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Fandom What Happened to Monday? (Original Characters, MxF)


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What Happened to Monday - Wikipedia

Based on the movie, but with original characters.

The movie takes place in 2073 - thirty years after the girls were born. I was thinking of making our characters a little younger. If we do, we should adjust the date.

The Plot section of the Wikipedia link above explains the premise for the setting. But in short, the CAB (Child Allocation Bureau) was formed to ensure compliance with the One Child Policy, while basically allows one one child per family. Every citizen on Earth is issued a bio-metric, GPS ID bracelet. Without it they can't do much of anything - travel, purchase food. (We can get into a discussion about the effects of such a policy on the economy over time later. China had such a policy since 1970 and recently abolished it.)

Any child beyond the eldest is Listed and placed in cryogenic suspension to be awakened in the future once the population has been reduced to more manageable levels.

Your Characters
You will need a CS. You will need seven personalities though - if you want to follow the idea of one per day of the week. (In the movie their grandfather named them after the days of the week.) They will share a single identity that they must take turns going out in public as. Alternatively we could use fewer siblings, but I think we should at least have triplets.

My Character
I intend to run a male version of the group. 'Nuff said.

3rd person past tense.
Literate. (I figure that anyone who is literate can manage better than one liners, but looking for decent content.)

Via PM please. When you do, tell me little bit about your characters - whether you have seen the movie.
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