What's all this, then?

el pinko grande

New Member
Hi there! Like lots of other people, I've wandered over here from the Exalted Kickstarter. I've been an Exalted fan since waaaay back in the day, but I've never actually managed to play in a Solar campaign, though I've participated in innumerable aborted Dragonblooded games.

As far as non-Exalted White Wolf games go, I'm a big fan of the whole Trinity continuum. I'm not that into WoD in any of its incarnations, though the God-Machine Chronicle stuff has me intrigued. Scion is probably my second favorite game after Exalted, and my group has had a campaign running for just over two years, which is insanely long for us.

On the non-White Wolf front, I'm a huge fan of GURPS. I'm also into Shadowrun and occasionally Pathfinder. I also like to toy around with whatever new systems come out, though I've got a pretty strongly simulationist bent.

I'm currently running a Star Wars campaign set in the Old Republic era, using a hacked version of the Dragon Age system.

And that pretty much sums up the totality of my being.
[QUOTE="el pinko grande]Hi there! Like lots of other people, I've wandered over here from the Exalted Kickstarter. I've been an Exalted fan since waaaay back in the day, but I've never actually managed to play in a Solar campaign, though I've participated in innumerable aborted Dragonblooded games.
As far as non-Exalted White Wolf games go, I'm a big fan of the whole Trinity continuum. I'm not that into WoD in any of its incarnations, though the God-Machine Chronicle stuff has me intrigued. Scion is probably my second favorite game after Exalted, and my group has had a campaign running for just over two years, which is insanely long for us.

On the non-White Wolf front, I'm a huge fan of GURPS. I'm also into Shadowrun and occasionally Pathfinder. I also like to toy around with whatever new systems come out, though I've got a pretty strongly simulationist bent.

I'm currently running a Star Wars campaign set in the Old Republic era, using a hacked version of the Dragon Age system.

And that pretty much sums up the totality of my being.

Welcome to the site! I think you will like it here then.

If you ever need anything please do not hesitate to contact me or any of the other staff members.

That's an excellently robust catalogue of experience. Glad to have you on-site.

If you're interested in new systems, you may find practically everything in my signature of interest.
Exalted levels are already over 9000. This is an overkill T_T

What Wolf means is: Welcome to RPdom, mate *howl*
[QUOTE="el pinko grande]Hi there! Like lots of other people, I've wandered over here from the Exalted Kickstarter. I've been an Exalted fan since waaaay back in the day, but I've never actually managed to play in a Solar campaign, though I've participated in innumerable aborted Dragonblooded games.
As far as non-Exalted White Wolf games go, I'm a big fan of the whole Trinity continuum. I'm not that into WoD in any of its incarnations, though the God-Machine Chronicle stuff has me intrigued. Scion is probably my second favorite game after Exalted, and my group has had a campaign running for just over two years, which is insanely long for us.


Have you read much of the God Machine Chronicles?

I am particularly fond of WoD, and I think this new addition is fabulous, so it would be interesting to see what precisely grabbed your attention if you're otherwise not terribly interested in the setting.
Alexandra said:
Have you read much of the God Machine Chronicles?
I am particularly fond of WoD, and I think this new addition is fabulous, so it would be interesting to see what precisely grabbed your attention if you're otherwise not terribly interested in the setting.
The thing that interests me about the God Machine Chronicle is the revamped NWoD system. I wasn't a fan of it in its original incarnation, and the revamp appears to have fixed many of the issues I had.

I've read nothing of the GMC setting itself. My relative disinterest in both CWoD and NWoD stems from having learned after many, many campaigns that I don't especially enjoy playing vampires or werewolves. I do like the idea of playing hunters, but something about how hunters were handled in both CWoD and NWoD left me cold. And finally, I've never known anyone bold enough to attempt to run a Mage campaign, so I've got no real experience with that gameline as a player.
[QUOTE="el pinko grande]Also, can I just say that this is a beautiful site? I really like how it's designed and laid out.

Thanks :) !

I'm glad you think so.
[QUOTE="el pinko grande]As far as non-Exalted White Wolf games go, I'm a big fan of the whole Trinity continuum.


*Pedantic Note: Scion and the Trinity Continuum are no longer White Wolf games.
IanW said:
*Pedantic Note: Scion and the Trinity Continuum are no longer White Wolf games.
I knew about Scion but not about Trinity. Also welcome to the site Ian!
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]I knew about Scion but not about Trinity. Also welcome to the site Ian!

Trinity was pretty awesome, imo. The whole post-apocalyptic theme was great and having the major superpowers in Europe and North America replaced with Australia, Brazil, China and Africa really made for a change in a character's thinking.

Captain Hesperus
Thanks, guys. Actually created my account something like four months ago and then forgot about it.

The Trinity Continuum core book and Trinity Continuum: Æon are both aiming for a Gen Con 2014 release.
IanW said:
Thanks, guys. Actually created my account something like four months ago and then forgot about it.
The Trinity Continuum core book and Trinity Continuum: Æon are both aiming for a Gen Con 2014 release.
That sounds awesome.

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