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Realistic or Modern When Death Stops - applications



you’ve got me by the skin and bones

roleplay title


application info.

full name.
age. (18+)
date of birth.
date of death.
occupation. (if applicable)

faceclaim. (realistic only please!)
hair color.
eye color.
distinguishing features.
modifications. (if applicable)

likes. 4+
dislikes. 4+

vices. 3+ please explain each one
virtues. 3+ please explain each one.
(or you can write it out in paragraph form if you want!)

background. (2+ paragraphs please)

questions. (please answer as your character)

how did you die?

do you have any living loved ones?

what do you think is causing people to miss their appointments with death?

how do you feel about people fated to die continuing to live?




Grim Reapers were once human. Their job is to collect the souls of the dearly departed (preferably just before death for those assigned to the Unnatural Death Squad). They have a quota that is unknown to them that they must fulfill before moving on in the afterlife. Once they meet that quota, the last soul they reap becomes the Reaper that replaces them. The Reapers exist in a state between life and death— they are undead if you will. They can interact with the world around them as if they were living people, however, they cannot die or age as they are no longer living. However, if they encounter anyone who would have recognized them in life, they would appear to be someone else.

Once they die, they must leave their old life behind. They cannot continue living their lives the way they were. They cannot contact their loved ones (they would not be recognized if they were seen) and they keep their nature as a Grim Reaper secret. Some Reapers have more trouble adjusting to this than others, but in the end, it is what they have to do. Reaping souls may be their purpose, but it is not a career in the normal sense. They do not get paid, nor are they given housing. They must find that all on their own. Some work, some steal, and some scrape money together however they can. They live with a lot of unknowns. They don't know what comes in the afterlife, nor do they know who decides who dies and how.

extra information.

the reapers would all be on the unnatural death squad, which means they likely would have died in an unnatural way (i.e. accident, murder, suicide, etc.). please include any relevant trigger warnings!!!!

as for their deaths, they likely do not remember experiencing the actual event as it is common to reap the souls of those experiencing an unnatural death just before they die. however, they would certainly remember what happened.

♡coded by uxie♡

  • sadie turner

    full name

    Sarah Grace Turner






    June 29, 1890


    November 19, 1918


    Cis Female






    Piano teacher








    Dist. Features

    High cheekbones, strong jaw, straight nose


    None of note


    Ear piercings


    Weyes Blood

    Titanic Rising

    Weyes Blood



    Undead but alive

    Stubborn: It is difficult to change Sadie's opinions without a strong argument or irrefutable facts. And if you somehow manage to, she will act like she was never wrong in the first place.

    Nagging: When Sadie gives a task, she will prod until it's done.

    Closed-Off: Sadie doesn't let people in emotionally. She keeps her emotions and her past to herself, making it difficult to get close to her.

    Honest: Sadie doesn't make a habit of lying and can be quite direct. She will only lie when it is absolutely necessary.

    Meticulous: With an eye for detail, Sadie always takes great care to be as precise and exact as she can.

    Compassionate: Sadie empathizes and shows concern for others. She is quite understanding and tries to help people when they need it.


    Music, finding new hobbies, reading, candles, sunshine, fresh laundry, ice cream, early mornings, the moon, stargazing


    Bad weather, disorganization, being late, spicy food, competition, bad coffee, cigarettes, bugs, liars, bad manners


    Collecting vinyl records, playing piano, singing, taking care of her plants


    Never meeting her quota, snakes, not experiencing the afterlife

    personal items

    While Sadie advocates for Reapers to move on from their life before their death, Sadie has kept a few sentimental items from her life. She still wears her wedding ring, a simple silver band, and a locket from her parents. She also has a photograph of her and her husband.




    Sadie was born in the summer of 1890 to Charles and Sarah Leblanc in St. Louis, Missouri. She was the third of four children and their only daughter. She had a relatively normal childhood in that era. She, along with her brothers, was sent to school and was able to continue her education through high school graduation. Her father was a lawyer and wanted to ensure his children had an education.

    She grew up in the same neighborhood as Benjamin Turner, a boy her age. They had always been drawn to each other— she always said it was fate. They'd walk to and from school together, sit next to each other in church, and, while they were chaperoned, they explored the 1904 World's Fair together. It was a surprise to nobody that they'd eventually marry. They were only eighteen, but it was an obvious choice for both of them.

    Benjamin apprenticed with his father, the local pharmacist, and took over once his father retired. Sadie, of course, didn't work, but she did teach piano to local children purely because she enjoyed it. They lived a comfortable life. They had a nice home not far from their parents and the pharmacy. When World War I broke out, Benjamin was thankfully spared from being drafted due to his flat feet. Children never came for the pair, but ultimately they were happy with only each other. They had plenty of nieces and nephews to spoil and occupy their time. In retrospect, it was probably a blessing that they never had children.

    It was a day like any other when tragedy struck. The war had just ended and spirits were still high. It was a crisp fall day, but the sun was shining. Sadie had wanted to get a gift for her mother-in-law's upcoming birthday. She walked along with Benjamin's sister, Anna, stopping at several shops, and looking for the perfect gift. The pair purchased their gifts and found themselves near Benjamin's pharmacy, so they decided to stop in to say hello. Just before crossing the street, the pair were approached by a man who was looking for directions. They had a short, but pleasant conversation before parting ways. This only sticks in Sadie's memory because he touched her shoulder before leaving.

    Sadie was the first to step into the street. At the same time, a car rounded the corner and collided with her. The commotion caught her husband's attention, who left his shop and was horrified to find his wife dying in the street. Sadie has no recollection of the time that she crossed the street until the moment she died and found herself staring at her dead body.

    And so began her afterlife.

    She learned to let go of her life, as it was crushing for her to watch her loved ones from afar, never to interact with them again. She did keep tabs on them occasionally but stopped completely after Benjamin died of the Spanish Flu a year and a half after she died. It was even harder knowing she could do nothing to stop the harm coming to her family.

    Reaping was simple for Sadie. Death came for everyone and nobody was exempt. She had no problem taking souls she felt that it was an honor to be a part of the process. Yes, of course, she wished that she was able to go on into the afterlife like everyone else did, but these were the cards she was dealt. So, she did what she was supposed to so that she could meet her quota and hopefully be able to reunite with her loved ones in the afterlife. She was shuffled around to different cities as decades passed and eventually, she found herself in Seattle, where she remains to this day.

    Reapers came and went as quotas were met and eventually the responsibility of handing out everyone's daily assignments fell into her lap. The list of names, locations, and times of death is left in her mailbox each morning. She is the de facto leader of the group. Sadie can be tough, but it is all in effort to keep everything running smoothly. She likes things being done by the book and without hiccups. When the humans that were supposed to die stopped being present for their own deaths, she assumed Reapers were not doing their jobs and making up excuses, but when it happened to her, she began to grow concerned. Tipping the balance between life and death is certainly going to come with dire consequences, so she'd like to get to the bottom of this trouble as soon as possible.



    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.



    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

    how did you die?

    “I was crossing the street when I was struck by a car. I died about ten minutes later— I'm glad I don't remember that part.”

    Do you have any living loved ones?

    “No, they've all been dead for quite some time. I'm sure I have some great-great nieces and nephews or something, but I obviously don't know any of them”

    what do you think is causing people to miss their appointments with death?

    “Something has gone wrong in whatever system that arranges who dies and how. I have to imagine it is either someone who is responsible for arranging deaths or a fellow Reaper.”

    how do you feel about people fated to die continuing to live?

    “It's deeply concerning. I don't take pleasure in people dying, of course, but it's necessary. There's a delicate balance that needs to be upheld.”




    ♡coded by uxie♡

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  • FC: Léa Seydoux
basic info
Fynn Talon
    Fynn Talon
    November 18
    October 31
    "Life’s a grave; dig it with a smile, not a shovel."
    144 lbs
    Fynn has short, messy hair with a shitty grin to match it. Often wearing sleak clothing, the young man loves showing off his smooth fashion sense. He can often be seen with a knife tucked into his waist or even in his hands.
    "Hey, you can't blame me for being crazy. After all... being crazy in a crazy world is normal."
    Fynn is not one to take things seriously. Often seen joking and playing around, he keeps his composure (and shitty grin) most of the time. Despite his normalcy, however, he can be quite exotic when attending to his duties as a reaper. An odd laugh, unnerving words, and (as always) shitty grin can often be seen as he reaps away. Amongst his distinguishable features, Fynn's shitty grin and constant application of sun glasses sets him apart from the crowd. He has three scars, though only one is slightly visible. Partly disguised by his glasses, a scar around 3 inches finds itself on his face. He also has a diagonal scar all the way across his back and a hole sized scar around his heart.
code by Nano



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a.




full name

Vittoria Harel-Smith






13 June 1940


13 June 1964



song name





165 cm


54 kg

hair c.


eye c.

dark brown


Dilraba Dilmurat


psyche & background

A free-spirited drama queen with a thirst for adventures, Vee was never meant to stay in one place. Yet once upon a time, she somehow did decide to settle down anyway, giving her heart to a girl she was so very sure was the love of her life—only to be cheated on their wedding day, after Vee had broken her bank to fund her lover’s lifestyle.

Needless to say, Vee’s end was tragic. Now, (un)living with a lesson learned and a broken heart, she finds solace in temporary companionship and runs whenever things get serious. Perhaps she has become a little too good at doing what she despises firsthand: bailing near the marriage date and running with the benefits they lavished on her, sometimes to a different continent altogether.


jasmine, sea breeze, sunset, and margarita.


white dresses, mornings, hard liquor and being drunk


Commitment, small spaces, flying insects


Vices & Virtues

Vee wants it all and wants it now. She has a hard time fitting herself into a long-term commitment, be it in a job or a relationship. Despite her vehement denial, her aversion to anything resembling commitment stems from an unresolved trauma that still haunts her unliving world, a pain that secretly bleeds even though there is no blood left to be pumped. “It’s just my nature,” she will say, not without venom, pretending that it’s her choice when no choice was ever presented to her. She will try, almost painfully hard, to commit, but then the world closes in, there’s a pain in her neck, and she just needs to get out.

Deprived of any chance for escape or eternal rest for a long time, Vee clung to the fragile remnants of her former self, grasping the jagged, broken pieces tightly, even as they drew blood—clinging to what makes her "her" and secretly afraid of losing sight of her identity as the years blur past. That’s why she tends to follow her heart’s desire in a never-ending attempt to catch every fragment of her own essence, not minding hurting one or two people along the way.


It takes a certain willpower for her not to go bonkers with her newfound power, despite her desire to do so, and she prided herself on the relentless way she pursued her goals. 'Passionate,' some people have said when describing her, and having lived longer than the average person with her appearance doesn’t dampen her zest for life. Her position is unique, both a curse and a privilege, and this is why she dares to do things her old self wouldn’t have.





how did you die?

"I was young and foolish once," she smiled languidly, using one of her palm to slick back the stray strands that slaps her face thanks to the breeze. "Gave up everything for a girl and got into lots of debts. She promised me that she'll eloped with me."

"In the end, i was left waiting in the care, in a white dress."

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.







♡coded by uxie♡


  • AivDuQq.gif VyNRUSK.gif
    jason thomas deveaux.

    nickname. none.
    age. forever thirty-seven.
    date of birth.
    date of death.
    gender. male
    pronouns. he/him/his
    sexuality. straight
    occupation. currently reaper. formerly, grunt as usmc.

    faceclaim. james badge dale
    height. 6'1"
    hair color. brown
    eye color. blue
    distinguishing features. none.
    scars. too many to count.
    modifications. none.


    likes. 4+
    dislikes. 4+
    pulling pranks on the living, people watching,
    fears. what's left to fear?

    vices. 3+ please explain each one
    virtues. 3+ please explain each one.
    (or you can write it out in paragraph form if you want!)


    jason's just a good ol' southern boy from tennessee. his father was in the marines, as was his father before him, and the one before him — you get the picture.


    how did you die? "my convoy got ambushed in fallujah. fun times."

    do you have any living loved ones? "my mom, dad, brother and two sisters. the worst was leaving behind my wife. miss her everyday."

    what do you think is causing people to miss their appointments with death? "dunno, maybe they slept in."

    how do you feel about people fated to die continuing to live?

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