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One x One The Valethian Wars [Private]


~While you are young, let your poor heart break~
Name: 'Beserker' Raketh 'Twoknives'

Age: 42 years old

Race: mountain goblin

Rank: Warleader (in other words, Ruler of mountain goblin tribes)


Twoknives is a dark-skinned goblin with a permanent scowl on his face. He's one of the most respected goblins of the Tredolian Mountains because of the death he wreaks on every battlefield. He always carries his two sharp, slanted knives on either side of his leather belt and polishes them every night before bed.


Twoknives comes from a family of respected warriors and from a young age, had been determined to uphold his family legacy. Having trained countless hours with his father and grandfather, Twoknives grew up to be a formidable knife fighter. Once old enough to join battles, during the many skirmishes between goblin or orc tribes, Twoknives gained the title of Berserker because of how monstrously effective he was at killing. He later challenged the Warleader 'Sharpteeth' Bwark in a one-on-one combat and after slaying him, replaced him as Warleader of the goblins.

When the orcs first approached him for their support in the war, The Berserker wasn't hard to convince. The thought of expanding the goblin territory to the warmer climate cities was more than a little tempting after centuries stuck in the cold, windy mountains. After Twoknives declared his support, it didn't take much effort to rally most of the goblin race towards the cause.
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Name: Bomal 'Charm'

Age: 33 years old

Race: orc

Gender: female

Rank: Orc Warleader's Wife and Battle Advisor


Charm is rather pretty for her race, with large breasts and a rather slender, yet muscular frame. She always wears her family heirlooms of elven finger bone earrings and a necklace made from her great grandfather's teeth. She has long lashes and a melodious (for an orc), yet tough-sounding voice that most orcs consider very sexy.



Charm was the daughter of one of the former Orc Warleaders. She got her nickname because after her birth, her father had a spectacular career, winning all of his battles for almost a decade. She married Warleader Borgg "Hammer Fist" after her father died, until the day she threw him off a mountain in a moment of rage. Charm later remarried the following Warleader, her nickname then taking on a new meaning. Charm had so much charm that the most powerful orc warriors always fell in love with her.

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