Chitchat what things in nature make your heart sing?


sunset breeze
i personally really love nature, and with where i am, i'm lucky that i get to be surrounded by it! i'm actually curious, as this has been on my mind, what do you find beautiful in this world we live in? especially with most of us being quarantined and such, it might nice to reminisce about such things if we are unable to go outside for very long right now. also, i'd like to hear things from other people's perspectives and think about nature more in depth! :bishiesparklesl:
Meadows and cliffs overlooking the seaside do it for me! I just really love the whole "liminal space" feel that both settings give off. I'd really love to visit a cape off of Italy someday or a field out in Austria. I feel like that'd be really cool!! :D
oh man, looking at the seaside by the cliffs... ah, so beautiful! the serenity of both of those landscapes make me so happy!! i hope you one day get to achieve seeing italy or austria, and make sure to take pictures to capture the moment forever!
Seaside! I like going to the seaside in winter because it's usually empty lol People tend to go there in summer but in winter it's quiet and going there and being almost alone is very relaxing.
There is no seaside where I live so I used to visit a friend's country and we'd go to the seaside together. Last time I took my flute and played it at the beach where there was no one around ^^ Was amazing. I hope I get to experience it again one day, but because of covid lockdowns I'm unable to visit my friend anymore because borders are still closed and no one knows when it will be allowed to travel.

Another thing in nature I love is gardens. A lot of flowers! I don't get many opportunities to just leisurely go there but I try to go once in a while because I love the view. Sometimes I even go specifically to watch sakura blossoms lol it's so beautiful when there are many trees in bloom! This year was unable to do so but I still have photos from some previous years to look at ^^
Forests. Especially ones with lots of moss and little brooks and streams that run through them. If there's a waterfall then that adds extra points but I scarcely ever see them because around here is not peak waterfall territory. I just love being surrounded by trees and smelling the scent of them. There are other bits of nature I love too - mountains, moors, rocky cliffs (actually almost anything because I love being surrounded by nature) but I would give them all up for a forest.
I do a lot of long hikes and mountain climbing. One of my favorite things is stopping, looking out over the cliffs or wherever you are and hearing...


No people, no civilization sounds, no cars, sometimes you hear animals but very faintly, nothing. My boyfriend didn’t believe me at first until he went with me. I guess it isn’t that special until you experience it. We spend so much time around general sounds that what we believe to be silence isn’t actually quiet. It’s a very different experience and I’ve come to really love it.

I also really enjoy the sound of snow falling. I grew up in a northern state in the US where we got a lot of snow and it most definitely has a sound. Much quieter than rain, but it’s there!
I used to go to it every year during hunting season, but up in the mountains [Around area 66-67 for fellow hunters from Colorado, up in Gunnison] there is this tiny stream that snakes its way through this mountain valley, and the best part about it... is it isn't something you notice. Its hidden, secluded and its something you stumble upon.

Flanked by two large mountains, covered in brown pine trees is this tall meadow that comes up to your waist and if you're not careful, you can sink a foot into the ground if you step in the wrong spot and winding a path through it is this small stream, maybe six feet across filled with crystal clear water and it just goes. The only thing that'll break it is the occasional beaver dam. Get there early and you can watch the sun crest over the valley and just bath the area in golden light and its... just radiant.

What I love most about it is... the sense of knowing that you are one of a handful of people that have ever laid eyes on it. It isn't some hiker trail, some lake you go fishing at or some hunting grounds, its this secluded, almost secret, spot in the background, so far from civilization that you have to bring gas drums if you hope to make it back. Its an indescribable feeling.
Waterfalls! They sing pretty! The crashing waves and personal enjoyment.
Near where i live, besides the tree line and the few hundred mango trees. There is this ONE specific small waterfall i always use to go, and still go since its just a few minute walk.
The sound it make is just so serene, i like it is so calming, not hard crashing just soft stream and fishes doing there business with the crabs. Its amazing!....Besides the usual Iguana that stares at you for like half a hour....Hate them, keep eating the good mango's.

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