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Fantasy When tech meets magic, you're probably gonna lose your deposit. (Original plot calling for original characters)


I pull levers
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
You're probably wondering what that title's all about. Hopefully, this pitch will enlighten you.

Some time back I almost ran a scenario revolving around a simple premise, magic user meets tech user. I pitched the idea expecting it to evolve into a superhero scenario. Two protagonists, one wielding magic and the other sporting advanced technology, would have to come together to counter some grand threat to their city/world and we'd cut the brainstorming there. You can imagine my surprise when the idea didn't fall into the vein of super-roleplays, but instead spawned an entirely unique setting. We started with a city, then with specific locations, and even moved into developing the factions in control of them. It was all surprisingly in depth, for an original plot that is. Things were picking up speed, we had characters ready to be dropped into the world, but it was at this point we found the one flaw in our roleplay's design....

The Real World... spooky I know.

Unfortunately, life got in the way. We were right on the starting line when my final term kicked into high gear. My partner's IRL commitments also began requiring attention, as they typically do, and that was the end of the ride. Thankfully neither of us seemed too frustrated with the development and went our separate ways. After all, the initial prompt was only posted on a whim, it was lucky to have been given any development at all. But now I find myself wondering how far we could've gotten with it. The world building hadn't proven very challenging, with what we'd developed the setting allowed for all kinds of characters and stories.

That's why I'm still kicking myself for not writing any of it down!

Thankfully, I still have the general ideas of the setting stored away in the ol' noggin. I think there's also a set of bullet notes somewhere on my Google Drive as well. Regardless, the setting is not lost and neither is the prompt as a whole. So if you've stuck with me to this point, here's what I'm proposing. I'm looking for some help reviving this roleplay, with the central idea revolving around the interactions between an inventor of technology and a weaver of magics. They'll also be working together to solve some overarching problem in the setting, all while having to content with their quirks and differences under the same roof. That's right, they're not just going to be co-workers, they're going to be roommates. Hopefully this should provide a nice mix of slice of life, action, urban adventure, and perhaps even a romance all in one roleplay. If this sounds interesting to you, please make sure to read some listed preferences below and shoot over a dm. Hope to see you there.


Preferences To Consider
- 20+ because of the possibility for character romances, twenty four here so I'm not entirely comfortable writing said subjects with those below the twenty mark.
- If character romance occurs, I prefer roleplaying MxF relationships. I just don't know how to play MxM or FxF romances to be entirely honest with you.
Multi-paragraph replies please. I used to go HAM with my responses, but I've learned that settling for a few paragraphs provides a nice balance between detail and timely progression.
- I can play female supporting characters, but my main will be male. This is less of a request for you to consider and more of just something to expect from me.
Assist with the world building process please. Don't get me wrong, I'm a sucker for lore and world building. That being said, I will burn out before we even get the chance to rp if I'm the only one developing anything.

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