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Fantasy What Happens In The Night~ Interest check


The Lone Wolf
What Happens In The Night

What Happens
In the city of Cenderdal different races wander the streets when night falls. Fights broke out and each race fought for power, when no one race could claim power they formed small "empires", the humans of the city deeming those "empires" as various gangs. Since that day gang wars have filled the city when the stars claimed the sky. Now each race has one dominant gang that each fight for the city. Who will win this power war?
Second in command:
Longtime Members:

Humans with magic
Onyx Spells
Leader: Selitia Selitia
Second in command:
Longtime Members:

Second in command:
Longtime Members:

Second in command:
Longtime Members:

Second in command:
Longtime Members:

Second in command:
Longtime Members:

Magic Wilder:
Vampire: Selitia Selitia

~If your a gang leader please name your gang!

~Do not power game, metagame, or have overpowered characters. I understand this is a mythical creature rp but if you have a character that's in a leader or second in command position then they will obviously be stronger than a normal member who just joined. Please be reasonable when trying to overthrow a leader.

~Cursing is allowed but please don't go crazy with it!

~Please write at least 1 to 2 paragraphs I understand If you just can't because there is not enough interaction yet

~The positions are first come first serve

~Keep OOC chat and questions to the OOC chat

~Only six people including me can be rebels, one from each gang. I have a rebel from the vampire gang. If someone really wants a vamp rebel I may allow one more

~If you comment you are interested please actually post a character sheet and then join the rp, if you post a character and then do not use it I will unaccept you from the rp. Tell me if you plan on starting late or leave.

~Try to put your character in a place that will not hinder the roleplay when you leave for the night
Character Sheet

Gang name: (name used instead of real one, you don't need one)
Real Name:







Gang: (if you're a leader name ur gang)

Role: (specify if you are a newbie or a longterm member)

Mark: (Only applies to leaders, this is the mark that will signify what gang you belong too)

Location of mark:

Affiliated with: (who your character knows, if you wish to be affiliated with someone's character please ask them first)


Background: (Only if wanted)

Skills, Abilities, Spells:

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"They call me the queen..."

Real Name: Blair Koda

Nicknames: The Blair Witch, Queen, Xena

Age: 23

Height: 5'3

Weight: 115 lbs

Gender: Female

Race: Human, magic wielder

Gang: Onyx Spells

Role: Leader


Location of mark: on the left side of her neck

Affiliated with:

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"I'm the bad guy, duh."
Her real name says it all. Blair is wicked, deceitful, manipulative, and cruel. Everything a fairy tale witch would be she is. The only difference is that she doesn't lose. Due to her wicked behavior and her ability to wield magic many call her "The Blair Witch". She is clever and very intelligent, her wits and quick thinking helped her climb the ladder and overthrow the previous leader. Due to her good looks and charm she is popular with the people and she plays into the reputation people have for her. When in reality she is actually pretty polite and classy. Blair is level headed and doesn't let her anger get the better of her. She is the definition of feminine charm, she'd easy on the eyes and is as feminine as it gets. Even the way she fights is feminine. She'd graceful and confident and always carries herself in a powerful way. Weakness is not part of Blairs personality and never will be. She will admit if she misjudged something or someone and will admit if she was wrong. But Blair Koda does not apologize and when she does that individual is very special to her. She has the ability to show mercy, be compassionate, and kind but she finds it not fun. Blair enjoys the fear her name invokes into people's souls. She loves the power and the torment she can cause. She just loves being the bad guy.
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"Witness how powerful I am."
Blair has a lot of spells, she specializes in fire magic and her flames are silver and gold.

Fire Creation: She is able to create anything she wills with fire, but only one thing at a time. She can only use this a select amount of times before becoming exhausted

Fire recovery: Forms a robe of flames that heal minor wounds fully, but more major ones partially.

Fire shield/barrier: forms a shield of any size to shield her, the barrier can cover an area just as big as her base but a barrier that big takes all her magic to do so.

Lightning creation: She can form lightning bolts, she can form many small ones the size of her hand but only about three large devastating ones.

Water creation: She can create water and form it into shapes, a ball, square, and triangle then usually freezes it and drops it on someone. (her weakest form of magic) She can't make shapes larger than her torso and if she is interrupted and her concentration breaks the water dissipates to nothing.

Dark creation: She can summon dark magic and form balls that can be shot, and she can create gloves that are used to hit someone. The gloves amp up her strength so she can actually cause damage, Blair isn't physically strong. Think of brass knuckles.

Earth barrier: She can form a solid barrier of earth around a singular person, no bigger. This takes more than half of her magic power to create.

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Do you have a thread for CS or do we just do them here? Looking to possibly be the second in command for the demon gang! Working on CS right now\

awesome concept btw


(Let me know if this is acceptable!!!)

Kid Demon Leader.jpg

Real Name: Sinnua Rothfire

Nicknames: Serpent King (those who aren't close to him), Sinn (friends).

Age: Appears 14, actual age unknown but for a demon he is young either way

Height: 5'6

Weight: 125lbs

Gender: Male

Race: Demon

Gang: Demon gang, TBA

Role: Second in Command

Affiliated with: Demon leader, demon gang members. (If you wanna be affiliated with me, just dm and let me know!)

Personality: Sinnua is cocky and believes he is stronger than everyone, regardless if he is or isn't. Fast to lose his cool and go crazy if things don't go his way, loyal to his empire and leader, stays cool headed and sensible for the most part. Has a crazy obsession for fighting other people, especially people who look strong, he is experienced at fighting. Good at manipulating people to get the things he wants. Quiet. Never smiles, except for when he is trying to manipulate someone, get something he wants or is enjoying a battle.

Background: (Might work on later!)

Skills, Abilities, Spells: Excellent smelling, hearing and vision. Abnormal reflexes and is very fast. Can control snakes and create shadow clones of snakes that become an extension of him allowing him to see, smell and hear what his snakes do. His finger nails are long, sharp and can inject venom into victims he cuts.




(Let me know if this is acceptable!!!)

View attachment 719024

Real Name: Sinnua Rothfire

Nicknames: Serpent King (those who aren't close to him), Sinn (friends).

Age: Appears 14, actual age unknown but for a demon he is young either way

Height: 5'6

Weight: 125lbs

Gender: Male

Race: Demon

Gang: Demon gang, TBA

Role: Second in Command

Affiliated with: Demon leader, demon gang members. (If you wanna be affiliated with me, just dm and let me know!)

Personality: Sinnua is cocky and believes he is stronger than everyone, regardless if he is or isn't. Fast to lose his cool and go crazy if things don't go his way, loyal to his empire and leader, stays cool headed and sensible for the most part. Has a crazy obsession for fighting other people, especially people who look strong, he is experienced at fighting. Good at manipulating people to get the things he wants. Quiet. Never smiles, except for when he is trying to manipulate someone, get something he wants or is enjoying a battle.

Background: (Might work on later!)

Skills, Abilities, Spells: Excellent smelling, hearing and vision. Abnormal reflexes and is very fast. Can control snakes and create shadow clones of snakes that become an extension of him allowing him to see, smell and hear what his snakes do. His finger nails are long, sharp and can inject venom into victims he cuts.


Very acceptable! I love the concept of snakes. When I have 3 more character sheets I'll create the main thread, ooc, and possibly a lore.

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