Experiences What did you first start to rp?

Technically, it was first imaginary friends with either myself or my brother and we would play out our characters. That was before I got on the internet. After I did so, I was 13 on another site doing Creepypasta roleplays in script format.

I started rping when I was at least 11-12 on my parents computer lmao. I feel like a lot of people had the mutual experience of starting off doing weird summer camp or high school role-plays on the moshi monster forums of all places?? I'm pretty sure I got my account banned... can't remember what I did though haha. Such an edgy 11-12 year old. I then moved onto Horseland, Howrse, Animal Jam space doing the *sits down* kinda stuff lmao. Mainly about animals, especially horses and wolves?? Idk, I was a horse girl. Then one liners on FeralFront when it was WCRPG, as well as a website called Virtual Wolf World which was basically a wix form ran by teenagers lmao. I'd do a mix of warrior cats, wolves, werewolves, vampires and weird high school drama stuff (I must've been 12-13 at that point). I then hung around on and off on FF and VWW until present day (well, until they both died) as well as doing some Amino stuff when I was 15-17. Nearly 20 now, it's been a journey lmao!
Not counting those good days when I played pretend with my brother, I first started text roleplaying back in Club Penguin, haha!
....there were 2 stages to my rp

literal irl animal roleplays that i hope i wasn't the only one doing, god those ones were so embarrassing........

and then i joined this coding website when i was about 9-10 called Scratch, it was made for schools but everything there is just a bunch of messing around
i think i found an artist that looked really cool to little me and followed them, then i noticed people rp'ing and slowly added it to me talking online until i ended up actually rp'ing, but i still add it to my typing now

*Mitsuba in bkg* "weirdos"
the adventures of roleplayers lol, i used to do a little bit of animal jam too, but i dint really like how you couldn't show everything you wanted to do and with the limited speech, so i didnt rp on there for long
The very first (online) role-play I was in was started by my sister. It was a pirate role-play called "New Blood," and it was on Myspace of all places when that was still a popular thing. Lol.

Since I'm absolutely rubbish at portraying pirates, I asked if there was anything else I could be. She was like, "Yeah! You can be just about anything that would fit a 1300-1400 time period like a thief, an assassin, a bounty hunter, a butcher, a farmer, whatever you want! We'll find a way to make it work!"

So, in my infinite creative wisdom, I chose to be an ex-assassin turned bounty hunter. And thus my first online experience with role-playing began!

I have some awesome memories from that role-play. And the character I made has stuck with me and is going strong as the protagonist of what I'm hoping will be my first novel sometime in the next few years!
Vampire coven chatroom roleplay. Just like day to day drama and romance between the various members. There wasn't any one particular storyline because it was all live . . . so like you just sort of showed up interreacted with people and left.

So yeah vampires did lots of vampire roleplaying. I was also in a bounty hunter scifi clan (same idea as vampires) but we also had an area to do long form rolepalying and do missions. You could do the missions in livechat too.
My first roleplay was warrior cats on a virtual horse website about nine years ago, but after I had a few problems with the site and my mom grounded me from it, I couldn't stop wanting to do warrior cats roleplays since I was obsessed with the books at that time. I looked up warrior cats and found a website dedicated to warrior cat roleplays which was my roleplay home until they recently shut down.
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Get Alia on Facebook back when everyone made Facebook accounts for their characters. There were a bunch of groups for finding someone to rp with. Also MSPARP for homestuxk which was like Omegle but for rp. Been hard to find a community like those since.
I remember i used ti roleplay with my friend lesbian love. I was 7. I didn’t know what a lesbian was; it was a fxf roleplay i really enjoyed
ah shoot ;-;

No her name wasn’t Lesbian Love. Lol Her name was Lucy and i remember me and her playing a lesbian love story.
I started roleplaying when I was 11 or 12, in a roblox game. Eventually I moved to roleplaying in Roblox groups as well as the forums on that site (before they did away with the latter).

During that time, 99.9% of my characters consisted of what I would call "main or major antagonist types". Dark lords, master schemers, etc.
I started role playing when I was 12 on roblox, on this wolf game and warrior cats stuff (without knowing what it was called) and then i was “introduced” to it in 8 or 9th grade by my ex boyfriend. We mostly did romance stuff. I will admit that almost 5 years later, I am still not very good but I’m learning :)
I think like most. I was a romantic. But confused. Romantic Vampire role plays like schools. I was lured by the sparkle lore. That was many moons ago.
I was 12 years old and got obsessed with the Warrior Cats series... so naturally I fell deep into the world of warrior cats RP sites. My best friend and I each had a couple accounts and we became leader/deputy of most of the clans on the site- that was my peak hahaha good times
Some weird Starfox shit when I was 16. This guy legit made his own space organization and we worked with them and then of course this girl was obsessed with Eveline from RE7 and added her in.
quizilla! through emails.
I had no idea what I was doing and my literacy back then was horrendous! I’m not surprised I got ghosted, but I will always appreciate them, they’ve been so patient for so long! I feel bad they had to deal with my hot mess hahahaha​
I have to go back in time. Far back. My first foray into collaborative writing was in 1996ish when I belonged in my high school's Creative Writing Club. Unlike roleplaying as done here, we played all the characters for the segment that we each wrote. I was very new to my writing and the project was one of those "hindsight is 20/20" type things. If I could do it all over again, I think it would have turned out very differently.

My first official roleplay activity was in 2002. The setting was an inn in a Medieval Fantasy world. I only had one character at the time. I played as him for most of the story, then retired the character to play as another character. This other character was one that I had barely developed. With the OC roster I have these days, I would have stuck with one character for the entire storyline who would have not been those two.
I was introduced to it on IMVU when I must have been about 10 or 11, when I was definitely too young to be on IMVU, I stumbled into a lobby where people were RP-ing and after asking a bunch of questions (that were very patiently tolerated all things considered,) I started joining them. Ended up with a regular group on there, wasn't the most sophisticated thing but it was really fun and sparked my love of roleplaying. I bounced around places like tumblr and much smaller forums, usually ones set up for the specific setting before progressing onto RPG's and bigger forums. Always was on the side of longer posts but I doubt they were that good, early days involved a lot of Mary Sue characters with names like Star Blackthorne and a bunch of others that came straight out of a YA novel

Typing that all up it's almost scary that it's been nearly ten years.

I started with tumblr actually. My friends were really big fans of the MCU/Marvel Universe so they had set-up a little group of RP character blogs there. We just replied to each other back and forth without really thinking about it. It was fun times.
Some pilot academy roleplay. I remember someone threw Irvine from Final Fantasy 8 in there among original characters as an instructor. It was a pretty good story and cringey especially when the person with the Irvine character killed him off a couple of posts in to bring in Squall.

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