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Realistic or Modern What We've Found [1x1 Found Family Plot]


"And she heaved the forest upon her back"
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
YC is a new foster parent in New York City, and MC (Magnus Kova) is their first placement. Magnus is a 14-year-old boy who has been in foster care for as long as he can remember. He's been abandoned by too many families to count for being "too hard to handle", on account of already having developed an alcohol problem. Naturally, he isn't going to find it easy to trust this new parental figure in his life. Shortly before his placement with YC, his best friend and other foster kid, Crowley Graves, was arrested for arson. Magnus is in a state of crisis - severely depressed, there has never been a moment where he needed a parental caretaker more. Is YC up to the challenge?

Hello! My name is HowlingWoods, but you can just call me Howl, or Karmatose, as I'm known on other sites, or just Karma! I've got a very specific plotline in mind today - a previous partner of mine went on hiatus and we mutually agreed that I should seek new partners for this plot. Magnus, Crowley, and also a third character in their friend group, Beth, are some of my most developed OCs to date, but in this RP I am aging them down quite significantly and playing out the events that led to their estrangement from each other, and seeing if maybe the introduction of a caring parental figure in their lives can make things turn out differently. I do have full character sheets for all three of these characters, or at least for the older versions of them. I also have a starter that I can make some minor adjustments to and use.

I'm not terribly picky about length, but I do require that my partners be at least capable of 3+ paragraphs per post, even if not every post ends up being 3 paragraphs. I tend to post anywhere from 3-7 paragraphs, on occasion much more if I am feeling very inspired. I prefer to do IC on RPN and OOC on Discord, but I am willing to negotiate on that where necessary.

If you're interested, please PM me and let me know, and I'll send over my discord and the full profiles of the characters.

Miscellaneous Notes:
  • I'm in EST time zone, although my sleep schedule can be a tad wonky. I work from noon to 5pm my time, and am usually asleep until work and stay up pretty late, around 1 or 2am. So, my availabilities tend to be around 5pm to 2am EST. Please keep this in mind, if I'm not replying on Discord I'm probably at work or asleep, feel free to text me during those times but just don't expect a response. I do not usually work weekends but I tend to catch up on sleep then so while I may be more available then it's usually a wildcard.
  • I would prefer partners who are relatively active - able to post at least twice a week, if not more often. Depending on my inspiration and other factors I may be able to post once or even several times a day, but twice a week is generally pretty achievable for me in any case.
  • I love OOC chatter so feel free to hit me up!

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