Story What The Universe Is Made Of.


Angsty Teenager
This is going to be my OP, badly spelled, and confusing story. I hope you find the back button before it is too late. If you haven't, I can no longer help you.

Tom slammed his hand on the alarm as he crawled out of bed. He then half crawled half walked to the kitchen where he poured himself some Cherry O's. After slowly eating he walked to the counter as he washed out the bowl. He saw a note in his mother's handwriting.

Hey hon,

Me and your father had a business meeting today. We won't be back 'till midnight so go to sleep at 10:00 and don't let anybody inside the house. Be good and sleep well.

Love you,


P.S. Ms. Albright next door will watch over you and make sure you are ok.

Tom grunted, Typical. His mother couldn't trust him to make toast. He quickly got dressed as he headed outside not before hearing a odd rustling sound. He grunted again as he headed outside and walked to school.

More on what made the off rustling sound, who Ms. Albright is, and much much more next post. I will post the next post when I get some comment so I know you are interested.
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