Experiences What was your first ever rp with someone?

late 90s on a neopets forum. i had no idea roleplaying was a thing, but the very moment i saw it, it was like a golden radiance beamed out of the crt monitor.
I'm not sure what an RP without someone would be.

But yeah for me was my first RP ever, in a digimon RP forum where the whole site was basically one huge RP. The specific thread I started with had my character being territorial about a garbage-filled river and get invited by a friendly passerby to eat some decent food.
What was your first ever rp with someone?
Pretty bad at remembering this kind of stuff but one of the more 'memorable' ones was all the way back in 2016 in animal roleplay games while making OCs or using fandom characters like Eddsworld except turning them into cat. lol
Back of the elementary school bus -- one of my classmates played an auctioneer for sci-fi equipment and the rest of us pretended to bid on it.
It was basically screaming until we were all hoarse and one of us would get picked. We loved it.

The bus driver on the other hand likely got some grey hairs over it -- but when D&D 1st edition showed up on the scene we were all ready from playing "space auctions"
It was a completely original rp with my best friend (at the time) between both of the book series we were writing....it lasted a ridiculously long time

In all honesty, I don't remember! 🤣

My first ever roleplay with someone was a childhood friend back in the mid 1990's. I think it was either something like DBZ or Legend of Zelda. But I'm not sure.

As for my first ever online roleplay, I DO remember that one. It was 2009 on Myspcae, of all places. My sister created a roleplay called "New Blood," and it was a pirate roleplay (since we were still in the height of the Pirates of the Caribbean craze with Johnny Depp). Since I suck at being a pirate I asked what other roles were available and she said basically anything that would fit a 1400's-1600's pirate atmosphere/setting like a thief, sailor, bounty hunter, assassin, politician, average civilian, etc. So, being the infinitely creative person I was back then I went for an ex-assassin turned bounty hunter. And the RP was surprisingly successful for quite a long time.


- GojiBean
As someone who grew up around the time internet was blooming into the mainstream, the transition from childhood make-believe imaginative play into online roleplaying was quite smooth for me. My first RP was probably with a friend, where we just crafted a bunch of OCs for gen RP. Fun times!

It was an old time ago.. In the depth of the internet, where the Miis were popular and used throught the globe..

Anyways, it wasn't that old, but so much fun.

Professor Layton was our most inspiring franchise with some friends and i, so, naturally, we all captured our choosen characters so well..

professor-layton-janice-quatlane (2).gif

It was intense and fun.
I remember having a Harry Potter RP with my classmates when we were around 7 or 8 years old! It would be the first roleplay I ever participated in, and the spark that led me to immerse myself in the world of writing!

Certainly fun times, as they were simpler, but there is gold in growing older.
Was 16 in 2001, loved anime, screwed up on a skateboard, broke 5 bones in my left wrist, just setting at a school keyboard while my stepdad worked over the summer. I was looking at what will remain my favorite forum at the Anime centric portion of the site. It was in the "infancy" of forum RP'ing and it was built mostly on two standards in a subforum, 1 was based upon bar style RP and the others were by and large PVP combat RP.

I was like "Wow this seems cool!" As I could form up my own character and boy was it cheesy. But people encouraged me to keep at it and eventually I would like to say I shaped up into a passable RPer.
if we're talking about rping in general then probably on roblox games like royale high or robloxian high X-D

but if we're talking about text based stuff, then it has to be on amino, specifically the NSR amino. i think it was a slumber party kind of rp :-p i don't remember the details. i kind of miss it, makes me want to rp remi again....
Mid-90s, on an AOL dungeons & dragons campaign. We were all text-based in chat rooms and IMs, and between the game nights (which usually happened on the weekends/had sign-ups) people would RP with each other.
For me it was a forum role play for Pokemon. It lasted several years, actually, until the forum owner turned into a creepy stalker, alas, and claimed he fell in love with me and made it all awkward...
In the early to mid 00s I discovered forums via the RuneScape forums and by accident stumbled into a thread that was as a bit doing a sort of roleplay. It wasn't in the dedicated board for it, but everyone was rolling with it. I didn't do anything again like that for several years until I joined someone's Skype and as a bit, because I think someone mentioned something about DnD I started vaguely giving orders like in a session of DnD as I absorbed through cultural osmosis and less actual participation. The admin rolled with it and for about thirty minutes we bounced stuff back and forth as I tried to coax the scenario into something absurd.

I didn't start actually roleplaying as an activity with intent until maybe 2008 on the Spore Forums when I just picked it up out of boredom. But I pretty much from the beginning situated myself within Nation RP'ing, primarily along more narrative lines. I never took to dice games or anyone who's set anything up with as many Video-Game mechanics as they could possibly handle, or not handle given how slowly the ones I observed moved along
stumbling upon harry potter roleplays was eye opening. life changing, even. i really think i underestimated my writing abilities before that moment. not that the first roleplay was anything particularly detailed or literate - it was anything but. my writing has only grown since then and i really enjoy lore building now! would never go back to HP roleplays, though... probably.

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