Advice/Help What is compromise to you?


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What do you do when you and your partner have separate ideas?

Do you look for a way to combine ideas? Add details to both your ideas and come back to see whose you flow with best?

My partner, previously a former partner, asked for a second chance. I know some of you, even I am, are rolling your eyes at this, but a second chance won't kill me. Second chance is final chance, if he blows it, its over.

The main point of it is for character A to see her imprisoned boyfriend character B, either by visitation or setting said character free some way.

We both like the characters we want to use, I presented an idea that right off the bat he rejected because he doesn't like the name of the system I created. Not the system itself, just the name. He does want me to change the name of it, I told him no. It's had this name for six years. He claimed it made things too convenient, even though the idea itself involved multiple characters and future plot stirring, hard work. The idea was that character A asked for help from character E, while character F spies on them. After character E accepts the job and character A leaves, character F comes out. Somehow, their small party releases character B from prison. (It's not a fully fleshed out idea.) The whole thing would end with A and B getting reunited, the rest would be all about them, while leaving other characters in confusion as to how character B escaped. It stirred the pot for future plot. I should add that my partner has no problem with using multiple characters at once.

My idea would increase character interactions, open for more possibilities in the future.

There were other things my partner had said he wanted possibly use which I then included into my idea, I changed my original idea to incorporate things he had earlier said that he wanted to see. And I am okay with that. I feel he is overly hung up on the name of my OC's prayer system, and that's why he is rejecting the idea. He never said anything bad about the idea, just focused on the name. It's called Wish Granting System. To him the meant people can make a wish and get what they want, even after he was told people don't get their wishes granted at the snap of their fingers, he still had an issue with it. I explained it's no different from hiring a hit over cellphone or asking character C to set character B free, which was something he was open to. Honestly, he seems to have nothing but issues with my OC's abilities, they aren't even overpowered or anything. As far the name issue he did bring up calling it something else to avoid confusion, like he literally created a new name for it. If he's my partner, where is the confusion? I explained it and explained it well. I will not be changing the name.

His idea was to just ask character C to give character A visitation, while using the relationship between character C and D as a way for character C to see reason. To me, that's far more convenient than hiring someone for a job. (I should add that he did not see it as character D using their relationship to convince character C to see reason as my character using her relationship. But that is exactly what it is. "What if it was me? What if I was imprisoned?" To me this is using one's relationship to convince another.)

I can live with the second idea, but there are problems with it. Overall it's bland and boring, character B is in heavy restraints and can't even move, if we went with his idea, realistically we wouldn't actually get to do very much. It would strictly be our characters talking to each other, not touching or anything, there isn't anything to do in the room, there isn't even a chair. It would be a super short adventure.

My partner says that I am not willing to compromise, and just want my idea. I see him in the same way, especially as he isn't making any changes to his idea.

He says's we'll discuss it later since he needs sleep. Great! But I'd like to come prepared for this discussion.

If I am doing compromise wrong, somebody tell me. I'm open to change and new ideas, but it's gotta have more substance to it.(Some people might be willing to eat a plain cheese and ham sandwich but I am not.) He did suggest two other ideas which I shot down flat out because they were so VERY OOC for characters G and H. Character G for example is very self-serving, his idea would break character G from this in a way that he really just wouldn't do. He definitely is not the type to go out of his way to help people, he's the opposite, he would only help if he could get something out of it for himself. Character H is semi the same, he has no feelings for character A, he wouldn't randomly and willingly help her. There is being slightly OOC but being so OOC that the canon character essentially becomes a face claim is not acceptable to me.

If you guys could give good example of compromise that would be awesome too. Sorry I'm being so troublesome.

If you even have an idea of your own you want to pitch, I'm all ears. Legit will yeet my idea out the window. I am even willing to create a new idea, the problem does lie in the fact that I don't think my partner is as open-minded as he claims he is.

As I said I am only giving him a second chance, will drop him if this falls through
I should add as to why I see him as someone who does not make compromise, is because he keeps asking me to make changes to my characters, including my personal project. He even went as far as saying he had no interest in my characters because they were 'too much.' They weren't, there were just a few that were stronger than his own characters that he couldn't cope with. I did tone them down again, he still has problems with them but is now open to interacting with them, but he is still asking for me to change things. I'm the only one making changes.
I've also not asked him to make changes to his self inserts, yes plural, they are quite loaded imo, heavy offensive, too many uses for the fandoms they are in. In one of the fandoms there is only two characters that can both fight and heal, this is because it's consider to be highly difficult to do both, these two are special cases. Characters are either fighters or healers. One character had to sacrifice her ability to fight so that she could heal. His insert breaks this very casually as being able to fight and heal without issue. He also wants harems with all of them.
I've been tempted to ask for changes, but to me this isn't a huge either. He says he is not demanding changes of me, just asking, but I feel since he's telling me he won't interact with my characters period, just the way they are, that is demanding changes.
Question. Would this happen to be the partner from this:

Or this:
Question. Would this happen to be the partner from this:

Or this:
The first one!
Also I know, I know very much I probably shouldn't have given him a second chance.
He isn’t willing to make compromises that’s not how compromises work. At this point it feels like he’s making you change everything to suit his wants and needs over yours. You should not have to change anything for him it seems like with your two posts he’s making the rp about himself. RP is about cooperative writing, team work you know give and take he showed none of that. My suggestion is to drop him.
Okay. I'm just going to be honest with you. Why are you putting yourself through this? From what you explained in the other thread, he sounds like a nightmare. He doesn't seem to want to compromise which when it comes to roleplay, it's a two way street. You and your partner or partners come up with ideas that you can put in the story together. If something does not work, you talk about it. The decent partners will be understanding and you won't have to jump through hoops in communicating with them.

Ultimately the decision is up to you but it doesn't appear, no matter how many chances you give him, he's going to change. So why waste your time with him?
So to answer your question I think there is a difference between compromise and people pleasing. You seem to have fallen into the second category.

Basically it boils down to this :: are you making changes because you like the new idea better or because your trying to appease your partner?

If you only make changes to appease your partner that’s not compromise.

If your partner has a different idea that you like the same or better than your original idea that’s a compromise.
To reiterate what others have said if you have to change your entire idea to appease a writing partner then perhaps you two aren't a good match. You're probably better off finding another partner. Compromise would be like "Hey, since we have similar ideas perhaps we can combine them into one". Drastic creative differences are not something anyone should have to compromise on, imo. If there's drastically different creative visions then you need a partner whose visions are a bit closer to your own. That's when compromise can come into play.
Okay. I'm just going to be honest with you. Why are you putting yourself through this? From what you explained in the other thread, he sounds like a nightmare. He doesn't seem to want to compromise which when it comes to roleplay, it's a two way street. You and your partner or partners come up with ideas that you can put in the story together. If something does not work, you talk about it. The decent partners will be understanding and you won't have to jump through hoops in communicating with them.

Ultimately the decision is up to you but it doesn't appear, no matter how many chances you give him, he's going to change. So why waste your time with him?
I wanted to give him a second chance because he did admit he was wrong. I am hoping he didn't admit he was wrong just to pull me back in and repeat himself.
I would like to see how our next conversation goes before dropping him.
I wanted to give him a second chance because he did admit he was wrong. I am hoping he didn't admit he was wrong just to pull me back in and repeat himself.
I would like to see how our next conversation goes before dropping him.
I get it. Sometimes there's more than just admitting you are wrong. It's actually understanding what you did and how you can learn from those mistakes as not to do them again. I hope you find some solution that's satisfactory to you even if it means no longer communicating with him going forward.
I get it. Sometimes there's more than just admitting you are wrong. It's actually understanding what you did and how you can learn from those mistakes as not to do them again. I hope you find some solution that's satisfactory to you even if it means no longer communicating with him going forward.
I'll be honest, I straight up see this ending with him unwilling to compromise and me dropping him as an rp partner.

The literal definition of compromise is: "the settlement of a dispute by mutual concession" (aka, mutual agreement).

He's not doing that. Whether he admits he was wrong or not makes no difference as to the fact that he's not been willing to compromise with you on something so trivial as a system name which literally has no impact on how the system actually works. You could have named the system "Wish Upon A Frog's Ass," and so long as you explained how it actually works then there should be no issue with the name itself, nor should there be any "confusion." That's a bullshit excuse he pulled out of his ass.

Additionally, his constant refusal to acknowledge your explanations, which rendered his concerns dead in the water, makes his behavior sound more like this was never about roleplay at all. Instead, his constant arguments were about him establishing power over you and making you do what he wanted which is serious red-flag behavior.

If it were me, I would have dropped him as a partner the first time he made it clear he wasn't actually accepting my explanations which rendered his concerns a non-issue. That kind of domineering assholery has no place in my life, nor any place in my roleplay experience.

If he wants to be in control so badly he should just become a full-time GM and run things his way with the iron fist he clearly wants to use.

Honestly, dropping him as a partner would undoubtedly be the best thing for you. He's made it clear already that you have nothing to gain by continuing with him. He's not in this for you. He's in this for himself and for control.

But, that's just my opinion.


- GojiBean
I'll be honest, I straight up see this ending with him unwilling to compromise and me dropping him as an rp partner.
If that happens so be it. You were willing to give him a second chance and as it appears, he's not changing. It's for the best to cut ties with him completely. It's clear he should really just be writing on his own instead of collaboration.
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If you have to post in an open forum more than once about a partner I think you need to let them go, permanently. While it may not physically harm you, the time you spent trying to appease him (which yes, is what you have been doing) could have been used to find a new partner or work on something else of your own. Life is too short to waste on people like him.

As hard as it is to internalize, no RP is better than bad RP.
If that happens so be it. You were willing to give him a second chance and as it appears, he's not changing. It's for the best to cut ties with him completely. It's clear he should really just be writing on his own instead of collaboration.
Lil update, I will be dropping him as a partner, the conversation happened, he's a hypocrite, unwilling to compromise, and only see's me as the problem.
Lil update, I will be dropping him as a partner, the conversation happened, he's a hypocrite, unwilling to compromise, and only see's me as the problem.
That's unfortunate. However, you're saving yourself trouble later on. I do think you should really cut off communication so he's not tempted to bother you anymore. Good news though. You've freed yourself up to find some other partners. Again, good luck with everything.
It's easy to forget sometimes that admission of fault is only half of a true apology. The other half is betterment of behaviour, or at least an attempt at it.

There are also non-apologies, such as "I'm sorry you feel that way" or "I'm sorry my actions resulted in this". Neither of these statements express a detailed knowledge of what went wrong and why, and are dancing around any actual admission of fault.
It's easy to forget sometimes that admission of fault is only half of a true apology. The other half is betterment of behaviour, or at least an attempt at it.

There are also non-apologies, such as "I'm sorry you feel that way" or "I'm sorry my actions resulted in this". Neither of these statements express a detailed knowledge of what went wrong and why, and are dancing around any actual admission of fault.
This! I learned of these in therapy when I was recovering my narcissistic ex who spent several years manipulating me. He used these lines a lot.

I honestly thought my rp partner was giving a genuine apology since he had not used these lines. He did seem like he was truly admitting fault, but I know now it was either total bullshit or maybe he's too far up his own ass to realize what he's doing. Both are bad imo.

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