didn't do much - the lines on her face showed clearly that she was laughing. Wren sat straighter and swung her tail slowly, her teeth showing in dragon's way of smiling. "Because I'm such a good girl," she purred, dipping her nose.

Asetith finally landed. She must have missed the conversation, otherwise she would have showed irritation. Enndolyn put her hands on her hips and dropped her left hip, a position full of attitude and personality. "We were just talking about you. Poor Elvandel was freaking out." Her voice turned to a coo as she stroked Asetith's scaly neck. "You naughty little demon."

Before anyone could say anything, the ground shook. The Elf girl was almost knocked to her feet. Wren stood up and lowered her head, her ruby lips peeling back over teeth as if she had unsheathed hundreds of tiny but lethal daggers. "Wren, it's okay, I'm sure it was just - Ah!" The ground shook again and the sound of hundreds of soldiers coming closer and closer filled the air.


Yale titled his scaly head. "I don't know, Banter. I'm pretty sure my hide would go for quite a pretty penny..." He rattled his grey scales; putting them in the way of the light to make them glisten like rows of raw diamonds He swung his tail and purred as if to say, See? I am quite the stunner. Tannin rolled his eyes at the dragon.

The large grey pile of shining scales stopped showing off and lowered his head, mulling over Banter's words. Tannin wrapped his arms around his sister, his face hard. "I say you go," Yale stated. Tannin snapped his head up, not expecting this answer from Yale. "You have to learn how to defend yourself," Yale said, defending his statement. "And I trust Banter." He then gave the Gnome a look that said, But don't get comfortable - I can snap you in half with the same force it will take you to bite in to an apple."

Tannin released a sigh. "I'll go if Rhea wants to," he stated in a monotone. He wasn't sure which race he trusted less - orcs or humans. Both races were in no way stable nor predictable. Banter was right - Rhea did think things through. But..She was also incredibly naive. But they were humans themselves...But the dragons! How could - Ugh. His head ached. There were far too many variables.

(I hope you don't my mild power playing with Asetith; there was no way to move on unless I did X) My dragons are rather lion-like...

Sorry, no time! At work DX)
(Lol, I think dragons are more like cats than lizards anyway haha.)

When Enndolyn scratched her cheek after she landed, Asetith made a purring sound and whipped her tail and growled in satisfaction, “Elvandel is a giant worry wart…” Before Elvande could say anything the ground shook with such force he . Elvandel saw Asetith place her head on Enndolyn’s chest so she did not fall. Running down the stairs were both Elder Sorfiril and Elder Heclya.

“What’s happening?” Elvandel yelled up to them.


Banter waved off Yale’s silent warning. He knew he was not blowing smoke, but they trusted him and that was all that matters. He never had very much in life he cared about, but these kids and dragons he takes great pride in that. “Would not lead you guys astray.” Banter than took out his Lute and began to sting his fingers across it.

“I think we should go Tannin.” Rhea whispered. “Look I am scared… but I know you guys will look out for each other, so nothing really bad could happen.” Banter continued to strum on his lute quietly, “You four should get some rest. We will begin to walk to the city soon.”

Suddenly Rhea cringed, “Ah… Tannin, Roen.” Roen began to let out a long hiss, making Banter stop what he was doing. He crouched down to the ground and needed it with his claws, Roen hissed louder again and let a growled. Suddenly a long ripping sound came from Roen as one of his wings extended from the torn skin. It was not long till the other had finally torn through the other side and most of the pain turned into a dual throbbing. Roen lay motionless, exhausted and panting, his wings just lying out stretched on the ground.

Rhea shivered as the pain subsided over their connection and she felt Roen pass out into a deep sleep. “That was way more intense and painful… and sudden than I thought it would be.” Rhea said kind of loudly. She was surprised and a little in shock. Now she just felt tired and sleepy. “Was it like this for you Tannin?” Rhea was silently thanking the Gods that she would only have to experience that once.
Enndolyn yelped as she felt her body being thrown, then pinned between two warm but rough objects. Wren and Asetith had both jumped to steady her. She produced a weak thank you from her throat and gently pushed their large heads away. She pushed her hair from her face, wishing she had pinned that braid. It would get in her way like this. The Elf froze and stared at her Elders. She already knew what the shaking was, and the expressions on her Elders' faces confirmed it. Wren coiled, wrapping her tail around in a semi-circle around Enndolyn, Elvandel, Sorfiril and Heclya. She growled, her scales rattling in a menacing fashion. "The goblins found us!" Heclya announced in a panicked voice.

Hearing this was only a confirmation of Enndolyn's guess, but the mere shock combined with the ground shifting again knocked her forward.


Beating wings and swinging horse's tails filled the air while massive clawed paws kneaded and churned the upturned earth. The manticores tore down any tree or shrub that got in their way, ripping through bramble. The creatures that straddled the beasts were swinging around various weapons, from bats to hammers to swords. They had finally reached their destination after countless months trying to find it.

The Elves would soon be wiped from existence.


Tannin looked from Banter to Yale to Roen to Rhea. His eyes stopped on her as he released a loud, shaky sigh. He had to keep to his word - he would go if Rhea wanted to. He always regretted saying that. Maybe he should just stop. "Fine. Then we'll go. But don't expect me to be friendly towards anyone. We will be there to learn. Understand?"

"Loud and clear, boss," Yale taunted, resting one paw on top of the other as he eased back on to his soft underbelly. He flicked the tip of his tail and turned his towards Roen. Tannin let go of Rhea. The familiar sound of ripping flesh and fabric unfolding violently filled the air, shaking birds from their perch. Roen was only granted a few seconds of air before the sound came again. Before he could even fold his massive new wings, he collapsed on the ground, exhausted. His green scales glistened with sweat. Tannin stroked his face, studying his new wings. The lines were all curving and sharp; the membrane that stretched between the bones glistening with a milky liquid.

Tannin looked at Rhea and gave her a soft smile. To answer her he said, "Random, painful, exhausting and dizzying....Yes."

Yale snorted in a way only a dragon could - loudly, quick and full of attitude. "Ha! How do you think
we feel?"

I think you're a baby."

"Only because you have never felt it," Yale countered, resting his head on his relaxed paws.

Tannin laughed and looked at Rhea. "Get some rest. You'll need it if we're leaving soon. You two, hatchling." He grabbed the strings on the neck of Banter's lute. "Please....None of us are in the mood. Maybe on the way."

(So spazzy, this group. Sorry for the randomness and mood swings
xD )
As soon as the elders spoke the words goblins, Elvandel reached for his weapon, realizing he had none. “I will fight, I will keep everyone safe. I need a weapon though.” He said quickly, grasping the air and making motions like he was welding an invisible spear

Elder Sorfiril scowled and yelled at them, “NO! You must leave now! As Dragon Protectors you much protect Wren and Asetithe, they may be the only females alive. Your duty is not to us, but to your dragons. Fly! Fly far away from here; do not disgrace our race by failing in your duties! Go to your house and get your saddles, food, water and weapons and leave this place and quickly as you can! Go go GO!” Sorfiril waved his hands in a violent shooing manner while demanding the dragon riders to leave.

Elvandel felt every bit of his heart and gut rip into shreds of the dread, worry and other feelings he did not know how to describe. He wanted to scream and take out a weapon and fight, but he knew Sorfiril was right, if they stay here, they will parish, along with the last known dragons. “Lets go. We need to move quickly.”

We are going home to get weapons so we can fight? Asetithe asked in their minds.

No, we are going home to pack supplies for a long journey. Elvandel said, Asetithe’s head reared and she let out a long hiss.

Elvandel snatched on of Astithe’s horns and than stared her in the eye, “I don’t have time to deal with this, I don’t want to leave as much as you but we HAVE TO. “ Elvandel started at Astithe for what seemed for a long time until she blinked In submission and lowered her head so that Elvandel may mount her back. Elvandel hated riding Astithe bare back, without the saddle around her scales to protect him. But he knew the right will be short before they retrieve their things.

Just before they took off Elvandel looked at the elders, “Thank you for everything you have done for us, Elder Sorfiril, Elder Heclya.” Astithe repeated what Elvandel said and touched their faces with her muzzle. “Be safe please, try and escape quickly.” Elvandel said, just before Astithe took off and began flying quickly to their house to gather everything necessary.


Banter responded by flicking Tannin’s fingers off his lute and shooting him a warning glance. Both Rhea and Tannin should know that Banter does not like people touching his baby lute, though Banter knows Tannin does not really abide by the rule when he doesn’t feel like it. Such as when his sister convinces him to do things he doesn’t want, Banter thought with a silent chuckle. Regardless of the harsh exchange, Banter listened to Tannin’s request and put his lute away.

Rhea usual slept next to her brother Tannin, but tonight she felt the need to sleep next to her nest brother Roen. Lying on his neck, Rhea made herself comfortable on the bed of green scales and did not fall asleep to long after wards, listening to the soft breathing or Roen.

Banter on the other hand felt no such tiredness. He felt himself sigh and scratch his chin orange chin hair. He thought for several minutes, until he finally waved his hands. When his hands came down after he made several fancy swirling motions, the fire went out, making a veil of darkness come over the camp. Banter felt himself let out a long and dreary sigh and placed his hands on his belly.
Enndolyn somehow caught herself. She whimpered at her Elder's words, but knew she had no choice. She took their hands in hers and studied their faces. "Thank you for everything you have done. Be safe," she told them, her voice cracking at the last word. She then took a breath, turned around and mounted Wren. The dragon's bright red scales rubbed against her skin uncomfortably but Enndolyn was too focused on leaving everything she knew behind her. Wren dipped her head and did as Asetith; touching the Elders lightly with her muzzle. She then took a step back, spread her large wings and took off; Enndolyn hanging on tightly.

The pair followed Elvandel and Asetith. Wren's flight patterns went from that of an eagle's to a crow's. She was shaky and quick, and not nearly as graceful as she usually was. Enndolyn could tell she was upset - she was too. She got a scare when she couldn't see where Wren was flying. Her face felt warm. She put a shaky hand to her cheek and felt a warm liquid rub on her fingers. For a second she wondered if the goblins had somehow hit her and was about to call to Elvandel when realized she was crying. Suddenly furious, she wiped the tears from her eyes and tapped Wren down.

"Stay here and I'll be right out," she said in a shaky tone. Wren looked like she was about to say something, but Enndolyn stopped her with a look. She took a breath and stepped inside, carrying Wren's saddle out first. It took a second, but Enndolyn was able to easily swing it over Wren's back. She fastened the girth tightly and unrolled the stirrups. When it was tight but comfortable, she spun on her heel and walked back towards the house.

Before she made it ten steps, she fell to one knee and hugged herself. The tears cascaded over her face. Her hand found her mouth and the sobs came. Enndolyn dropped her other knee and leaned forward, letting all of her emotions out in ragged breaths. She felt like she had just been stabbed with a rusty knife. The knife rested next to her heart, and if she did anything to move it it would pierce her heart and kill her. If she were to remove it she would fall to pieces.

After only a few seconds that felt like hours, Enndolyn straightened and wiped her face. Shaking violently, she stood back up and rushed inside to grab her things. How was it that after only minutes of her fretting, the goblins found them? She choked on a sob at the irony as she stuffed her necessities in to a bag, refusing to let her tears blind her.


Tannin pat Roen's neck affectionately one more time before he curled up next to Yale. A wave of exhaustion hit him suddenly. He didn't know how tired he was until he had lied down. He closed his eyes and fell asleep almost immediately. Yale blew a puff of smoke from his nostrils, looked at his sister and newly flighted brother and laid his head down tentatively. He fell asleep, but it was light and easily disrupted. The dragon was soon awakened and irritated. He looked at Banter and blew more smoke, twitching his tail in an almost spasmodic fashion. "Tell me all you know about this human so I may sleep," he demanded.

(....I modeled the dragon's saddle after a horses's DX Ha ha, that okay?)
(I think that is perfectly awesome~!)

Elvandel caught a glimpse of Enndolyn on the ground crying. He wanted to help her and tell her it will be ok, but he had not the time. Elvandel rushed through the house thrown things around, searching for the important things. Finally his need to help Enndolyn over whelmed him and he went to her and hugged her hard, as if he was trying to transfer his strength to her.

“Enndolyn, I know you’re scared,” Elvandel said, his own tears started to roll down his eyes, gritting his teeth, “But they have a plan, people are evacuating now… Enndolyn, can you please saddle Asetith for me? I am going to start throwing things out on the floor here that we will need, if you can pack them into the saddle bags and quickly as possible that will make things go faster.” He brushed the palm of his hand on her cheek and gave her a weak tear eyed smile.

Leaving her Elvandel came back with two bed rolls and throws them on the floor, than he went back in. He gathered various things quickly, a map, two water skins, bread and cheese, dried meats, crackers, extra cloths, both their armors and a extras set of quiver for Enndolyn’s bow. He grasped his own spear and placed it around his back on the sheath he has for it. Lastly he found the coin pouch they kept hidden well in their kitchen.

Returning to the room Elvandel asked, “Right, do you think that sums up about everything? If there is any valuables around that you can’t live without I suggest you get it now.”


“Yale, there is something more I need to tell you, something slightly more important than the human. But for the sake of your sleep, the human is kind, fierce and honorable. I would not have considered him if I did think your siblings were in danger, and now with Roen’s new sprouted wing I fear even less. I think even if he was to gaze upon your almost black scales he would shrug, for he has told me often his father’s war is not his. The only reason I feel the need for these young adults to learn is because the Goblin threat is becoming more real. The Goblins have secured creatures of ferocity, yet no brain to know what freedom is.” Banter always seemed to have long winded answers; he enjoyed talking to Yale, and told him much that he did not tell the kids. Roen was even included in most conversations, but he was rash and quick to judge like Tannin.

“Yale, I am leaving. I must go, over the seas to a Gnome nation a long way away from here. I cannot take you guys with me, for a flight over the ocean is one I know you and Roen cannot make, nor is there away way to get you guys there over a boat. No, you guys will need to stay here and continue your journey to find some more dragons. Listen, the best advice I can give you now it to go seek out the Elves after you guys have learned to properly defend yourselves. When you have a chance, share this with Roen, but do me a favor and let me tell the kids when it is time for my departure?” Banter finally ended, taking a long drawn out breath. The breath sounded shaky, “I have come to love you guys like family. That is something hard for a gnome like me.”
Enndolyn was thankful for Elvandel comforting her. She took a breath and hugged him back tightly. She felt as though Elvandel and two dragons were all she had left and the goblins hadn't even entered the valley yet. She took a breath and listened to his words. "Okay...I can do that." Her voice still shook. She forced a smile and wiped her eyes, then rushed to saddle Asetith.

After she threw the saddle on Aseith's back she buckled the girth and aligned it along the dragon's spine. The saddle distributed uneven pressure if it wasn't aligned evenly. Once everything was in place she rolled the stirrups down. In a lot of cases, like with mounting horses and even dragons, it was a big no-no to unroll the stirrups before mounting. Enndolyn did this now to save time. They had to go as soon as possible. So, she unrolled the stirrups and rushed back inside to gather their belongings. When she finished she grabbed her bow and quiver and stood with Elvandel, her arms wrapped around herself. "I don't think I have anything else...Do you have everything? Ugh....I'm sorry," she sniffled, " if you have something to grab, grab it now. I'll be waiting for you." Enndolyn turned around and left, letting silent tears slip from her eyes.

Enndolyn put her left foot in the stirrup and threw her right leg over Wren's back. "Wait for Elvandel; he's right behind me," she told Wren. The dragon flicked her ear in response and stirred underneath the Elf girl. Enndolyn fiddled too, adjusting and readjusting her bow on her back.


Yale listened to each word carefully. In response he merely flicked an ear; maybe inclined his head slightly. He knew all about the goblins. How they had overthrown the Empire and gained control over creautures like hippogriffs and manticores. It was a terrifying thought, being put up against either of those creatures. But under a
goblin's control? It was unthinkable.

"I won't breathe a word to either. I'll tell Roen after he wakes up," he hissed quietly when Banter finished speaking. " We'll find the Elves. Ah...You're leaving? Must be important. I'll let you wait until you leave before you tell me why they need you so direly." He paused and swung his tail, keeping it about an inch from the ground. "We love you, too, Banter. Thank you for all you have done." And with that, Yale dropped his tail and rested his head on the ground. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep.

(Muse has been drained now...I'll let you take the departure
:) )
Elvandel nodded at Enndolyn, remembering he did have something. Running back into the house he graved a small box and stuck it in his pocket, than he graved his insignia that the elves had made for them signaling their new found status. It was a small round medallion around a necklace with a dragon curdled around a tree. Running into Enndolyn’s room, Elvandel graved her insignia as well, knowing it will help to have a keep sake of their old home.

Running back out Elvandel jumped on top of Asetith in one leap. “Enndolyn, catch.” Tossing the insignia to Enndolyn, and then without looking to see her reaction he held the horn on the saddle, “Let’s go.”

Asetith crouched low and bunched up every bit of her muscles and then jumped, spreading her wings and flapping hard to make herself air born. She was taken aback by the new weight on her shoulders from the stuff. The most weight she ever carried was elves, and they were light creatures, and she didn’t even carry her own food in the air.

Asetith was slow going at first, but manage to pick up speed. Her white scales were glimmering in the sun and the beat of her wings were hard and fast. When they got high enough into the sky, Elvandel whiteness three Cyclops, a hoard of goblins, a dozen manticores and a few hippogriffs flying around the entrance of the walls of their beautiful city. Elvandel counted three hippogriffs. He watched with clenched fists as the walls crumbled and their people rushed to kill the hoard. He wanted nothing more but to go down and help them and he could tell that Asetith felt the same.


When morning had broke, Banter packing up the bags across Yale and Roen as always and secured them so they would not fall off. Soon they begin to walk to their destiniation, of course there was one less person on the ground. Roen was flying in wonder and absolute joy at the sensation of the air. He was often clumsy, catching a bad draft in the air and dropping for seconds, sometimes his tail would fold the wrong way and send him a direction he did not wish to go. Regardless the sensation of flying was the best thing that ever happen to the dragon. Often he would blow rings of fire and fly through them, Banter would curse at the dragon and tell him to be careful not to burn their things on his back.

Rhea was over joy watching Roen fly with so much happiness, it eased her nerves. Like most days when they walked, Banter tested and teacher Tannin and Rhea. Banter obviously pick on Tannin often, for he loved to do it. “Tell me Tiger, what is the plant you use when you have an infection?” Banter tested, enjoying the morning sun, it felt wonderful.
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Enndolyn easily caught the insignia. She couldn't believe she had almost forgotten it! If Elvandel hadn't fetched it for her, she would have fallen apart. "Thank you so much," she said quietly, warming it between her hands before tucking it away in to her quiver. Deciding she'd rather wear it, she took it back out and placed it over her head, tucking the medallion in to her shirt.

Ready? Wren asked through their telepathic connection. She sounded ready to go.

Ah...Yes. Sorry.... Wren nodded her large head and spread her wings. She gave Enndolyn a chance to position herself as she tightened her muscles in to springs. Her wings beat twice, producing a sharp wind. By the second beat she was in the air. One more powerful beat set her right behind Asetith. The dragoness pumped a little harder than necessary, wanting to catch up with her sister. When they were next to each other, a few yards distance between their wings, Wren relaxed.

Enndolyn caught a glimpse of what was going on below them...The tears started coming again. She took her insignia out of her shirt and squeezed it until her knuckles were white. She wanted so badly to rush down and cut all of the goblins down, one by one, but she controlled herself. Wren tightened underneath her, and Enndolyn knew her thoughts had an effect on the dragon. She also knew that if she did that, Elvandel and Asetith would race after her and none of them would survive.

She picked a scale on Wren's back to stare at and tried desperately not to look down.


Roen was doing loop-da-loops, rings of fire and other fancy tricks. Tannin recalled Yale doing the same thing when he sprouted wings, and it was always interesting to see and compare different flight patterns. He noticed that Yale was a lot more careful in the air, but capable of some wicked speed. Roen, however, was still discovering his wings and was rather choppy. It was difficult to tell, what with his aggressive wing beats and loud swings of the tail. Tannin saw that Roen sometimes put too much pressure on one wing and would veer to the side. Or maybe he would miscalculate the strength of a beat and have a sudden and startling burst of speed. Sometimes he would tilt to one side and start to descend. Yale's flight was much like that of a vulture's - smooth, slow and easy to watch. Right now Roen was painful to watch and resembled a hyperactive garden bird.

Tannin was listening and answering, but getting a little sick of all of Banter's questions. What stops a wound's blood flow? Blood moss. That one was easy - the answer was in the name. Name one poisonous plant. Tannin said yew. Now tell me why you should never drink from a still river. The water is still - far easier for parasites and bacteria to group and reproduce than it is in running water. What effect does a knife have when you stick it in to someone? That one was just infuriatingly stupid.

He released a breath and looked at Banter. "Goldenseal roots," he said in a bored tone as he waved his hand in the air. "These are easy questions - test me, Banter. I'm getting bored."
Elvandel was surprised they got clear of the city without any of the goblins on the hippogriffs following them. They probably were not expecting dragons to fly out of the city. After almost what seemed like a day of flying, Asetith was panting hard. Elvandel could feel her exsuation as she felt it through their connection; carrying the weight she was not use too. They needed to stop, before Asetith decide it was time to stop in mid air.

Waving at Enndolyn to get her attention, he pointed downward to signal that they needed to land. Asetith wasted no time to start to make a slow decent down to the ground. When she finaly landed in a small opening in the trees, making sure there was a running stream in the small clearing, she landed with a loud thump. He legs collapsed under her, as she panted hard. “I have never flown so hard in my life.” She said, her voice coming in rigid rasps. She dragged herself to the stream to lap up some water in her large jaws. Elvandel patter her tough scales and praised her, “No, but you did a really good job, I am proud of you, both of you.”

He took a long sigh and pulled out the water skins and dried meat and handed them to Enndolyn, “Eat, we will really need it. I don’t think we are in the clear yet, I want to go a little farther before we rest.” Returning to the bags he looked through them till he found the bread and took a bite of it, it was tasteless and heavy in his mouth, very hard to swallow. He knew in normal circumstances he would have loved the bread, and would have eaten it with vigor, but the thought of his nation falling and friends dead, it tasted as good as dirt.


After Roen had tired himself out for the most part and just started to glide next to his brother, he listened to Yale tell him about things that conspired between him and Banter, if Roen could show distain he would. Banter had helped the kid and them so much. He was not sure if they would have been able to survive in the real world, as much as he did not want to admit it. “Do you know why he needs to leave?” Roen asked his gray scaled brother. They were so high up, their siblings would not be able to hear them converse. “And where do we even start to look for the elves?”

Meanwhile Banter laughed as Tannin issued a challenge, and began to throw harder questions at the younger man. After a few hours, Banter finally raised his hands, “I am very proud of you Tiger, you were so unwilling to learn 7 years ago haha. I am impressed, and I think I can graduate you and Bunny to a normal level of thinking for kids your age, or smarter. I wish to teach you both elvish, but I myself am not completely fluent in it. Elves are pretty, keep to themselves, so their language is pretty secluded. So you pretty much have to be born and elf to know the language. I have to say, I am happy to have learned Draken, that is something no gnome can say they did haha!” Banter paused in his speech and mulled over something.

Rhea hugged Tannin randomly and smiled at him while Banter thought, she let go of him and continued to walk, she felt happy because Roen felt happy. Today was a good day in her opinion.

“Listen you two, the reason I don’t take you into the city is because I know Tiger here might get himself in trouble, which would end up with Yale and Roen trying to lay siege to a city to get you back. You see, most of the time, ever city has a lord of some kind. The rules in the city can get you in trouble if you do not know the right manners to appease these selfish gold belly men. As much as I hate bowing my already tinny stature to people who don’t deserve it, I do it in fear of being arrested and taken to jail. The last thing I needed was to be breaking you guys from jail.” Banter scratched his chin like normal, and than clapped his hands together, “So listen up, I am about to tell you the rules of the city, and the next city I will take you in with me.”

Rhea listened as Banter explained the finer way of the city. They were on the road for a week before they hit a small town on the foot of a mountain. “You guys should stay here, I am going to find my friend, and I’ll bring him up here. You two scales should probably go deeper in the forest and stay down.” Banter did not wait for them to answer, and he only continued to walk into the village.
Wren wheezed as she pushed her body through the air. Her wing beats were slowing down. Such a big animal, only occasional wing beats were necessary. For, say, a crow, wing beats every few seconds - maybe every second - were necessary. It would take too much energy for Wren to fly like that, though, and was not called for. Wren's energy was draining. Just as Enndolyn was starting to wonder whether or not it would be safe to land, Elvandel signaled to her to do just that. She stroked Wren's sweaty neck and landed the dragon.

Wren crashed to the ground, jolting Enndolyn forward. The Elf girl produced a sort of squeak and caught herself, then dismounted. She stroked Wren and Asetith. Their scales were shimmering, a fine layer of sweat covering them. In the light, the creatures looked like piles of diamonds and raw rubies. The piles shifted as they forced themselves to the stream; Wren uttering quick, shaky breaths instead of words. "I'm so proud of you guys. We should be able to take shorter trips from now on," Enndolyn assured. She cracked a small smile, but the imposing thought of why they had to take this flight wiped it off her face.

Before Enndolyn could do anything about it, Elvandel handed her a water skin and dried meat. She sniffed and took it from him. Usually, she would wrinkled her nose at the meat and turn her nose up at it, but she needed to eat. She sighed and took some of Elvandel's bread and wrapped her meat in it. As she took a bite, a tear slipped down her cheek. Enndolyn furiously wiped it away and dropped to the ground, crouching while she drank her water and ate her bread and meat. Her emotions didn't seem to get the message. More tears. She begrudgingly let them through as she ate.

When she finished her food and her water skin was half empty, she stood up and brushed her hands clean, then aggressively wiped her face. "Okay...Ah.." She sniffed. "We should probably go now, at least until it gets dark. Then we can rest. Good plan?"


Yale finally got sick of watching his brother galumph through the air. He snorted and spread his wings, soon gliding beside his brother. Once Roen calmed down, he gave a silent gesture for Roen to follow him and flew higher. Once they were away's away from the kids but could still see them, Yale told Roen everything Banter had told him. First about this human, and then of Banter's plans to leave. When he finished, he looked at Roen to hear what he had to say.

Yale blew air from his scaly lips. "I don't know why he's leaving. He'll tell us when he tells Tannin and Rhea. As for the Elves....Maybe we should start looking while they're training. When they finish, if we don't find the Elves we can all come back here and look somewhere else. Maybe they're tucked away in a valley somewhere " Their situation was starting to look rather gloomy to the dragon.


"Oh, great!" Tannin threw his hands in to the air. "Seven years, and we're of average intelligence! You're a fantastic teacher, Banter." He nudged his sister. "Hear that, Rhea? We're of average intelligence." He was about to laugh it off and say something about Elves but, of course, Banter suggested he would get himself in to trouble and blow heir cover. Tannin snorted and looked at the gnome. "I love you too, shorty."

Tannin listened to the rules of the towns carefully. Even though Banter's comment had mildly agitated him, the gnome was right. If anyone was going to get them in to trouble, it might as well be the one that didn't know how to hold his tongue and had a nasty temper to go with it.

They had finally made it to the city. Yale and Roen landed. Tannin sighed as Banter walked off and looked at the dragon brothers behind him. "You heard him. Off with you." Yale snorted and glared at Tannin, but turned around and towed his brother off. Tannin looked at his sister. "Well, what do you think? Was this a good idea?" he asked her, his eyes wandering to the road Banter had taken.

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