Experiences ✶ what were your guys first roleplays? <3


┈─ ୨ lani ୧
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꒰๑ ´` ๑꒱ !
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Q : what were your guys first roleplay
MY A : a literate furry smut rp i was swpet into by a grown adult when I was 13. yeah i was just to much of a pushover to say no, and i gave vague undescriptive, plane responses to try and let them know I wasn't up for it at the end of the day it was on wattpad, and I ended up deleting 400+ followers account just because I couldn't say no 400 doesn't seem like a lot but it was when I only followed around 10 people, and I was 13 🤷‍♀️💀
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Goodness, I believe my very first roleplay was on the Neopets roleplay boards, and it was something like "genetically mutated people escape from a lab." It was a hook, line, and sinker for me--I still remember the character and it started my lifelong obsession with roleplay. ^^
꒰๑ ´` ๑꒱ !
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Q : what were your guys first roleplay
MY A : a literate furry smut rp i was swpet into by a grown adult when I was 13. yeah i was just to much of a pushover to say no, and i gave vague undescriptive, plane responses to try and let them know I wasn't up for it at the end of the day it was on wattpad, and I ended up deleting 400+ followers account just because I couldn't say no 400 doesn't seem like a lot but it was when I only followed around 10 people, and I was 13 🤷‍♀️💀
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Whoa, I’m so sorry that happened to you, and I really want to emphasize that what happened was not your fault. You weren’t a pushover, you were a kid who was taken advantage of by an adult who knew better. That person behaved incredibly inappropriately towards you, and likely could have gotten into legal trouble for what they were doing.
It was a futuristic RP on Discord. I still don't know how I went from texting my friends, to roleplaying Johnny Cage.

My first RP... I can't remember. It was sometime in the mid-late 1990's. But knowing me and what I was into back then it was probably a DBZ, Pokemon, Zelda, or YuGiOh RP. And it would have been live action including little plastic props like plastic poke balls, whatever clothes we had that were closest to the canon material worn by the protagonists (like an Ash Ketchum cap), etc.


- GojiBean
Technically my first rp was technically on habbo in 2008 when i was 8 and rping in family themes rps but i thought i was just playing make believe at the time. My first actual actual proper rp was on Wolfquest around 2011 before update 2.5.1 came out, and before they took away the free to play part.
Technically my first rp was technically on habbo in 2008 when i was 8 and rping in family themes rps but i thought i was just playing make believe at the time. My first actual actual proper rp was on Wolfquest around 2011 before update 2.5.1 came out, and before they took away the free to play part.
Wolfquest RP was my jam! Glad to know there are people out there to share that with haha
I am going to show my age but my first roleplay was chat-based through multiple chatrooms before shifting to a chat client titled IMVU.
Fair warning. I show my age here.

My first exposure to collaborative writing was in 1996 when I was in high school. In the spring of that year, my school launched what was called the Creative Writing Club which was facilitated by our librarian. Back in those days, every student had their own login to access Word Perfect and their own user folder in which they could store files. A special username was created just for our club. Our librarian set up a story in which the members would each post part of the story. It was supposed to be a mystery and it even had the word Mystery in the title. It quickly deviated from that genre and, I will admit, it was because of me because I was the first one to post after the librarian's original post. My preferred genre is sci-fi/fantasy and really couldn't do anything else. If I had my level of experience, I would have handled the story differently and it would have been grounded more in reality. However, the story became a multiversal quest undertaken by the members and their variants to stop Duran Duran (a single person) and Carmen Sandiego.

My first true foray into message board roleplay was in 2002, when I was in college, on a platform called Medaverse. The first story was called Red Ground Tavern and Inn. Again, today me would have done things differently. I had a character, now named Jojin, who was a Gary Stu who had all these powers and that was the extent of his character, no real personality except "look at me and all the things I can do". Nowadays, I have him as a cameo NPC but I am trying to revise him to make him suitable for role play. Given my current OC roster, I would have featured a different character and I would have stuck with that character during the entire lifetime of the storyline.
My first RP was on a chat and it was basically just combat RPing but some storyline started to seep. I know I was younger than 13 because the rules said you had to be 13 and I lied. It was a DBZ thing and I played Vegeta and Android 18. Had a weird romance between 18 and Radditz going on xD good times.

It really helped my typing speed because combat was all about that. 7-10-7 rule. You had to do at least 7 words to attack, the defense had to type 10 BEFORE you typed 7 more. I think they called it T2 rules or something.
Im third-ing the wolfquest RP, that was awesome stuff. I also liked to RP on virtual pet sites and on World of Warcraft - or I used to do this thing with friends where we'd roleplay as our characters playing a game , while we played it. That is ,not RPing them within the game world, but just RPing them as playing the game together. It sounds simple and it was but it was also really fun because you got to overexaggerate your reactions a lot and fake-ragequit if your character was like that. Definitely a cool more comedic type of RP imo. :)
not saying which series but i got started on youtube discussions 💀 i pretended to be a character on youtube comments for fun in high school, but not to talk to anyone. just to comment on videos i actually liked. then a character from that series commented on my youtube page (when discussions was a thing) and from there was history. there was a whole community. it was actually the funnest it ever been, like so many characters from popular animes chatted with me, and we all interacted? it was immersive rp. wild. (sadly all the comments are gone, thanks youtube) i know of gaia and its past rp community but never been there. if anyone knows anivide before it got shut down (luffy was the owner, LOL) i've dabbled there. chatzy and chatango i vaguely remember. i was way too young for myspace era roleplay (like elementary-middle school age) and i even knew i was, but that didn't stop me from requesting the profiles just to read wtf was happening between my favs. 😭 i'm sure there's other places i've attempted. like aniroleplay. even a brief period on twitter between 2017-2019.
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It was on this old Pokemon website that I used back when I was like 10 which happened to have a roleplay section on their forums, so a lot of Pokemon at first (and still now I mean-)
I think my first roleplay was on a website called Immortal Night in DMs with another user I befriended on there. I don't remember how we met or got acquainted, but I believe that's where I first started doing roleplays, now we're here lmao

Late 2000s on GaiaOnline RP forums for me. No doubt a dark themed RP because younger me thrived on the taboo LMAO.

I still hang out on Gaia <3 I’ll never stop 🥹❤️
When i first started, it was on.. Some kind of social-network, not sure of the name.

But it was really fun.

Late 2000s on GaiaOnline RP forums for me. No doubt a dark themed RP because younger me thrived on the taboo LMAO.

I still hang out on Gaia <3 I’ll never stop 🥹❤️

Shit that site is still up? Man they must be running it on pure witchcraft by now.

I do remember the early days fondly although yikes on bikes where there some toxic a-holes roaming the wilds of Barton.
I think my very first was on Animal Jam...? I was one of those players who would go to the Pillow Room to try and get 'adopted' back then—I must have been 8 or 9 years old at that time? But the first RP I vividly remember was definitely on Animal Jam, and it was a type of Maximum Ride-inspired, Teen Titans-inspired, Percy Jackson-inspired superhero RP that I did with the same group of people over the span of literal years.

I played a few characters. My main was an albino half-dragon firebending girl who was at one point the demigod daughter of Hephaestus, and her name was Willow - then, I also played her younger electrokinetic sister Amber, and from that time, my only surviving OC that I still sometimes use to this day was the telepathic, umbrakinetic emo boy genius named Drew (though now I just call him Andrew)... I managed to stay in contact with one person from the group of four others that I RPed with during those sweet early years, and I held contact with a second for a while before we eventually stopped talking, but there were two in that group (apparently siblings IRL) who I never managed to keep in touch with during the time when I was moving from Animal Jam to Skype. I still think about them sometimes. I hope they're doing well.

(seaweed, Amara, if you are by some miracle reading this, please message me I miss you its been like 11 years)

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