What you are looking for in mafia rps


I am just wondering what people want to see in a mafia rp.


Bad people?


Depends on what the aim and theme of the mafia roleplay is. If one is going for a lighthearted mafia roleplay, I would expect it to include slapstick humour, romance, and very minimal action with the addition of some limelight and melodrama. Personally, I'm fine with that if the roleplay's aim is to be something like that.

Personally, at the moment, if I were to be looking for a mafia roleplay, I would look for one that isn't another mindless "two sides, one battle" sort of thing. It gets a little repetitive. Violence and romance is something that is never guaranteed since they rely on the characters who rely on the roleplayers so something like that depends on the type of roleplayers you roleplay attracts.

I guess... I would look for one that is very humorous with plenty of comedic value and opportunities. Of course, I am craving something with adventure and such, this would include battles so violence is preferred. Bad guys are a sort of conflict, which is quite nice to keep the roleplay interesting. However, from personal experiences, it's easier to allow the roleplayers to roam and not force them to a specific plot. Romance is nice, but it shouldn't be focused on in my opinion. Unless you want your mafia roleplay to be focused on romance, then sure.

If you are the authour, you have semi-control over your roleplay. The rest is in your roleplayers. The way you present your roleplay, whether you want it to be serious or lighthearted, will attract different types of roleplayers to create your roleplay. And so on. I guess, my conclusion would be....

Violence. Violence. Violence. Violence. Violence. Violence. Humour! Violence. Violence. Violence. Violence. Violence. Violence. Violence. Violence. Violence. Violence. Violence. Violence. Violence. Violence. Violence. Violence. Humour! Violence. Violence. Violence. Violence. Violence. Violence. Violence. Violence. Humour! Humour! Violence.

First off welcome! Didn't see you post in the introduction forums :angry:. But let's get onto it.

Mafia RP. Oh my. ZERO ROMANCE. YUCK. Leave that in those Vampire and Werewolf Role-plays. A Mafia RP, needs some seriously bad people. Give us some crazy, no-nonsense heads of family. Fill the RP with amazing lines like "Do you know who I am? No? Such a shame. I'm sure we could have been great friends." (Shoots with gun).

Get some police in the RP trying to catch the bad boys (and girls ^^). You need people dying. Cars blowing up when the key is put in. There needs to be chaos and everyone in the RP trying to get their family on top.

When something happens in the RP. Have like a little newspaper post once a week that shows who died, or, who was arrested, or what store was robbed <3 I can see it all now! These are just a few ideas. The Mafia Genre is a sexy one! There are a lot of wonderful things you can do with it!
I look for social dynamics in a role play, any role play. But for a Mafia role play, especially so. The Mafia is more than just a bunch of criminals, a mafia is more than just attraction or love. It's life. I want to see a mafia boss who is the father figure, a man set in his ways, a man with his own moral code and convictions. I want to see an ambitious son, playing at being the king without fully knowing exactly what he's got himself into. I want an emotionally stunted 'cleaner' who has more in common with the people he's made 'disappear' than the people who are meant to be his family.

I want a killer and a sociopath who couldn't hate each other over something petty, when otherwise they could have been the best of friends. I want a woman who hates the mafia and yet holds information that could prove one of their most prominent members innocent of a crime he had intended to commit. I want a man looking at life imprisonment or death at the hands of the law, come face to face with a younger version of himself. I want a kid who's made the wrong choices in life and landed himself in jail with two choices at hand. To confess that he was not responsible for the death of his long time girlfriend and yet is so burdened with grief over her death that he believes he should be punished for not being able to protect her.

In short, I want a rich setting and deep plot that pushes good characters to develop.

You're asking for a lot :wink:. That'll require an enormously large cast of seasoned Rpers to accomplish. Nonetheless, I agree with you. That would be nice.
This is true, I am asking for a lot, but that's what I want. Perhaps someday, someone might manage to make one, probably long after I'm dead but I'd happy if it happened anyway (me being dead notwithstanding).

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