[When Dreams End] Cassi WIP

Lady Jane

Senior Member
Name: Cassi

Class: Ranger

LP 100??

Appearance 7??

STR 6??

DEX 9??

AGI 9??

CON 6??

INT 6??

POW 5??

WP 5??

PER 9??

PhR 35??

MR 30??

PsR 30??

VR 35??

DR 35??

Initiative: 45

Attack Ability: 25

Defense Ability: 15 Dodge

Wear Armor: 5

Secondary Abilities: Acrobatics 25, Animals 28, Athleticism 25, Climb 25, Herbal Lore 30, Notice 100, Persuasion 15, Ride 25, Search 100, Stealth 30, Streetwise 15, Track 70, Trading 20

Unarmed Combat:


Attack: 25

Defense: 15 Dodge

Damage: 15

Size 12 Medium

Regeneration 1

Movement Value 9??

Fatigue 6??

Ever since she could remember, Cassi longed for adventure. But...there wasn't much adventure to be found in the tiny little village that no one's ever heard of, nestled in a expansive forest away from any civilization. She wanted to see every corner of the world, talk with random strangers, get in stupid fights over nothing at all and make friends with her combatants at the end. She was a dreamer that wanted nothing more than to shake the dust of her tiny little village from her feet.

No, there wasn't much adventure there, but there was family. She grew up butting heads and loving to pieces her younger brother, under the careful eye of their parents. Her grandfather told them stories of the world, of fantastic cities and creatures beyond imagination. But he knew even as she grew up, that stories would one day not be enough.

And so he trained her to survive. "The world is a wonderful, terrible place," he told her, and he was right. When he was fully satisfied that Cassi could survive whatever the world threw at her, he let her leave their village with his blessing. And she is still discovering exactly how wonderful and terrible the world is.

It was happenstance, perhaps, that the barroom brawl she'd so longed for somehow involved a young man named Mark who was the guard of a small militia town. And though it didn't end precisely the way she'd expected (the stories always left out the broken ribs and concussions) she eventually joined with the guardsmen.

It was shortly after that she had the first tragedy of her young, sheltered life. An attack on their town went sideways, and young Mark's life came to an end as he took a death blow meant for Cassi. Though they won that day, the loss was too great in her estimation. Staying in the tiny little town was too much, so, with references from her superiors, she now embarks on the next chapter of her own personal adventure.

Cassi is perpetually optimistic and fiercely loyal. Though in her early twenties, she seems younger to some because of her enthusiasm. Her naivete frequently gets the better of her, and she's often overwhelmed in unfamiliar situations, though she inevitably rises to the challenge with determination. Once she gets past her initial astonishment, she makes friends easily; and once you're her friend she'll protect you for life.
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Updated with a backstory. I'll try to poke around things like weapons and whatnot tomorrow.

Also, I'm positive I'm missing other things.

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