What's your favorite character sheet tool?


Lazy Seer
There's a few out there-Hero Lab (which is expensive for what it is) does a whole bunch of different system's sheets and I believe keeps up. Hard to tell on my end, anyway. I wish the free version had like. Limited number prints, not no prints. (*grumble grumble grumble*)

As far as other systems go, I've found Dalines to be quite useful for most WOD products in saving online and Mr. Gone's sheets for printed out sheets.

For generating out Exalted, there's really two places to go and so far, I prefer Anathema, though some may prefer EdExalted for a number of reasons.

What do you guys use?
I use hero lab and anathema pretty much exclusively. I don't even mind that hero lab doesn't do prints, since it's not hard to just copy the information yourself. So long as it handles the stat calculations for me, I love it.
I use Hero Lab for Pathfinder, as a GM the tools that can be used during the game are invaluable for me. It seems pricey but when you stop and think about it if you use it quite a bit (as I do) and you average that cost out over a year, it if far cheaper than going to the movies once a month.

That If price is an issue I like PCGen almost as much. It can do almost everything Herolab can do but it is limited to D20 based systems mostly and it requires a bit more work to make some alterations, that said it is more customizable as the code is open source.

For Exalted I use EdExalted, I like the customization of items a whatnot better than Anathema, IMO.

I use the L5R Character Manager for Legend of the Five Rings and it has worked well so far and I use online builders for Numenera and for Eclipse Phase.
I use Anathema for Exalted, though I have several issues with it, but it gives m better results than EdExalted. I can't seem to print a PDF out of EdExalted, and when i did manage to get a character sheet printed, it lacked all Charms I chose.

And for the Legend of the Five Rings, I second L5R Character Manager. It's not perfect, but it does have some invaluable features.
[QUOTE="Red Shadow Claws]I use Anathema for Exalted, though I have several issues with it, but it gives m better results than EdExalted. I can't seem to print a PDF out of EdExalted, and when i did manage to get a character sheet printed, it lacked all Charms I chose.
And for the Legend of the Five Rings, I second L5R Character Manager. It's not perfect, but it does have some invaluable features.

Interesting, I have never had a issue printing sheets with it.
I usually do all this stuff by my lonesome. Occasionally I like to use an interactive PDF sheet since I don't have much free space in front of my computer, and many of my books are in digital form, otherwise I prefer printing.

If I'm running a game, I like to make the character sheets myself. I label the sheets with the title of the game, etc. Allows me to add the campaign's themes to the sheet as necessary (ran a short Promethean game where I hid a picture of Lenin on there).
Excel. ^^ I've found Anathema most useful for Exalted, with prior dips into EdExalted, and I've made any number of sheets in various word-processing programs as a step in learning not to use a word-processor to do a layout program's job, but really, when it comes down to just making the information most accessible or doing calculations, Excel is just that good for me. If I need to share info, as on a forum or with a GM who doesn't have Excel (and can't be bothered to learn even Google Sheets or Libre/Open-Office Calc) I'll transcribe them into a text file.

From players, I'll accept whatever sheet they feel good about working with, so long as they can either hand or mail me a copy, and then I copy it into whatever spreadsheet I've written for the game. I like the idea of a wiki, though, so I may look at that again...

Also, go go first postage. ^^
My favorite is Google. :D As in, I need a sheet for a particular game, I run a search for the game and see what comes up!

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