The SHSL Shadow Alchemy Stand Using Lab Member
On November 22, 2016 at 3:28 AM, FelinaTheDevil22 said:
I'm open-minded to everything, and always accept others views on their own religion. Unless they try to shove it down my throat, then they'll get the scolding of their life.
Personally, I believe in science, but also the supernatural. I believe we did evolve, and I do believe ghosts are real. But if you have a different opinion to mine, I will accept it and try my best to see it from your perspective. I don't mind what you believe in, as long as you don't try to force me into believing it or treat me negatively or ask me stupid questions because of what I believe in (we've all been there at some point, I'm sure).
I used to believe that. I was weird. I was once a Christian, then I was a Christian with supernatural beliefs, then I was an atheist with supernatural beliefs, now I'm just atheist.