Boardgames & LARP What is your Favorite Board game from your childhood?


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I believe we all have our childhood relics stashed away in our attics, or basements. Holding years and countless hours of entertainment- now just collecting dust as we've all grown older and had to take on the stressful events that are adulting.

So what is one (or more) that you remember? To start with I'd have to say good ole, Monopoly!
Monopoly as well. I usually played it alone but in rare cases someone joined me, it was really fun!
Well, this hasn't seen much attention, but in spite of never having completed a game with my friends, RISK, most of them give up or concede to me at some point. I also love the Risk 2210 set, though its more obscure, I always play as the Red Army, and generally liked the later edition add on's with mission cards, as that can actually allow a game to be finished within 6 hours.


In addition, Monopoly can be pretty fun as noted by Onmyoji, and when I was really young I would say, Connect Four, Chutes and Ladders and Battleship were favorites.
From my childhood? Carcassonne has always been a huge one in my family, and we always play at Christmas. When I was younger, I was fascinated by The Game Of Life, and would ask my grandma to fish out her old copy of the game when I was around.
When I was younger, I was fascinated by The Game Of Life,
same here!

it was always the game of life or operation for me. the game of life made me feel like i was progressing in something- the marriage and kids, optional college. when i was little i was really excited to get a move on with everything the world had to offer lol

operation was just silly. i liked the man had a light up nose and i liked the precision of it

i never played monopoly before which always seems to shock people though! please tell me theres others
The Game of Life. My sole goal when I played that game was to have as many children as possible. Once I had 2 cars because I landed on every possible child I could possibly land on.

Hilarious to me because I will never have kids rl. Must have been a sign.
Shrek monopoly, Catan
Man lol game of life and monopoly
Monopoly. I figured out a way to make a 'bot' that I could play against because no one in my family wanted to play it with me. So I played it alone a lot (this was before I had a console to play on).

Btw my method of playing monopoly with a bot was to roll, move the piece, roll again, odds were to buy the property if they have enough, evens is don't buy it. Then once they met the requirements to buy houses I would roll for that
Also Monopoly, but with tons of different house rules depending on which family members were playing.
Monopoly too. It's been a good minute since I've played it. A bit tempted to buy the game to see if my love of it is still there.

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