Other What's the best/your favorite fun fact you've learned recently?


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I love collecting weird fun facts I can share with people unexpectedly, and I need to grow my collection! Please let me know of any cool, interesting, or just plain weird fun facts you know of!
Hmm, here’s one! Beached whales have been known to explode due to build up in internal pressure thanks to their tough skin being unable to let loose the gasses their dead body produces. In dead animals, this is called bloating, and will usually go up until their intestines rupture and everything just falls out their butthole. Once upon a time in Taiwan, when a dead whale was being taken for postmortem examination, it exploded in an urban area. Cars and people were showered with blood and organs alike. Pretty cool right!
Queen Christina of Sweden loved raising people to nobility to the extent that the number of noble families doubled during her reign, with the amount of Count and Barons reportedly sextupled.

This, however, proved to be a bit of a problem as the crown was supposed to give away an estate to each Count and Baron. But Christina had ennobled so many that she lost track of which estates belonged to the crown and which she'd already given away. This led to some estates being given away twice.
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Queen Christina of Sweden loved raising people to nobility to the extent that the number of noble families doubled during her reign, with the amount of Count and Barons reportedly have sextupled.

This, however, proved to be a bit of a problem as the crown was supposed to give away an estate to each Count and Baron. But Christina had ennobled so many that she lost track of which estates belonged to the crown and which she'd already given away. This led to some estates being given away twice.
Oh, how I wish I was her, sabotaging the structure of nobility from within :D
Oh, how I wish I was her, sabotaging the structure of nobility from within :D
Well, her actions ended up cementing the nobility's power more than anything else. When she abdicated the throne, roughly half the country was on land owned by the nobility.
Oh, here's another fun fact. When Franz Lehár visited Sweden for the first, he was invited to a dinner. Now at some point during the dinner, all the men in the room stands up and solemnly starts singing. Lehár assumed that the song had to be the Swedish national anthem.

It was actually "Helan Går" which is nothing more than a popular drinking song.

But that's not the last time that "Helan går" was mistaken as a national anthem. When the Swedes won the world championship in hockey against the Soviets in 1957, the Soviets hadn't prepared for that and were unable to play the Swedish national anthem during the gold medal ceremony. So it was decided that the Swedish hockey team would make up for it by singing it over the PA system, however partly to poke fun at the Soviets and partly because none on the team know all the words to the actual national anthem they all decided to sing "Helan Går" instead.

Supposedly the team found it hilarious when Zhukov (the then minister of defense of the Soviet Union) stood to attention for a simple drinking song.

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