What would happen if.......


Two Thousand Club
The Unconquered Sun were to die/be killed? Would the Solars lose their power? Or, the Shards already having been in existence, do they survive? And if so, are they reduced in power or do they still maintain their power level?

And would you see the same thing happening if any of the other Celestial Incarna were to die?
Van77Man said:
The Unconquered Sun were to die/be killed? Would the Solars lose their power? Or, the Shards already having been in existence, do they survive? And if so, are they reduced in power or do they still maintain their power level?
Though it's never been explicitly laid out, to my knowledge, I get the impression that the Celestial shards are fairly independent of the Incarna. They get to rubber-stamp the Exaltation process, but they're not actually the source of Exalted power.

Stillborn said:
Van77Man said:
The Unconquered Sun were to die/be killed? Would the Solars lose their power? Or, the Shards already having been in existence, do they survive? And if so, are they reduced in power or do they still maintain their power level?
Though it's never been explicitly laid out, to my knowledge, I get the impression that the Celestial shards are fairly independent of the Incarna. They get to rubber-stamp the Exaltation process, but they're not actually the source of Exalted power.
This is what I thought.  The only problem though is when the shard needs to move on.  'Kay, the shard returns to Lytek's Cosy Little Cupboard of ExaltationTM where he prunes certain bits here and there and when a descent mortal springs up in the right place at the right time...what then?  The way I see it, if the big US (or any other Incarna for that matter) is dead (is this possible anyway?) or gone missing (on the way to lavatory between turns), or something, then does this mean the end of the Celestial Exalted, in that form?  Do the shards get redistrubuted to the rest?  Have I just unintentionaly jacked the thread?  

So many questions, so little breath...

I think Lytek would either put them into indefinite storage, or just continue to distirbute them without the US's approval. In either case, the power of the shards themselves is unaffected.

Or maybe he could sell them to the Yozi for a neat profit.

Stillborn said:
In either case, the power of the shards themselves is unaffected.
I thought the shards gain their power from the US. Can anyone tell me where more information on the shards might be? I've looked through the BWB and Games of Divinity with no luck (and it's entirely possible I'm blind).


The Sidereals book talks about them somewhat, in referrence to Lytek, Daimyo of Exaltation.

Lyteks as loyal to heaven as any god he would NOT sell out.

One possiblety is that if one of the incarna died a powerful subordinate god would be promoted to take their place.

E.g. their MIGHT have been more then one unconquered sun through the ages.

Incidently one thing im curious about

In Exalted the abyssals it says  that if an abyssal continualy defied his liege then he would cast his monstrance of celestial portion into the mouth of the void.

well would his Shard be destroyed too in that case?

Considering the Degree of their self righteousness... i think that if their WAS a way to destroy  celestial essence shard, the bronze Siderals would likely have found and exploited it in the usurpation.

Or am I being silly?
Lyteks as loyal to heaven as any god he would NOT sell out.
It was a joke.

E.g. their MIGHT have been more then one unconquered sun through the ages.
I'm sure Ligier would happily volunteer for the post.

well would his Shard be destroyed too in that case?
Absolutely. Oblivion is a one-way trip.

Which is the reason why Deathlords are REALLY unwilling to do that.  If you've only got 6 Deathknights ANYWAYS, do you really wanna toss one away cos he was a bad boy?  Why not just have him killed and work things out properly with the next incarnation?
Hmmm, this brings a nice question with it. how have people handled it in their games when an abyssal was seeking redemption, did the deathlord just watch or what?
Considering the Degree of their self righteousness... i think that if their WAS a way to destroy  celestial essence shard, the bronze Siderals would likely have found and exploited it in the usurpation.
Or am I being silly?
 I suspect that the Jade Prison was a compromise brokered between Lytek and the BF--to remove most of the Solars from circulation, but not destroy them. Think of what might have happened if the BF insisted on destroying the Solar shards--pissing off the Daimyo of Exaltation, through whose hands your Shard will eventually pass through...
... But does Lytek actually handle Sidereal Exaltation? I thought he only handled Solars? (haven't really given it any thought though).

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