Other What is the most disturbing thing you've ever witnessed?

I found a gun in a river whIle I was fishing when I was 8.
Ok, now if you really want to read something spooky, never drive through Gary, Indiana, unless you want your death warrant signed. I saw someone piss in the middle of the street.
Watched my aunt have a seizure. She tried to stand up, but she just fell to the ground and started convulsing. I had no idea what to do at the time.
I could go with the most traumatic (Caused PTSD And about a half a million worth of therapy that insurance THANKFULLY paid for.) But i think i'll stick with the second most traumatic.

My dad having a seizure while driving with both myself (14 at the time) and my one year old nephew in the car.I still am not sure what compelled me to slam the car into park and rip the keys out of the ignition (And throw them out of the window...With leverage) But apparently,I did. And i saved all three of our lives.But that may have been one of the most disturbing things ive ever witnessed/Experienced.
Be it some supernatural experience or something a bit more subtle, what is the most disturbing thing you've ever witnessed?
This is really the experience that made me a fan of ghosts:

One night I woke up. I couldn't move, so I told myself to calm down as I was having sleep paralysis.
I looked over to see my desk lamp was on, and writing on my desk was some sort of glowing white figure. They turned around and looked at me, but instead of a glowing white face, it was a mask in which their eyes were large, shifting black pits, and they had no mouth.
They seemed to have frozen in place, and then their mask fell off, changing them into a sort of black mass, which consumed my room, and me as well.

After that night, I felt so alive and creative, and I still do, 2 years later.
I found a gun in a river whIle I was fishing when I was 8.
Ok, now if you really want to read something spooky, never drive through Gary, Indiana, unless you want your death warrant signed. I saw someone piss in the middle of the street.

Dude. I was in Gary for a week helping my grandma move to Bloomington (thank the fucking lord) and two people got shot that week at this grocery store. That was 9 years ago. Place still gives me the creeps. One of her neighbours got murdered last September there. Gary is intense. Man pissing in the middle of the street? Nbd.

Edit: shit memory, it was nine years ago. still pretty bad.
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Dude. I was in Gary for a week helping my grandma move to Bloomington (thank the fucking lord) and two people got shot that week at this grocery store. That was 9 years ago. Place still gives me the creeps. One of her neighbours got murdered last September there. Gary is intense. Man pissing in the middle of the street? Nbd.

Edit: shit memory, it was nine years ago. still pretty bad.
Yeah, it's a shame because Gary used to be a steel mill town. Now the one place that produced jobs is gone, whole place goes to hell. God needs to hit the reset button there.
Yeah, it's a shame because Gary used to be a steel mill town. Now the one place that produced jobs is gone, whole place goes to hell. God needs to hit the reset button there.

What sucks is that it's not just Gary. There are just so many towns and counties where one industry shuts down and voila, most of the population is unemployed and on the verge of an OD. On the topic of most disturbing thing I've ever witnessed, saw some kid snort some drug on his porch with his mom in small town WV :/
Discounting media, the most disturbing thing I've ever seen was probably my own broken leg. It wasn't a compound fracture, but I could see the bone protruding. I was only 10.
Witnessed? Nothing, really. I live in a small town, we rarely see disturbing shit. Unless, that counts.

About 1 month ago. I was in school, then I suddenly heard a helicopter above us, but it flew away. Wondered what it was, decided not to care for the moment. Went home, didn't ask my mom. But then, she asked me "Did you hear the helicopter today?", I responded "Uhh, yeah. Wait, you heard it too?". "Yup, it's been posted on *FB page*. Apparently, someone found a stash of guns and weapons in the forest.". I should note that guns aren't that easy to get here, you need a permission to get them.
Apparently the police was looking for more weapons in the forest. Someone got arrested for it, and my only thought went to this year in May. We have a big event going on here.

Also, there has been a murder in town 3 months ago. A 15 year old got murdered by a 18 year old with a knife. No one knows why, some said it was a dispute because of drugs. The accused 18 year old also apparently, one year prior, knocked on doors with an axe.
At my elementary school, when I was in fifth grade, we had to walk from one building to the other. On our way one day, we saw two dead baby birds, splattered on the ground. It freaked me out.
Witnessing at the age of 10 or younger maybe, my Great Dane who was shot by our neighbor across the road because the Great Dane had wandered over into his yard, or so I'm told. To say the least, seeing him laying in our front yard with one of my family members out there beside him with that blood and the crying of a few family members in the house who told me not to look… It was a disturbing thing for a little kid, seeing a dog you loved bleeding out in your front yard, I can still go and stand exactly where he's buried after so long.
I saw a dude get beaten down with poles. It was scary, I ran for my fucking life. Derby is a shit place
On some other RP site (that I'm not on anymore) a younger teenage girl wanted me to play a police officer character who arrests, but then rapes and imprisons their female character in a sex dungeon + confines of a property.


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