What Lies Within.


"You are a Ocean of Gray Waves..."
A story that my friend came up with so I must give him his respect needed.

It is a story about several people who are chosen by this company to be cured from a diease that was extremely deadly. They were cured but it gave each one of them a unique power that only they have. But the company asked for one thing in return, to be able to use them as a weapon. Those who refused became what is known as The Crisis, and the ones who accepted the offer became known as the Converted. The Crisis are memory wiped and cannot remember their past lives, but instead have abilites that they have to learn to use while in this strange prison. They are named after what their power is. Crisis are trying to get out but the security is fortified.

Like the story? Reply here if you are interested
Oh kools. Yes their is a lot more to it I just summerized it. I will make the Rp. And it will be really unique.
Hey people! This RP needs more members! I suggest you to check it out! If you don't you miss somthing!

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